
I would like Polish users (but also others who can comment) to write what they think or know about the activities of Mr. Maciej Maciak, whom I have mentioned on the forum, among others, here:
I trusted him to some extent, but I have doubts that he is not being steered to identify "Russian influence".
I would like Polish users (but also others who can comment) to write what they think or know about the activities of Mr. Maciej Maciak, whom I have mentioned on the forum, among others, here:
I trusted him to some extent, but I have doubts that he is not being steered to identify "Russian influence".
I think secret services may be watching him and observing how the DiP movement is developing and then act according to those info. Ofc it is also possible that Maciak is already recruited, who knows; it's possible since they recently stopped banning him on yt like before. Why now, after how DiP is growing and right before the election? Why does he have so much freedom in his actions?

I guess there are several options: 1) they already know it's not gonna threaten the system so they ignore it, they know DiP is not gonna collect enough signatures to fully participate in the elections etc, 2) they do it on purpose and wait for it to develop to act accordingly, 3) the whole movement was created to lure "awake" people and then vanish into the thin air changing nothing and wasting everyone's time, again dividing antisystem 4) secret services are incompetent and don't do anything.

I guess we will have some idea when it becomes clear if people managed to collect enough signatures to register an electoral committee. I hope they manage because i'm curious what happens next and how it will all turn out.
I've read a very good article today about Poland as a West neo-colony. It accurately describes how Poland today lives in her own reality, detached from the objective. It also answers why the general population perceives Russia as some kind of enemy, It's rooted in the most primary motivations, a subject of generation-lasting social programming.

Neocolonialism, or proletarianization states and nations. Its rise and fall [fragment]

Forms of neo-colonialism

(...) The greatest degree of neo-colonial dependence occurs when the entire - or almost all - population of a neo-colonial state believes that foreign powers actually care about its development and that such a state truly enjoys full sovereignty. It can be said that this is perfect neo-colonialism. This requires the colonialist state to have great skills in using propaganda, manipulating perception, keeping millions of people in false beliefs about their real situation and creating convincing facades, the true meaning of which most do not understand. This became possible, first of all, thanks to the "mass destruction" media, which create a false image of the situation and instill false beliefs about reality, and secondly, the possibility of artificially increasing consumption. Generally, the idea is to create a very convincing illusion of development and prosperity, so that the inhabitants of the neo-colony genuinely believe that everything is as it should be. Thanks to this, they are fully satisfied with the situation and do not try to change it. Without a doubt,an example of such a neocolony is Poland, economically, politically and ideologically colonized mainly by the USA, Germany and Israel(which countries I called the "Bermuda Triangle" in one of my lectures). But of course other Western former colonial powers – including Great Britain, the Netherlands and France – are also involved in this process. Therefore, let us take a closer look at this issue on the example of Poland.

Techniques for generating false consciousness

The essence of false consciousness is the discrepancy between what we subjectively consider to be the "obvious obvious" and how things actually are. In the case of the Polish neo-colonial mentality, it is about the false belief that Western countries - to put it as simply as possible - "wanted good for us", i.e. that they actually wanted to liberate our region from Russian and communist slavery, about our sovereignty and political freedom, for our economic development and prosperity, so that we can "live like in the West". Behind this was extremely professional and sophisticated propaganda, mainly American, which raised the American lifestyle to the rank of an objective and absolute ideal for all humanity. This ideal is, of course, democracy, free markets and consumerism. The falsity of this belief, of course, lies in the fact that Western countries were least concerned about us, but rather about the possibility of taking control over our region and exploiting it, and above all about preventing, for example, Poland from actually becoming the "second Japan", that is, competition for the German economy, for example. This is a brief summary of Poles' beliefs about the actual situation.

In order to carry out the operations of neo-colonization of Poland and our region, it was first necessary to properly furnish and position human - including Polish - heads. Hence, in the post-war years, consumption in Western countries began to be fueled literally at any cost, in order to show the inhabitants of socialist countries that life is better under capitalism and democracy.And of course, the standard of living of the average citizen grew faster and better there. But the costs of this process were, of course, kept secret. And these included, first of all, reprinting the dollar and exporting the resulting inflation around the world, which was made possible by the fact that the dollar was the world's reserve currency after the war and the means of international settlements. In addition, American companies exploited everything they could, using various international institutions, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. So Americans could live beyond their means, while others bore the cost. But for propaganda purposes it worked perfectly.美国电影的机械industry did everything in its power to, under the guise of producing feature films or TV series, actually promote the American "way of life". Viewers around the world watched attractively shot and interestingly told stories, and at the same time their eyes and ears absorbed specially staged images of happy people - because they had access to unlimited consumption. It was probably the best thought-out and conducted marketing in the world! What's more:when it comes to Poles, almost no one seems to understand to this day that it was only marketing, aimed at making Poles want to be similar to Americans in everything.And that in this way an almost unlimited demand for everything American was created... The Germans used a similar strategy, but the cinematography obviously played a smaller role here, because Poland is closer to Germany and you could even go there or see something brought from the Federal Republic of Germany by friends. Essentially, it was about creating a perception that the West was paradise. There was no mention of the debts of the Western countries, which they incurred to finance this artificial prosperity machine; there was no mention of the private debts of people enslaved by consumerism; there was no mention of the epidemic of addictions, depressions, suicides, disintegration of interpersonal bonds or even mental degradation of people; about environmental pollution and tons of garbage; about the growing power of private corporations, whose policy Noam Chomsky once called corporate totalitarianism. All the costs of this operation of building one large western Potemkin village were carefully hidden, and if anyone talked about them, it was a "Kremlin agent" spreading "communist propaganda".

Hence, the collapse of the USSR had the status of a parousia for Poles, as it was celebrated as the coming of the American messiah who would liberate Poles from Russian and communist captivity, and then lead them to the paradise of Western democracy and consumerism.History ended, Good defeated Evil, caring for national interests was stigmatized as primitive selfishness disturbing the harmonious cooperation of all nations in this earthly paradise, where everyone supposedly became just brothers and sisters enjoying democracy and prosperity. And the elites of Western countries counted the profits, which were gigantic. Because, of course, it was necessary to give the newly acquired neocolonies a sense of prosperity; you had to make money on them after all. Hence, instead of tanks, representatives of foreign companies came and built their factories and markets here, so that the indigenous people had a place to earn money and then had money to buy foreign products. The construction is as simple as a flail. Andthe population did not feel conquered and exploited, because they believed in the perfectly constructed myth of "liberation" and "regaining independence", confirmed by the successive improvement of their own standard of living.The media have also been colonized by foreign capital or people who were completely indoctrinated with Western propaganda, and people pointing to what was really going on were simply not invited or ridiculed. Mock debates and discussions were organized in which regime experts took part. A total embargo was imposed on information that could expose the neo-colonial nature of Western policy. Poles reveled in consumption, so what more could you want?

我们达到新殖民主义的主要问题。Most modern people are outraged by the statements of colonial countries that they raised the civilization level of the indigenous people, which was undoubtedly a fact from the point of view of material culture. Metropolises built roads, public buildings, schools and hospitals. However, these same people do not see a problem in the fact that global free trade benefited a handful of the richest post-colonial elites - they were and are often exactly the same people, the same families, the same companies who currently exploit cheap labor all over the globe, offering in return the opportunity to purchase its products... In one word: consumption above all! Andthis is the essence of neo-colonialism: participation in consumerism at the price of blocking one's own production possibilities.In the most advanced version of neo-colonialism, as is the case in Poland, people's minds are so controlled that they do not feel the need to have their own industry, because foreign products are better anyway. So why have your own?

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