Reality Transurfing - Vadim Zeland

Thank you for this recommendation. For anyone interested there is polish translation - "Transfering rzeczywistości" in 8 volumes. Volume 9 is the small book.
I'm at about page 250 now, and, like I said, there are some contradictions in what he says. In one earlier section, he pretty much advocates what appears to be a withdrawal from life - you know, get your own life fixed up and don't worry about anybody or anything else. And then, I just read where he says that awareness is due to knowledge and paying attention. But obviously, not paying attention to politics or global situations. So, it seems clear that he has no awareness of the potential for serious global/planetary stress and the fact that the times are coming - pretty much now, in fact - when one will not be able to avoid the control system.

On the other hand, it seems to me that if a group of people could use some of his practical assessments of how our reality works in concert, as a group, a network, it might very well be possible to shift to a different timeline exactly as I described in the "Knowledge and Being" videos. It's all about choosing at nodal points in your life, shifting to other timelines/reality constructs.

And, we can't forget the Cs saying that we should "sit back and enjoy the show." That is certainly well explicated by Vadim, though not in those exact words. Our approach has been to be awake and aware and look at reality long and hard so that we can practice seeing the unseen AND get over our emotional reactions to things because we realize that one day, we may not have the option of avoiding.

I have come across a few more bits and bobs that might suggest that he is familiar with some of the Cs ideas even if he came by them via some other route. As we know, people started borrowing and mixing up Cs information years ago so there's a lot out there by now. In some cases, it appears to help even if it is not connected to its source, but in others, it has been so twisted and distorted that it does nothing but make things worse.

In the case of Vadim, assuming that there is some connection to Cs ideas, he seems to me to have done a generally decent job. But then, like I said earlier, it also appears to be mainly a rational analysis and interpretation of reality from a strictly 3D perspective utilizing a bit of physics and computer science.
的chapter on Lucid Dreaming - which he isn't actually recommending, but is using as an example for his discussion - moves into what he calls "external intention". Pay attention here because what he is talking about is what the Cs call "non-anticipation". I think that the Cs term is less ambiguous and problematical because it clearly describes the necessary state.

的assignment is to READ/WEED!!!!

As others have said, had this not come recommended, i probably would never have looked at it. But, as it is, i'm about 50 pages in and - bearing in mind what Laura has said above - i'm considering the information against what we've discussed here as well as the practicalities of actually applying it and there do appear to be a number of things there that one could at least try out; knowing that if one does try them out they're unlikely to lead to a negative outcome, and could maybe even be beneficial.

So there's the practicle applications but these are obviously set in a grander scheme of things.

Below are some thoughts, but maybe i'm misunderstanding things so, FWIW:

One of the simpler examples that i don't think is new to us on the forum is that, rather than focusing too intently on a problem you're trying to solve, because by doing so your conscious mind (?) is likely limiting the available solutions, instead stop focusing on the problem and 'empty' the mind and the solution will likely come to you (from the information field or whatever). This, if i recall correctly, is a bit like the system 1/system 2 idea of the mind?

Either way, regarding that example above, at least in my experience, i have found that assessing the problem at hand and then 'forgetting about it' only to then have a solution come to me at a later time to be often true.

Another example i think we've discussed here on the forum is that, in situations where you're a target, by consciously and deliberately acting like a'gray rock', is choosing to not feed the person/situation. But also, if we make conscious efforts to think about that person and in how we act towards them in different ways to those we normally would (positively, for example - so long as you're not dealing with a pathological person) you can help to change the situation. Because when you act in unexpected/unscripted ways the person/situation is also 'forced' to.

This also makes sense because our programs can make us react rather primitively, we've been hijacked, we get into predictable power plays and the like, but in trying different approaches we create the possibility of different outcomes. He gives an example of dealing with a boss to show what he means.

He talks about how our unconscious beliefs create our reality; what we're really giving energy to, even if we're not totally aware of it, is what we're creating in our life.

What comes to mind is that if we live as though we have nothing and hold tightly to the little that we do have then we're unlikely to sow anything; we're unconsciously creating a reality of 'lack'. Whereas if we are aware of these feelings of lack we have, but we still give like the "widows mite", 'make space', we get energy flowing and we open the possibility of allowing the universe to give back in return. There's also the idea here of non-anticipation, i think.

He talks about how the Pendulum/s need and want to be fed in expected ways, but by knowing how the Pendulum functions, we can choose to act differently and thus stop feeding it, and perhaps maybe even benefit from it.

