Pentagon Strike Alleged Witness Account: William Middleton Sr.



FOTCM Member

Army unit piecing together accounts of Pentagon attack

By MILAN SIMONICH, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

WASHINGTON -- They are soldiers on the capital city's saddest mission.

Each working day, a three-man military history unit uncovers firsthand stories of the Sept. 11 attack on the Pentagon.

The terrorism here killed 189 people, including the five hijackers who crashed a commercial jet into America's military headquarters.

Now the Army's 305th Military History Detachment has the job of making sense of the madness. It is interviewing every willing survivor and witness -- a number that could climb into the thousands -- to write the U.S. government's book on the Pentagon assault and the lessons that can be learned from it.
The job is full of pain.

一个军队在五角大楼办公室65年失去了34employees in the attack. Most of those killed in the office, called Resource Services Washington, were civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts. They were at their desks when American Airlines Flight 77 struck.

Faced with so many funerals of friends and colleagues, the director of the office, Robert Jaworski, agonized over which ones to attend. He could not possibly be at all of them.

Jaworski's plight was extreme, but not so different from what the military historians find every day. Just about every witness or survivor gets emotional when recounting Sept. 11.

"In most interviews there's a tear or two," said Sgt. 1st Class Dennis Lapic of Industry, Pa., who is a member of the history unit.

Before Sept. 11, Lapic spent most of his working life as a territorial sales manager for a manufacturing company. His duties with the 99th Reserve Support Command consumed only a few weeks a year. Now he is on active duty with a two-year assignment to find out everything he can about the attack on Washington.

That job was daunting enough for the Army to dispatch a second unit, the 46th Military History Detachment from Little Rock, Ark., to help with the interviews.

In all, the Army has 66 such units devoted to compiling history from battles and missions around the world. The Pentagon project is unprecedented because it will attempt to unravel an attack on domestic soil that indiscriminately killed civilians.

Even Pearl Harbor was different in that respect. All but 68 of the 2,403 Americans who died in the Japanese attack on Hawaii were soldiers and sailors.

铁道部e than three months after the Pentagon was hit, nuggets of information continue to emerge as witnesses step forward.

One day last week, Lapic ventured to Arlington National Cemetery to interview a groundskeeper who watched in horror as the plane crashed into the Pentagon.

The worker, William Middleton Sr., was running his street sweeper through the cemetery when he heard a harsh whistling sound overhead. Middleton looked up and spotted a commercial jet whose pilot seemed to be fighting with his own craft.

米德尔顿说,这架飞机没有高于ps of telephone poles as it lurched toward the Pentagon. The jet accelerated in the final few hundred yards before it tore into the building.

"My sweeper has three wheels. I almost tipped it over as I watched," Middleton said.

In those first minutes, he thought he had seen a plane in trouble, not a terrorist attack.

Middleton and his co-workers at Arlington continued to work Sept. 11 as Washington offices closed and buildings emptied. The cemetery crew had no choice. Funerals were scheduled and burials had to be completed, chaos and all.

As Middleton labored, he could see the destruction less than a mile away at the Pentagon, where the U.S. military mobilized for war.

Another Arlington worker who declined to be interviewed in front of the media told a story that the military historians had not heard in the 244 interviews they had conducted through last week. The man said a mysterious second plane was circling the area when the first one attacked the Pentagon.

The interviewers ask every witness what might have been done to prevent the attack. It is more than protocol. They want to know if somebody may have seen or heard something hours or days earlier that could have been useful in stopping the attack.

When the interviews are completed, the findings will be published in book form and kept at the Army Center of Military History. The researchers hope their work will be a thorough account of the Pentagon attack, as well as a guide on what should be done to prevent terrorist attacks.

Along with facts for the book, the historians collect tidbits on what the attack did to the nation's psyche.
"I felt complete anger. If I wasn't an old man, I might volunteer to go back into the service," said Middleton, 54.
The history detachments for the Pentagon project are based at Fort McNair, a Washington post established in 1791 as Old Arsenal Penitentiary. Until now, the installation's most notable brush with American history involved the murder of President Lincoln.

Four people who conspired with Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth were hanged there July 7, 1865. The executions occurred as a nation torn by civil war tried to heal itself.

