Hive mind - do we have to worry about this?



Jedi Master
This is a recent post on this forum that attracted my attention:Is Miles Mathis Real? Is the "Phoenician Navy" behind everything?

to get the context, please read his earlier posts in this thread. This is the last one:

They give six locations for "hives". One in the Italian alps. One under the Atlantic, between Greenland and Canada, almost in the center. One in mainland china, near Beijing. Another in England, in the north part, in the vales, very near to where we have the "secret" NSA base that "listens" and spies the world. I even have the Lat. and Long for that one - it turns out to be in an area where the locals tell me there are a number of natural caves. The message for China and England are in the form of IP numbers. When you research them, they belong to "in-house" IPs that have supposedly never been issued, and are kept in reserve for some reason, although it's been ten years or more on the one in England. Perhaps they are used in-house.
Another one is just outside Paris, in a neighborhood, of all things. The one in China is downtown facing a large park and an interstate highway. I have no idea as to what this means - overall, but they seem to be very concerned or worried about these, for our sakes. Perhaps they have more experience than we do.
I hope they don't represent yet another slave race, because that would suck. I hope they can offer at least some good experience-based advice.
I would like to be able to finish a couple of my books before I publish this - because they will definitely try something that I don't need to experience, I'm sure, based on them blowing up my website twice, and my home computers numerous times just for mentioning it.
我可能会把钱从冷杉t books and do a hit and run...
I've sunken up a little bit into the thread on and it really sparked my imagination. OP made interesting digression, where he revealed that he's a former cryptographer, and it took him 5 years to decode messages contained in "fast burst" transmissions:

Jim Duyer said:
Here's the thing. There have been reported a multitude of what are now called "fast burst" transmissions. They represent communications from space. Piggy-backing upon those signals are messages that can be deciphered. I have translated six of them. One part of one message gave a series of numbers and letters. Those correspond to the bridge naming scheme of this Canadian area. Another gave warnings of upcoming catastrophic events. Others speak of "hives", some six so far named, that represent supposed alien occupancy below ground, in caverns both natural and manufactured. They warn us that the occupants are harmful to humanity. There are pages and pages of message contents. After I translated those, I looked back on the Wow signal and translated it, and then the long-delayed echos, and Tesla's own message. After much time, all were translated, from more than 130 years of time. Each uses a different system of encryption. They are not easy to decipher - it took me five years in total. I tried to announce this and publish my work, and got called everything but a white man. I was disgusted, and tired of fighting the inbred imaginations of most of the people. Some were very interested. Others hated me with a passion. Why? I did not call them up. I did not ask to be able to do this. And I did not use it in any fashion - but they still exhibited hatred. I put all of it away, and have not looked at it for almost three years. I may publish one day, for free to the world, or I may just take it with me. I really get angry when people react that way, when all I was trying to do was share what was being sent to us. It does not originate with me, indeed, it originates at a location which they provided me with, down to eight digits, and it represents a specific amount of astral units in space, less than 50 light years away is all I will say at this time, but I did translate the exact location.
If it is a hoax, it was done starting 130 years ago and has continued, in different forms, since then.
I don't think it is one.
I have no agenda to lie about this - since I have decided not to publish. When I first mentioned it to some of the people that I thought might get the word out on the news - I lost four computers. My IT tech guy, (and I am a programmer myself and know quite a bit about computer software) agrees with me that it was what he called "military grade trojans". Four times, four computers, all hard-drives and the memory itself was corrupted along with the mother boards being useless. And that was just for mentioning some things on the net.
I can not afford that type of hostility. I don't need the publicity. I no longer care about the topic.
I now write on history, mostly ancient history. I have had Zero problems since I put that stuff away.
That's my true story. But I can tell you that, apparently there are more than one group here on earth,
according to the messages. They scare the group that is sending us communications. They indicate
that they will help us to a point, but without any direct involvement - only information. And as I said,
they are afraid of the group that is "sitting" over us.
So, let the laughter begin, but no name calling, please. I do not ask you to believe me. I really don't
如果你不。我不会回答的追求ions and I am not interested in doing anything further with this topic at this time. I answered a question about Tesla, and that is the total extent of
this topic. Thanks for your understanding.

