Session 15 August 2009



FOTCM Member
Session Date: August 15th 2009

Laura, Ark, A***, Joe, DonD, A***l, PL, Allen, C**, Scottie, G***

[Slow start...]

A: Hello N (Long pause)

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

(long pause)

A: Toruz (very slowly spelled out)

Q: (L) And where do you transmit through? Oh, no wonder! Sorry, board's in the wrong position. No wonder they didn't want to do anything! (laughter - change orientation of board)

A: B (long pause)

Q: (L) No, I've got it in the wrong position again! (laughter - change orientation of board)

A: Finally!

Q: (laughter) (L) Okay, let's start over again. Who do we have with us?

A: Toruzna Cassiopaea

Q: (L) Boy, they just didn't wanna... They don't like changes! (laughter)

A: It upsets the groove and requires extra energy that can be better spent elsewhere.

Q: (L) Okay. Well, we have people working on this breathing and meditation program, and some people are having some unusual experiences physically, and other people are having extreme tiredness, and there's just really the whole gamut going on there. I guess there's really not a clear question about that because that's more or less what we expected: each person is in individual, and the way that they apply the program I guess depends on their level of knowledge...

A: It would be best if you could teach it directly. But under the circumstances with so many in such great need, and the system often restricting their funds and thus their ability to travel and compensate you for your time and energy, it is the best way so far. Some will find their creativity expanding and thus their ability to make more direct connections as a result of the practice!

Q: (L) Why do you say "their ability to compensate me for my time"?

之前我们有口语的必要性nergy to be balanced. It is correct for you to make this program available according to the individual ability to compensate. But all must remember that it is STO to GIVE [planchette circles board] ALL to those who ask. You have given all REPEATEDLY and many still do not understand the value nor do they compensatorily give in return. Those who have difficulties with the program may find that they are not giving "all". And that does not always mean money either. It can also mean commitment.

Q: (L) Questions? (DD) Is the group still doing Monday and Thursday? (L) Mm-hmm. (Joe) Well, we're gonna make the program available for purchase as a set, in a nice package. That'll be an opportunity for people to - I know it's not just money, but it'll be an opportunity for people to at least give for receiving something, like directly.

A: Those individuals who still think that you can get something for nothing will find themselves blocked.

Q: (L) Well, what is the nature of this kind of thing? I mean, what do you mean "blocked"?

它可以采取2主要形式:国标候选人,it can be blocked by the subconscious process that knows there is an imbalance. In the "others" it is simply that they are not on the correct frequency to receive. Remember "receivership capability" and also capacity.

Q: (L) In other words, somebody could conceivably, ya know, pay a million dollars for the program and if they were a billionaire and it was a drop in the bucket to their income, or even if they were doing it manipulatively to gain for the self, they would still not be able to get anything out of it even though they had made an exchange because they would still not be at the frequency to understand. Is that correct?

A: Yes. Remember the "widow's mite".

Q: (Joe) The Widow's Mite? (L) It's a story in the bible. It's a small amount. Ya know, the rich man who gave a lot and thought he would buy salvation, and then the poor widow who gave a little bit but it was all she had - she gave all. So the principle is giving all, but not necessarily in the sense of money. Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Well, we have a whole other list of questions from the forum and I guess we ought to get onto them now...

A: No, that must wait. The world is hurtling through space in its move toward destiny, and many of those questions are of little consequence. Besides, our interaction with you is not to pass messages to others of a more or less trivial nature. Additionally, for many of these questions to be answerable, a similar frequency issue comes into play. You, PERSONALLY, in your mind, must be seeking the answer, and it must be important to your path of destiny. Otherwise it is no more or less accurate than any old "psychic". And "any old psychic" you AIN'T!

