Copper people & Grape Leaves

  • Thread starterDeleted member 11729
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Deleted member 11729

Few days ago, after a while, I started to dream again ( for some reason I didn't remember any dreams for a long time ), and one of the dreams, I think 2nd that I clearly remember, was quite short but related to the FOTCM Chateau place in France ... ;) ... What I remembered is short but some how full of symbols, so this is what I got:

I was in the kitchen, I just arrived or so, it was sunny mid day, and most of crew there were down standing, like moving around, ordinary daily routine, and the place was covered nicely with green grape leaves, like it was growing inside of the house. And in one moment Joe came to me giving me one box. And he opened the box giving me a sheet of something what was quite thin, but it was not a paper, when he gave it to me I realize it was like very thin copper sheeat with cutout of stylized figures of people, so that they can be taken out like puzzles. He show that to me, how I can get them out if I want, and he handle a whole nice box to me, and the dream was over.

How that dream was in my mind for a while, I went today to see the symbolic from various dreams reading books, and that was even more interesting what I got there. But if anyone wants to give some explanation before I post what I got, will be very much appreciated.

:cool2: :hug:


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
For me the green grape leaves would tie in to the thread on the haemochromatosis, as the chlorophyll of the leaf would represent its 'blood', and the copper replaces the iron which we have in our blood, otherwise the molecules are similar.
The shapes of the copper people is representing them in 2D, as if they have not yet graduated, or been joined to souls. Perhaps these are the people we have to put on the steps behind us.

Deleted member 11729

MusicMan said:
The shapes of the copper people is representing them in 2D, as if they have not yet graduated, or been joined to souls. Perhaps these are the people we have to put on the steps behind us.

Interesting is that your comment came just at the same time while I was just having one conversation with the person that I love very much, but can't really go on with his "program" any more ... and I was just "talking" to my self how it hurts, but how I will have to "leave" him, as we have to leave some fellows in order to let them and us develop without subconsciously diverting their free will, and as well as to be able to continue our development.

hard time comes when you have to leave those you love in order not to be harsh and intrusive in their personal development ... thank you :)


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hello solarmind, that is an interesting take on the word 'leave', the other meaning had not occurred to me.
I think you came up with an excellent analysis.

Deleted member 11729

MusicMan said:
Hello solarmind, that is an interesting take on the word 'leave', the other meaning had not occurred to me.
I think you came up with an excellent analysis.

well yep, I just realize it too :) ... interesting though!

And few weeks ago I had another copper related lucid dream, just before I fall to sleep with my eyes closed I dive deep into my mind, and after several flashes of light, green/blue sort of, one molecule created of copper wire and black parts, was presented to me as a 3D model, completely real, I thought I could touch it, rotating in front of my closed eyes, but in my mind.

And I did search and it turned out that what I sow in a glimpse of sort of a mind image is actually Copper(II) acetate. WOW!

SO this is what is said at wikipedia, apart from element info:

"Copper(II) acetate was historically prepared in vineyards, since acetic acid is a byproduct of fermentation. Copper sheets were alternately layered with fermented grape skins and dregs left over from wine production and exposed to air. This would leave a blue substance on the outside of the sheet. This was then scraped off and dissolved in water. The resulting solid was used as a pigment, or combined with arsenic trioxide to form copper acetoarsenite, a powerful insecticide and fungicide called Paris Green or Schweinfurt Green.

During the Second World War copper acetate was used as shark repellent.[9] Under war conditions, before adoption it has been tested only very briefly (while in general successfully). The source says copper acetate does repel sharks in some situations but not in all."

I just start to do more research on that part ... but wanted to note this here, if someone had some ideas what that can be?

Here is also attached images, so in my "vision" the object looked very much like this molecule model, but round things were more like black chrystal, or sort of, connected on a copper wire like the other image of Copper(II) Acetate crystals on copper wire, but in 3D shape like kind of a jewelry, and blurred light before it appeared was like this green/blue powder of small crystals on Copper(II) Acetate on the image.


