Session 19 June 1999



FOTCM Member
June 19, 1999

劳拉, Ark, Frank

Q: Hello.


Q: Who do we have with us this evening?

A: Wampha.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: Since our lengthy sabbatical, I have accumulated a number of questions, but there has been another matter that has come up in the past few days that I would like to cover first. Apparently there is a newly discovered comet that some people are suggesting fits the prophecies of Nostradamus where he says in quatrain 10.72:

L’an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d’effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d’Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.

which translates into English:

The year 1999, seventh month,
从the sky will come a great King of Terror:
To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,
Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.

The reason for the comparison is because it is thought that Nostradamus was referring to September and NOT July, and, in point of fact, this comet will have made its circuit around the [sun] by September, and some folks are theorizing that it could be ‘vacuuming’ and picking up a lot of matter which could slow it down, change its direction, and cause it to interact with the Earth in a detrimental way. Is this, in fact, going to happen?


Q: You are right. Yes, that’s true. Are you suggesting that there is some other event besides a cometary one that he is referring to in this prediction?

A: If he was, let it not be known. The question is: is “1999” a number, or is it more?

Q: You mean that 1999 could imply a code of some sort?

A: Perhaps it is best for you to see events in this subject unfold, then analyze later. Maybe it is a beginning of a cycle …

{In retrospect, it almost seems like a hint about 9-11.}

Q: Well, there is another thing that the ‘Millennium Group’ has brought up, and that is the possibility that there is some object that has entered our solar system and the increased sunspot activity and so forth is a reaction of the sun to this object or objects. Can you comment on this?

A: The sun needs no such prompting to react thusly. It is a reactor, after all. It tends to react to less than others react to it.

Q: (A) But what is the ‘it?’ (L) And, the sunspot prediction was around a hundred the other day, but the actual sunspot activity was 240, I believe. Now, supposedly, when this Comet Lee swings around the sun during this period of high sunspot activity, the Millennium Group are saying that it is going to discharge the solar capacitor and that there is a possibility that great bolts of electricity will pass between planets and the comet or between planets and other planets, or between the sun and the comet, or something. Is this, in fact, likely to occur?

A: Bolts charge between positive and negative ions. What is the sun’s atomic structure vis a vis its “children?”

Q: (L) I guess the sun is positive and its children are negative, right?

A: We have a physicist present, yes?

Q: (L to A) Is the sun positive or negative? In an atom, what is the charge of the nucleus? (A to L) The question is: what is plasma coming from the sun? Electrons. Then what remains is positive. (L) So the sun is positive, and, since the electrons flow out toward the planets, then the planets must be negative, right? (A) That’s a possibility.

A: Research this for definitive answers to your question. What about the positive/negative ratio between earth’s ionosphere and possible passing “objects?”

Q: (L) Well, that’s what I was asking. These fellows claim that there will be discharges either between the sun and the comet, or the comet and the planets, or the planets and the planets, or the sun and the planets … all the bases are covered!

A: No they have not. What about the “vacuum” of space?

Q: (L) Are you saying that this electrical discharge can’t create visible bolts of lightning because of the vacuum conditions of space?

A: No we are not. We are posing a question in order to stimulate intellectual debate and inquiry. Learning is fun, after all!

Q: (A) I want to ask about the ‘plasma theory of comets,’ which the Millennium Group are promoting.

A: The plasma theory is correct, when certain factors are present. Could it have something to do with the composition of the object in question?

Q: (A) This is exactly the question. The object in question is the comet, and the question is: what is its composition, is it a dirty snowball, or is it a charged object that collects particles on its way like the ‘vacuum cleaner’ model?

A: Nickel?

Q: (L) So the composition of this particular comet is nickel?

A: No, we are almost desperately trying to “jump start” your intellectual capacities. Remember, this is a group effort here. Not a series of questions from the meek and helpless to the Lord High Commander!!

Q: It seems that they are desperately trying to tell us something without violating free will, but we have to participate in order to receive it.

A: Yes.

Q: (A) I just want to know about this particular comet?

A: Nickel?

Q: (L) What do we know about nickel? (A) There are all kinds of things about nickel. It is a metal. The question is whether nickel has anything to do with this particular comet.

A: If it does, it could be vital.

Q: (A) What is the composition of this comet?

