Session 14 March 2015



FOTCM Member
Explanatory note: we had not actually planned a session until next week, but my youngest daughter is very interested in honing her own channeling abilities and suggested a "practice" session. We've had a number of these with her, working mainly on SRT and exploring past life stuff, but at this session, Cs came through immediately.

Session Date: March 14th 2015

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Data, Perceval and Scottie come in after a few minutes.

{Dogs start barking outside}

Q: (L) Why are the dogs barking? {Asking Data.}

A: Hello!

Q: (L) Who do we have with us? What's your name?

A: Johkola of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Okay, I guess I should turn on the tape recorder. Today is March 14th 2015. Me, Galatea, Andromeda and Data. Why are the dogs barking?

A: Lurkers in the apples. { Perceval arrives.}

Q: (L) What kind of lurkers?

A: Young and silly. {Scottie arrives}

Q: (L) I guess we should begin...

A: Give your hands to the Cassiopaeans.

Q: (L) And what is that supposed to mean?

A: Galatea is grooving.

Q: (Galatea) As in jive and groove?

A: Your life will change as your natural channel opens.

Q: (L) I hope you mean change for the better.

A: Indeed. Time to come into the light of knowledge and love.

Q: (L) Well, I guess that means we should ask some questions. Everybody is concerned about Vladimir Putin's health. That's Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin. So, I'm wondering is his health compromised?

A: No, not even close. He is working hard and steady.


A: Solving major global imbalances.

Q: (L) So does that suggest that he has some surprises in store for the globalists?

A: Oh indeed! But they are too blinded by greed to anticipate his moves.

Q: (L) What was that article we read a week ago where somebody was writing that the reason everything is falling apart is because that's what they want it to do?

(Perceval) Dmitry Orlov. He was basically just saying that chaos and destruction was on purpose or intentional. ISIS and all that business is intentional, according to him. They didn't bring freedom and democracy to Afghanistan or Iraq; they brought worse than before. But that's all intentional. That was his point.

(L) But that doesn't make any sense.

A: It makes sense only from a 4D STS perspective.

Q: (Perceval) That's what we've been saying. Orlov was saying it was deliberate... He was saying they want to remake things after they destroy it first, and it's not a mistake.

(L) I think it's just the nature of psychopaths.

(Perceval) That's what I wrote on his blog: that it's even worse than that, because they don't have any plan. They're just nutjobs let loose on the planet, and this is what they do. There's no rhyme or reason to it.

(L) It's like infecting like a body with a virus. The virus just does what it does, which is destroy.

(Perceval) Right, and nobody wants to accept that because it's the scariest proposition at all. It's a runaway train, and nobody's driving.

(L) Yeah, and that's what it is.

(Galatea) That also makes sense with the vaccination debates going on. It's kind of symbolic. People want a quick fix.

(L) Yeah. And there isn't one.

{The pointer thingy spirals on the board}

(Galatea) They're thinking hard...

(L) I think they're just generating some energy here.

A: Good time to ask about future.

Q: (L) Well, how do we want to ask about the future?

(Perceval) That's broad. The last thing they referred to in the last session was that 4 month thing... Dramatic changes within 4 months.

(Andromeda) Oh yeah...

(L) Dramatic changes are coming. Can you get us in the ballpark as to what kind of changes we're talking about here?

(Perceval) I was thinking it's the economy. The "ecomony, stupid!"

(L) Are these gonna be economic changes?

A: First, yes. But consider all that entails.

Q: (L) If the economy goes kaflooey, then there's starvation...

(Perceval) Mass migrations, mass movements, food fights, violence in the streets, crackdowns...

(L) Pestilence, plague...

(Perceval) Police state goes into overdrive.

(Andromeda) Confiscations.

(Perceval) People might go to war.

(Andromeda) Beheadings.

A: And in the present time, all those energies are amplified cosmically.

Q: (Galatea) So it'll be like that, but times ten.

(Perceval) Basically, the idea would be economic crash, then in a relatively short period of time, you'd have social chaos, suffering, police state goes after hungry mobs, people rioting, lots of people killed, etc. And that energy is magnified and maybe it attracts a big load of space rocks.

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) That was the scientific description.

(L) {To Galatea } Are you tired?

(Galatea) I'm okay.

(L) Anything further on that?

(Perceval) Do people in major urban centers - as in our FOTCM members - would it be advisable for them to at least be forewarned about this? Maybe they can move in advance?

A: Most cannot move. But there are those who can assemble at current community locations if needed.

Q: (Perceval) So, should we be preparing those community locations for possibly influxes of refugees?