Now the military historians see their research on the Pentagon attack as one way to help people cope with today's crisis.

"There can be a cathartic effect to people talking about what they have seen and gone through," said Maj. Robert Smith of Germantown, Md., commander of the 305th History Detachment.


The worker, William Middleton Sr., was running his street sweeper through the cemetery when he heard a harsh whistling sound overhead. Middleton looked up and spotted a commercial jet whose pilot seemed to be fighting with his own craft.

米德尔顿说,这架飞机没有高于ps of telephone poles as it lurched toward the Pentagon.
It is interesting that the experience by Middleton was just a harsh whistling sound, being that it was just overhead and in his words no higher than the telephone poles.
If it was a 757 then

1)He was stonedeaf before 9-11 and still is
2) only stonedeaf after 9-11 and with a loss of ability to discern what he had actually heard in the past

Since he apparently still is able to hear and with no hearing complaints on the day of 9-11 or after, then the evidence points to that it was not a 757 or a large plane.

A post in another forum, list a number of first-hand witnesses and emphasized what theyheard.

Another thing Middleton would have experienced had it been a 757 just 10meters above his head, would have been the engine thrust which is extremely powerful. This link is a videoclip showing the effect of engine thrust
It would most definately have rearranged the leaves that he was busy sweeping :)
He makes no mention of any disarray in the cementary, but only states that he continued his business as usual.



I found some more about the jetblast effect. Somebody else had thought about it in relation to the vehicles on road 27. Their argument carries some reason and the difference between a 747 and a 757, yet not as far as to not have a noticeable effect on a streetsweepers area of work. The noise effect would have been equally deafening.

The link is here


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Below follows the text from the South Coast Today, with the alteration that I have verified and underlined the text excerpt quoting William Middleton Sr. that appears on the What Really Happened Pentagon F77 witness page. I have identified six alleged sources from the text:
[S18WP01=Army's 305th Military History Detachment]
[S18WP02=Robert Jaworski]
[S18WP03=Sgt. 1st Class Dennis Lapic]
[S18WP04-WRHW19= William Middleton Sr.]
[S18WP05=Another Arlington worker]
[S19WP06=Maj. Robert Smith]

S is source, W is witness, P is Pentagon, NW is News

Army unit piecing together accounts of Pentagon attack
By MILAN SIMONICH, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Published in and edition of The Standard Times
[S18WP01=Army's 305th Military History Detachment]
WASHINGTON -- They are soldiers on the capital city's saddest mission.
Each working day, a three-man military history unit uncovers firsthand stories of the Sept. 11 attack on the Pentagon.
The terrorism here killed 189 people, including the five hijackers who crashed a commercial jet into America's military headquarters.
Now the Army's 305th Military History Detachment has the job of making sense of the madness. It is interviewing every willing survivor and witness -- a number that could climb into the thousands -- to write the U.S. government's book on the Pentagon assault and the lessons that can be learned from it.
The job is full of pain.
[S18WP02=Robert Jaworski]
一个军队在五角大楼办公室65年失去了34employees in the attack. Most of those killed in the office, called Resource Services Washington, were civilian accountants, bookkeepers and budget analysts. They were at their desks when American Airlines Flight 77 struck.
Faced with so many funerals of friends and colleagues, the director of the office, Robert Jaworski, agonized over which ones to attend. He could not possibly be at all of them.
Jaworski's plight was extreme, but not so different from what the military historians find every day. Just about every witness or survivor gets emotional when recounting Sept. 11.
[S18WP03=Sgt. 1st Class Dennis Lapic]
"In most interviews there's a tear or two," said Sgt. 1st Class Dennis Lapic of Industry, Pa., who is a member of the history unit.
Before Sept. 11, Lapic spent most of his working life as a territorial sales manager for a manufacturing company. His duties with the 99th Reserve Support Command consumed only a few weeks a year. Now he is on active duty with a two-year assignment to find out everything he can about the attack on Washington.
That job was daunting enough for the Army to dispatch a second unit, the 46th Military History Detachment from Little Rock, Ark., to help with the interviews.
In all, the Army has 66 such units devoted to compiling history from battles and missions around the world. The Pentagon project is unprecedented because it will attempt to unravel an attack on domestic soil that indiscriminately killed civilians.
Even Pearl Harbor was different in that respect. All but 68 of the 2,403 Americans who died in the Japanese attack on Hawaii were soldiers and sailors.
Fro the next section a map and photo are useful. The both are from The first shows the path that the object should have taken to be even close to William Middleton Sr.