A: Most comets are indeed “dirty snowballs,” composed largely of water ice and particulate matter. But, some are more like fast moving asteroids caught up in an orbital plane. Your “Millennium Group” is maybe just a bit too one-side-or-the-otherish at this point. Thus, a spectral analysis of this object is in order before one assumes it to be a cosmic vacuum cleaner.

Q: (A) I guess from this that, even if these guys can be in some cases correct, this comet, after analyzing, will prove to be just an ordinary dirty snowball. That is my guess.

A: No guessing allowed!

Q: (L) These guys say that they have repeatedly ask to get some data on this comet from the various government sources who have the capacity to do such analyses, simply have not been forthcoming with this information as though they have something to hide.

A: They are not the only ones who can analyze.

Q: (L) Then, I guess we need to find somebody who has done a spectral analysis. Find out who can do this. (A) It requires special equipment … (L) Is there something about this comet business that you want to convey to us so that we need to keep on it until we get to the right question?

A: You need to “keep on” a lot of things.

Q: (L) That’s what I mean. If there is nothing crucial about this at the moment, if spectral analysis is what we need to find and you are not going to tell us what it is composed of … ARE you going to tell us? What is it composed of? Or do we have to do a spectral analysis and find out on our own?

A: Have we not already indicated? Knowledge is power. If we give it to you like Halloween candy, it is diffused.

Q: (L) You said that the primary composition of this comet is nickel?

A: No, we said “nickel?”

Q: (L) What does ‘nickel’ mean? (A) It’s a shiny metal. (L) A coin, a five-cent piece …

A: What does molten nickel look like against the backdrop of space?

Q: (A) It would look like silver … (L) Would it have a color? (A) I don’t think so.

A: Does it conduct electricity? Is it magnetic?

Q: (A) Yes, it can conduct, but it’s not magnetic. Why ‘molten?’

A: What about the “tail” of such an object coming into contact with the ionosphere?

Q: (L) Oh. I think I get it. The Nostradamus thing about a great comet’s tail or something … let me look it up:

After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is prepared
The Great Mover renews the ages:
雨,blood, milk, famine, steel and plague,
In the heavens fire seen, a long spark running.

This one is supposed to refer to something that occurs at the turn of the Millennium … Is this what we are getting at here? Something that will look like a ‘long spark running’ which then comes in contact with the ionosphere which may exchange potentials with the earth by virtue of this conducting, molten nickel tail? Yes????? Is that good?

A: Ask Arkadiusz.

Q: (L) Well, honey … am I on to something here? (A) The point is that this comet is in space. Space is rather cold, so the question is: what would make nickel molten? (L) Well, it will be close to the sun! That will heat it up! (A) This particular comet is not going to come close enough to the sun to melt it! (L) Well then, how can the nickel be molten???

A: What about flares?

Q: (L) That’s it! A bodacious solar flare! And, combined with the bodacious solar flare is a change of trajectory because of its accumulation of matter … so that it is closer to the sun … (A) But it is not coming close enough to the sun to be caught in a solar flare!

A: Is nickel magnetic?

Q: (L) No. What does it mean to this subject that a nickel is not magnetic?

A: Does nickel have a companion?

Q: (A) Well, when we say a ‘companion,’ it means another metal in the same family in the Mendeleev Table. I believe that cobalt and nickel are in the same family, but I will have to check …

A: And cobalt is invisible in the good old vacuum of space, but not nickel!

Q: (L) Does that mean it will attract cobalt?

A: No, cobalt will attract.

Q: (L) The cobalt will attract flares … electromagnetic phenomena …

A: Et al.

Q: (L) I see.

A: Now, you need to know the composition of this comet … And any other closely following same. We have alluded to the increased cometary activity before. Oort, and that which cyclically disturbs it.

Q: (L) I just want to know one thing … are any of these comets gonna hit the earth?

A: Someday, certainly. As have before.

{Sound anomaly on side two of tape one begins here.}

Q: While we are on the subject of the comet, sort of, a corollary thing, if this kind of activity gets out there, naturally the stock market is gonna drop completely off the charts … all the financial institutions on the planet. Things will be dire and desperate if such things get out … We were wanting to ask about investment possibilities …

A: Is such information going to “get out?”

