Session 22 July 2012



FOTCM Member
Session Date: July 22nd 2012

Laura, Ark, Belibaste, Perceval, Andromeda, Ailen, Atriedes, PoB, E___, T___, Mr. Scott, Kniall

Q: (L) Today is July the 22nd 2012, the anniversary of the second contact with the Cs. What is it, 18 years ago? Well, it was also the last day of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy impacts. The impacts were from the 16th through the 22nd of July. We had the first session where the Cs came through on the 16th, and the second one on the 22nd. Changed our lives forever! So... Hello?

A: Joy to the World!

Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Eionjoya

Q: (L) And where do you transmit through or from?

A: New year coming!

Q: (L) Where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea

Q: (L) You seem to be a little bit excited about something.

A: We are!

Q: (L) What are you excited about?

A: Peace will come!

Q: (L) And when will this peace come? Well, maybe "when" isn't the right question. How is peace going to come?

A: The cosmos is going to clean house!!!

Q: (Perceval) Doesn't sound very peaceful. (L) Yeah, that doesn't sound very peaceful to me!


Q: (L) Well. Okay, that leads to my... Do you have anything further to say before I get on to the questions?

A: No, we know the questions!

Q: (L) So, what you're saying is that your remarks at the beginning... {relate to what we have been discussing which is all the really weird stuff going on).[planchette zooms around on the board] Boy, you're full of energy! I want to know if this fire in Colorado was caused by fireballs?

A: Indeed and did you notice that feeble cover-up? They are getting desperate.

Q: (L) Yes, we noticed that feeble cover-up. Speaking of fireballs, there was an article that Kniall put together about this supposed comet/missile launch. We're just kind of a little bit curious about that because there was a lot of weird stuff going on around that.

A: You should remember what we told you years ago about "chemtrails" in relation to MIC activity, that it was fully known that the real enemy was "out there" not "over there." Don't discard what Clube said about this matter so easily. You should be aware that there are swarms of missiles ready and waiting to be launched at the order of the military sky watchers so as to mask what is going on. In this case and even others there was both: A comet explosion followed by a missile launch to keep the masses calm. Can't have the PTB looking like they are angering "the gods", ya know!!!

Q: (Perceval) So basically what we were thinking. (L) So in other words what you're suggesting is that there is a network of missiles around the planet belonging to various different countries. At any given time, somebody can give the order for somebody in the right place to launch a missile to cover up the fact that there are comets. Is that it?

A: Yes precisely. You need military activity to mask celestial events. And so it has always been.

{Previous session referenced: 4 December 1999:

A: It is just as dangerous and just as useless to "see" conspiracy in everything as it is to "see" conspiracy in nothing. We tire of conspiracy "buffs." They are nutty, and serve as perfect false sponsors to those who really DO seek to conduct widespread mental/psychic manipulations and control.

Q: Okay, that leads into the next question about the excessive contrail activity. (F) I read the articles about the contrails. There did not seem to be any way of verifying anything that was said. Essentially, you were left with the claims of this or that person, few of whom were trained observers, or who were taking all the factors into consideration.

(左) Well, we noticed them a lot in the spring of 1998 when we had all the floods and fires later. They are THERE!

(F) Yes, but the claims are that contrails were appearing in clear skies, at which point the sky became overcast as a result of these contrails, when the two may not have been related at all. Then, people were noticing cob webs or "angel hair" type stuff falling on the ground.

(左) I agree that a lot of it is unverifiable and I haven't seen any hard proof myself, either; but they ARE there! LOTS of these jets flying about. An exceedingly LOT of flying! And, not only that, other things have been reported and photographed; strange streaks and lines in the sky, dark and light both - as though some sort of cosmic structure is bleeding through!

