'Humanity not yet ready' - Aliens asked not to be revealed says former head of Israel's Space Program



Dagobah Resident

I'd like to discuss this article :
(Source :Former Head of Israel’s Space Program: The Aliens Asked Not To Be Revealed, Humanity Not Yet Ready)

On the same subject :

My first question would be :why now ?
My first question would be :why now ?
A simple starter to the issue you raise Bastian might beCui bono- who benefits from such a provocation as this article raises.

Then one looks at the source, Prof. Eshed, and we learn

When he returned, he was appointed head of the research and development department in theIntelligence Corps.

That effectively means Mossad. So we're already deep down a musty tunnel... alien disclosure (what does that even mean/or not mean mores to the point) meets the world's most notoriously motto...

By way of deception thou shalt make war

So takes us back to those great watch words of Sir Walter Scott:
Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!

I would suggest therefore that there's not much here but tangles, and webs, and spiders and a whole lot of nothing designed as usual to send the researcher down ever spiraling holes - wherein though shalt be eaten...

'Wait, learn and see; all will be revealed in good time...' might be our watch words in return.

(...) I would suggest therefore that there's not much here but tangles, and webs, and spiders and a whole lot of nothing designed as usual to send the researcher down ever spiraling holes - wherein though shalt be eaten...

'Wait, learn and see; all will be revealed in good time...'might be our watch words in return.
Yes, I do agree ! Let's wait 'n' see...
The fact that it is being published by the legacy media is the real red flag. Otherwise it is certainly possible that some people decide to speak out before they die. Though I suppose he would be breaking NDE agreements and sworn secrecy statements, unless he was given the go ahead.

It looks like a part of the limited disclosure, for unknown purposes.
Despite his official credentials, it is not said that he is told what the inner core of the power structures thinks or knows. He might be told what he "needs" to be told according to his personality, rank, and usefulness to the PTB. The funny thing is that what he says (or was told anyway) is how pathetic the super secretive people who are in contact with aliens (according to his story, nothing says whether it's true or not, we only have his words) are. Aliens tell them not to say anything, so they lower their heads and obey. Aliens tell them that "humanity" is not ready, and they accept that with no questions, as if aliens can know humanity better than the almost humans they are.

We know that they are not in charge, facing the mutidimensional reality of the alien/ufo phenomenon. However, telling everybody that they are this pathetic while maintaining the illusion that it is about a material civilisation from another planet in the same material plane of existance is unlikely.
Oh my god! Aliens are real! A MOSSAD operative said...




But seriously, itisan interesting item. When Israel says or does something provocative, it pays to think three steps deeper than the surface statement and to watch your back. And your neighbor's back. And maybe any tall buildings you have along your skyline.

And even more seriously...

As I understand things (and the assumption I've been operating under for the last couple decades), the Israeli intelligence services are the darkest, meanest, most evil on the planet, with long and deep ties to 4D STS. So yeah, they know all about the seamy underpinnings of reality. If they're talking aliens, then there can be nothing but dark and game-theorized intention behind whatever twisted story they're spinning.
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Oh my god! Aliens are real! A MOSSAD operative said...




But seriously, itisan interesting item. When Israel says or does something provocative, it pays to think three steps deeper than the surface statement and to watch your back. And your neighbor's back. And maybe any tall buildings you have along your skyline.

And even more seriously...

As I understand things (and the assumption I've been operating under for the last couple decades), the Israeli intelligence services are the darkest, meanest, most evil on the planet, with long and deep ties to 4D STS. So yeah, they know all about the seamy underpinnings of reality. If they're talking aliens, then there can be nothing but dark and game-theorized intention behind whatever twisted story they're spinning.
Not a shred of accuracy to either announcement, in my opinion. Feels more fake than something very fake. Purpose? Office politics? Piss somebody special off? Encrypted message?
To say these things in such a frontal way aims at the following:

1) Discredit and Ridicule

For most people, this is ridiculous, conspiratorial. So they will ignore it and not give it the seriousness it deserves.

2) He who warns does not betray.

In a way this is related to free will. If, for example, they give the warning of an imminent alien invasion, but point 1 is fulfilled, the aliens will have carte blanche for the invasion. After all, by ignoring the warning, we gave consent.
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