Session 22 February 2020



So it's not faith IN Jesus as Ashworth points out. It's faith OF Jesus that sets the example.

The...the...the...that's all folks!

I've always found it odd, or sad, or both, that it's so hard for people to see that.

对我来说这意味着无论如何,真相不能be tarnished. Who cares how many lies are told. Truth remains. If a lie is told, it can be said that it is true that it's a lie. Truth supersedes the lie. The same cannot be said the other way around. That is, it cannot be said that if truth be told, it can't be a false truth, or otherwise it would be a lie, for which it could be said that it's truly a lie.

Makes me think that, if there's a perfect cosmic word, it'syes! The story of the fall is supposed to be by virtue of the female aspect. Maybe the male aspect asks, "Should I?" To which the female aspect says, "Why not?" That's the trouble with's too wishy-washy. Better, maybe, that (in this #metoo world) the male aspect asks, "May I?" And the female (ahhh my beloved Maya) says, "Yes, you may!"

The symbolism of the cross itself is one thing, such as we are sort of cross-ways with our true self, so-to-speak (forgive my poor paraphrasing of Laura's epiphany). It's not always easy for people to see through such abstract symbols, so to miss that is easily forgiven.

The symbolism of crucified Jesus, a flesh and blood human with arms spread wide, fully exposed and vulnerable, utterly defenseless, and yet with boundless faith, perfectly courageous. Not even courageous really. If youknow, then what's to fear? Why isn't that symbol more clear for people to have that kind of faith? The Master representsliving knowledge, as the personification of the truth, to me anyways. And the teaching is always, "See? Be like me. You can do it.Be fearless!"

It reminds me of a favorite story. Ancient kindgom 1 is under attack by neighboring kingdom 2. On the outskirts of kingdom 1 is a temple occupied by a solitary monk. As the army of kingdom 2 enters the realm of kingdom 1, it's first encounter is with this monk, quietly meditating in the temple. The soldiers proceed to ransack the temple, but the monk maintains the meditation. Exasperated and angered by this display, one soldier approaches the monk, sword drawn, and screams at the monk, "What's the matter with you? Don't you know that I can kill you here and now?" The monk, still maintaining an unbroken meditative posture, with eyes closed and relaxed, and in a calm voice, replies, "Don't you know that I can let you?"
Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
This bit about the "fall" reminded me of of Session 22 October 1994, which was one where "Frank" was trance channeling:

Thanks for collecting these quotations, candasiri. They brought to mind stuff from Ashworth's take on Paul's interpretation of the fall. In the first question, Laura asks why humans are "entrapped in physical matter" and the Cs respond that it was a group decision "to experience physical sensations" and "pleasure for the self." This is in line with Paul's view that as a result of the fall we are in a sort of prison or slavery - a state of 'deadness' or entropy, the result of which is death - which is intimately associated with our identification with these mortal bodies. In his words, we are "condemned" to "death".

But there is also a perceptual dimension to physicality, which the Cs point out: "You limit when you perceive on 3rd level only and think that your perception is all there is." For Paul, identification with the mortal body results not only in isolation (you have your body, I have mine - and God doesn't exist), but also an "infirmness" of purpose and a corruptible awareness and mentality. Just as we become identified with a corruptible body, our minds become corrupted. After the fall, humanity became unable to perceive the "invisible things" of God. We lost the ability to see the unseen, i.e. higher realities, and the truth about our current reality.

Paul's various "sin lists" always include both physical (e.g. sexual) and social sins. They all have to do with selfishness. "Death" corrupts all our actions, creating enmity, strife, division. This is the result of becoming enmeshed and identified in these bodies. Seeking sensation and pleasure, we lose the perception of others as important. We become the most important thing, and we treat others accordingly: asunimportantin comparison to us, and as objects for our own use. Over the years, we've called this "feeding". According to the Cs, "When you no longer crave physicality, you no longer need to 'eat.'" When you are no longer identified with the flesh, you can become identified with the spirit, which is a completely different mode of being. But this requires a transformation: a radical new understanding of your current state. E.g., you are sinful, you are asleep.

Q: (L) So, in other words, we should be able to perceive on 1st and 2nd as well as 3rd while working on 4th level understanding?

A: No. Work on 4th, 5th and 6th.

I.e. the "invisible things", the things of spirit.