And yes, I have a tested IQ of 145, with 6 years working as a US Navy Cryptographer, and many, many
years of programming experience. Thus I was able to break their codes after five years work.
Think about that last part - five entire years of having your brain scream at you because you were
just a few neurons away from understanding what it said - until the slow breakthroughs came,
and then a total understanding of how they think, to some extent. And then, when I did read
the messages, I felt like throwing up. I was physically sick to my stomach for weeks after reading

Jim Duyer said:
It's bad. Really bad. The ones that communicate are telling us that the ones that are here and have been, are like hive creatures, in their words.

He gives some specific locations of the underground "hives" (bases):
Jim Duyer said:
They give six locations for "hives". One in the Italian alps. One under the Atlantic, between Greenland and Canada, almost in the center. One in mainland china, near Beijing. Another in England, in the north part, in the vales, very near to where we have the "secret" NSA base that "listens" and spies the world. I even have the Lat. and Long for that one - it turns out to be in an area where the locals tell me there are a number of natural caves. The message for China and England are in the form of IP numbers. When you research them, they belong to "in-house" IPs that have supposedly never been issued, and are kept in reserve for some reason, although it's been ten years or more on the one in England. Perhaps they are used in-house.
Another one is just outside Paris, in a neighborhood, of all things. The one in China is downtown facing a large park and an interstate highway. I have no idea as to what this means - overall, but they seem to be very concerned or worried about these, for our sakes. Perhaps they have more experience than we do.
I hope they don't represent yet another slave race, because that would suck. I hope they can offer at least some good experience-based advice.
I would like to be able to finish a couple of my books before I publish this - because they will definitely try something that I don't need to experience, I'm sure, based on them blowing up my website twice, and my home computers numerous times just for mentioning it.
我可能会把钱从冷杉t books and do a hit and run - hit the road and publish while travelling and then run. Why not?

The 6th one is located in:
Jim Duyer said:
Corona, NM
There are no coincidences in our period of slavery. I translated that location five years ago. And, in my personal experience in vast amounts of research, any time that there is something that they wish to hide or wish us to not remember or not pay attention to, they use the same name but apply it to a musician, rock group, movie, art work, important person, or physical structure. So that anytime you search for clues with that name, you end up with a bunch of crap that has nothing to do with it.
Try searching Corona, NM incident and see what you get today.

有一个原因的。而且似乎that the weirdest names, the ones that are ancient Assyrian or
Keltic or Sumerian, whatever - some black singer decides to adopt that as his/her name. No disrespect to the blacks, but do you really believe that they came up with that idea, and not their "managers"?

Underground bases and their locations were also mentioned by C's:
Session 9 October 1994 said:
Q: (L) Are there alien bases in the United States?

A: Yes. New Mexico, Colorado, Off Florida, Appalachia, California.

Q: (L) Are these underground bases?

A: Yes. Also under water.

But the most interesting part for me is that OP want's to publish his research:
Jim Duyer said:
I'm sorry if I misled you in any way. My readings use the word "hive", but from the context and theme that surround that word, it means, at least to me, more like an area where there are a large number of them gathered - more like a base than an ant-hive, for instance. And by hive I believe they were also indicating that there was a small opening or presentation to the humans, but it represented many levels with quite a few aliens in it. They seem to indicate that they look like us, the ones that are now here among us, and have been for tens of thousands of years. No mention of any dimensional things either. They are very clear in that the laws of Einstein are not correct in the universe, and they communicate in real time, or very close to it. How, is another question I wish to put to them.
I know the frequency to use, the format to create the message in (the language if you wish), and when I can gather enough decent people together I will probably attempt to communicate. I also was given a type of pass-code so that they know who is generating the message.

They are very clear, in more than one of the messages, that they do not, repeat not, wish to communicate with anyone aligned with our government or religious leaders. Perhaps they know more than we about that situation, I don't know.

I would like other eyes to look at the communications, and I will publish them. As I said, I am being very spoiled in that I wish my other books to be published first - I have a right to garner something from my years of work, an I need sufficient funds in order to do this project. I may offer a funding type deal with a copy of the book earlier than others who don't donate - I'm not yet sure how I will do it.

I don't need a lot of money, but enough to see that this one gets the chance that it deserves before the powers that be squash it (and me?).

I know someone in Europe that I will not name, that has received some of what I have decoded, and perhaps even some that I have not seen. His book was bought, and the rights to it, along with a non-disclosure, prior to it getting out to the public. It will now never be released.

I will not go that route, but I am stubbornly sticking to my plan.
Back to work, now, see you later.
Really looking forward to see his work in that regard.
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