To me, he tends to talk about Pendulum's in a negative light but then at the same time he also says that someone who isgenuinelyhappy in their place in the world may have actually found the 'Pendulum' that is right for them.

With regards to Pendulums, which, in some ways, sound to me like 'thought forms', one particular quote from the C's comes to mind:

A: Nobody who obeys the "rules" can afford to "live," but if you refuse to play the gameas you are told to, you will do quite well, indeed.

Anyway, there's a lot more in the 50 pages i've read, and my understanding my be way off, but those are just some thoughts that come to mind.
I’m only 4% in and I’m already loving this book. It’s helped to create a better image of the concept of infinite possibilities for me. If I understand it correctly - if you put aside the STS aspect of having whatever you want like when Zeland said he “ordered a sunny day” - he makes some neat analogies to explain quantum wave collapse which was something I only had a vague picture of in my head before.

的cooling ring moving along the tube of water made a lot of sense. So if the molecules of water/possible realities don’t move and we are the ones moving through the realities then I guess you could potentially map out infinite 3D choices on a 2D map. Imagine you are looking at a map of the world, only it’s a map of possible choices, and one map is equivalent to a second of a person’s life. Then when you make a choice and the next moment comes along there is a whole new map with another infinite set of choices.

You could stack those maps of possibilities on top of each other each branching out to new maps and new realities, like a fractal. You could zoom in and out of each stack and focus in on a single moment and branch out in any direction again eternally. Thinking about it that way makes it easier for me to understand how a 4D being with access to something like this could just pop in and out of any “moment in time” and fiddle about with things. There could even be some outcomes or events that are more magnetic than others; eventually drawing a person towards it through the labyrinth of choices.

Anyway, I’m really enjoying the book and can’t wait to read on!
我只是读完Zeland活力的过程ualizing in order to move yourself from one timeline to another. He doesn't use the term timeline or "alternate reality", which are the words we are used to, but rather "alternatives space flows" and "target lifeline". The steps taken to get from one to another are the "transfer chain." That is basically what I diagrammed in the Knowledge and Being videos as the way to move from one timeline to another: you have to go by stages which are demarcated by decisions/nodal points. That is, you have to DO things all the while you are intending and that includes basic things AND looking for opportunities that will be presented.

So, Zeland is saying the same thing. In fact, so far, he is just saying a whole lot of stuff the Cs have said, or things I've said, or things that have been worked out by forum members. He avoids going into discussions of other densities or speculating on what is behind it all but that doesn't detract from what he is basically doing since he is focused on just trying to teach people how to have a good life and avoid being eaten, so to say. It is pretty much focused on "getting what you want/having the life you want" so far as I've seen and I'm about halfway through it.

His knowledge base is excellent; I've only noted a couple of gaffes; his psychology is good and the main thing is his talent for explaining and giving good examples and metaphors. The reading is clear and easy and he isn't the least bit concerned with citing sources or references which is okay when the reader also knows the material, but can be very bad when an author wants to put something over on somebody. So far, there is none of that sort of thing and Zeland comes across as a thoroughly nice guy.
And the author'sTelegram channelwhere you can download the audiobook of the big book.
的link did not work for me but this:Vadim Zeland (author)可能会。必须注册一个电报。的audio was when I looked pinned on top, but downloading did nor work for me, but I guess there is a way.
On Vadim Zeland has quite many books inRussiansome inEnglish
This blog of Vadim Zeland has all the books online in RussianВадим Зеланд - читать книги онлайн бесплатно
OnTransurfingparts of it is translated into German, English, Swedish and French, in general since the books are translated into many languages, one might see what is available locally.

I just listened to the following lecture Zeland gave in France, in 2012. The lecture is in Russian, and the French translation was taken out. Unfortunately couldn't find the full lecture with French translation, but maybe others will have better luck.

In any case, I have to admit that at first when I saw him wearing these big sunglasses, I was quite sceptical.;-)He reminded me of all kind of Russian "esoterics" from the 90's. But then, after listening to the lecture, I found his words reasonable and very similar to what we discuss on the forum and SOTT. Very curious.

他说主要是bout our current way of living in the modern "technosphere", system of control, health and the importance of proper diet, the increasing prevalence of cancer and already existing methods of healing it (like Warburg hypothesis), GMOs, biosphere, dangers of EMF and smartphones, information hygene, etc.