Q: I doubt it. The powers that be will convince everybody that nothing is going on. There is nothing about it at all in the press. Very quickly, throw out a couple words about investment potentials at the present time.

A: Hold on, or buy a little of the precious metals …

Q: Next: I’m not going to read this whole thing here; it’s a statement by Arizona Wilder who claims that she conducted human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati Elite for decades. These included the British Royal Family, George Bush, Henry Kissenger, and a stream of world famous names revealed in “The Biggest Secret” and the video “Revelations of a Mother Goddess,” available through this web site, which is David Icke’s. Since she escaped from her mind-controlled confinement she has dedicated herself to exposing what is happening. First question: did Arizona Wilder conduct human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati Elite for decades?

A: Is Henry Kissinger a royal bloodline?

Q: I don’t think so. George Bush is distantly related to the Queen of England. I think that what she means is “for” the royal family, AND George Bush AND Henry Kissinger. Is this woman what she claims to be and did she do what she claimed to do?

A: Better “hold the mustard” on that one.

Q: What does “hold the mustard” mean?

A: Be careful before swallowing whole.

Q: I see. Well, she also says the Illuminati, the clique which controls the world, are genetic hybrids, a result of interbreeding between human beings and the reptilian aliens many thousands of years ago. The center of power is not even in this dimension, it is in the fourth dimension, the lower astral as many people call it, the realm of demons of folklore. She obviously doesn’t have a CLUE!

A: Either that or all humans have some reptilian genes …

Q: She says that every presidential election has been won by the candidate with the most European Royal Genes. Of the 42 presidents up to Bill Clinton, 32 have been related to Alfred the Great …

A: John Kennedy???

Q: Well …

A: No, answer please.

Q: Did Kennedy have royal blood? I think Nixon had more than Kennedy.

A: So then, need we say more???

{The “speeded up” recording of side two of tape one caused this to be the end of the tape. The following is reconstructed as best as possible from memory.}

Q: All right, we have two pictures of the interior of the pyramid here. One is supposedly taken from a drawing in a book published in 1861 and I would like to know if this is what the interior of the pyramid looked like then?

A: Close.

Q: Does this mean that those guys over there working in the pyramid are hiding the true map of the interior?

A: Close.

Q: Well, why are they doing this?

A: Why do you think?

Q: Well, I just can’t understand how they could get away with a deception like this!

A: The point is you have been deceived about the pyramid in so many ways. Why should this surprise/matter.

Q: Okay, I have been invited to talk on the radio. Is it in our best interests for me to do this?

A: If you are careful not to get “carried away,” and reveal too much.

Q: How will I know what to say and what not to say?

A: Instincts.

Q: Eve Lorgen {author of a book about “alien lovebites”} had a question as to how one can go about deactivating the programs of the Lizzies and their human cohorts such as have been described by yourselves and others?

A: In order to “deprogram,” one must first be aware of the programming.


A: Knowledge, knowledge does what …?

Q: Are you saying that simply knowing about them is the key?

A: Once you have the knowledge, you have broken open the veil! How does one get the knowledge?

Q: I don’t know … how?

A: When those most intimately familiar effectively telegraph.

Q: Telegraph as in some sort of electronic signal or simply communicate the information?

A: Latter.

Q: What kind of information specifically?

A: Triggers.

Q: It will trigger something?

A: Programming keywords.

Q: Oh, you mean learning about the trigger words will open up the knowledge of the program so that a person can then deactivate it?

A: Close.

Q: So, I should get in touch with this woman who has this study of programming and get her book and this will help me to know what sorts of programs I may have?

A: It may lead there. Network with those most familiar with the process.

Q: Well, so far, you are the ones who are most familiar with the programs and have been best able to communicate these things.

A: Maybe the best, but not the only.

Q: (A) I would like to know what methods of programming may have been used on L during her kidnapping … the week-long ‘missing time?’

A: Research Gestapo techniques. Who became CIA.

Q: So, we need to look at the German programming techniques …

A: And Waffen SS.

{Side two of tape two begins here. No sound anomaly.}

Q: (A) So the answer to my question is yes, I guess. Now the question is how to get rid of things implanted by these techniques and the answer must be knowledge. If there is something that was implanted during this missing time, the question is how to find out and get rid of the programming without putting in danger … how can researching the techniques help us to deprogram and access without harm. Sometimes it is better to let sleeping dogs lie. Can we have some help here?