The next shows the above path compared with the one that toppled the lamp posts. Also notice where is Arlington Cemetery is marked as being located.

[S18WP04-WRHW19= William Middleton Sr.]
铁道部e than three months after the Pentagon was hit, nuggets of information continue to emerge as witnesses step forward.
One day last week, Lapic ventured to Arlington National Cemetery to interview a groundskeeper who watched in horror as the plane crashed into the Pentagon.
The worker,William Middleton Sr., was running his street sweeper through the cemetery when he heard a harsh whistling sound overhead. Middleton looked up and spotted a commercial jet whose pilot seemed to be fighting with his own craft.
米德尔顿说,这架飞机没有高于ps of telephone poles as it lurched toward the Pentagon. The jet accelerated in the final few hundred yards before it tore into the building.

"My sweeper has three wheels. I almost tipped it over as I watched," Middleton said.
In those first minutes, he thought he had seen a plane in trouble, not a terrorist attack.
Middleton and his co-workers at Arlington continued to work Sept. 11 as Washington offices closed and buildings emptied. The cemetery crew had no choice. Funerals were scheduled and burials had to be completed, chaos and all.
As Middleton labored, he could see the destruction less than a mile away at the Pentagon, where the U.S. military mobilized for war.
[S18WP05=Another Arlington worker]
Another Arlington worker who declined to be interviewed in front of the media told a story that the military historians had not heard in the 244 interviews they had conducted through last week. The man said a mysterious second plane was circling the area when the first one attacked the Pentagon.
[S18WP01=Army's 305th Military History Detachment]
The interviewers ask every witness what might have been done to prevent the attack. It is more than protocol. They want to know if somebody may have seen or heard something hours or days earlier that could have been useful in stopping the attack.
When the interviews are completed, the findings will be published in book form and kept at the Army Center of Military History. The researchers hope their work will be a thorough account of the Pentagon attack, as well as a guide on what should be done to prevent terrorist attacks.
Along with facts for the book, the historians collect tidbits on what the attack did to the nation's psyche.
[S18WP03-WRHW19= William Middleton Sr.]
"I felt complete anger. If I wasn't an old man, I might volunteer to go back into the service," said Middleton, 54.
[S18WP01=Army's 305th Military History Detachment]
The history detachments for the Pentagon project are based at Fort McNair, a Washington post established in 1791 as Old Arsenal Penitentiary. Until now, the installation's most notable brush with American history involved the murder of President Lincoln.
Four people who conspired with Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth were hanged there July 7, 1865. The executions occurred as a nation torn by civil war tried to heal itself.
[S19WP06=Maj. Robert Smith]
Now the military historians see their research on the Pentagon attack as one way to help people cope with today's crisis.
"There can be a cathartic effect to people talking about what they have seen and gone through," said Maj. Robert Smith of Germantown, Md., commander of the 305th History Detachment.
For some thoughts on the possible paths see theJames Ryan thread.Another observer on the same path isDeb Anlauf
创意客机可能意味着什么,明白了Elaine McCusker thread. I do not know how to resolve this issue of two paths. The lamp post path is convincing, also because it fits with the calculated strike angle of the object. So what to do with those who claim it flew where it could not fly. Are they lying, programmed or was there a second plane? One of the phrases in the article is:Another Arlington worker who declined to be interviewed in front of the media told a story that the military historians had not heard in the 244 interviews they had conducted through last week. The man said a mysterious second plane was circling the area when the first one attacked the Pentagon.The way this information is presented is just short of ridiculing the source. But what if there were two planes?

Neither James Ryan or William Middleton Sr. saw their plane hit, only Deb Anlauf claim to have seen it and she was a mile away!

This article carries no exact evidence for a B 757 or a # 77. We do not get closer than an alleged passenger jet and that simply isn


FOTCM Member
Quite interesting. In other words, his testimony wasn't even "gathered" until 3 months later???
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