(L) I suppose if there are different group members in different locations, people can assemble together somewhere.

(Perceval) And those people should be informed.

(L) I guess if they should just have a plan. If the poo hits the fan, they go to the designated person's place...

(Perceval) ...and that person is ready to receive them.

(L) Because there is a plan. Well, we can only do what we can do, and see how things pan out. People are aware.

(Perceval) Is it likely that this kind of social chaos as a result of the economic collapse or whatever would be predominantly in the USA?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) The US is a powder keg. It just needs the right spark.

(Perceval) It's got all the right ingredients right now. You've got so many people in big cities dependent on supermarkets and stuff. And then you have the police state well-trained to deal with uprisings. In other countries, they don't have quite so well-organized police state to put down social unrest.

(Andromeda) And the people aren't quite as helpless either, at least in areas like this one.

(Perceval) In urban centers in the US, there are a lot of people who are just completely dependent on supermarkets and the system in general from one day to the next.

A: Notice that the USA is exhibiting all the symptoms of a "Color Revolution".

Q: (Perceval) So, someone in a position of power somewhere in the US is planning to sort of stage-manage the social unrest or revolution after an economic collapse?

A: More or less. However all may not go as planned.

Q: (Perceval) Well, the whole Ferguson, Missouri shooting last year...

A: Outside influences may intervene.

Q: (L) What do you mean "outside"?

A: Cosmic.

Q: (L) And this is what you're talking about in the next few months?

A: Takes time.

Q: (L) So, basically it's something that takes time after economic collapse. It will take time to develop.

(Perceval) For the situation to become increasingly worse. Last year we had the Ferguson thing, and then all the police shootings since then... It's conditioning the population to accept police brutality.

(L) But the population's not going to accept it.

(Perceval) That's where it might go wrong.

(L) Either that, or they're trying to push them into a revolution. I don't know if psychopaths really understand that. I think maybe they try to condition the people, but then...

(Perceval) Or condition some of them.

(L) I don't know what the hell's gonna happen. It's all just really scary.

(Perceval) If you have social unrest and violence with the country going down the tubes, and like they said before about it being magnified by cosmic energies... I'm just having a vision of widespread upheavals, armed gangs going around and fighting with police, and so on. But at the same time, you might have tornadoes, earthquakes, cometary impacts, or flybys that set off volcanic eruptions... A perfect storm of craziness.

(Andromeda) And all starting within the next couple of months.

A: Close enough!

Q: (L) {To Galatea.} Well, are you getting tired?

(Galatea) I'm okay.

(L) Do you have questions?

(Perceval) Did the CIA or some agent of the USA kill Nemtsov?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) They're getting desperate!

(L) Can anybody think of any other questions?

(Galatea) I can, but not important.

(L) What?

(未来)黑-eyed kids. I want to ask about them again. What do they do if you invite them into your house?

(L) What black-eyed kids?

(Galatea) The evil black-eyed children that knock on people's doors, and they ask to come in. They just scare people.

(Andromeda) What did we ask last time? What did they say?

(Galatea) They're window fallers. But what do they do if you actually let them in? Do they suck your energy or eat you?

(Perceval) They eat all your roasted chicken.

A: Not much!

Q: (L) If they're window fallers, they'd prolly come in and then disappear. Poof!

(Galatea) So they'd just walk in, and look all scary, and then that's it?

(L) Pretty much.

A: Yes.

(Galatea) Well, that's not fun!

(Perceval) That's what most of those window fallers do. They just stare at people and creep them out.

(L) And suck people's fear.

(Perceval) Every now and then, one of them might chew on a human or something, but mostly they just scare people.

(L) If nobody else can think of any questions, I think we'll say goodnight.

(Andromeda) I want to ask about this David Paulides Missing 411 book. There's this weird thing where when a lot of the missing people are actually found, they're found missing shoes and socks. Why?

A: Glitches in transdimensional transference. Recall that this process includes something like flipping backwards and inside out through the realm curtain. Sometimes the trailing parts do not reassemble completely or correctly.

Q: (L) The trailing parts being feet! You're going through a wormhole or something and you're being flipped over and turned inside out to go to the other realm. Then they send you back, and it doesn't always work.

(Andromeda) Maybe it has something to do with the rubber on the shoes or something. Is there any connection to these feet that washed up on the coast of California, is it?

(Perceval) We asked about that, but they didn't give an answer. They said it would come out later, but it never did.

(L) But it's interesting that you make the connection between trailing parts and feet washing up on the shore. Oh my.

(Perceval) The other thing about the Missing 411 book is that the people who are disappeared and found again, it usually happens near berry bushes. I was wondering what the...