(F) Yes, but you have to wonder about these people. I mean, the stuff about the radar anomalies was clearly an example of ignorance of both radar and weather. Oh, yes, big spheres appear on the radar, but those have been appearing forever! They are nothing but cumulo-nimbus blow-ups - what is called a meso-cyclone, and is very common. The only reason they are getting excited about it is because there is all this communication, all these satellite and radar link-ups, and now the average person gets to see what weathermen have been seeing all along! More coverage and communication just makes it seem like it is something new. People need knowledge about this! Sure, there is stuff going on out there, but people seem to be seeing boogy men behind absolutely everything that happens! And this is because they have no knowledge about these things. Why are these people going off the deep end about these half-baked ideas without bothering to get expert opinions, or even a number of opinions? Why do they promulgate all this nonsense to everybody else as though THEY are experts, with nothing to balance the observations in the way of competent analysis? Meso-cyclones, eruptions of cumulo-nimbus super cells are, by their very nature, perfectly circular because of the cyclonic up-draft!

(左) But, the fact still remains, in my opinion, that there are a LOT, LOT, LOT of planes flying above us in the past few years! Whether they are dumping anything on our heads, or what, there are an extreme number of planes flying in these upper level criss-cross patterns. Now, whether they are just playing war-games, or they are spy planes, they are doing SOMETHING! What is the reason for all of this upper level flying that results in these criss-crossed contrails that everybody is seeing?

A: A lot of it is "training-maneuver" oriented.

Q: Why are they training so many pilots? What are they preparing for?

A: Military budgets must be justified, you know. Review "Military-Industrial Complex 101."

Q: So, this is just training flight, justification of budget, and nothing more than that?

A: Well, we would not say "not anything more to it than that," but, when you say "M-IC," you have said a lot!

Q: Are you implying that there is a build-up of the Military-Industrial Complex for a reason?

A: To preserve status quo during "peacetime." This peace business is not very profitable, you know.

Q: Does that suggest that they are building up to set off a war so they can make more money?

A: Maybe if indeed, and if the populace can be hoodwinked. But, fortunately, the public is less hoodwinkable. Maybe the real enemy is "out there, " rather than "over there." Was it not always?

Q: Does any of this increased aircraft activity have anything to do with the increased awareness and activities of aliens in and around our planet?

A: As always. But, this awareness is factionalized and compartmentalized. }

Q: (L) Vewy intewesting. Any other questions on that topic? I think I asked this before... I have the feeling that the so-called "alien invasion" is really comets.

A: Pretty much.

Q: (L) What about these sinkholes? I mean, sinkholes everywhere! This is getting to be really bizarre. I have never heard of so many sinkholes in my entire life happening all over the planet. I mean, sinkholes are kind of common in Florida, but... What the heck is going on?

A: We mentioned an infinitesimal slowing of the planet's rotation causing everything to "open up"?!

Q: (L) Yes, you did.

A: We were being literal in that instance.

[Referenced session: 17 January 1997:

Q: (Terry) Let's see, last week we concentrated on MM, and you were all busy trying to keep us out of trouble.

A: We would very much like to "concentrate" on things of worldly/universal import. What do you suppose happens when the mantle stops, or slows, and the crust does not?

Q: (Laura) Frank had a dream about this the other night, too. (Terry) About the mantle slowing? Okay, if the mantle slows and the crust doesn't... (Laura) It's like walking around the room, carrying a bowl of soup, and then stopping... (Terry) It sloshes over because the crust keeps moving... water in all of the oceans is going to slosh...

A: No sloshing.

Q: (Laura) Okay, what happens when the... is it that there will be lots of earthquakes?

A: Maybe, but what is the bigger picture?
Q: (Jan) Gravity changes...

A: Warmer...

Q: (Laura) Gravity changes, ok... gravity lessens...

A: What have we hinted about gravity.

问:(劳拉)所以,如果重力is lessened, and it is the binder, then, everything... ohhh, I see what you're getting at!

(Jan) Yes, gravity is the binder. Without gravity, it just all fall s apart...

A: Not "Falls apart," my dear, it all "opens up!"

Q: (Laura) And when it opens up what happens?

