Session 10 December 2016

MikeJoseph82 said:
A: Things are about to get VERY interesting. We cannot say more!

Q: (L) Well, at least we know things are about to get, "VERY interesting", even if we don't know exactly how...

(Timótheos) Earth Changes-wise, we have all the rocking and rolling with all the quakes going on.

(Andromeda) And fireballs.

(Pierre) Space rocks.

A: Thrills and chills.

Q: (Timótheos) "Chills" as in... cold?

(Galatea) It could be a pun. Chills up your spine? The ice age will come...

(L) I hadn't thought of that. Well, maybe it's not a pun... {Laughter} I guess we're thankful we know at least something is going on...

A: Help is back on the move!! Goodbye.

(Pierre) That's a joke. Last session, they said help was near. And I said, "Yeah, it stopped!" I think that was a reference to that joke.

I realise I'm questioning this, but the term 'VERY' in capitals implies significant. Given there's no timeframe, I'm sure their statement will eventually be correct. But for us in human form, a short term reference is kinda significant. Please correct me where I'm wrong and I might be missing some inside info where the above statement is actually true, but on a global scale and having traveled globally recently, the world remains as messed up as it's always been. Same bird, different wings, locally crazy weather, etc. Not so interesting from my point of view.


I kind of know what you mean that there doesn't seem to be any one event that qualifies for "a chill up your spine" but I think for me there are plenty of "Thrills and chills".


The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

Volcanoes Erupting All Over

Earthquakes around the world

Trump era: Fascist dawn, or road to liberation?

"Pizzagate" Explodes

SOTT monthly Earth Changes Summary videos

Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

These are just some in which almost daily events occur. Maybe you just haven't found a topic that is thrilling enough to follow. :/:huh:
MikeJoseph82 said:
I realise I'm questioning this, but the term 'VERY' in capitals implies significant. Given there's no timeframe, I'm sure their statement will eventually be correct. But for us in human form, a short term reference is kinda significant. Please correct me where I'm wrong and I might be missing some inside info where the above statement is actually true, but on a global scale and having traveled globally recently, the world remains as messed up as it's always been. Same bird, different wings, locally crazy weather, etc. Not so interesting from my point of view.

Well, I think the 'VERY interesting' remark was meant at least in part to be tied to their '40 days' comment earlier in the session. That's a little speculative on my part and could be interpreted in a number of different ways, but nevertheless quite a number of things that happened during that time are VERY interesting from my perspective. Laura discusses some of those things here:

Laura said:
Divide By Zero said:
My girlfriend was worried about the inauguration, thinking civil unrest or a run on the banks would happen.

I had the feeling it would be uneventful and it seems so.

What really bugs me about this whole thing is that we have no clue what exactly the C's meant about the days to go. For my girlfriend she was expecting something big to happen, while I felt like it might be a joke on the drama that goes on around Trump, funded protests by Soros and other neo-liberal scum.

Like I said, I think we have witnessed some of the most astonishing events over the past 40 days that I never expected to witness in my lifetime.The open warfare between and incumbent president, the media, the intel services, and a president elect- taken to the extremes it was taken - is utterly shocking. It was definitely rocking and rolling in that sense the whole time. We couldn't even be sure Trump would not be assassinated at his inauguration, if not before.

Watchingthe melt-down of the "intelligentsia" of the USA - and some of its partners- is another truly unbelievable series of events. For politicians to carry on as they have over the past few months, and then bringing it to a head like they have, is just gobsmacking.

So, there's that. And I DO think that all of that is just the tip of an iceberg of how bad it might get. I do NOT believe we've seen the end of it, butwe have certainly seen precedents set that were unthinkable before.

Then, the weather is certainly going whacko with record low temps like have never been seen before - or not for a very long time. Plus a slew of earthquakes - not really BIG ones - but numerous.

But here is something else that is more personal to us here: within a ten day period, not long after that session, we received legal documents that have required some attention. We can't talk about it just yet because it is still winding its way through the court system - but both documents, coming from two different sources, are very, very significant and may definitely lead to some "rocking and rolling" and some "chills up and down the spine". In fact, you could almost say that they are in sync with what is happening in the outer world.

