Session 9 May 2020



The Force is Strong With This One
一如既往地非常感谢城堡船员为continued efforts and for the sharing of this session! I had missed the last two sessions till now but I'm glad I've come across them now and have yet another one to look forward to! The shared insights are always very much appreciated. Trully exciting times we are living in!!


A Disturbance in the Force
Oh boy, I really want this change soon. Watching people not being aware of the daunting reality they are in is another more potent league of suffering sometimes... And knowing they wont be aware until even more suffering occurs makes it even worse. I get to just dangle upside down and try to find humour in the situation.

It's hard to be grateful that I kept my job because they laid off my help, reduced the wages of those of us who remained, and the work load hasn't slowed down one bit... It's as if this scheme is built to sap the energies of 'essential' society and service people to the point of exhaustion.

And I get this suspicion that those of us who are essential, who are vital and always typically in work force production mode are going to have to work even harder when food scarcity becomes more prominent.

I wonder if the Cs (or we) can recommend how we can prepare on the small scale for our families in the coming struggles ahead with the coming weather changes?

I've always been fascinated inEarth Ships, Horticulture, Permaculture, Botany, etc... I felt many times in some way these ideas can help, but since the Cs can comprehend all these varying probable scenarios before us, perhaps they might hint at what commodity or methodology of survival can be the most accessible to we the little people? Something that can be a beacon or foundation to help us step beyond our dependencies on PTB. What key habit can we start now that realistically facilitates a way to survive beyond saving money?

I ask here and now because, well, now's a good time to get started! Many of us are at home, stewing in anticipation waiting for normalcy... also, I can't remember if the Cs ever talked about Earth ships or Permaculture? I don't think they've ever had the pleasure of talking to us about these types of innovations!

Maybe they might provide inspiration in this topic that can set the ball rolling for some of us ready to walk away from the 'strobe' shows of society and really start hitting 'real' work home again, instead of waging and spending and waiting for a hint to get out there and rough it.

Am I making sense here?

Thanks for your time transcribing, I love you guys.

I'm asking the same questions here about the food crisis announced by the C'S. Who has information on its extent, for which countries, for how long? Many people around the world are mobilizing to find highly productive and resilient natural solutions of vegetables and cereals, and small-scale livestock farming that respects life. Is it futile? Can C'S help us to see clearly for a better collective preparation? Thank you.

Translated version)
Je pose ici les mêmes questions au sujet de la crise alimentaire annoncée par les C'S. Qui a des informations sur son ampleur, pour quels pays, pendant combien de temps ? De nombreuses personnes se mobilisent partout dans le monde pour trouver des solutions naturelles très productives et résilientes de légumes et céréales, de petit élevage respectueux du vivant. Est-ce vain ? Les C'S peuvent-ils nous aider à y voir clair pour une meilleure préparation collective ? Merci.
Wandering Star

Wandering Star

Jedi Council Member
I'm asking the same questions here about the food crisis announced by the C'S. Who has information on its extent, for which countries, for how long? Many people around the world are mobilizing to find highly productive and resilient natural solutions of vegetables and cereals, and small-scale livestock farming that respects life. Is it futile? Can C'S help us to see clearly for a better collective preparation? Thank you.

Translated version)
Je pose ici les mêmes questions au sujet de la crise alimentaire annoncée par les C'S. Qui a des informations sur son ampleur, pour quels pays, pendant combien de temps ? De nombreuses personnes se mobilisent partout dans le monde pour trouver des solutions naturelles très productives et résilientes de légumes et céréales, de petit élevage respectueux du vivant. Est-ce vain ? Les C'S peuvent-ils nous aider à y voir clair pour une meilleure préparation collective ? Merci.
Perhaps a "time" will come when some people do not need to eat much.

I've been looking for the session, but I couldn't find it. It was something related to the "efficiency" of the body and therefore needing less food.

If someone wants to worry about "that", perfect. But perhaps for others it is not necessary ...


Jedi Master
I'm asking the same questions here about the food crisis announced by the C'S. Who has information on its extent, for which countries, for how long?
No offense, but this sounds as if you're asking for a shopping list. Probably noone can answer this question.
My stand is if you feel driven to do something, to act in a certain way then it's never futile cause you follow your heart.
I'm stocking up on food and water to a certain extent and then I'll sing, 'Che sera, sera..'.:-)
And if you have a garden why not starting to plant some food?
All the ways of agriculture strongly depend on the weather and we've heard that weather patterns will become weird as well....
So I truly believe that your questions are hard to answer.