问:(笑)(乔)你必须喜欢问题, Laura. You have to be interested in the questions. (L) Well, and they have to be important questions. I mean, I've always been... I mean, yeah, I went through this whole phase of doing these testing questions, but they were all questions that interested me – there was a reason for them. (Joe) So we have to think of important stuff. (L) Well, what's important to me right now is I have some question as to what... I mean, we've dealt with some of the issues of the breathing program, ya know, that maybe some people are having problems because they aren't inputting a commensurate amount of energy in order to receive the benefits - maybe they're not on the same frequency or the right frequency - and that frequency block could be because they have not committed, or they are still maneuvering or manipulating, or it could be they're STO candidates and they simply haven't opened the frequency channel. So, those issues have to be dealt with on an individual basis, I'm assuming. But I think there is more to that problem than meets the eye.

A: Yes there is!!! We said that this practice MUST be accompanied by a commensurate effort to constantly gain knowledge by effort.

Q: (L) Well, I was planning on doing these teaching videos that were going to kind of boil things down for people. Does that mean that I shouldn't be doing that?

A: Oh no!!! You should be doing that and moreover, you should make these videos all inclusive in terms of scope of subject matter.

Q: (L) What do you mean "all inclusive in terms of subject matter"?

A: Tell what you have discovered and let the individual once again compensate according to ability to do so.

Q: (L) Well, obviously we can't be sending out videos without getting the cost of making the videos covered. I mean, this kind of puts me in a funny position because...

A: Never fear. People will rapidly discover that it depends on the "frequency" of the exchange.

Q: (L) What depends on it?

A: Whether or not the knowledge you share can be assimilated. Naturally it will be necessary for the student to cover your cost of production so we suggest that it be made available for a minimum donation. Those who are able can give more. Those who buy demonstrate, to some extent, a frequency match. This brings up another matter. The "traditions" speak of the advantages to be obtained by the direct teachings of a "master." There are no "masters" in an STO network, but there are "elders". Now, can any of you here think of advances in knowledge as a consequence of direct interaction with Ark and Laura?

Q: (Joe) Yesss... (Allen) Yeah...

A: Can you list them please?

Q: (Everybody looks at each other questioningly.)

A: There is serious purpose to this question!

Q: (L) Well, obviously there's no advantage, so we might as well just pull up our tent and go home!

(Allen) They're actually saying "list them, please". Be specific.

(Joe) Well, it's not like... It's a result of six years interaction and experiences. It's not like I've ever written them down in a list, but sure I can think about it.

(PL) For me, it's about discernment. The way of learning in context, dealing with a new situation, of learning about it, networking, discussing every point of view, gathering data, the making decision process that is not a fixed formula, that is not doing it alone, that is not rushed, kind of matured and discussed… and ready to change. You can change, you know?

(L) And you can change your mind.

(Joe) Exactly. The way that you approach things in terms of being really open about things, and ya know, trying things on… and being completely open to possibilities ...

(L) Options.

(Joe) As many options as possible, and to leave them all open. And by leaving yourself open to them, to do that, you really have to go to each one, if you know what I mean, and consider each one, and try it on like you were saying. Try each one on and hold each one as a real potential reality, and in that way, you by far increase your chances of getting the best one of those, or something else presenting itself. I mean, that's a very scary thing to do, because most people just want definite answers.

(L) They want a hard and fast black and white answers.

(Joe) They want to control it, they want to know... The idea of being open to unlimited possibilities.

(PL) Another teaching - I didn't learn it fully yet, but it's unlearning what we consider to be love and care. It's trying to go behind fake love - all those fake forms of love that I'm kind of feeling, like pity - trying to learn what love really is.

(C**) I would add that you teach constantly patience with others and oneself. And real empathy and teaching through an example more than imposing. Teaching is letting others make mistakes, and learn from them, and being more forgiving towards ourselves when we make mistakes. The mirrors you give are very, very giving. They're always a lesson even in little comments you make.

(Joe) Allowing people to make their own mistakes and learn their own lessons without freaking out. If there's something you have an emotional attachment to, to allow them to experience what they need to experience without trying to control them...

(Scottie) I was thinking that, ya know, Ark told me I have to read this book on discipline for example, or Laura tells me something, and of course I sometimes do it, and in some cases I don't do it. And in the case of a master, the master says "Do it", but the thing is like... I mean I could list all the things that I've learned and all the times that like, ya know, I sat down with Laura and she pointed things out to me and everything, but... What's my point? It's like......... I dunno how do you list all the specific 50 million ways in which you and Ark have...