A: Change.

Q: (Laura) So, in other words, this cosmic event is the catalyst for the change in those human beings who are ready and prepared to experience it in a positive way...

A: Well, sort of, but... Remember... There is no "supernatural" or "paranormal," only natural and normal. Your 'Noah Syndrome' implied, originally, a discrimination between "wicked" and good. Being ready does not recognize such distinctions!

Q: (Laura) What does being ready imply?

A: Being on the verge of transformation to next density level, be it STO or STS. So, you see, the transformation maintains the balance! }

Q: (L) Okay, so there are sinkholes, and there are lots of birds falling dead, and there are all kinds of animals that are dying in rivers, and in the ocean...

A: All part of the same or similar processes.

Q: (L) Well, how can that be part of the same or similar processes?

A: Outgassings, landslides occurring by upwelling of water.

Q: (L) So water coming up, gas coming out, we've got land sinking in, overhead cometary explosions... (Ailen) Earthquakes, volcanoes... (Belibaste) Crazy weather. (L) Oh, what about these kids that were killed in two separate incidents, one in Missouri and one in Tennessee, on the same day by an unknown source of electricity in the water?

A: Oh! Gosh! Did we forget to mention electric charge enhancing man made sources or even acting without guides?

Q: (L) What's a guide? Wire? I guess "guides" is a wire...

A: Yes.

{See: and }

Q: (L) Well. Alright then. Oh, what is up with the ZOMBIES?? Oh my god!!!

A: We covered that as well! People deteriorating!

{Session referenced 20 June 2009:

Q: (L) Well, in that respect, there's also some other things that are very strange that are going on. For example, I would like to know what is going on with D****? D**** has been writing us many e-mails that are more or less incoherent. We tried at one point to communicate with him and to persuade him that he needed to get counseling, to do something, and I don't know whether he has or whether he hasn't. But he seems to be mentally deteriorating. At the same time, I also got an e-mail today from a former member of the forum, and he has also been a member of QFS for a very short time, although he never participated - or very little - over a period of a couple of years. But anyhow, he says his name is M**** (Arabic name), and he says he lives in {Middle Eastern Country}, but his IP address points to Washington DC. His e-mails are very similar to D***'s: fairly incoherent, and actually threatening. I mean, reading his e-mail, I thought this was strange. If your name is M**** in this day and age, you don't go around vaguely threatening somebody with end of the world scenarios saying that something big is gonna happen. Nevertheless, that's what he did. And I would like to know is there any relationship between the apparent deterioration of the minds of these two people? {Added note: the similarity of writing styles actually made us think for awhile that it might be the same person. The best way to describe it is schizophrenic ideation.}

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is the relationship?

A: It is not just "waves" beamed by such things as HAARP or microwaves, it is also a quickening of the cosmos. Those who are not integrated will disintegrate at an even faster rate than ever.

Q: (L) Are there any kinds of negative spirits or attachments involved here?

A: Not necessary when the personality is so fragmented.}

Q: (L) They did, didn't they? But we didn't think it was going to get to the point of people eating other people's faces! I mean, for god's sake!

A: If you are animal by nature, or simply addicted to getting your energy from others, that is merely the ultimate expression of same.

Q: (L) Charming. (Andromeda) Eating somebody's face?! (L) Well… Ugh... Okay, what about this crazy shooting? Now the weird thing about this shooting is that it happened in Aurora, Colorado. It was at a movie about Batman, and part of the title of the movie was the word "Knight". It was committed by somebody getting their PhD in neuroscience. So four of those items have direct relations to things that are close to our work. So, it got our attention. Perhaps it was just to get our attention to get a question about it, but it just really is totally and completely weird.

A: We believe we have already mentioned "Greenbaum programming"? Yes? {Which is, essentially MKUltra.}

Q: (L) Yeah. (Belibaste) So the coincidences are just coincidences, or there's something more? (L) So, are those elements coincidence?