So,考虑到Cs操作,其实我觉得,when the dodgy dossier came out and the intel agencies revealed that they were in open warfare with Trump, that this was the main event.I don't know how he's gonna deal with that, but we all know what happened to JFK when he took on the CIA.
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Laura said:
Session Date: December 10th 2016

A: Your instincts have served you well!

Q: (L) Why don't you just tell me a yes or no? {Laughter}

(Galatea) Your instincts serve you well, young Skywalker!

Galatea you always manage to lift my mood. You are pure light.

Choose your steps wisely, young Skywalker!!! :):flowers:
I'm just wondering. I assume this help that is on the move and taking a lot of rest is a human being. Maybe it isn't time to act yet but s/he is still a human that will age (ehm...senile superhero). If the delay is too long will the person still be able to carry out that saving of humanity thing after the darkness. I'm assuming the help will be a creation of new form of more just society which probably will take a lot of work to establish. The C's and laura have been talking about it for long and the delay is in terms of decades.
MikeJoseph82 said:
I realise I'm questioning this, but the term 'VERY' in capitals implies significant. Given there's no timeframe, I'm sure their statement will eventually be correct. But for us in human form, a short term reference is kinda significant. Please correct me where I'm wrong and I might be missing some inside info where the above statement is actually true, but on a global scaleand having traveled globally recently, the world remains as messed up as it's always been. Same bird, different wings, locally crazy weather, etc.Not so interesting from my point of view.
Only what you see locally, exists?:shock:
If you don't see the tree falling in the forest at the other side of the Earth, you consider that event doesn't exist??
3个专业-peace ambassadors, being murdered in a 40 days lapse: that doesn't chill you??

Plus the list given above by goyacobol: may you tell me what are your thoughts after reading them? Did you change your view or do you consider I over-see or over-estimate? If I mistake, I'll be glad you correct me :)
nature said:
MikeJoseph82 said:
I realise I'm questioning this, but the term 'VERY' in capitals implies significant. Given there's no timeframe, I'm sure their statement will eventually be correct. But for us in human form, a short term reference is kinda significant. Please correct me where I'm wrong and I might be missing some inside info where the above statement is actually true, but on a global scaleand having traveled globally recently, the world remains as messed up as it's always been. Same bird, different wings, locally crazy weather, etc.Not so interesting from my point of view.
Only what you see locally, exists?:shock:
If you don't see the tree falling in the forest at the other side of the Earth, you consider that event doesn't exist??
3个专业-peace ambassadors, being murdered in a 40 days lapse: that doesn't chill you??

Plus the list given above by goyacobol: may you tell me what are your thoughts after reading them? Did you change your view or do you consider I over-see or over-estimate? If I mistake, I'll be glad you correct me :)

One must also consider the long-term implications of the events leading up to Trump's inauguration. What we all saw globally was just the tip of the iceberg of what goes on behind the scenes.
MikeJoseph82 said:
I realise I'm questioning this, but the term 'VERY' in capitals implies significant. Given there's no timeframe, I'm sure their statement will eventually be correct. But for us in human form, a short term reference is kinda significant. Please correct me where I'm wrong and I might be missing some inside info where the above statement is actually true, but on a global scale and having traveled globally recently, the world remains as messed up as it's always been. Same bird, different wings, locally crazy weather, etc. Not so interesting from my point of view.

The reality is that there is a number of situation in the making, happening,
for whatever reason when I joined the forum first, i used to associate these type of answer with comets , everytime the C's said something similar I was expecting some sort of collapse in the social or planetary structure,
but i later understood that things emerge gradually and in steps,
so things ARE happening, we don't get to hear them in mainstream media at all, and if so is always followed by some distraction such as a game or any popular stuff, to use an analogy, the volcanoe doesn't just explode out of nowhere, there are conditions that make such thing possible and when all conditions are present it explodes.
There is a number of things happening in every continent.

Perhaps you are anticipating that it has to be something of an apocalyptic nature, which is possible and the C's wont tell us, so i think the message there is remain vigilant and Learn how to read the signs and the clues and hints so we improve our abilities at perceiving our reality and of discernment .
Laura said:
One must also consider the long-term implications of the events leading up to Trump's inauguration. What we all saw globally was just the tip of the iceberg of what goes on behind the scenes.