After listening to the video I found a translation in English "cliebe1eng.docx" 7.6Mb pdf and 18 pages. The link I had did not work except in one browser(?), so instead of a link I have attached the file.


  • cliebe1eng.docx.pdf
    7.5 MB · Views: 24
Chapter IX: Things are starting to break down a bit now. His "external intention" which clearly works the way Cs described non-anticipation has become some kind of super-duper creative potential - almost like a character. He goes on about Guardian angels for a bit. And then, the most bizarre discussion about how anybody can become a "star" - and here he means like Hollywood/Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous - and even seems to be encouraging this as a goal. His interweaving of his descriptions of "pendulums" gets a little wacky: now they are created by human beings, and his take on stars, rich and famous, etc, is just utterly naive to put it kindly.

I won't say he doesn't know anything about psychopathy because I haven't finished the book, but so far, he does not indicate that he does; and his lack of knowledge of densities and STS vs STO makes a lot of what he is saying at this point just simply useless. He says that "stars" and the "rich and famous" are the chosen one of the pendulums, which are evil and are going to devour you if you don't escape them, but then, if you are lucky, you can become a star and be the "darling" of a pendulum. ???!!!!

的breakdown in clarity and quality of the ideas is very trying at this point and my brain gets tired very quickly trying to make any sense of it. My gut/heart also goes into conniptions, so it's not just the failure of logic. It's almost like somebody else took over the writing here.
And then, the most bizarre discussion about how anybody can become a "star" - and here he means like Hollywood/Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous - and even seems to be encouraging this as a goal. His interweaving of his descriptions of "pendulums" gets a little wacky: now they are created by human beings, and his take on stars, rich and famous, etc, is just utterly naive to put it kindly.

It's fascinating. From the little I've read from the Pendulums chapter (chapter 2), one would think that on the contrary, being at the apex of the "pendulum's" intellectual/social/emotional phenomenon would be linked to a total loss of individuality, not something to be celebrated or aimed at.
It's fascinating. From the little I've read from the Pendulums chapter (chapter 2), one would think that on the contrary, being at the apex of the "pendulum's" intellectual/social/emotional phenomenon would be linked to a total loss of individuality, not something to be celebrated or aimed at.

Exactly. His system really breaks down there. And that is, as far as I can see, due to his lack of hyperdimensional knowledge.

But still, he does provide some interesting takes on a number of things, and does suggest some general principles about managing energy that can be useful for the average person, as well as making it simple to understand.

I'll press on, but a bit more slowly right now because the word salad effect that has crept in scrambles my brain! Maybe the writing and ideas will come back on line further on; we'll see.
Thanks for the reviews and comments so far. Perhaps the reading can help to perceive the material of the C's in new ways, shift the attention to areas that have taken a back seat, because while I from time to time search the transcripts when wanting to understand a topic or a question, and while this leads to connecting excerpts and gaining insights, the questions in mind also to some extend determine the return from the searches, and what I later choose to select and relate to the understanding of the question. While writing the above, I cme to think of the "Columbus session" in which the problem Columbus faced when setting out to discover what would become known as The New World was presented. However, there is so much more in the same session:
Session 17 June 1995is found with comments by Laura in Volume 2 of Cassiopaean transcripts. The session is in the printed version prefaced with a short introduction:
Another direct channeling experience with 'Frank' There were some issues with this session at the beginning, but the reader will notice that the dynamic changed and I've given a few pointers as to what I think happened in the footnotes. All in all it turned out to be a very useful and informative session.

Below I have only highlighted a few key words, abduction, because in a sense the high strangeness of that topic maybe led to the others as synchronicity, The Wave, perpendicular realities, Columbus (which was the key to recalling the session), speed, time and reincarnation. Interesting is that the session ends with a question about a cluster of comets. It is all connected
A: Incorrect.Knowledge protects, but there is an old saying on your third density world [(J) I know what's coming...]a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing... [(J) Got it!] and we will add to that "a little bit of knowledge is no knowledge at all." Understood?

Q: (L) Yes... (J) Is this kind of like along the line of "Knowledge out of context is dangerous."

A: That would be accurate as well.

问:(L)好吧,因为我们不会去任何地方with that question, I have another one... a couple of nights ago I did a session with my son to examine the events that took place on August 16, 1993, over my pool, wherein a couple of UFO-type objects were seen by all of us, kind of casually drifting by. In this hypnosis session, after two or three passes through the subject, he indicated that, in fact, that was not merely a sighting of something going overhead, but was actually anabductionsituation. Would that be correct?