(Andromeda) Yeah, what's the connection with berries? They're either near berry bushes, or picking berries, or they reappear with berries.

(Galatea) Why berries?

A: Convenient markers for TDARM type technology due to sound frequency.

Q: (L) Sound frequency of the word "berries"?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) That's how they mark places.

(Andromeda) Be careful how much you say it! [laughter]

(Scottie) "Put him back in the berry same place where you took him from!"

(左),让我想起Br怎样兔子和荆棘Patch story.


(L) Yeah, there's that sound thing. There were several cases of spontaneous human combustion where they had name similarities. So, there's something about this transdimensional business locating itself via words or names which have frequency relating to sound or something.

(Galatea) Does it have something to do with numerology and the frequency?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So it's similar. It has to do with objects and sounds.

(Perceval) It's the location at that level... a locating device.

(L) It's a locator.

A: Yes.

(L) Alright then.

(Perceval) On the feet thing, they said there was a curtain. So, you can imagine someone being pulled through a curtain and your shoes come off.

(L) It's like the Tar Baby. Okay, I guess that's all, unless you have another question.

(未来)我们在谈论antiverse伯爵ier. I wanted to know how can you figure out what the antiuniversal version of somebody is? How do you reverse them, or...? I dunno how to ask exactly. There's a you in the antiverse, but how do you try to think about you in the antiverse? Do you have brown hair, are you evil?

(Andromeda) What's different?

(Perceval) Well, is there a you in the antiuniverse?

(Galatea) So, what I want to know is how...

A: Save that until you can formulate

Q: (L) You gotta think about it. I'm gonna say goodnight, because I'm really tired.

A: Love to all of the group. Do not be fearful! You are armed with much knowledge! You will be amazed how well you can think once you receive the signal that the time is "NOW!". Goodbye.



Dagobah Resident
Laura said:
Q: (L) Well, I guess that means we should ask some questions. Everybody is concerned about Vladimir Putin's health. That's Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin. So, I'm wondering is his health compromised?

A:No, not even close. He is working hard and steady.

Thank you ... thank you ... and thank you!


FOTCM Member
Wow, great job! Not surprising that the C's confirmed who killed Nemtsov. But it's good to get that confirmation. Living in Canada, it certainly makes me nervous regarding the predictions for the US. Is there going to be a big spill over of violence, etc here too? We are certainly prepared for certain amounts of disaster in terms of being able to be without power and access to supermarkets, etc, but it is still scary for most people that I know. Especially because they aren't aware of what is happening. My biggest wish right now I guess is to get the rest of the books on my reading list that I don't currently have in case they stop being electronically available because of power outages, etc.
Hang in there friends, it's going to be a bumpy ride :/

Deleted member 11729

thx for sharing .. good to know about Putin, as rumors that he is dead already started to circulate to fast ... and hello to Galatea - :) love the nickname - and here is one frame from our Galatea


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Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
Laura said:
(Andromeda) I want to ask about this David Paulides Missing 411 book. There's this weird thing where when a lot of the missing people are actually found, they're found missing shoes and socks. Why?

A: Glitches in transdimensional transference. Recall that this process includes something like flipping backwards and inside out through the realm curtain. Sometimes the trailing parts do not reassemble completely or correctly.

Q: ... (Galatea) Why berries?

A: Convenient markers for TDARM type technology due to sound frequency.

Q: (L) Sound frequency of the word "berries"?

A: Yes.

Q: ... (Galatea) Does it have something to do with numerology and the frequency?

A: Yes.

Q: ... (Perceval) It's the location at that level... a locating device. (L) It's a locator.

A: Yes.

Thanks for asking about this! Given the discussion of Paulides's books in these threads (//,30742.msg559983.html#msg559983, //,28242.0.html), I couldn't help but think of this book cover:

One of the odd things about these cases is the different categories they fall under:

1) Missing without a trace and never found
2) Found alive, but usually in an unconscious or disoriented state, sometimes missing clothing or with scratches
3) Found dead, but apparently of 'exposure' (no obvious trauma or injuries)
4) Found dead, with injuries: missing clothing, broken bones, as if mauled by 'some animal'
5) Found dead, skeletal remains and clothing only: again, missing clothing, but missing bones as well (sometimes the only bones found are a skull fragment, a tooth, a bone or two, and tiny bone fragments - freakiest one was the young man found: his pants were on the ground as if he'd just melted on the spot - one leg had a leg bone in it, the other didn't, his shoes were missing and there were foot bones in his socks)

There are enough similarities between these various types to suggest they are part of the same or similar phenomena (i.e., high strangeness). The first could be permanent physical abduction. The second could be 'faulty reinsertion'. Same for the rest, but how to explain the different conditions of death? Were the people in #5 'eaten', then the scraps returned? What about #3 and #4? Why keep some bodies permanently and return others? Did they die before or after 'reinsertion' (assuming these cases all involve that, which seems probable given the circumstances of how they're found, and how they disappeared in the first place), or after?
Shared Joy

Shared Joy

Jedi Council Member
Thank you for sharing. Somehow I had a feeling that there'll be a session posted today.