Q: (V) Are there others at higher densities working with you as you are working with us?

A: No, we all reach 7th level together.

According to Paul, the final transformation is universal. "We are all being transformed." While that could apply to the transition to 4D for Paul, it also makes sense here.

回顾我提到什么天使earlier in the thread, ethereal beings experience only a "very gradual change in evolution" that is cyclical, whereas we adventurers get "an increase in relative energy which speeds up the learning process of the soul and all of its one dimensional and two dimensional interactive partners." This is the "hard way", but it has its benefits:

Q: (L) Are the souls of individual humans the parts of a larger soul?

A: Yes. Close. The One. All who have fallen must learn "the hard way."

Learning the hard way = gaining knowledge of good and evil under the 'childminder' of the law. Ashworth writes:

Humankind aligned with what God requires with no choice in the matter is not free. Humankind aligned with what God requires,knowing the serious consequences of action, any action, knowing the reality of good and evil,是自由的。这是adulthood of humankind ... And it is also the life of faith. Faith as listening to words from God, entering a place of communication with the divine.

The 'restoration' to those higher levels of reality involves learning stuff in the process that wouldn't otherwise have been learned. As the Cs say, there are positives and negatives to such a fall.

Q: (L) Are you saying that the act of wanting to experience physical reality is the act of falling?

A: You are members of a fragmented soul unit.

Putting together the pieces of that fragmented soul unit creates the "body of Christ" - in which all share the same mind.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm still trying to wrap my head around "short wave" and "long wave" cycles. If humans are currently living out a short wave cycle in duality and physicality in 3D, does that mean that those souls in the non-corporeal densities such as 5th and 6th are in "long wave cycles?" Or do long and short wave cycles exist side by side so to speak?

It's confusing to me too, because first they say "the long wave cycle experience" consists of "completely what you would call ethereal or spiritual existence" (i.e. 5D-7D), and the short wave is "what you call physical existence". But then they say that 1D and 2D would experience a long-wave cycle if it weren't for us darn humans. Perhaps what that means is just that 1D and 2D are very slow in their evolution of consciousness in physical form, and the short-wave cycle only applies to 3D (and 4D perhaps?). But the addition of humans speeds up the process. (Again, the whole cosmos is transforming.)

Does that mean there was a decision made on 7th to switch to a short wave cycle? Still confused after years. Please enlighten/help?

Well, Paul would probably say yes! ;) I don't see how it would be any other way, though. The universe is such that short-wave, physical learning is possible. It is the means by which knowledge of good and evil is acquired - the school of hard knocks. An ethereal-only universe wouldn't be much to write home about!
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Q: (L) So in other words, we're supposed to be modulating our FRV - i.e. our receivership capability - by work on the self, and synchronizing with all of the members of the group in order to... what?

A: Anchor the frequency of the new reality.

Q: (L) So in other words, there are a number of possible new realities and it depends on either... Okay, is it that a group can anchor a frequency and thereby determine the template of the new reality for all?

A: Not exactly. Determines which branch you will move to.

Q: (L) So anchoring a frequency as a group in a sense is not exactly like creating the new reality... It's more like choosing. Is that it?

A: Yes yes yes

This was especially encouraging for me. It was a sharp reminder that our "hygiene" --- the inner and outer environment that we cultivate daily, and the resonance that draws/binds us together in love --- constitute a CHOICE that harmonizes us with a beautiful reality.

It's equally sobering to know that lack of vigilance, laziness, or loss of faith will keep me rooted in a "reality" that is a vanishing dream. Reading this season, the thought responded in me, "I want to go home."

Thank you for maintaining the beacon!


The Force is Strong With This One
I was never worried about coronavirus, mainly because it didn't quite hit at the same time as famine.

I listened to Jordan Peterson's podcast recently, according to his daughter, he is recovering from the effects of the drug and getting better. Learning lessons apparently.