[....skipping the part, although also interesting about abduction, which includes comments on the process and the nature of implants. It ends with:]
A: Well, I hope this following statement will not disturb you. Any STS being who possesses a greater power than you do will not have any extreme difficulty in "putting you out of commission" if they so desire. This has happened, of course.

Q: (L) I would like to ask a little bit aboutsynchronicity. I would like to know what is the source of synchronous events. Is it a multiple source or is it something that comes out of the percipient's own mind or... (J) is it random?

A: Imagine a young school child walking along the street, standing beside a rose bush, picking one of the flowers, and asking the flower: "Would you please explain Einstein's theory of relativity to me today." Now, the analogy here is, while humorous, perhaps, is also to point out to you that we admire and appreciate the challenges that you bring to us to answer such complex questions in such a simple form, not to mention such a simple format. However, if we were to answer these accurately and adequately for you when you ask such complicated questions, it would require a session lasting approximately twenty-four of your days non-stop. Needless to say that this would render the subject rather useless and, of course, yourselves as well. So, we aren't simply not able to answer a question as complex as "What is synchronicity" as it is incredibly complex. It involves aspects in every imaginable state of reality merging together in what could best be described, if seen visually, as a massive mosaic in perfect balance. But, that is not adequate to a response for your question however, hopefully, maybe you can contemplate the visual image presented and help yourself to learn a more complete answer.

Q: (T) Several sessions back when we were discussing"Perpendicular Realities"you were talking about something that happened to me and that I had to look back over my life and analyze my relationships with other people from a certain point up until now and you said that this was a perpendicular reality. What is the definition of a perpendicular reality?

A: The perpendicular reality primarily, though not exclusively, refers to one's life path and how one's life path fits together in the cycle or in a wheel when connected with those of a similar life path. And, oddly enough, relates very closely to the previous question involving synchronicity. If you can picture an inlaid wheel formed by a circle within a circle, and adjoining partitions in a perfect balance, that would be the best representation of perpendicular reality for it does not completely involve one individual's experience, but rather a group of individual's experience for the progression of a greater purpose, if you understand what we mean. This is what we mean when we say: perpendicular reality. Picture again, a circle within a circle adjoined by equally spaced partitions in a perfect cycle. That is perpendicular reality.

Q: (T) You had us draw this symbol and put seven spokes or partitions between the two circles.

A: Correct.

Q: (T) Is seven the optimal number?

A: Seven is always the optimal number. There are seven levels of density. This reflects through all phases of reality.

Q: (T) The people that I interacted with during this time, they also have gone on to do other things that they were supposed to be doing because of their interaction with me in this perpendicular reality that we all existed in?

A: That's correct.

Q: (T) You also said that each of us in this group came from a different perpendicular reality.

A: That is correct.

Q: (T) Is it at this point where we merge our different perpendicular realities in order to learn from each other's experiences?

A: That could be described as correct.

Q: (L) It was said at the time that the inner circle was the connection with this reality and that the outer circle and connecting segments were where the perpendicular reality is "joined with的Wave." Is it implied in that statement that the forming of this conduit through these perpendicular realities is instrumental in bringing forth this wave, bringing forth this change, this dimensional shift, or density shift, and is that something that is being done in other places?

A: We wish to congratulate you for asking six questions in one. [(T) One more question and you would have a perfect perpendicular question!] Mirth!

Q: (L) Are we connected in some way with the Wave, individually and as a group?

A: Well, of course.Everything is connected to the wave.

Q: (L) Are we, by connecting into this wheel, so to speak, activating the wave in some way?

A: We are not clear about your interesting interpretation there, but it is true that you have an interactive relationship with the wave however, as stated before,you are in an interactive relationship with the wavein a sense, in thatthe wave is a part of your reality, always has been and always will be.And, of course, it does involve your progress through the grand cycle. And the perpendicular reality, again is, of course, an advancement from the core outward which is yet another reflection of all reality and all that exists. Now, we wish to return to the visual representation as mentioned previously. If you notice the core circle connects with all seven sections to the outer circle. Now, picture that outer circle as being an ever expanding circle, and each one of the seven segments as being an ever expanding line. Of course, now, this will expand outward in a circular or cyclical pattern. Please picture visually an expanding outer circle and a non-expanding inner circle. Contemplate that and then please give us your feelings as to what that represents.