Indeed, nearing the end, people become courageous and inspired: nothing is left to loose, this is a liberating feeling, and the spirit soars.

A: Love to all of the group. Do not be fearful! You are armed with much knowledge! You will be amazed how well you can think once you receive the signal that the time is "NOW!". Goodbye.

Thank you, again
sitting said:
Laura said:
Q: (L) Well, I guess that means we should ask some questions. Everybody is concerned about Vladimir Putin's health. That's Vladimir Vladimirovitch Putin. So, I'm wondering is his health compromised?

A:No, not even close. He is working hard and steady.

Thank you ... thank you ... and thank you!


Almost a channeling school at the chateau. :)


The Living Force
Thanks for getting the session up so fast and congrats to Galatea! It's good to hear that Putin is doing well and still working to bring balance.:flowers:

The berries answer is really weird and interesting too--I was reading one of the Missing 411 books yesterday and thinking about what it could be about berry patches that would link people. "Convenient markers for TDARM type technology due to sound frequency." was not even remotely on my mind--does that mean that they're saying "berry" in some association with picking the berries and that that allows them to be targeted by that TDARM technology? Seriously weird.


FOTCM Member
Thanks to all for this new session!

Glad to see what they said about Putin's health. And so surprise about who they are said killed Nemtsov, I think that most of us were already going in that direction.

It's a bit of a kick in the pants about becoming more prepared for what is to come. And, it ain't gonna be pretty.

And, then, the 411 books. I've only read one of them, but the discussion on the forum and what AI wrote about the Sasquatch book makes me want to read the rest of them. There were some really bizarre things with the findings of the people they did find. A lot of them, even toddlers, being found very far from where they disappeared; much farther than they could walk in the length of time it took to find them, makes a lot more sense if they were being brought back through a realm curtain. That would make sense about why they were in such a different location.

Thanks, again.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thanks for the new session!

(Andromeda) Yeah, what's the connection with berries? They're either near berry bushes, or picking berries, or they reappear with berries.

(Galatea) Why berries?

A: Convenient markers for TDARM type technology due to sound frequency.

Q: (L) Sound frequency of the word "berries"?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) That's how they mark places.

(Andromeda) Be careful how much you say it! [laughter]

(Scottie) "Put him back in the berry same place where you took him from!"

(左),让我想起Br怎样兔子和荆棘Patch story.


(L) Yeah, there's that sound thing. There were several cases of spontaneous human combustion where they had name similarities. So, there's something about this transdimensional business locating itself via words or names which have frequency relating to sound or something.

(Galatea) Does it have something to do with numerology and the frequency?

A: Yes.

Well that's interesting! The first thing that came to mind after reading this was Moses and the burning bush - was the fire in the bush the fire curtain that's described in a 4D crossing?

I wondered about what type of bush it may be, and this is what I found fwiw
What Type of Plant was the Burning Bush?

The following information is culled from Chapter 13 of Torah and Flora by Louis I. Rabinowitz.

And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him (Moses) in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush; and he looked and, behold, the bush was burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

There is little to be found within our Written Tradition that can help us in identifying the bush (s'neh in Hebrew) that burned without being consumed. However, our rabbis of old were apparently well acquainted with the type of bush. In Exodus Rabbah (3:2), we are told the bush was commonly used as a garden hedge and grew under all different types of conditions.我们被告知在犹太法典,布什有荆棘that curved inwards in such a way that "when a person inserts his hand into it, he is unscathed, but when he withdraws it, it lacerates him. (Shabbat67a)." {Briar Patch?}The Jerusalem Talmud (Ma'aserot 48b) tells us the bush produced a berry that was at first red and then turned black. And a Tosefta on Bava Kamma (18:17) says the plant was used as an insecticide. All of this point to the correct identification of the s'neh by the monks of St. Catherine in Sinai as the Rubus Sanctus.

More important than botanical identification of the Burning Bush are the lessons to be learned from the selection of this type of bush over all other types. Exodus Rabbah (2:9) tells us:

Once a heathen asked Rabbi Joshua ben Korha, "Why did your God appear to Moses in such a lowly type of bush?" The Rabbi answered him, "If it had been a carob tree or a sycamore, would you not have asked the same question? But, I will answer you. Why in a thorn bush? To teach us there is no place where the Divine Presence is not to be found, even in a lowly bush."