(G***) One thing that has been on my mind is how many things seemed to be learned in a living network here in our interactions that are not so easy to be explained in a virtual network, and perhaps our ability to teach these dynamics here in a virtual network is what's needed.

A: How much of this could be learned at a distance?

问:(乔)没有。(C * *)几乎没有。(* * *)的the interaction. (G***) We've discussed about this... (Joe) You need direct experiences. (Allen) One huge different between this house and anywhere else in the world is you're here in non-hierarchical relationships that, outside, no matter how benevolent they are, no matter how altruistic they are, you still have that same sort of hierarchy outside that doesn't exist here. (Joe) A good question, another way to ask that, is how much could you teach a child by having them sit at a computer and you instruct them via the computer? Because that's what we're dealing with in ourselves...

A: There is more to it than just that: there is the matter of frequency once again. Think of the individuals who have had the same opportunities and yet have learned little or nothing? Why do you suppose that is?

问:(Allen)我想他们正在谈论wh的人o used to live in the house. (L) Well, it's like we were talking earlier today about H**** and the thing about his music. Ya know, he had so many opportunities to learn about external considering here, and it was brought to his attention again and again, and yet he continues to repeat the same patterns over and over again. And I*** was here, and we - over and over again - tried to show her how her emotions run her whole life, and yet again, she's falling into the same trap. So, why do you suppose that is? (PL) Does it mean that if you're not on the same frequency, even if there are many teachings, you do not have the capacity to receive it?

A: That is partly the answer.

Q: (A***l) Can I take a stab at something? How do we help them change their frequency?

A: They must first learn to give when asked.

Q: (L) But that doesn't seem to be such a simple thing. I mean, in order to do that, you have to learn how to stop being manipulated and manipulating... (Allen) But maybe we've got a feedback loop. They're talking about all these people having the opportunity to give all with this breathing program and then they can learn more, maybe. If they start giving there then they'll learn more, and then they'll get more ability...

A: Bingo! But even more than that, they will have the opportunity via video to experience the transmission of frequency almost directly.

Q: (PL) The voice. (Allen) And the face. (Joe) Is this the videos that are already made, or is this in relation to other videos?

A: Videos yet to be made. These have always been in the plan, but you only thought in terms of a "ouija" video. There is so much more of great importance that can be taught by us through you than that!!!

Q: (Ark) I think that some kind of teaching on psychology - even though we don't know if psychology is science or not - would be useful, stressing some important points. For instance, we were reading today about these narcissist people. So, everybody is a little bit narcissistic in the sense that we love our junk. We have a lot of junk, and we love it, and we are scared to get rid of this junk because we think that body will implode. There will be nothing, so we keep this junk because that's the only thing. But you cannot change if – at the same time - you still want to be the same. So you have to get rid of this junk. You have to stop doing many things cold turkey as a symbolic declaration to the Universe. And don't be scared. (L) If you wanna change, you have to change. (Ark) And don't be scared that you will collapse and you will be nothing, you see?

A: This can be so much more effectively conveyed by video than just writing. In a video something of the soul is transmitted. Now, think again about those who have not been able to receive.

Q: (L) Receivership capability, is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And what determines receivership capability?

A: Partly genetic and partly effort. What Ark just said about narcissism and the attendant "junk".

Q: (L) So narcissists create illusions and project their illusions on other people and this is part of what makes them unable to receive. They're always projecting, so they can't receive anything.

A: Yes

问:(L)这些人花了长periods of time here and who have been unable to make any significant change in their lives have been afflicted with an inability to receive because they have basically built a wall around themselves or live inside a narcissistic bubble?

A: Yes. And the same is true for those who cannot "get it" at a distance.

Q: (L) So there are those who either get it or they don't?

A: Partly. Repeated exposure to frequency resonance can generate shifts if there is sincere desire. Also, a series of videos that signal soul replication can help those who are sincerely asking.