I genuinely thought trump made a mistake and was mislead into the assassination. I fell for it when both sides got friendly afterward. I felt relief, honestly. If the information from the C's is accurate, I understand now why he may have made the right decision. It makes sense. He still made somewhat of a mistake in that The news has been saying that there was no immediate threat that called for the assassination in the first place. Then again, I guess the news would find any way of spinning a story against a scapegoat like Trump or anyone who might be president at the time. On a side note, I noticed that they are saying Russia is on both sides of the election now to sow discord! how does this even make sense logically? This does not seem like the greatest strategy for divide and conquer. So, the Russians are perpetuating a system that can perpetuate all on its own? Is that a good use of recourses? Seems like the powers that be don't like Sander's ideas and now want to bring the Russian narrative over to the democratic side just in case. They don't seem to have a good enough democratic candidate to shut him down like Hillary was (seemingly artificially) able to when he was still gaining momentum and popularity.

What is utterly bizarre is that the two items appear in that previous session adjacent.

Reading that just gave me goosebumps.

This was one of the most interesting things I have read on this forum. Really Amazing.


FOTCM Member
Many thanks for sharing the session:flowers:!

That video was posted at the begining of February. Since then, Turkey has not taken kindly Syria's latest effort to recover it's own territory from terrorists in Idlib - some of whom are backed by Turkey. For the first time in the Syrian war, as far as I can tell, there have been direct clashes between the Turkish and Syrian armies, and at some point it was even reported that Turkey fired anti-air missiles against a Russian jet.

Today the situation escalated some more. Syrian bombers killed around 30 Turk soldiers, and Turkey is threatening to target all known Syrian Army objectives. The US is, of course, backing Turkey.

Could these be the results and effects of the breaching of the curtain?

This was also my thought when reading again some parts of the session that this could be one effect. Especially when Erdogan further gets into trouble withRussia("Get out of the way, let us deal with Assad regime") and that he opened the borders for refugees to Europe for some time. At least it adds up to the craziness factor.


Q: (L) So anchoring a frequency as a group in a sense is not exactly like creating the new reality... It's more like choosing. Is that it?

A: Yes yes yes

I like that a lot. It makes me think there are no non-realities. Because of a fondness for Vedic cosmology, I suggest that Maya says, "Yes!" to everything we ask. We only have to ask it.

It's like writing poetry, for example. I used to write haiku for fun (and, it turns out, for vanity's sake, as in, "Look at how clever I am to write this haiku!"). But it always occurred to me that I didn't write anything. The poet is more like and editor in a sense. The words are all there already, in countless potential sequences. We just choose the particular sequence we like, and then we call it our own creation. In the same way we believe ourselves to be self-created - Swayambhu. The words were always there in that order; the writer just does a the equivalent of a "scratcher" on a lottery ticket and uncovers the words, or just blows the dust off the tablet. We pick up a scratcher, rub it off, don't like it, pick up another, ad infinitum. That's not particularly creative.

There is some virtue in it, though. It's not as bleak as Ecclesiastes, "nothing changes under the sun." Play long enough, and you eventually find the golden ticket. You didn't create it, but it still gives admittance to the higher realms.


Jedi Master
There was a great session where it was said that the Paul was St. James? I can't remember if I mixed something:-D. It was mentioned something about Santigo de Compostela, the oldest pilgrimage in Europe. I found this pageThe Scallop Shell was the emblem worn by pilgrims to Compostela

的海滨Compostelan朝圣者流转d themselves to collect their maritime pilgrim’s badge was not any seashore. It was in fact the point of land known asFinisterra, the end of the earth and one may speculate further as to what significance this may hold. This was the edge of the known world beyond which lay the western horizon, whose mythological connotations include ideas of the Land of the Dead and the resurrection symbolism of the sun’s decline and subsequent rising.

To this day, the coastline remains known as the Costa da Muerte and the numerous Celtic remnants still found in Galicia have given rise to suggestions that there was at the headland a cultic site, the Ara de Solis.

The proposition that rituals involving a ceremonial journey of the dead were performed there, prompts the question of whether the pilgrimage to Compostela was an adaption of an earlier cult associated with the passage to the afterlife, of which the scallop shell as a vessel of transportation over the sea to a Paradisaical realm, remains an evocative vestige. This may be the source of one of the Apostle of Compostela’s legendary miracles, when a drowned knight was brought up out of the sea by the saint, covered in scallop shells and restored to life.

I got question, is this the Place where Paul got his faith?


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Jedi Master
Sorry for bothering but I'm looking at this picture of a Saint James's tombsantiago0001.jpg
and silly of me but I hat to research what this symbols mean IC XC, I know I went to religius education for12 years but:lol:,it's the capital letters of Jesus Christ in Greek but I don't think that's the case, usually you have the cross and word NIKA underneath which should be interpreted as J.C. conquered the death. Other thoughts?