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The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The copper salts are useful in the treatment of fungal growths on fruit trees, especially nectarine/peach, to limit the leaf curl fungus.
You need to take care with this stuff as it is quite toxic.

Interesting dreams you're having, solarmind.

Deleted member 11729

MusicMan said:
Interesting dreams you're having, solarmind.

Yesterday I talked with a friend and he dreamed DNA molecule expandnig to infinity ... dreaming models of moleculs, yes quite strange ...:huh:

Deleted member 11729

Just found this photo on the web today that reminded me of my dreams on copper and grape leaves, and wanted to post it here for the record. So far that is the most vivid dream that I had this year ...


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Deleted member 11729

I just remember so clearly this dream, so after almost a year of experience of been part of the Forum, I decided to share what I found so far to bee the meaning of all this symbols, as some how, from this perspective, it looks like how this my dream, that was the strongest one I had last year, was kind of prediction, (or introduction), to my "development" through last year.


To see grape vines in your dream symbolize opulence, wealth, and decadence. It also indicates fortitude and your ability to offer happiness to others.

To see or eat grapes in your dream represent wealth and prosperity. In the end, your hard work will pay off and you will be rewarded for your labor. Alternatively, grapes refer to immortality and sacrifices.

To dream that you are picking and gathering grapes signify profit and the realization of your desires.


To see leaves in your dream signify new found happiness and improvements in various aspects of your life. It is symbolic of fertility, growth and openness. Alternatively, leaves represent a passage of time. Depending on the color and type of leaf, the dream could be highlighting a certain period of time. The leaves may also be a metaphor to "leave" you alone.

To see brown or withered leaves in your dream signifies fallen hopes, despair, sadness and loss. If you are sweeping or raking leaves, then it represents the end of a project, relationship or situation. It also signifies experience.

To dream that you are digging leaves out of your ear literally means that your dream is trying to tell you to "leave" some situation or relationship.


To see copper in your dream represents the power of healing. It also indicates a flow of ideas, your connection to a situation to others, and flow of information.


To see a box in your dream signifies your instinctual nature and destructive impulses. Alternatively, you may be trying to preserve and protect some aspect of yourself. The box may also symbolize your limitations and restrictions. Consider the pun of "being boxed in".

To dream that you are opening a box indicates an aspect of yourself that was once hidden is now being revealed. It symbolizes self discovery.Consider your feelings as you open the box. If opening the box fills you with fear, then you may be uncovering aspects of yourself that cause you to feel anxious.

Puzzle( could be for cutout copper people silhouette chain )

To see or do a jigsaw puzzle in your dream represents a mental challenge or problem that you need to solve in your waking life.If there are pieces missing in the puzzle, then it suggest that you do not have all the facts needed to make an informed decision.

To see or do a crossword puzzle in your dream suggests that you are being faced with a mental challenge. The dream may be a pun on "cross words" directed at you or aimed toward someone.

To see a puzzle lock in your dream implies that you need to carefully think about how to proceed with a situation before acting. You need to have patience and calmness or else you will risk isolating yourself.

看或者玩滑块拼图你的梦想points to your need for order in your life. You need things to be a certain way.


Green signifies a positive change, good health, growth, fertility, healing, hope, vigor, vitality, peace, and serenity. The appearance of the color may also be a way of telling you to "go ahead".

Alternatively, green is a metaphor for a lack of experience in some task.

To "be green" means that you are environmentally conscious.Green is also symbolic of your strive to gain recognition and establish your independence.

Money, wealth and jealousy are often associated with this color.

Dark green indicates materialism, cheating, deceit, and/or difficulties with sharing. You need to balance your feminine and masculine attributes.


Blue represents truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. Perhaps you are expressing a desire to get away. The presence of this color in your dream may symbolize your spiritual guide and your optimism of the future. You have clarity of mind.

Alternatively, the color blue may also be a metaphor for "being blue" and feeling sad.

If you are wearing light blue in your dream, then it symbolizes your creativity. You like to pace yourself in whatever you are doing.