Q: (Ark) Gurdjieff tried to use the method of shocks. He had this idea that by using just the right shock, it can help to break the shell. But apparently, it didn't work well. (A***l) It makes their shell bigger. (L) I mean, shocks are useful in some instances, but not in all. (Joe) It depends on the hardness of the exterior wall. (L) Yeah. (Joe to Laura) So, are we talking about a series of videos, essentially video lectures by you on many topics?

A: Yes.

Q: (Joe) For example?

A: How about starting at the beginning and talk about "in the beginning..."?

Q: (L) Well, I... What would I say?? (Joe) “In the beginning was the word?” And the word was delivered one letter at a time! (laughter)

A: You just sit in front of the camera and do what you do best: connect the dots. And know that, as always, your connection to your higher self in the future will assist your explosive insights.

Q: (Ark) I think what would be useful is to have like an exposition of a coherent system. Because people know a part from here, a part from there, a little bit about STO, a little bit about this and that...It all needs to be put together.

A: All that will be a part of the series that we have planned.

Q: (L) What you mean YOU have planned, I thought I was planning it? (laughter)

A: We are you and vice versa!!!

Q: (A***l) I have a question. They talked about genetics making it so that people can't receive things. Is there something that people can do that would help change their genetics in some way that would help them become more receptive?

A: You can't change, but you can activate it if it is latent.

Q: (L) In other words, a lot of people have a lot of genetics going on that they aren't using. (Allen) And those genetics can be activated. (A***l) So how do you activate it?

A: Effort counts for a lot. And effort can lead to knowledge which does what?

Q: (Joe) Protects!

A: For example, the recent issues of brain chemistry: this understanding has come about due to effort and the growth of knowledge! The result will be activation of additional DNA! Notice how the knowledge is now growing exponentially with networking and experimentation!

Q: (L) So, anything else? I'm tired!

A: Okay folks. Goodbye.

Awesome! thanks for posting another session! very informative.
Thanks for the session Laura!

I think the video's would will be a very good thing, I will also put more effort into the breathing and into reading as well, sometimes i don't put into it what i could.
之前我们有口语的必要性nergy to be balanced. It is correct for you to make this program available according to the individual ability to compensate. But all must remember that it is STO to GIVE [planchette circles board] ALL to those who ask. You have given all REPEATEDLY and many still do not understand the value nor do they compensatorily give in return. Those who have difficulties with the program may find that they are not giving "all". And that does not always mean money either. It can also mean commitment.

This was exactly what I needed to hear! I believe I could Give more Commitment in more consistently doing the Breathing /meditation program. Thank You ;D
It should be a Super Effort on my part, that's the only one that works, as I read in ISOTM.

Q: (L) Well, I was planning on doing these teaching videos that were going to kind of boil things down for people. Does that mean that I shouldn't be doing that?

A: Oh no!!! You should be doing that and moreover, you should make these videos all inclusive in terms of scope of subject matter.

Can't wait :)
I feel like I'm sitting here with my hands in my lap, not able to help with this tremendous work in any way! I'm SO grateful that my eyes tear up.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.
thanks for the new sessions Laura.

Very informative as usual.

Looking forward to the video installments.

Thank you Laura. I think an old saying is if one thinks they may be going crazy, they may not be going crazy (since they can recognize it). How does one know if they should have more commitment (work harder) or if they have the "wrong' if not the "necessary" genetics for progression?
Al Today said:
How does one know if they should have more commitment (work harder)
If you are reasonably able to give more - if it is viable - then do so. When you give/invest effort/are committed as muchas is viable, that counts as "giving ALL", OSIT.

Al Today said:
or if they have the "wrong' if not the "necessary" genetics for progression?
You might as well ask if you are an OP - it is not practically useful. If it is "latent", effort is indicated as a solution. And investing more effort given a lack of progress is the common sense solution anyway. OSIT.
Thanks for the session, I was able to catch this one early and read it. This quote was interesting:

Laura said:
A: Partly. Repeated exposure to frequency resonance can generate shifts if there is sincere desire.Also, a series of videos that signal soul replication can help those who are sincerely asking.