I found this reference to a portal over the M.E. in the4 October 1997 session:

I left in that subsequent part about the symbolism of the (Christian) cross because, 23 years later, in the current session published above, Laura just answered her own question...

Laura-in-the-future (our present) has answered Laura-in-the-past!

Thanks for this wonderful session.

I found this curious, It may be related to what might have come through the portal or what is wanted to happen with the incoming hyperdimensional energy. Remember that the Cs talked about that Jehovah was a reptilian projection, the STS nature of rituals and that the portals are dual, that is, that energies can enter or leave...they used the elevator analogy in the past. The Cs also spoke that the jews hoped to carry out the biblical prophecies in a short time. Ok:

"Since 1987, when the Temple Movement began preparations for the rebuilding of theThird Temple, efforts to see this become a reality in the 21st century have been slowly progressing."

This "third temple" has to do with the "end times" according to Judeo-Christian beliefs:

In the prophetic writings of the Book of Daniel and the Brit Chadashah (New Testament), we find significant details aboutthe role of a rebuilt Temple in the end times.Both Daniel and Yeshua (Jesus) tell us that the Anti-Messiah will defile the Third Temple before the return of the true Messiah. They both call this spiritual defilement in the Temple the abomination of desolation: “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” (Matthew 24:15–16; compare with Daniel 9:27, 11:31, and 12:11)

Now with the "deal of the century":

"As per Trump’s Deal of the Century, the Sanhedrin petitioned the Israeli government, filing to receive permits that would allow priests toperform the ritualof the Pesach (Passover) sacrifice temporary altar that will be transported to the temple mount and removed immediately after the ceremony. If the government grants the permits, as it should, based on Israeli and international law,this will be the first time since the destruction of the Second Temple that an altar has stood in its proper place on Judaism’s holiest site: the threshing floor purchased by King David.

The Sanhedrin recently performed an intense study concerning the current status of the Passover offering and concluded that at this juncture, one sacrifice made at the Temple Mount brought in the name of the entire Jewish people would suffice... The Passover sacrifice can only be offered in one place; on the Temple Mount. The sacrifice does not require an actual Temple structure but it does require an altar that is built to adhere to the Biblical requirements. Such an altar was constructed last year and stands ready.

Rambam (Rabbi Moses Maimonides), a medieval Jewish philosopher and Torah scholar, said that the Temple has eternal significance. He wrote in Hilchos Bais HaBechirah (The Laws of God’s Chosen House) that the Temple had two primary purposes:

1)To reveal to mankind the Divine Presence of God, which dwelt above the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant.
“There, above the cover between the two cherubim that are over the Ark of the Testimony, I will meet with you and give you all my commands for the Israelites.” (Exodus 25:22)

2) To facilitate the offering of the requiredsacrifices.

We all know of Jehovah's urgency for the blood shed as a sacrifice and the geopolitical news now seems to focus on the conflict over Idlib between Turkey and NATO against Russia and Syria.


Update on the Building of the Third Temple | Jewish Voice Ministries International
Thanks to Trump: Pascal Lamb could be Sacrificed on Temple Mount for first Time in 2,000 Years


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thank you for this interesting session! Not sure if I'm looking forward to the more things to come, but at least it will be interesting and full of learning!

[...] we go through the state of sin, and then we experience a transformation, part of which means coming to terms with our past sins, understanding them, using them for growth, to the point that we can eventually absolve ourselves by seeing that without them, we couldn't have learned what we have learned.
That even though l regret a lot of mistakes and 'sins' that I've made in this lifetime and sometimes wish I did things differently, that in some way they were also necessary and something I had to go through

This might be better in the afterlife thread, but I thought these two comments support a question I have had. Why are we so hard on ourselves in 5D? Is there not self-compassion there? Often times if I messed up, I can see that I simply didn't have all the details and acted mechanically as I was most likely to do. And I look back on it and can see right here why I did it. And if I were to erase the "mistake" I wouldn't have learned a lot of things thereafter, and that would be self abridging of free will, no?