Interesting, if true:
Laura said:
Laura said:
One must also consider the long-term implications of the events leading up to Trump's inauguration. What we all saw globally was just the tip of the iceberg of what goes on behind the scenes.

Interesting, if true:

Yes, I just read the article on SOTT about it and came here to post in this thread. My thoughts were that this pedophile connection to the Clinton's, Obama and the World elites will be very devastating for a lot of people who put their faith in them. This will shock many.

It also will not be that much of a shock to us but more of a reason to cheer. I know that I found myself cheering with the news.
Thank you very much for this session.

WIN 52 said:
Laura said:
Laura said:
One must also consider the long-term implications of the events leading up to Trump's inauguration. What we all saw globally was just the tip of the iceberg of what goes on behind the scenes.

Interesting, if true:

Yes, I just read the article on SOTT about it and came here to post in this thread.My thoughts were that this pedophile connection to the Clinton's, Obama and the World elites will be very devastating for a lot of people who put their faith in them. This will shock many.

It also will not be that much of a shock to us but more of a reason to cheer. I know that I found myself cheering with the news.

It reminds me a huge scandal that appeared in Europe in 2000, The case of Zandvoort CD-Rom... A CD containing 8400 pedophile documents had been discovered by a journalist in Netherland. It was difficult to access to it but finally, in France, many parents could take a look to some photos in gendarmerie's stations (french military police) and some people recognized their children.
Then, some important people had been recognized too and we started to hear famous names involved in a massive pedophile newtwork. Moreover, a list containing buyers names existed in these documents. Nevertheless, french justice said the parents were mistaken and that the recognized men on the pictures were just lookalikes people (a lot of men...). The cas was closed...
Following these curious, stupid and sad statements, this case was called the case of lookalikes's Zandvoort.

当然,人在危险atfter this huge case were not the guilty ones or the network itself but the ones who tried to fight for the truth (journalists, inspectors, parents...) as always... Laura and the crew know what is it.... When I think about it, can you imagine that the case was closed with so much documents ?

Finally, even if importants revelations are made about Clinton's connection, the elites are very powerfull and deeply connected in the system. For many years I use to say that we don't fight with the same weapons. This kind of people has no limit, no rules, they can do whatever they want to succeed. Just take a look to political debates, they have been lying to us for centuries and they go on smiling and swearing they will fight for democracy and liberty while they're raping children, make wars and manipulate evreything and everyone. They're so engaged for profits and power that they just don't care about the rest.

And don't forget that, the bigger the lie is and the better people will believe it (Joseph Goebbels).
Well, this might be a bit of a leap, but I saw some similarities between the following and something Jordan Peterson has talked about:

(L)You have to want it and you have to be ready.I guess that means something at multiple levels. Just saying you want something isn't always something you actually want. Gurdjieff said you can't do the Work unless you haveburning questions. A lot of people say they have questions, but they really don't. Is that going in the right direction?

A: More or less.

Q: (Joe) On the first question about do symbols have power in and of themselves, the answer was "yes". What power do they have?

(L) Well, we went through that. It's like the car that can be driven, but you have to be connected to drive it.

(Joe) Well, that's just an analogy, but in what way do symbols have power?

(Data) The car has power, but it's turned off.

A:Connectors to information.

问:(Pierre)所以,这让我想起了一些东西。我佤邦s thinking along the line of the meaning of those symbols. It seems that at least those few symbols, and maybe others, having a universal meaning. The way they connect or interact with the information field is universal. It's not subjective or arbitrary.

(L) Right.

(Pierre) It's universal. I guess that's the case, so my question is:Is the fundamental language of this information field geometric shapes?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) I didn't invent it. It's Laura's insight from years ago, but I remembered.

(Joe) Do these geometric shapes of the symbols describe a certain flow or package of information?

(L) I think they're like archetypal packages.

(Joe) Like a spiral would describe maybe movement of energy, right?

(L)Well, if you're thinking of the idea of a flower, a flower is a concept that can be met by many different types of blossoms or blooms. But the idea of a flower is a complete abstraction. So, I think that it's in that context.

A: Yes

I think Laura's insight Pierre is referring to is this one:
Q: (L)Jan and I are very curious about artistic expression at 4th density. We experience art and music in a very positive and moving way, most of us, in this realm, and sometimes music can be very sublime and very transforming. It can move one in a lot of very unusual ways.What is it like in 4th density?