Q: (L) Does it represent an expansion of our knowledge and consciousness?

A: That's part of it.

Q: (L) Does it represent also expanding influence of what and who we are on that which is around us?

A: That is correct.

Q: (L) Does it also represent a more...

A: Oops! We detected a slippage of your visual representation! Contemplate, if you will, the ever-expanding outer circle and the non-expanding inner circle, and, of course, the seven partitions also moving outwardly. What type of shape does that form in your mind's eye?

Q: (L) A wheel?

A: Is that all?

Q: (T) A pie?

A: Keep going.

Q: (L) An eye.

A: Now we are starting to turn it into a sphere! Why would it turn into a sphere?

Q: (L) How can it turn into a sphere?

A: How can it not!

Q: (SV) It is going in ALL directions, not just flat...

A: Is a straight line a straight line or a...

Q: (L) Oh, you're not talking about a circle?

A: We are talking about a circle. What becomes of a circle if you expand it outward forever?

Q: (J) It disappears.

A: It disappears? How can it disappear? Where does it disappear to? We ask you that, Jan? Jan?

Q: (J) Visually, as the outer circle expands, the inner circle becomes smaller and smaller until it disappears. As you continue to expand out with the outer circle, the inner circle disappears.

A: But where does it disappear to?

Q: (J) A black hole?

A: A black hole. Well, that's a possibility. But, we really didn't want you to concentrate so heavily on the smaller circle, now did we? It's the outer circle.

Q: (T) The outer circle is used to encompass more and more.

A: And what shape does it begin to take on? I want you to look at this outer circle expanding outward!

Q: (J) Are we to assume that the seven spokes remain the same size in relation to the circle?

A: Well, answer that question for yourself.

Q: (L) Okay, we are looking at it as a plane representation. As a flat surface.

A: Well, what happens to a flat surface if you extend it outward forever?

Q: (L) Well, we don't know. That, that... (SV) It keeps on going.

A: It keeps on going?

Q: (L) Yeah, bigger and flatter!

A: It does? What happens to a line if you extend it forever and ever?

Q: (Laura and Susan) It keeps on going.

A: It does?

Q: (L) Um hmmm!

A: Where does it go to?

Q: (SV) Forever. (J) Back to itself. (L) We don't know that.

A: Oh, someone said "Back to itself."

Q: (J) Like a snake taking hold of its own tail.

A: Why don't we know that?

Q: (L) Because we don't. It is conjectured that space is curved...

A: "Because we don't know. Now, why don't we know?

Q: (L) Because we haven't been there.

A: Had Columbus been outside of Italy and Spain?

Q: (L) Okay, we are going to assume that if it keeps on expanding it will eventually come back to itself...

A: No, no, no wait! We asked a question!

Q: (L) Well, of course Columbus had an idea that there was something but he hadn't been there, no. But he went and checked it out.

A: Did he have just an idea?

Q: (L) Well, pretty much, I guess.

答:嗯。这不是我们记住它的方式。佤邦y we remember it is that he had instinct and imagination and when he married his instinct with imagination, it became reality. And, when it became reality, he had created a reality which he was fully confident would be manifest in the physical third density reality. It wasn't that he was confident. He knew it to be so. He didn't stop himself by adding prejudice to the equation which is what you are doing when you say: "Well, we don't know what happens because we have never been there!" Think logically, please. We have told you so many times that everything is a grand cycle. If it's a grand cycle, we have told you about circles within circles. We have told you about cycles. We have told you about short wave cycles and long wave cycles. Now, after all this information that you have asked of us, which we have more than happily given to you, would you expect that a straight line would just go out forever and ever and ever as a straight line? How could it possibly do that? What happens if you take, on your third density earth, and you draw a straight line to the East or to the West or to the North or to the South...

Q: (J) It comes all the way back to itself.

A: Right...

Q: (L) Okay, so we're living in a big globe!

A: Are we?

Q: (L) Well, that is what it sounds like, a big circle?

A: Oh, my, my, my. You need more study and learning, my dear. Need more study. Even your Albert Einstein had a theory about what happened.

Q: (L) Yes, but that was just a theory.

A: Oh, well I guess then it must be dropped. We'll never know. It's just a theory. Well, we'll just forget about it.

