Session 21 September 1996



FOTCM Member
September 21, 1996
Frank, Laura, Jan And Terry

[Note: During the entire session, the sound of frogs croaking in the distance can be heard periodically]

Q: (Laura) Hello. And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Toyjiia

Q: (L) And where are you transmitting from?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: (T) Is there any significance to the ID4 movie?

A: Sure.

Q: (L) What was the primary intention of the makers of this movie? The primary message that they attempted to convey?

A: Infuse thinking patterns with [planchette swirled a few times here] concept of aliens.

Q: (L) They intended to infuse thinking patterns with concept of aliens... was there any particular slant on aliens, per se, that was seen as desirable in the making of this movie?

A: Slant?

Q: (L) Slant, in other words, did they wish to present them inaccurately to confuse people, to present them as something to be feared and fought against, or to make them appear so completely erroneous, so that when actual aliens do appear, that they will not be perceived as negative?

A: Infuse.

Q: (L) Infuse. Just the concept, the concept of aliens in general. OK...

A: Part of a larger project.

Q: (L) And what is this project?

A: Called "Project Awaken."

Q: (L) And who is behind, or in charge of, this project?

A: Many.

Q: (L) Who are the primary group, groups or individuals? I'm sure you're not going to give us individuals, but just the grouping.

A: Thor's Pantheum.

Q: (L) And what is Thor's Pantheum?

A: Subselect trainees for transfer of enlightenment frequency graduation.

Q: (L) What is enlightenment frequency graduation?

A: Think!

Q: (L) Enlightenment frequency graduation... so, subselect trainees...

A: Self explanatory.

Q: (L) Well, is this group STS or STO?

A: Both.

Q: (L) OK... (T) Are they working at cross purposes?

A: No.

Q: (T) They're working together? Bipartisan?

A: No.

Q: (J) Are they aware of each other? Working on this?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Are they screwing each other up? (L) No, that's going in the wrong direction...

A: There is more to all of this than you could dream.

Q: (T) There's more to all of this...were you referring to... Who are they? Thor's Pantheum. And they're subselect trainees...That's the group behind this movie; OK...

A: An army of Aryan psychic projectors.

Q: (T) Well, that explains a lot more than Thor's Pantheum of subselect trainees! An army of psychic projectors. (L) And what do they project?

A: Themselves... Right in to one's head.

Q: (T) Into one's head... this is better than 'Must See TV!' (L) Project right into one's head... is anybody subject to this projecting?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And, when they project themselves right into someone's head, what does that someone perceive?

A: Inspiration.

Q: (L) Inspiration to what, or to do what?

A: Yes.


A: And...

Q: (L) To do something, and to understand or perceive something, is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) To believe something? (L) Yes. So, how many are in this army?

A: 1.6 million.

Q: (L) When they're doing this projecting into someone's head, where are they projecting from?

A: Mostly subterranean.

Q: (L) Subterranean, so these are the people of the tunnels, the underground bases and all that sort of thing. Are they 3rd or 4th density beings?

A: Both.

Q: (T) Let me back up to a question here. If they can do all this projecting on their own, what was the point of the movie?

A: No, you misunderstand... This is an intense activity, directed towards influencing the high level creative forces.

Q: (T) Projected against? Because this movie, if you've been following the reviews and the people talking about it, this movie has had more repeat business than any movie in years and years and years and years. People have seen it ten and twenty times! (L) Was there something subliminal in the movie? That opened something? (J) That's a good question!

A: Sure.

Q: (L) And was this subliminal activity with the movie designed to create an opening for this further...

A: Not for you, but for others.

Q: (L) Why? Do you mean me, personally, or us as a group? (T) Well the movie didn't affect me.


Q: (L) What made us immune?

A: You already have the knowledge.

Q: (T) The movie wasn't meant for us; we already know. The movie was meant for all of those who don't understand.

A: Say hello to Gene Roddenberry.

Q: (L) Is Gene Roddenberry present?

A: No.

Q: (L) In other words, say hello to him because he was doing that sort of thing a long time ago?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is Gene Roddenberry one of these people from Thor's Pantheon...

