New Q&A video on YouTube



Jedi Master
I've put up the first of a new series of videos on YouTube called Q&A with Laura Knight-Jadczyk. I have about 30 of these taped, so I'll be shooting for putting up about 3 per week for the next 10 weeks.

Please head over and take a look, vote up, comment, and pass the link on wherever you can (Facebook, your YouTube channel, etc.)
cool ! :)
thumbs up and up to my favorites ! :D

I may add a comment too
Great news and thanks so much for that Burma Jones.:love:

Will do that as soon as I get home.:clap:
Cool, indeed! I really like this idea of Q&A and the editing is all perfect. I also find that Laura is really good at presenting/answering the question, with her emotions coming through. It touched me. It really makes you think about what is being said seriously. Will look forward to see more, and will help with passing on this video. Thanks for making these!
what I find interesting; when you look at the view count of this video it says "0 invocations", and in the same time "4 likes ".
so at least 4 people have watched it yet including me but the view count is still zero.

I always found it strange that some videos on youtube (mostly those videos that have a real message) have a view count that is so low.
is there a technical reason for that, wich I'm not aware of ?
or is youtube controling the view count ?
Excellent. Great idea. Look forward to watching as they are published.
我喜欢像Laur sott文章的闪光a mentions the various things. The signs of the times have always been there!

Good job! Can't wait to hear the rest!
Really liked it. Thanks for doing this!
Great news and what a pleasant surprise! Can't wait to watch those. :)
Wonderful video of Laura. I like the Q&A format. And, you can hear the urgency of the situation in Laura's voice. Looking forward to the others.
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