Q: (T) I'm still expanding the circle... (SV) Me too.

A: Very good, that was the idea. It keeps going and going and going.

Q: (L) Well, mine does too, but it hasn't come back and met anything. So, what's the point?

A: Does there need to be a point?

Q: (L) Of course!

A: Who says? We are trying to help you learn. When do you expect to shut down this process?

Q: (J) Never. (L) Gee, I hope never.

A: Then there never is a point!

Q: (J) Point taken! (L) There is no point. [Laughter.] Well, if you expand the circle outward and continue expanding it in all directions, it pulls the seven spokes with it which encompasses more and more space in a cross section, and then turn that circle, you have a sphere.

A: Precisely. But Laura says that means we are living in a big globe. And, maybe we are.

Q: (T) Well, it wouldn't be a big globe, so to speak, it would only be a big globe within the circle. If the circle continues to expand, it would just continue to go outward and outward and the globe would become bigger and bigger and bigger... (L) You're making me nervous... (T) But it goes outward forever... cause there is no end to going out...

A: There isn't?

Q: (SV) Nope.

A: Well, then maybe there's no beginning.

Q: (T) Well, there wouldn't be a beginning, just a big, open void. An infinite void...

A: If there's no end and no beginning, then what do you have?

Q: (L) No point. (J) The here and now.

A: The here and now which is also the future and the past. Everything that was, is and will be, all at once.This is why only a very few of your third density persons have been able to understand space travel, because even though traveling into space in your third density is every bit as third density as lying on your bed at night in your comfortable home, thetime引用被带走。你持有very close to your bosom as if it were your mother. And, it is the biggest illusion that you have. We have repeatedly told you over and over that there is no time, and yet, of course, you have been so brainwashed into this concept that you cannot get rid of it no matter what you do, now can you? Imagine going out into space. You'd be lost when confronted with reality that everything is completely all at one? Would you not? Picture yourself floating around in space!

Q: (L) I don't want to. (J) There is also no space! (T) Does the sphere keep expanding... as the circle expands and you turn the circle 180 ', you get a sphere. As the sphere continues to expand it, you take a point on the outer edge of the sphere in order to take the sphere about itself, you get a donut, an ever expanding inner tube. (L) With a black hole in the middle! (SV) Why does it have to be a black hole? (J) It's a spiral. (T) If you take that and twist it, you get an even larger inner tube. It just continues to expand and encompasses more space...

答:现在,当你合并密度,或者遍历densities, what you have is the merging of physical reality and ethereal reality, which involves thought form versus physicality.When you can merge those perfectly, what you realize then, is that the reason there is no beginning and no end is merely because there is no need for you to contemplate a beginning or an end after you have completed your development. When you are at union with the One at Seventh density, that is when you have accomplished this and then there is no longer any need for difference between physical and ethereal forms.

Q: (L) On the subject of time as we discussed the other day: we talked about the fact that at the constant of light there is no time, there is no matter, there is no gravity, but that any unit, infinitesimally small to the downward side of the constant of light, suddenly there is gravity and suddenly there is matter. And we asked what is it that congeals this matter out of the energy of light, so to speak, and I believe that the answer we received was that it was consciousness from 7th level. From our perspective, would it be possible to achieve this constant and move through to the other side of it, or at least stay fixed with it, without de-materializing? Is the speed of light interconnected with the state of no time and no gravity?

A: No in an absolute sense, in a third density sense.

Q: (L) Okay, if you are in fourth density, for example, does everything move at the speed of light and is that why there is no time there and no gravity?

A: No. That is an incorrect concept... [(T)的re is no speed of light, light is everywhere.]Precisely.的re is no speed of light in fourth density because there is no need for any "speed."Speed, itself, is a third density concept. You remember,all there is is lessons. That's it! There's nothing else. It is all for your perception. For our perception. For all consciousness. That's all there is.

Q: (L) Well, I am still trying to get a handle on what it is, what is the source of this gravity, this state of time because they seem to be so intimately connected.

A: Let us ask you a question now: Do you remember going toschool?

Q: (L) Yes.

A: What did you do in third grade?

Q: (L) A lot of things. I learned cursive writing. I learned to multiply and divide.

A: Do you remember what you did in first grade?

Q: (L) Yes.

A: Please name one.

Q: (L) I learned to count in several ways. To add and subtract. I learned to read and write. (T) Did you learn to multiply and divide in first grade? (L) No.