A: You have it.

Q: (A) We have a clue. (L) When we returned from the Gulf Breeze Conference, I wrote a letter to Linda Howe and she responded and wanted to know about the deal with Mike Lindemann, that we didn’t see eye-to-eye because he and his group were Gray Huggers and promoting the Gray Hugger gospel. Since that time I have communicated with a couple of other people who have been very disturbed by Linda’s apparent drift into the Gray Hugger realm. She collected all this information in these books and does such fine work, yet she seems to be missing the point. In the third book, she prints a whole bunch of channeled information that is, for the most part, cleverly twisted disinformation about the aliens being here to help us and blah, blah, blah. They even use phrases like ‘we are you in the future,’ only the ones who are saying this are Grays and Lizards, so it is clearly the probable future they would like to invoke. They give some true information that is just twisted slightly to put the slant in the Gray/Lizzie camp! My feeling is that Howe, Lindemann, Art Bell, and the whole crew of them are disseminating disinformation and I don’t know if this is deliberate, forced upon them, or if they are innocent dupes of the Lizzies. Could you give me some insight on this?

A: Maybe you should pursue Linda from a more inquisitive angle before the “body slam” technique commences. Get a dialogue going, then begin infusing. Patience pays!

Q: At the UFO conference there was a guy named Lloyd Pye who has this skull that he thinks is an alien skull.

A: Even if it is, do you feel he has a chance in Hell of being heard?

Q: Of course not. But, for my own personal curiosity, is it an alien skull or a severely deformed child?

A: Maybe it is a goat.

Q: It’s not a goat! It is definitely humanoid type! That was not even nice!

A: We were not being mean to you. We meant chimpanzee, but we got confused! Sorry …

Q: At one point you said that Hermes Trismegistus was the betrayer of Pharaoh Rana. Who was this Pharaoh and when did he reign?

A: We will leave that for another session. Good night.



The Force is Strong With This One
Haha sometimes the Cs make me laugh oh so hard:lol:


Padawan Learner
Interesting. The Cs made a mistake with 'goat'. Hmmm. They rarely make such errors in the statement. And then apologized too. Interesting.


Jedi Master
确实非常有趣。但是我一直在想reading this that while the 75% copper 25% nickel 5 cent U.S. coin is not magnetic (due to the high proportionality of copper), elemental nickel is in fact magnetic:


The Living Force
June 19, 1999


A: Bolts charge between positive and negative ions. What is the sun’s atomic structure vis a vis its “children?”

Q: (L) I guess the sun is positive and its children are negative, right?

A: We have a physicist present, yes?

Q: (L to A) Is the sun positive or negative? In an atom, what is the charge of the nucleus? (A to L) The question is:what is plasma coming from the sun? Electrons.Then what remains is positive. (L) So the sun is positive, and, since the electrons flow out toward the planets, then the planets must be negative, right? (A) That’s a possibility.

A: Research this for definitive answers to your question. What about the positive/negative ratio between earth’s ionosphere and possible passing “objects?”

If sun is emitting electrons (negatively charged) that could mean that planets are positively charged cause opposite attracts IMHO...

从same transcript (few lines above):
A: The sun needs no such prompting to react thusly. It is areactor, after all. It tends to react to less than others react to it.

太阳是一个反应堆/发电机/电源头e thus produces a "lot" of electrons ready to be discharged towards positive polarities or ground...

Yozilla D'monster:grad:


Jedi Master
Yozilla said:
June 19, 1999


A: Bolts charge between positive and negative ions. What is the sun’s atomic structure vis a vis its “children?”

Q: (L) I guess the sun is positive and its children are negative, right?

A: We have a physicist present, yes?

Q: (L to A) Is the sun positive or negative? In an atom, what is the charge of the nucleus? (A to L) The question is:what is plasma coming from the sun? Electrons.Then what remains is positive. (L) So the sun is positive, and, since the electrons flow out toward the planets, then the planets must be negative, right? (A) That’s a possibility.

A: Research this for definitive answers to your question. What about the positive/negative ratio between earth’s ionosphere and possible passing “objects?”