Jedi Council Member
I'm asking the same questions here about the food crisis announced by the C'S. Who has information on its extent, for which countries, for how long? Many people around the world are mobilizing to find highly productive and resilient natural solutions of vegetables and cereals, and small-scale livestock farming that respects life. Is it futile? Can C'S help us to see clearly for a better collective preparation? Thank you.

Translated version)
Je pose ici les mêmes questions au sujet de la crise alimentaire annoncée par les C'S. Qui a des informations sur son ampleur, pour quels pays, pendant combien de temps ? De nombreuses personnes se mobilisent partout dans le monde pour trouver des solutions naturelles très productives et résilientes de légumes et céréales, de petit élevage respectueux du vivant. Est-ce vain ? Les C'S peuvent-ils nous aider à y voir clair pour une meilleure préparation collective ? Merci.

Realistically, we can figure this out ourselves as things change if we're clever enough to see how we can sidestep catastrophic collapse in the name of food and shelter. The Cs made way with many breadcrumbs here and there and I believe a direct inquiry regarding this topic might surprise us.

Recently, I've been performing thought experiments regarding an amphibious off-road winnebago and mobile greenhouse concept with collapsible expansions for long term parking, strong enough to take a few hundred miles kick across the country side from cosmic forces. However, I feel that this line of kinetic grounding into physicality is probably not the right approach here.


A Disturbance in the Force
No offense, but this sounds as if you're asking for a shopping list. Probably noone can answer this question.
My stand is if you feel driven to do something, to act in a certain way then it's never futile cause you follow your heart.
I'm stocking up on food and water to a certain extent and then I'll sing, 'Che sera, sera..'.:-)
And if you have a garden why not starting to plant some food?
All the ways of agriculture strongly depend on the weather and we've heard that weather patterns will become weird as well....
So I truly believe that your questions are hard to answer.
Thank you for your response. For several years I have been militating with my companion for the return to food autonomy of the territories through the production of healthy, unpolluted food that respects the living, in order to have more resilience through short circuits. We are also working on the networking of people to move in the same direction by helping each other, organizing ourselves and sharing knowledge. The C have always maintained that knowledge protects and that bringing people together in networks makes it possible to better deal with trans-dimensional attacks.
This is why I asked the question that could be addressed to the C. of whether this citizen mobilization was really useful in the face of what will come as changes in many countries in terms of solutions to food shortages.

Translated version)

谢谢倒的响应。从几个排je milite avec mon compagnon pour le retour à l'autonomie alimentaire des territoires par la production d'une nourriture saine, non polluée, qui respecte le vivant, afin d'avoir plus de résilience par les circuits courts. Également, nous travaillons à la mise en réseau des personnes pour aller dans le même sens en s'entraidant, s'organisant et notamment par le partage des connaissances. Le C ont toujours affirmé que la connaissance protège et que le regroupement de personnes en réseaux permet de faire mieux face aux attaques transdimensionnelles.

C'est pourquoi, je posais la question qui pourrait être destinée aux C. de savoir si cette mobilisation citoyenne était vraiment utile face à ce qui va venir comme changements dans beaucoup de pays pour ce qui concerne les solutions face à pénurie alimentaire.


Padawan Learner
(L) I'm just mind-boggled by all of the measures they're taking that are obviously NOT designed to really help prevent infection. People wearing face masks all day will do nothing but increase their viral load, reduce their oxygen load because they'll be re-breathing carbon dioxide... They just amplify their own germ load and diminish their body’s immune system. And if the virus is already attacking the oxygen carrying capacity, it's just going to make them sicker. And then locking people up like they are, causing all the stress they're causing, suicides, spousal and child abuse increasing, depression, people going hungry, people not going to their jobs and keeping factories open which will lead to a complete breakdown in the supply chain for all kinds of goods and services... It’s just staggering the death dealing damage that is being done. And it seems deliberate. All the while, people are buying it. Unbelievable. Darwin Awards to the human species.