A: Okay. When you were in the process of learning to multiply and divide, did you drop your pen or pencil and steadfastly return in your mind to first grade and try and figure out why you had to learn the alphabet?

Q: (L) No.

A: Why not?

Q: (L) Because I already knew it.

A: You already knew it. In other words, you did not need to learn the alphabet because you already knew it. Correct?

Q: (L) Yes.

A: Are you going to need to learn about the speed of light when there is no longer a speed of light?

Q: (L) Well, that is what I am trying to do. Once you learn it, maybe you are not subject to it's lessons anymore. I mean, you get concepts presented, you absorb them, practice them, they become part of you and then you go to the next thing.

是的,但你是问上杉达也的速度t as relates to fourth density and above density levels and we are telling you that there is no speed of light there because there is no need for that, because once you reach fourth density level, you have learned the lessons of third density level.

Q: (L) Well, if a person on third density gets into some kind of vehicle and achieves light speed, does that automatically translate them into fourth density?

A: Could you please point out one of these vehicles?

Q: (L) Well, we don't have any... yet.

A: Do you expect to have any before you go to fourth density?

Q: (L) No.

A: Then the lesson is learned, yes?

Q: (L) Sort of.

A: If you trust in what we are saying, which is in response to what you are asking, then the lesson is learned. Now, contemplate, because all there is is lessons.

Q: (L) Well, you talk about time being an illusion, time being something we hold dear to us like a mother, and that sort of thing, and I would be perfectly happy to let go of time...

A: You do! Let go!

Q: (L) Well, it is one thing to want to do it in your mind and another thing altogether to do it in your system, your internal operating system.

A: Your internal operating system?

Q: (T) Is that DOS or WARM?

A: Could you please explain what an internal operating system is?

Q: (L) I guess it is the subconscious mind.

A: It is?

Q: (L) Maybe.

A: My, my.

Q: (T) The subconscious mind has no idea of time. (J) Time is an artificial constraint... (L) For example: a person can have a belief about prosperity in their conscious mind and can talk about it and say affirmations and all kinds of positive things for themselves, and yet, for some reason that individual continually lives on the edge of poverty because something keeps happening that they keep screwing up to keep themselves at the level of poverty. And, when you start digging around in their subconscious mind you find out that somewhere there is the belief in poverty or there is a past life connection where they feel they need or deserve to be poor, so, their internal operating system takes precedence over their conscious beliefs and thoughts. That is what I am talking about here.

A: Yes, but what is your point.

Q: (L) The point is that you may say that you would like to get rid of time and you may understand it conceptually, but something internal keeps you tied to it. How do you get rid of that internal connection?

一个:internal keeps you tied to it?

Q: (J) Like circadian rhythms, it’s physical.


Q: (L) Well, maybe I am.

A: You see, we speak to all of you when we say this. It's now time for you, as individuals, to try to move away, as much as possible, not to force yourselves, of course, but to try and move away at your own pace as much as possible, from the constraints of third density. You have all learned lessons to the level where you are more than ready to begin to prepare for fourth density. Third density involves a level of physicality and restriction and restraint and all of the things that go along with those, that you no longer need. So, therefore, even though we understand that at times it may feel comfortable to cling to this, there is time for you, and there is that word again, it is time for you to consider moving ahead and get ready for fourth density and not to be concerned with such things as time or how to free yourself from the illusion of time. That really is not important. That's like the third grade student delving into mathematics and stopping everything to go back and contemplate the ABC's and why it isn't CBA or BAC. There really is no point. It is what it is. They are what they are.

Q: (L) That is what I want to know, what is it?

A: Why do you need to know this?

Q: (L) Because I am curious. What is time?

A: We have already told you that it is a non-existent, artificial creation of illusion for the point of learning at the level where you are at or were, and once you have left that level, you no longer need it.

Q: (T) Maybe one of the lessons is to learn not to worry about time. Once you learn that time is not real... (SV) Tell that to your boss!

A: If something is not real, is there any concern in worrying about what it is?

Q: (T) Not, for me.

A: Imagine a conversation between two people: Billy and Gene. Billy says to Gene, "There is no such thing as time." Gene says, "Oh, really? But I want to know what it is." Billy says, "But I just told you there is no such thing. Time does not exist. It is not real in any form, in any frame of reference, in any form of reality, any level of density. It simply does not exist." And, Gene says: "Oh, that's interesting. Now, again, what is this time?"