As regarding dreaming a molecule like structure, I am still not sure if that can classify as a dream or maybe something else, as that was part of lucid dream just prior to attempt to meditate?

very interesting indeed ... :) .. I think this dream goes with one I had about Jaguar woman few years ago, that now I can see, gave me a clear sing that my old life was over ...


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
Just speculation:

You were given a box (astructure) which contained cutout copper figures of people as in a puzzle (pieces orresourcesto be utilized - currently inactive). They could be removed from the box as a whole (still in一个结构) and again removed from their "puzzle" individually.

The grape leaves were growing within the house (一个结构) where they have never grown before - showing a new fertile and"resource-full"medium or environment.

The copper molecule is (一个结构) with specific connected aspects as in perhaps a building block. Copper is a conductor so there is some sort of energy or movement implied, and is considereda resource.

Perhaps the copper figures are to be activated and will enhance its capabilities or change the copper molecule to a different, more complex, substance.

Elements of the future? New resources? Growth and increasing complexity?

Deleted member 11729

KJN said:
Elements of the future? New resources? Growth and increasing complexity?

interesting speculation KJN, thank you - what comes to my mind, reading it now like this - is relation to 'higher hydrogens' or 'intelligent energy' concepts?

Also the flexibility and changeability of DNA under the influence of certain knowledge gained through combination of "shocks", readings, sharing? Development of the ability of discernment?

Also what come to my mind few days ago is development of Magnetic Center that leaded me to come to the B (FOTCM place) and perhaps in the future to the C influence center?

and just to ad this one - maybe yes maybe not related to this, but for me seams to be ... so last night I started listening to the early G. writings ... every time when I start reading or listening some of G. thoughts, it just feels so natural to me on a level of non verbal understanding, some how the feeling is not that I understand G., but the feeling is that I feel that I am understood by that "writing" or "thinking" , sure please don't think that I am trying to say that I understand straight forward all what G. is writing, but there are those AHA moments that literary do the change to me ... same was last night, after listening to the first 4min of this audio readings, it was for me like affirmation of my recent thoughts, how I have to make a journal and map of my life, connecting the dots of all things that I went through, as it is obviously at our 40th, that we can recognize some kind of pattern, and "upper" guidance, that can tell us more than we know, and perhaps can tell us more about the future path we desire and need to take _


Deleted member 11729

KJN said:
Just speculation:

You were given a box (astructure) which contained cutout copper figures of people as in a puzzle (pieces orresourcesto be utilized - currently inactive). They could be removed from the box as a whole (still in一个结构) and again removed from their "puzzle" individually.

The grape leaves were growing within the house (一个结构) where they have never grown before - showing a new fertile and"resource-full"medium or environment.

The copper molecule is (一个结构) with specific connected aspects as in perhaps a building block. Copper is a conductor so there is some sort of energy or movement implied, and is considereda resource.

Perhaps the copper figures are to be activated and will enhance its capabilities or change the copper molecule to a different, more complex, substance.

Elements of the future? New resources? Growth and increasing complexity?

... so after a year of this dream, that still feels so real when I recollect it in my mind, yepthe structure开始显现……我觉得在我,regarding all the synchronicity, metaphors, relations ... and most of all that tremendous speed up of twirling, but totally "meta structured" events, it is just about a moment when it will be final manifestation of the "meta world understanding", and acceptance of reality of non linear communication systems ...

Set of happenings in last month that I have been through, feels now with this dream, like closing the "circle", and like reading the archeological sight with strange hieroglyphs that all of a sudden fall in place of bigger life ...

Wish I could share it openly ... but .. I can't right now ... even though .. you see .. I am trying to.


ps. edited - strange, I went to close this window and I realize KJN you also balded theresources.. i will particularly point out your sentence "pieces orresourcesto be utilized - currently inactive)" ... o wow .. I read the whole thread more than once even today, and I didn't realize this till now ... but yes ... right, last month and upcoming times, feels like it is going to be one activation of couple of resources, some even natural one, and as well as, some just get opened ...

thank you!