A: No.

Q: (L) Why did you bring up Gene Roddenberry? (J) Because he was doing it in Star Trek?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) He was doing a whole different thing with Star Trek... (L) Well, let’s not get too far off track...

A: It's not the exact "Slant," it's "the concept, stupid."

Q: (T) Well ,they don't have to get insulting here! (L) They weren't. Ok...

A: "Its the economy, stupid."

Q: (J) We knew that!! (T) I was just teasing. Mirth!! Mirth! (L) Hold everything. When you say influencing high level creative forces, do you mean as in gathering, what would you call it, gravity waves...

A: No.

Q: (L) What are these high level creative forces that are needing to be influenced, or desirable of being influenced?

A: Those in the creative arts.

问:(L)所以在其他words, I see, this group is using their projecting ability to influence those in the creative arts to do creative things that will therefore influence the people on the planet. Is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And, these individuals are in the underground tunnels, and you say that they are both STS and STO.

A: We did not specify "tunnels," you did.

Q: (T) They said... how did they put that? Subterranean... (J) Mostly subterranean.(T) ... Underground. In other words, underground, as in resistance fighters type underground, underground as in ...

A: No.

Q: (T) Not fighters, but the idea that they are part of the underground movement? (L) Subterranean as in literally under the ground?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, but not tunnels, then what?


Q: (L) Are these individuals living... I know we said the tunnels...

A: The point is: what happens when you assume?

Q: (L) We won't assume. Are there any specific things about this movie other than the general import of opening to the idea of aliens...

A: No.

Q: (L) So there's no specific thing that we can pin down in this movie, and say that this might be an accurate representation of anything? It was just entertainment for that purpose?

A: Enough about the movie, already!

Q: (T) But they were the ones who brought it up! (L) Well, yes, but maybe they want us to get on to the subject of this 'Thor's Pantheon' thing? (T) Well, I want to make sure that we're not missing something... (T) So, we're looking at some Aryan psychic projectors who are trying to stimulate people in a positive way, a la Gene Roddenberry... (L) Now, that's an assumption. Can we say that they are stimulating people in a positive way?

A: Maybe.

Q: (J) Can we say that they are stimulating people in a negative way?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) So, there's probably a little of both. And you say that we are immune to it because we already have knowledge. Now, when you say we have knowledge, do you mean just knowledge in particular about aliens and alien realities and alien potentials and so forth?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is there something more on this subject of these Aryan psychic projectors that we need to know or investigate?

A: Arkadiusz being tracked now.

Q: (L) By whom?

A: Grays.

Q: (L) And what do they plan on doing?

A: Open.

Q: (L) Is there anything... Why did you tell me that? (T) To tell him?

A: Because it is time you talked with him more about aliens. He is not well enough informed !!

Q: (L) Well, I sent him the book 'Grand Illusions,' I sent him the Bramley book, and I sent him a Jacques Vallee book. He's presently in the process of reading through these three books. What else do I need to say to him? He's read the transcripts, he read them in a week the whole way through.

A: And how much did he comment specifically about aliens.

Q: (L) Not a whole lot. Obviously there's something else you wish for me to convey to him. Since I am going to be talking to him on the phone tomorrow...

A: The seriousness of the situation... the reality of it... this is not fun and games.

Q: (L) What specific thing can I tell him that he could do or... How can he protect himself? Is there any specific knowledge... But he knows these things!

A: He has been told, but the awareness is not as sharp as it should be. Ask him where his skepticism lies. All these over the road journeys now have added risk!

Q: (L) Well, isn't that true for all of us sitting here?

A: More so for him!

Q: (L) Why more so for him?

A: Because of his position and his knowledge of advanced physics!

Q: (L) Will awareness and knowledge...

A: The reality must "hit home."

Q: (L) Anything further?

A: Much more, but you must ask.

Q: (L) Has he been abducted before?

A: No.

Q: (L) He's never been abducted?

A: No.

Q: (L) Is there some plan to abduct him at the present time?

A: It does not work that way.

Q: (L) How does it work?

A: Too complex.