A: In 4th, you can "see" sounds and "hear" colors, for example.

Q: (L) Is this, now you guys just calm down when I ask this question... (F) I know what you are going to ask... (L) No remarks, okay? Many years ago when I was a child of the 60's and 70's, I tried some LSD. (T) I know exactly what you are going to ask, yeah, because I've seen it too! (J) Yes. (L) In a major way!Geometric patterns and colors manifested with music.(T) Yes! (L) Is this what we are talking about here?

A: Bingo!

Q: (L) So, in other words...

A:The answer to your next question is yes, you experienced a bleed through of 4th density.

Q: (F) In other words an acid trip is like a glimpse into 4th density. (L) Do you recommend this method for accessing this type of reality.

A: Open.

Q: (T)Well, the problem is that some people would want to do that all the time and not work on doing it in a natural way.

A: Yes.

Q: (T) And other people would use it and abuse it and use it as an excuse. (J) And damage themselves. (L) Yes, it is obviously something that has to be very carefully handled. We can't encourage this.{My experience with it was not extremely pleasant, to put it mildly and I never let anybody talk me into something like that again!} (J) Is that like the concept of adding additional dimensions to the 3 we normally experience?

A: Yes. 4th level density implies and additional dimension of experience, doesn't it?

彼得森谈到他创建的经验piece of art that he calls "The meaning of music" (as seen in the introduction of his videos), that he spent months considering as part of trying to understand the meaning of music, after also having read a lot of Jung. Combined with listening to music it (unintentionally?) produced a similar experience to those described above.

YouTube auto-captions (I've attempted to format them), if you prefer to read:
What is the story behind the logo that you use in your intros where did it come from?