Deleted member 11729

今天早上,比较其他天easy at all, I feel a strong and overwhelming overflow of energy and emotions, feeling of supreme connectedness and loneliness at the same time ... just can't stop them pouring out of me ... and few minutes ago I started to have a kind of metal feel in my mouth and than remembered this article that I shared yesterday under the May session regarding crystal work ... but thought of posting here also as all starting to give some connection ...

It is article about crystal abilities to hold oxygen with uses of cobalt bound
"A crystal that enables you to breathe underwater without the need for oxygen"

- _

So as the main source of the cobalt is as a by-product of copper and nickel mining,


And article stated that "The copper belt in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic and Zambia yields most of the cobalt mined worldwide."

我也觉得我需要把这个梦想my work done in last September on initiative by Kongo artist, that was the most outwordly experience I had in general all my time spent in Saint Etiene was like combination of Castaneda and G. writings ... even before the artist approached me to help him to make a short statement on dictatorship, for some reason on presentation of participants I sow him and this lady in this strong cobalt blue light .. than Ami approached me and we didn't understand each other by language, as I don't speak French and he don't speak English, but though intensive 3 day development of the idea, somehow we manage to do this video work on dictatorship that we all where so intensively involved and manage to pass that brutality and false moral of todays world onto the audience ... _

and what bothers me is that there is so many things I wan't to share and write down on forum, so many rich experiences, but life is just moving on and on so fast ... as soon as I digest one portion of shocks and new experiences, the other is already creating .. but what I noticed now is that there is some energy in relation to me and around and in me that in intensive interaction through our professional work, makes other people involved closely move into the faster direction of self reflection and self "discovery", as well as faster resolution of problems and obstacles in their work till that date ... and in general my recent work is all about storytelling and since march 2015, mostly coloured by Tesla approach to life and work ...

hope to get a moment to write down more on other experiences and insights ...

Deleted member 11729

As I don't remember my dreams usually and frequently, after looking at this dream journal I started here after my visit to Chateau, every one I remember since than, now with last one ( 3rd one ) I see that have some obvious significance.

SO Last night I had a dream - a very simple dream, actually just one image but strong -small Apple Tree full of red apples, like the one on picture, and as well as many of fresh apples under the tree on the floor. The tree was a bit more "silvery" than this one.

Selected explanation form this link _ said the following:

  • In a dream, apples represent beautiful children.
  • An apple in a dream also denotes one’s determination and good will.
  • To a king, apples in a dream represent his kingdom. To a merchant, they represent his merchandise, and to a farmer they represent his crop.
  • An apple tree in a dream represents a good man and a believer who serves and benefits his community.
  • Counting apples in a dream means counting money.
  • Ripe apples on a tree, denotes that the time has arrived for you to realize your hopes | think over what you intend to do, and go fearlessly ahead.
  • Ripe on the top of the tree, warns you not to aim too high.
  • Apples on the ground imply that false friends, and flatterers are working you harm.
  • If you dream of seeing growing apples on the tree, it symbolizes intelligence and good wealth.
  • Make sure you look after your health as well, as apples represents healthy life.
  • The other meaning of seeing apples might symbolize your sexual behavior, as the apple is connected to the Garden of Eden.
  • Red in a dream also represents the world,s glitters and material pleasure.
  • When you dream of seeing an apple tree it signifies greatness and nobility. This dream represents your personality as the person who believes in himself and has big expectations. You are not afraid to give a challenge to yourself. This dream symbolizes your big dreams for the future, which you will achieve if you will stay as confident as you are at the moment

I can see now the path of the Work i decided to determine my self to in march 2015, is unfolding ... but can't write right now about that, just feels like I want to meditate on that .... and ... don't know ... will appreciate your views on this.

and thank you all for been here with me! to give me directions to learn how to be patient, persistant, silent ... and many others

:flowers: :love: :hug2: :lkj: :cool2:[/list]


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Deleted member 11729

it has been some time since this dream ... but the feel is of the same intensity to mee since then ... and today wandering around some albums on the internet I found image that I can relate to as a symbolic "card" image of my dream ..,. and that is what crossed my mind when I spotted this uhmmmm ... so I am leaving it here for the related reference ..:cool2:


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