Q: (L) Point taken. (T) Do you wear a watch? (L) No. (SV) I have to because of my schedule. (T) But, you wear the watch because other people believe in time? (SV) Yes. (T) And that is out of courtesy for their belief, not your belief.

A: That is precisely correct. While you are still in this third density it is still necessary for you to conform, to a certain extent, to the ways of others who are more comfortable within the realm of third density. But, as we have stated previously, perhaps it is "time" for you to begin preparing for fourth density and not concern yourself any more than is absolutely necessary with all the wheres and whys and what-fors of third density reality. This truly is behind you, now, and we know that because we can see from all levels six through one and back again in full cycle.

Q: (L) Going along with that statement, and this is going to have to be the last question; preparing for fourth density: not too long ago I asked a question about the purpose of this group and the answer was that if we knew, or, more specifically if I knew, I would become "unglued." Was that meant literally?

A: Oh, yes certainly. Every single bone in your body is going to unglue itself from every other.

Q: (J) You are going to turn into a puddle. (L) Well, since you are saying that it is time for us to begin preparing for fourth density, maybe it is time to deal with that question?

A: Well, perhaps you are trying to steer us, now. This is amusing because, of course, you sought our help, now I guess you are going to put us in your place and vice versa. But, actually, in a way, that is what is already happening, because, again, we must remind, that we are you in the future and we have already experienced all that you are experiencing. And, of course, we are experiencing as it is always being experienced. But, it is important to note that you have been making progress despite our occasional chidings, and we are very proud of the progress you have been making. Also, we want to remind you again not to worry about the extent of the progress or the direction it is taking. Just let it happen. All knowledge that it is absolutely necessary for you to gain to sustain this progress will be gained at the appropriate point in ... [chorus] TIME. Therefore, not to worry as it will all fall into place, as we have told you. Now, we do not feel that you are ready, as yet, to know what your ultimate purpose is, nor is it necessary for you to know, and it certainly would not be helpful in any way, so we ask again that you please not worry about that because when the "time" comes for you to know, you will.

Q: (SV) I want to ask one question: If there is no time, there is no past and no future; there are no past lives and no future lives, there is no such thing asreincarnation, then how can you be us...

A: Yes, there is reincarnation. You are getting ahead of yourself there. We never said there is no reincarnation.

Q: (SV) But, if there is no time? (J) It is our perception of it. (L) It is all happening simultaneously. We are having all of these lifetimes at once. (SV) Is there a way that we can connect ourselves with all our other selves?

A: Picture it this way: we will access some of your memory banks and give you another reference which, interestingly enough, fits very closely with the perpendicular reality wheel that we described earlier. You know what a slide projector looks like? To give you some feeling of what this expanded nature of reality really is, picture yourself watching a big slide presentation with a big slide wheel on the projector. At any given point along the way you are watching one particular slide. But, all the rest of the slides are present on the wheel, are they not? And, of course, this fits in with the perpendicular reality, which fits in with the circles within circles and cycles within cycles, which also fits in the Grand Cycle, which also fits in with what we have told you before: All there is is lessons. That's all there is and we ask that you enjoy them as you are watching the slide presentation...

Q: (J) In that analogy, the light that shines through the slide, as it projects it upon the screen, is our perception?

A: And, if you look back at the center of the projector, you see the origin and essence of all creation itself, which, is level seven where you are in union with the One.

问:(T)我们可以问一个简单的问题吗?美国国家航空航天局哈s announced that the space telescope, Hubble, has detected clusters of comets, is this, in effect, the beginning of the government's of the world preparing the people for what is to come?

A: It certainly is a possibility, but, again, you are accessing a very touchy area. Too much knowledge for you to gather in this particular area would not be beneficial.

End of Session

I watched this video about Transurfing couple years ago, it's from the show Na rubu znanosti (On the edge of science), unfortunately is synchronized on Croatian which is unusual, they mostly put titles, you can hear Russian in the back
Thank you for sharing. I got the kindle version and it looks interesting.

Thank you Kisito for sharing your experience. what do you mean by mesi-free? Is that "It's not to understand the origin, it was a little blur, but interesting"?
hi Seek 10, sorry for the translation. Automatic translators are under the yoke of Artificial Intelligence. Yes you understood what I wanted to explain. It's always difficult to try techniques without understanding them. Many explain the "how" and forget the "why".
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