That's that logo is called the 'meaning of music' and it's actually a sculpture that I made in 1985, that's about five and a half feet by half five and a half feet and about eight inches thick and it's made out of foam core, which is this material that's often used as a backing for paintings or for when you get them framed. It's styrofoam sheet about a quarter of an inch thick with paper on both sides and you can cut it very accurately with an exacto knife, and so what I did was make a stack of those of those foam core sheets about eight inches high and I made the thing in quarters, and so that it would fit together on the wall because it would have been too big to maneuver easily and it's a very complicated image.
It's actually a three-dimensional representation of a two-dimensional representation of a four-dimensional object. And that four dimensional object you could think of as, it's a representation of time and space and I can tell you I kind of have to hint at what the the painting means or the sculpture, it means the same thing that music means.You know how music unfolds and then something else unfolds within it and then it unfolds again within it like a rose opening into the day. Or like a lotus flower that sort of comes up from the darkest depths, up through the dark water and then blooms on the surface of the water and the Sun and that's where the Buddha you know what would you say symbolically rest. So you can imagine that thing opening and then imagine that that's what that painting is an image of and that's the same thing as music, so it's a Mandela image and for Jung the Mandela was a symbol of the self and the self was something that unfolds like music, which is actually why we like music, and it's like the Rose that you see, the geometric rose that you see in stained glass it's the same thing.That's the stained glass window that Pinocchio's reprehensible compatriot lamp-wick breaks when he's in pleasure island that he throws a rock to destroy the model holman to demolish the substructure of western civilization.
So I had a very intense religious experience at one point and I was contemplating that, so when I drew the image to begin with I drew it in about 10 minutes kind of rough and then I used a straightedge to straighten it all up and a protractor - or a compass to make the curves, but I drew it very quickly and I'd been thinking about,I'd been reading Jung a lot at that point like for months months of intense reading and that image sort of popped out of me very very suddenly.But it took about three months to make the actual image and then I had only a quarter of it hanging on my wall because it was so big and I had finished it after about three months of works this was back in 1985 when I was a graduate student. And I was listening to the Jupiter symphony which is the piece of music that I use, that was used for the intro to my to my videos and it's a Mozart symphony.
This happened man, so this happened, so I was really watching that Mandela that quarter Mandela that I had made intensely, and caught listening to the music trying to understand what the music was signifying you know, because music has intrinsic meaning which is a very strange thing. Now the part of the reason for that is that language has meaning and our language has a musical quality right and that's processed mostly by the right hemisphere so that when people speak there's a there's a melody in their language and that carries a lot of the emotional import, and then what musicians have done is figured out how to use that musical faculty let's call it, that non-semantic musical faculty to sort of purely denote meaning that's part of what music means.But I was still trying to understand what themeaningwas, because it's nonverbal the meaning of music and I was trying to figure out how to articulate that and that's partly why I made the sculpture was to get a grip on it and to understand it.我真的努力关注那个人dela and that sculpture and I had been working on it intensely for about three months, that's a lot of meditation on a single idea. And I was standing in my living room and then had this very strange experience and I can't explain this properly because there's no way of really describing it but I'll do my best so, you know in those Renaissance paintings sometimes you see - well first of all you see great cloud great great sunny skies with with massive stupendous impressive billows of clouds and then light shining through, the sunlight shining through and streams. Sometimes that's captured very beautifully but especially English later later artists usually that are later than the Renaissance but you see it in Renaissance paintings too, and you all you also see in in in Renaissance paintings especially in the earlier phase of the Renaissance the sky opening up and God sort of peering forth through the clouds and that's exactly what seemed to happen to me is that, I had this sense it was like a vision although I was still in my living room who knew it, but inside the theater of my imagination I could feel the the sky opening up. Now it wasn't the sky it was I would say the only way I can really think of other things that was something like another dimension, and then I can feel this force descend upon me which I think was something that you know would have been considered classically something like the Holy Ghost I suppose, and it filled me with this intense sense of paradisal, paradisal - I don't know what how to say it. Well it was like being in heaven for some brief period of time and I could feel myself transformed, transmuted as a consequence of this experience and it was as if I was in the presence of something that was a living you know, and I suppose that was an experience of God if you want to put it that way. That's certainly what it seemed like and I felt that I could live that way, I could live transfigured like that permanently if I desired it and I thought 'my god I wouldn't be able to walk down the street in this sort of elevated state' let's say. 'I don't know how I would act, I don't know how I would interact with people, I don't know how people would interact with me, I just don't think that I could do it'. And then I felt that whatever had descended, it seemed that as if it was sorrowful and it departed from me slowly with no punitive intent and I wouldn't say with any dissatisfaction.It was as if a gift had been offered that I was in no position to receive.And I went I talked to my wife soon afterwards I shook physically for about half an hour after that experience, like I was shaking you know, like you shake after a car accident if you've ever been in a car accident, and my pupils were completely dilated.
I had a couple of experiences like that, like echoes of it a couple of times after that and so anyways that was a very very powerful experience I've certainly never forgotten that and, well you know, I don't know. I don't know what to think about that. I mean god only knows what the world is really like that's for sure and I've had a variety of very strange experiences that have convinced me that we know very little about anything.

And the art itself
彼得森谈到他创建的经验piece of art that he calls "The meaning of music" (as seen in the introduction of his videos), that he spent months considering as part of trying to understand the meaning of music, after also having read a lot of Jung.

Redfox, it is interesting you should find this aspect of Jordan Peterson which shows his interest in Jung. I am sort of running into different topics that Jordan Peterson has explored of which I had no previous awareness. And the 4D "bleed through" the Cs talk about is interesting to think about I think.

Even though we seem to be finding out some strange things about Jung I would not say Jordan has gone totally to the dark side by any means. He just seems to be a complex and curious man to me (almost "child-like"? in a good way).

Jordan was mentioned in this recent thread started by Laura:

Carl Jung's Secret Life: "The "Aryan Christ" - something rotten in Jungian psychology?
For those who have been asking this and similar questions about the annuki symbol too, please read Laura's post here:

And, on that same session's thread it was pointed out that the image of the annuki symbol that some of you have seen is not entirely correct.

I really hope that manual one day perhaps becomes a book...? (Or that it doesn't take me too long to reach the private forum)
I love reiki and I have been practicing for 7 years
Hi Talitha,

With a bit of luck this may be what you are looking for ?

View attachment 29871
Thank you
This seems to be “Anuki” from what I read on other posts the opening on the bottom right corner should be opened (it kind of makes sense to draw it too...)

There is another symbol that seems to be only in the private forum area...that increases the level of spiritual awakening and must be used with care I cant recall the name something Ohn...something

(I guess I just answered my question...needs to be used with care hence is kept safe...)

Thank you again
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