A Few Questions for the C's



Padawan Learner
Hey I just got a few questions, I don't think they have been answered but I could be wrong.

Is there any significance to redheaded people in a spiritual way? It seems like even though they are a tiny percentage of the population they have left a significant mark on history.

There is a feeling im able to induce into my body that is sort of like generating energy, it feels like a tingling jolt. I can turn it on and off, what I'd like to know is this doing anything specifically? Bad or Good? I would assume it is something everyone can do, I have been doing it since I was a kid.

Are the lizards pretty powerful in terms of technology in comparison to other races of aliens? Or are there other races in the far reaches of the universe who are more advanced?

If any of these can be answered it would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


Padawan Learner
Is there any way to delete this thread?

After reading the transcripts I realize that most of the questions I had, some of which are presented here, are extremely mundane and unimportant.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Weontv said:
Is there any way to delete this thread?

After reading the transcripts I realize that most of the questions I had, some of which are presented here, are extremely mundane and unimportant.
As far as I know, threads usually are not deleted, they keep them up for posterity, :P but not to worry, it had happend to almost everyone here, including me. In my experience, the feeling of projecting my ignorance had oppressed me, but is a way to learn, to see me how I had done, and accept me with my mistakes, because they can be changed. To keep learning. :)
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