Q: (L) Is there some attempt at the present time to modify his thinking?

A: Attempt is not right idea.

Q: (L) What is the right idea? Now, wait a minute, stop everything!

End of Session

Jan’s note: The session was abruptly stopped by Laura, who was upset by the line being taken. This was partly because she did not recognize the C's reference to the George Bush quote "It"s the economy, stupid." She thought that the C's were attacking Terry and then being negative about Ark.

Laura’s note: Yes, I just had a very strong reaction to this session; I did not like it one bit.


Very interesting, thanks Laura.
刚从of curiosity, was the subject about Ark being tracked by grays later resumed in some other session?


FOTCM Member
davey72 said:
Thanks. That is what i thought, but the four confused me.
It was used in the promotional material leading up to the movie:



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
George Bush quote "It"s the economy, stupid."
I think the quote was used by anti-Bush operatives to defeat Bush.


The Living Force
hlat said:
George Bush quote "It"s the economy, stupid."
I think the quote was used by anti-Bush operatives to defeat Bush.
When in doubt: Google ! Turns out to have been a slightly different older phrase originally and was indeed used by Bush's adversaries (Clinton & Co):

wikipedia said:
"It's the economy, stupid" is a slight variation of the phrase "The economy, stupid" which James Carville had coined as a campaign strategist of Bill Clinton's successful 1992 presidential campaign against sitting president George H. W. Bush.

Carville's original phrase was meant for the internal audience of Clinton's campaign workers as one of the three messages to focus on, the other two messages being "Change vs. more of the same" and "Don't forget health care."

Clinton's campaign had advantageously used the then-prevailing recession situation in the US as one of the campaign means to successfully unseat George H. W. Bush. In March 1991, days after the ground invasion of Iraq, 90% of polled Americans approved of President Bush's job performance.[1] Later the next year, Americans' opinions had turned sharply; 64% of polled Americans disapproved of Bush's job performance in August 1992.[1]


FOTCM Member
Laura said:
September 21, 1996
Frank, Laura, Jan And Terry
Q: (L) And what is this project?

A: Called "Project Awaken."

Q: (L) And who is behind, or in charge of, this project?

A: Many.

Q: (L) Who are the primary group, groups or individuals? I'm sure you're not going to give us individuals, but just the grouping.

A: Thor's Pantheum.

Q: (L) And what is Thor's Pantheum?

A: Subselect trainees for transfer of enlightenment frequency graduation.

Q: (L) What is enlightenment frequency graduation?

A: Think!

Q: (L) Enlightenment frequency graduation... so, subselect trainees...

A: Self explanatory.

Q: (L) Well, is this group STS or STO?

A: Both.

Q: (L) OK... (T) Are they working at cross purposes?

A: No.

Q: (T) They're working together? Bipartisan?

A: No.

Q: (J) Are they aware of each other? Working on this?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Are they screwing each other up? (L) No, that's going in the wrong direction...

A: There is more to all of this than you could dream.

Q: (T) There's more to all of this...were you referring to... Who are they? Thor's Pantheum. And they're subselect trainees...That's the group behind this movie; OK...

A: An army of Aryan psychic projectors.

Q: (T) Well, that explains a lot more than Thor's Pantheum of subselect trainees! An army of psychic projectors. (L) And what do they project?

A: Themselves... Right in to one's head.

Q: (T) Into one's head... this is better than 'Must See TV!' (L) Project right into one's head... is anybody subject to this projecting?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And, when they project themselves right into someone's head, what does that someone perceive?

A: Inspiration.
I have always suspected that inspiration was directed. Now does this mean that ALL human inspiration is projected from somewhere else or is there some inspiration that comes from some well of creativity???

I have always found my greatest periods for inspiration to occur between the First and Second sleep, around 1am to 3am, and I know of other people who experience the same thing. This may be related to the REM sleep patterns or it may also be related to the time of day when the sun is furthest away. The subterranean aspect here may connect to the latter.

The possible cooperation between STO and STS reminds me of the Yin-Yang symbol of the intertwining of black and white. This may indicate a relationship that is COMPLEMENTARY or symbiotic at times.
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