I took that as Laura's soul replicating in the videos. That sounds pretty cool and reminds me of what the C's said Jesus does when people pray.
Laura, thank you for posting another fascinating session with yourself in the future.

session 15 August said:
A: Yes. Remember the "widow's mite".

Q: (Joe) The Widow's Mite? (L) It's a story in the bible. It's a small amount. Ya know, the rich man who gave a lot and thought he would buy salvation, and then the poor widow who gave a little bit but it was all she had - she gave all. So the principle is giving all, but not necessarily in the sense of money. Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes

It is possible to think that if one gives all, one will receive all, as an automatic consequence of giving. This is not the case. What is given needs to be given with no thought or expectation of any return. One gives because one gives.

Cs said:
A: They must first learn to give when asked.

And we have to learn to discern when we are being asked, and to learn what it is that is being asked for. We need to learn how to give that which is appropriate to each specific situation. And to do that we need to clean our machine of the emotional programs that control our mechanical reactions. Hence Eiriu-Eolas!

I love this:

A: No, that must wait. The world is hurtling through space in its move toward destiny, and many of those questions are of little consequence. Besides, our interaction with you is not to pass messages to others of a more or less trivial nature. Additionally, for many of these questions to be answerable, a similar frequency issue comes into play. You, PERSONALLY, in your mind, must be seeking the answer, and it must be important to your path of destiny. Otherwise it is no more or less accurate than any old "psychic".And "any old psychic" you AIN'T!

The Cs have a marvellous sense of humour and timing :D

Thanks again, Laura and everyone.

3D Student said:
Thanks for the session, I was able to catch this one early and read it. This quote was interesting:

Laura said:
A: Partly. Repeated exposure to frequency resonance can generate shifts if there is sincere desire.Also, a series of videos that signal soul replication can help those who are sincerely asking.

I took that as Laura's soul replicating in the videos. That sounds pretty cool and reminds me of what the C's said Jesus does when people pray.

That is a very interesting take on the subject, 3D Student. I hadn't thought of it like that.
mada85 said:
3D Student said:
Thanks for the session, I was able to catch this one early and read it. This quote was interesting:

Laura said:
A: Partly. Repeated exposure to frequency resonance can generate shifts if there is sincere desire.Also, a series of videos that signal soul replication can help those who are sincerely asking.

I took that as Laura's soul replicating in the videos. That sounds pretty cool and reminds me of what the C's said Jesus does when people pray.

That is a very interesting take on the subject, 3D Student. I hadn't thought of it like that.

FWIW, I'm interested in what you thought it meant.

Laura said:
Session Date: August 15th 2009

Q: (A***l) Can I take a stab at something? How do we help them change their frequency?

A: They must first learn to give when asked.

Maybe in order to be able to give one has to really open himself to others, being really there, forgetting the own needs, maybe in such state everything becomes clear also what is needed to be said or done.

If on the contrary we are only focusing on our own evolution we are restricting the flow of energy.

A great example seems to me what the group in the session explain about Laura and Ark and how they are always there:

Laura said:
Session Date: August 15th 2009
Q: (L) Well, obviously there's no advantage, so we might as well just pull up our tent and go home! (Allen) They're actually saying "list them, please". Be specific. (Joe) Well, it's not like...It's a result of six years interaction and experiences. It's not like I've ever written them down in a list, but sure I can think about it. (PL) For me, it's about discernment. The way of learning in context, dealing with a new situation, of learning about it, networking, discussing every point of view, gathering data,the making decision process that is not a fixed formula, that is not doing it alone, that is not rushed, kind of matured and discussed… and ready to change. You can change, you know? (L) And you can change your mind. (Joe) Exactly.The way that you approach things in terms of being really open about things, and ya know, trying things on… and being completely open to possibilities... (L) Options. (Joe)As many options as possible, and to leave them all open. And by leaving yourself open to them, to do that, you really have to go to each one, if you know what I mean, and consider each one, and try it on like you were saying. Try each one on and hold each one as a real potential reality, and in that way, you by far increase your chances of getting the best one of those, or something else presenting itself. I mean, that's a very scary thing to do, because most people just want definite answers. (L) They want a hard and fast black and white answers. (Joe) They want to control it, they want to know... The idea of being open to unlimited possibilities. (PL) Another teaching - I didn't learn it fully yet, but it's unlearning what we consider to be love and care. It's trying to go behind fake love - all those fake forms of love that I'm kind of feeling, like pity - trying to learn what love really is. (C**)I would add that you teach constantly patience with others and oneself. And real empathy and teaching through an example more than imposing. Teaching is letting others make mistakes, and learn from them, and being more forgiving towards ourselves when we make mistakes. The mirrors you give are very, very giving. They're always a lesson even in little comments you make.(Joe)Allowing people to make their own mistakes and learn their own lessons without freaking out. If there's something you have an emotional attachment to, to allow them to experience what they need to experience without trying to control them...(Scottie) I was thinking that, ya know, Ark told me I have to read this book on discipline for example, or Laura tells me something, and of course I sometimes do it, and in some cases I don't do it. And in the case of a master, the master says "Do it", but the thing is like... I mean I could list all the things that I've learned and all the times that like, ya know,I sat down with Laura and she pointed things out to me and everything, but... What's my point? It's like......... I dunno how do you list all the specific 50 million ways in which you and Ark have...(G***) One thing that has been on my mind is how many things seemed to be learned in a living network here in our interactions that are not so easy to be explained in a virtual network, and perhaps our ability to teach these dynamics here in a virtual network is what's needed.

Thank you
Al Today said:
Thank you Laura. I think an old saying is if one thinks they may be going crazy, they may not be going crazy (since they can recognize it).How does one know if they should have more commitment (work harder) or if they have the "wrong' if not the "necessary" genetics for progression?

genetics or no genetics,

I think it depends on your sincere intent, there are those who always expect something in return, without effort, one must understand that there is no free lunch.

If one really is sincere about achieving a better understanding of the world, sincere about working on the self, then that in itself is already an enormous part of ''giving all you have'' but then sadly there are those who dwell very deep within programs, these programs block ones own road to understanding and without networking without a feedbackloop, one can never know himself.

From my understanding a great part of this commitment comes from networking, giving to those who ask can also be done by making a blog and spreading truth to those who are interested in it, a small example.

The continuous effort of gaining knowledge combined with the breathing program and by sharing your experiences and interacting/networking on the forum is from my understanding allready a good part on ''commitment''
Very interesting session once again, thank you All !

Just fwiw: I have sometimes imagined how it would be to meet you guys in person and every time I do that I sense this enormous Strength and Light coming from Laura and Ark especially that really overwhelms me with pure (I think) happiness. It doesn't feel fake.. True in every sense of the word.
I'm looking forward to the videos!

I think this is important:

A: Yes there is!!! We said that this practice MUST be accompanied by a commensurate effort to constantly gain knowledge by effort.

当我做这个项目不做君子rding the Work on that day I could hardly get my mind focused on the program. Though when I did it on days when I read the Wave for example, I easily could've cleared my mind. Just an observation.

Thanks again!
First thanks:
Laura, Ark, A***, Joe, DonD, A***l, PL, Allen, C**, Scottie, G***,...

This was a shocker for me , and if attention is there -it will be as well for many.

This is clearly not an ordianary session . I see this as a diffrent door witch some will chosse and others not . More like a separation that is about to happen . A separation bettwen those who allign and commit and those who choose a difrrent experience/door(that will naturally suit their own learning path).

This session made me rethink all from 'the begining'

Many will say thanks(and I'm sure Laura has a 'huge box' full of thanks'es that only takes space in ones life) and show their apeciations and how it helped them ; but it takes more than that ..., it seams important that all group/forum members consider this session carefully.

It seems to me that this 15th of aug 2009 presents a new branch , a new treshhold and from here some will continue on the old/same way and still others will embrace (only with hard work) a 'continuated' way with new and exciting knoladge to come.

Hard days for Laura and team as well as for us (the forum members)...if we want to keep a stedy pace , than twice as much work is needend , since i'm sure Laura has allready gone in overdrive.

please excuse/understand my language limitations and the tone of harshness in my words.
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