"September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" Best Documentary on 9/11 so far!


I've just watched/listened to the French version of this documentary (that can be found there :
_http://www.reopen911.info/11-septembre/mise-en-ligne-du-documentaire-11-septembre-le-nouveau-pearl-harbor/ )

Wow ! Indeed, that's a terrific one. Just lacking the link with M*ss*d...

What was interesting : while I was watching/listening to it, I observed two emotional/programed reactions in myself :
- the first one wasfearduring the first part of the doc. Though I'm into "conspiracy theories" since many years (well, since nov 2001), the range of the lies about 9/11 is so large, contrary to the naive thinking/trust in PTB...
- the second one waswilling to reactduring the third part of the doc. "What can we do right now to fight this evil gvt" and so on.

Then I've calmed down. I'll probably act (not react) by promoting this praiseworthy documentary around me, in a first time.
This unique material was shot from one of the boats that ended up evacuating about half a million people from Lower Manhattan on 9/11.

Unique, rare 9/11 material shot from the Hudson
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HbD_Q6kmh8 (7:28 min.)
Il y a 22 ans le plus gros mensonge de l'histoire.... Ne jamais oublier de ce qu'ils sont capables de faire...
Dans une interview avec la TV danoise, l'ex Premier ministre du Danemark Poul Nyrup Rasmussen révèle qu'il fut prévenu à l'avance de l'effondrement de la 1ère des tours jumelles ...
5 à 10 minutes avant qu'elle ne s'effondre réellement ! Ce témoignage est pour le moins troublant car l'effondrement des tours jumelles fut selon la version officielle totalement inattendu, à tel point que les pompiers ne reçurent aucun ordre d'évacuer les tours et que nombre d'entre eux périrent lors de leur effondrent. Qui donc avait prévenu Poul Nyrup Rasmussen ?

22 years ago the biggest lie in history.... Never forget what they are capable of...In an interview with Danish TV, the former Prime Minister of Denmark Poul Nyrup Rasmussen reveals that he was warned in advance of the collapse of the first of the twin towers...5 to 10 minutes before it actually collapses! This testimony is disturbing to say the least because the collapse of the twin towers was according to the official version totally unexpected, so much so that the firefighters received no order to evacuate the towers and many of them perished when they collapsed. Who had warned Poul Nyrup Rasmussen?

Ils nous ont servi une fable, celle de terroristes apprenant à voler (quelques heures seulement) sur des petits Cessna, puis capables de faire des prouesses avec qu'AUCUN PILOTE au monde n'a jamais reconnu pouvoir répéter.

They served us a fable, that of terrorists learning to fly (for only a few hours) on small Cessnas, then capable of performing feats with which NO PILOT in the world has ever admitted being able to repeat.

天后les媒体变量加上他们做阵痛等sayer d'explorer ce que les pompiers et milliers d'autres témoignages ont entendu ce jour là... c'est à dire de multiples autres explosions...

Then the media no longer did their job and tried to explore what the firefighters and thousands of other testimonies heard that day... ie multiple other explosions...
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