A: Love to all of the group. Do not be fearful! You are armed with much knowledge! You will be amazed how well you can think once you receive the signal that the time is "NOW!". Goodbye.
We have to begin at the beginning. It occurs in 'Meetings with Remarkable Men', the second series of books of his legominism, where he is on an artillery range because of a love rivalry with another young man, and they decide that God will decide who will have the woman.They go out into the artillery range and the shells start falling.They both pull through butGurdjieff has come to, as he says,the complete sensation of himself, right?

It's amazing what massive levels of stress can do (epigenetic changes) if one is properly prepared! :D
Recognising and dealing with stress in healthy ways, along with having a support network will be very important.


Dagobah Resident
Laura said:
Q: (L) So does that suggest that he has somesurprisesin store for the globalists?

A: Oh indeed! But they are too blinded by greed to anticipate his moves.

I was MOST apprehensive, aware of the approachingIdes Of March.

Butthistime ... CaesarLIVES!

That said, I now have to do whatever I can - to make a contribution (however small) to the overall scheme of things.


FOTCM Member
Approaching Infinity said:
1) Missing without a trace and never found
2) Found alive, but usually in an unconscious or disoriented state, sometimes missing clothing or with scratches
3) Found dead, but apparently of 'exposure' (no obvious trauma or injuries)
4) Found dead, with injuries: missing clothing, broken bones, as if mauled by 'some animal'
5) Found dead, skeletal remains and clothing only: again, missing clothing, but missing bones as well (sometimes the only bones found are a skull fragment, a tooth, a bone or two, and tiny bone fragments - freakiest one was the young man found: his pants were on the ground as if he'd just melted on the spot - one leg had a leg bone in it, the other didn't, his shoes were missing and there were foot bones in his socks)

There are enough similarities between these various types to suggest they are part of the same or similar phenomena (i.e., high strangeness). The first could be permanent physical abduction. The second could be 'faulty reinsertion'. Same for the rest, but how to explain the different conditions of death? Were the people in #5 'eaten', then the scraps returned? What about #3 and #4? Why keep some bodies permanently and return others? Did they die before or after 'reinsertion' (assuming these cases all involve that, which seems probable given the circumstances of how they're found, and how they disappeared in the first place), or after?

Doesn't really bear thinking about, but some probable answers based on previous sessions on this topic could be put forward. Yeah, people could be "eaten"/torn apart by predators for specific "components" and the rest returned for some reason. I mean, do people always take their Mcdonald's trash home with them? Other possibility is a "technical glitch" with the transfering back "flipping upside down and inside out". Sometimes a sock and shoe is the only mistake, sometimes it might be a bit more than that. Mauled by some animal, yeah, you can imagine. Dead of exposure...glitch in the transfer maybe. Unfortunately, you have to let you imagination go to nasty places to figure this one out.
Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
Perceval said:
Other possibility is a "technical glitch" with the transfering back "flipping upside down and inside out". Sometimes a sock and shoe is the only mistake, sometimes it might be a bit more than that.

:scared:Damn... That makes sense.

Unfortunately, you have to let you imagination go to nasty places to figure this one out.

Right about that...

panca kanga

Padawan Learner
Thank you for the session and the speedy transcription. Thank you Galatea.
因为劳拉的forwarning在最近一篇文章中,这是the first time that I have found myself actively anticipating a new session. Putin seems to be in such a dangerous position as the Western propaganda machine continues to demonise him while setting us all up for a war. It is nice to be reassured that he is OK.

Two unexpected things struck me from the transcript, the first, this reply:
A: Notice that the USA is exhibiting all the symptoms of a "Color Revolution".
Are the Cs thinking of particular current symptoms or is it more a clue as the sort of things to look out for? What are the symptoms of a color revolution? I am not sure. Student activists? a cadre trained in the use of social media? an unpopular/mistrusted election result? Debt and austerity imposed by central banks?

The second thing relates to something I have sort-of noticed in other transcripts. A sort of repeating pattern that works through the answers ... sort of:huh:. Sometime with numbers, perhaps a word or phrase. I can't put my finger on an example.
But in this sessiontimehas seemed like it has been repeated more than you might expect. In 34 responses by the Cs 5 used 'time' (not counting the use of sometimes):
时间进入光…问的好时机…and in the present time... takes time... the time is "NOW!"
And of course the word is re-emphasised as the group repeats it. Just something I thought I would mention.
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