This is very worrying about masks. I suspected that the long term wearing of masks was not beneficial and now I know. Unfortunately I work in a situation where we have to wear them the minute we step onto the premises. I do cheat and remove it when not being monitored and sometimes I wear it on my chin which does a lot more good. In the UK it is now obligatory to wear masks when on public transport although most other places seem optional. I have had a nasty dose of the Covid-19 virus so I am hoping I am one of those who have received the positive virus. Another point about the mask is that it removes the ability of our smiles to be seen. I think smiling at people is incredibly important, especially when working with the elderly. The mask creates not only a physical barrier, but an emotional and psychological one too.
Echo Blue

Echo Blue

Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Yes true, but I noticed I can still see when people are smiling even while wearing a mask. You can see it in their eyes.

I, personally, do not react to faces as much as I hear emotions in voices. But I do agree that these masks we are required to wear, do hide much of our deeper feelings. I can always tell when someone calls on the phone or is speaking to me in person, what is really going on underneath their skin. When I hear their voice, I instantly know whether they are upset, sad or angry...... So for me, people wearing masks do give you a hint of how they are feeling when you look into their eyes., BUT, I still hear in their voice what is coming from their heart.


The Force is Strong With This One
(Joe) I was wondering if people like the overt leaders of major countries - like Trump, Boris Johnson, Putin, and Macron - were lied to about this virus and just told it was a horrible strain that really could kill lots of people...

A: Of course.
When someone is not "best fit",in the end, they only can can lie to them.

When I look at the politicians around the world,I see that least pathological,or the most normal ones are who came to politics from other life areas.
For example Putin was KGB,Trump was into business etc.
And on the other hand you have Obama "schooled" politician,in politics from start;Bush family-in which politics are generational business,similiar with Clintons etc. The most deluded ones seems to be "born" politicians.
There are few exceptions here and there,but IMO that looks like it's general picture.

Even for someone who is not pathological in the start(and that is already very unlikely), in the process will became one.
There are too many opportunities for corruption,too many "offers that can't be refused".

It looks like whole political system is designed to produce pathological humans. Who is more pathological-more fit to the system.More people in it-more chaos,more generation of negative energy,so it's "more the merrier" . Politicians are just puppets. They are in STS frequency,and being constantly in STS field, it looks like they simply download ideas and thoughts from 4D STS (to them appearing as "theirs" ideas of course). It looks like farm for 4D STS.
There's no way that low level humans like politicians are creators of the system.They don't have brain for it. If there was list of of people without any insight,and most unwise, politicians will be at the top.

Anyone with two firing neurons can see that something is not right. And people instinctively look for deep state, shadow government...But when you look at what is in the heads and hearts of politicians you will see apattern.It old story of promise of power and money,even biblical one - "You shall be as Gods".

Q: (Joe) How did Bill Gates get into all of this? How does a computer nerd become a maniacal world-saver through vaccines?

A: Greenbaum victim.
This doesn't suprise me at all. Bill Gates created his empire by basically screwing over everyone who came in his way. His jumping point was his deal with IBM. But IBM was basically created as safe house for ex-Nazis. He even think he could screw IBM. But it's more likely that they screw him over more. By programming him . Eugenics,mass vaccination,lessening number of people on earth an so on ,are basically whatdefine Nazi ideology.

And the real question is, what about other "leaders" from IT? What amount of them are specifically programmed? My guess will be no small percentage.
Q: (Joe) Back on the last question about how the governments of the world were lied to... At this point, after seven or eight weeks, surely most of them have some doubts about it?

A: At this point, yes indeed. But the populace is programmed to panic, so what can they do?

(Gaby) It was like a normal flu, but now it creates a systemic disease - it goes everywhere in your body. It has the potential to unzip the genome. It's fascinating from a molecular level. Why would they play with that in the beginning?

(Joe) In short it's a very interesting virus, basically.

A: They were attempting to modify human genetics.

Q: (Joe) Yeah. The last time they said that they took the coronavirus and modified it to make people more controllable.

(Artemis) To what end? To dumb people down?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So...

(Artemis) Have they tried this same thing for other reasons?

A: Yes

Q: (Artemis) Successfully?

A: Not yet on a wide scale. What they forget is devolution.
Yet another victory for Nature,and another loss for Darwinists , especially for those who like to play "I'm the God" game.

Great news:-)!
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