If sun is emitting electrons (negatively charged) that could mean that planets are positively charged cause opposite attracts IMHO...

从same transcript (few lines above):
A: The sun needs no such prompting to react thusly. It is areactor, after all. It tends to react to less than others react to it.

太阳是一个反应堆/发电机/电源头e thus produces a "lot" of electrons ready to be discharged towards positive polarities or ground...

Yozilla D'monster:grad:

然后不会使地球,总的来说,the "reactee"? Always amazes me how small things in language can have such subtle and often profound implications. In the context here of the Sun spewing electrons (noting the C's exact quote "to react thusly") we can rephrase "reactor" by expanding the suffix into the phrase it suggests, in which case it could read something like "to cause reaction" or "to make react". Putting this together with the 4th Way literature that the Sun is the Absolute of our perceivable World, it gives a strong credence to the Electric Universe Theory from an esoteric point of view, osit.


The Living Force
Q: (A) I want to ask about the ‘plasma theory of comets,’ which the Millennium Group are promoting. [/size]A: The plasma theory is correct, when certain factors are present. Could it have something to do with the composition of the object in question? Q: (A) This is exactly the question. The object in question is the comet, and the question is: what is its composition, is it a dirty snowball, or is it a charged object that collects particles on its way like the ‘vacuum cleaner’ model? A: Nickel? Q: (L) So the composition of this particular comet is nickel? A: No, we are almost desperately trying to “jump start” your intellectual capacities. Remember, this is a group effort here. Not a series of questions from the meek and helpless to the Lord High Commander!! Q: It seems that they are desperately trying to tell us something without violating free will, but we have to participate in order to receive it. A: Yes. Q: (A) I just want to know about this particular comet? A: Nickel? Q: (L) What do we know about nickel? (A) There are all kinds of things about nickel. It is a metal. The question is whether nickel has anything to do with this particular comet. A: If it does, it could be vital. Q: (A) What is the composition of this comet? A: Most comets are indeed “dirty snowballs,” composed largely of water ice and particulate matter. But, some are more like fast moving asteroids caught up in an orbital plane. Your “Millennium Group” is maybe just a bit too one-side-or-the-otherish at this point. Thus, a spectral analysis of this object is in order before one assumes it to be a cosmic vacuum cleaner. Q: (A) I guess from this that, even if these guys can be in some cases correct, this comet, after analyzing, will prove to be just an ordinary dirty snowball. That is my guess. A: No guessing allowed! Q: (L) These guys say that they have repeatedly ask to get some data on this comet from the various government sources who have the capacity to do such analyses, simply have not been forthcoming with this information as though they have something to hide. A: They are not the only ones who can analyze. Q: (L) Then, I guess we need to find somebody who has done a spectral analysis. Find out who can do this. (A) It requires special equipment … (L) Is there something about this comet business that you want to convey to us so that we need to keep on it until we get to the right question?A: You need to “keep on” a lot of things. Q: (L) That’s what I mean. If there is nothing crucial about this at the moment, if spectral analysis is what we need to find and you are not going to tell us what it is composed of … ARE you going to tell us? What is it composed of? Or do we have to do a spectral analysis and find out on our own? A: Have we not already indicated? Knowledge is power. If we give it to you like Halloween candy, it is diffused. Q: (L) You said that the primary composition of this comet is nickel? A: No, we said “nickel?” Q: (L) What does ‘nickel’ mean? (A) It’s a shiny metal. (L) A coin, a five-cent piece … A: What does molten nickel look like against the backdrop of space? Q: (A) It would look like silver … (L) Would it have a color? (A) I don’t think so. A: Does it conduct electricity? Is it magnetic? Q: (A) Yes, it can conduct, but it’s not magnetic. Why ‘molten?’ A: What about the “tail” of such an object coming into contact with the ionosphere?

Nickel, as in " Nickel Eye" Tesla maybe?

I recently got a new job, and right across the parking lot is a Tesla car dealer. I literally see " Tesla" everyday now when I walk outside, lol.

The batteries in those cars are made up of both nickel and cobalt.



I really enjoyed reading this session 21 after it was published! It's very interesting to see how the exchanges with the Cs have evolved. They try to suggest things they can't say, free will being a limit not to be exceeded...Thanks to the French translation team.
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