FOTCM Member
This might be better in the afterlife thread, but I thought these two comments support a question I have had.Why are we so hard on ourselves in 5D? Is there not self-compassion there?Often times if I messed up, I can see that I simply didn't have all the details and acted mechanically as I was most likely to do. And I look back on it and can see right here why I did it. And if I were to erase the "mistake" I wouldn't have learned a lot of things thereafter, and that would be self abridging of free will, no?

To answer your first question, have you had a chance to readThe Life Beyond The Veil?If you haven't, you'll find that even though we can be very hard on ourselves, the judgement that is held over us is essentially self-imposed. We judge ourselves for all the mistakes and 'sins' we've committed throughout our lives and however much we've learned or grown from those mistakes determines our frequency resonance and where we end up in 5D. But I think you'll see from reading the book that there is still hope in this process, and that the very act of striving towards the light or what's good and the truth opens the door towards progressively moving up the staircase.

And that in the spirit realm, there are plenty of other souls more than willing and actively seeking to help those who are struggling along the way. That there is an indescribable amount of love and compassion that exists, but that it's a matter of 'scale' or capacity that determines how much of it we are able to see or receive. The universe doesn't give us more than we can handle.

There is a very Christian gloss to the descriptions of the afterlife in the book, which may be colored by the channel, but in one part of the book, Vale Owen's mother describes how she and a few others try to help and heal those who are trying to cross over from the 'shadow' realm into the lowlands of heaven, and it's the souls who have had enough of being tormented by their mechanical suffering and the beings that continuously feed on and perpetuate those negative states and emotions that they are able to assist, because deep down they are finally asking and praying for some kind of help, even if they can't see a way out.

她描述了一个女人的灵魂在point of crossing that threshold and how even after she had crossed over with the help of another, they left her alone to wander because she wasn't willing to accept or receive help from them and they cannot help those that aren't asking. That many times she came close to wandering back into the shadow lands (old habits and circuits are hard to break and takes continuous work to change) until finally they were able to meet with and talk to her and found out that she held onto an incredible amount of guilt and shame for attacking the soul that helped her cross thinking he was another dark entity.

她在等待一些最高法官一个d punish her for what she did, only to find out that such a thing doesn't exist. But the pain that she felt for what she did was very real and the act of admitting to and facing it that allowed it to come up was met with compassion. That there was no erasure of it but a difficult and painful coming to terms, the first of many for her, that was said to be the beginnings of her journey up through heaven.



In other words, a group of people that have that kind of faith that in the face of everything being literally awful as it is in our world today, that they still have faith in the other reality, they still have faith in doing good, doing right, being loving
This is what resonates deeply with me, I have always felt that other unseen world and how important it is, even though it is completely invisible and untouchable to myself. It feels like everything and everyone is against what I, and we, believe and want to bring about. Everyone is selfish and brutal and mean, and that's why it's a crazy world. They can't stand to be 'weak' and 'stupid' by being loving and giving. This is the world. It is a test, the best kind of test, to weed out the true. For you can't fake that [honesty & integrity] in this world of pain and suffering. I guess that is the point - can you still be you against all adversity? No-one believes, no-one tries, no-one cares, no-one gives, on-and-on-and-on... There simply is no way to explain this to people who don't ask first, it's exactly like bringing a horse to water and trying to make it drink - will not work.
Thanks so much for this session! Absolutely amazing, you are all absolutely amazing :D


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
We judge ourselves for all the mistakes and 'sins' we've committed throughout our lives and however much we've learned or grown from those mistakes determines our frequency resonance and where we end up in 5D.

Thanks for the refresher, Turgon. I've read the Red Pill Press volume of Life Beyond the Veil. I guess we aren't necessarily harsh on ourselves if we have made progress or a suitable perspective in 3D. Or, "When you have learned, you have learned."

The angels that stand by on the Bridge and watch for souls coming to the light from the Lowlands were very inspiring to me. Forgiveness is big for me, and I wouldn't mind being an apprentice to them. You can pick your 5D job in 3D, right?;-)

I guess that is the point - can you still be you against all adversity?

Certainly. You're all you've got. If you cannot be yourself, what else do you have? I have a recurring thought loop of, "Who am I?" I think it comes when I stray and need to question myself, but I find it's best if I answer that question with actions. So when I have completed something worthwhile it's like, "See, this is who I am!"
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