A: A sign for all! Joy is coming!

Q: [laughter] (L) You seem to be awfully joyful about... (Ailen) Shootings, and death, and... (Belibaste) Zombies...

A: It is not that!!! It is the balance that follows. The illness is reaching the crisis stage, after which there is a restoration to health.

Q: (L) So humanity is sick...

A: It is more than just one species involved here!

Q: (L) What do you mean, like animals and stuff, or...?

A: Partly but think of the planet and its entire biosphere and which species is behaving like a virus.


A: Not all, but most are carriers.

Q: (Perceval) Psychopaths.

A: Yes and those that "infuse" them.

Q: (L) So, you mean 4D STS?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Which brings us to some more personal questions. Is this audit that we are undergoing with the FISC, is this like targeted? Are we targeted by this?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (L) By who or what?

A: Mainly personal.

Q: (L) What do you mean, "mainly personal"?

A: Can we say cockroach?

Q: (L) So it's just personal from her?

A: Not exactly! She had the idea that this would work without blowback via publicity. It was confidence born of her extremely narrow view.

Q: (L) So, she said, "Let's close the police investigation and open a FISC investigation, and then we'll get them that way and we won't look bad"?

A: Yes.

Q: (Belibaste) But there might be blowback. (L) Well, the thing is that with her narrow view, she was confident that it would work because she didn't understand... (Perceval) Well, she knew already during the investigation that we were going public with it. So she came up with the FISC plan as a way to make it so that we couldn't say the police were harassing us. So, they shift it off to the FISC. (Andromeda) And she was sure they'd find something. (Kniall) And now it looks like, "Oh, the FISC is involved, there must be something there." (Andromeda) And the FISC is famous for finding anything. (Perceval) If the FISC prosecute us for tax or whatever, it's normal. Everybody gets that. But if the police had gone after us and tried to take us to task... (L) Then it would blow back on MIVILUDES, and so on. So, that was her idea! I guess she's trying to become a commandant. Well, I'm sorry, but it's not going to work, Madame Cockroach. The fact is, you really do have a narrow view and you don't understand a thing about U.S. corporate law nor how U.S. non-profits operate. (Belibaste) And the inquiry failed. Months and months of public money for NOTHING. (L) Yeah. France has been spending an enormous amount of money, time, and resources to just basically do nothing except harass us! They just look foolish. They look ignorant regarding international financial law, they look completely fascist, and narrow-minded regarding their attitudes towards anyone not like themselves. Okay, our next question: What the hell is going on with H___? {Long story, the short version is long-time member of the group with Parkinsonism who just went downhill fast in the past couple of years.}

A: Hohum... [laughter] Just answered about zombies.

问:(L)取决于一个人,他们只是deteriorate to whatever level of their capacity. Okay, C___ had this terrible incident happening with this kitty cat. I want to know was it because C___ put calcium and magnesium in the cat's food that it caused the cat to die by having crystals?

A: No, crystals would not form that quickly.

Q: (L) So there was something wrong with the kitty to begin with?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Alright. What did we want to ask about G___? {Another long-time member of group and forum who just forgot everything she learned in the space of about a year.}

A: Hohum...

Q: [laughter] (Perceval) That's gonna be the short answer for a lot of things. (L) PJ and BS?

A: Ditto.

Q: (L) Okay, I want to know about this ghost I saw. Did I really see a ghost? {Seen in full daylight, riding a bicycle down our driveway.}

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And who was it a ghost of?

A: Soldier lover

Q: (L) Somebody who loves soldiers?

A: No no no...

Q: (Atriedes) The guy was coming here, he was... (Perceval) The lover of someone in the house at the time...

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) Was he German or French?

A: American.

Q: (Belibaste) And he was in love with who in the house? (Atriedes) Did it have a happy ending?

A: No.

Q: (Atriedes) Dammit. (Belibaste) And he was in love with who because at the time, it was the family with the son who visited us recently. (Atriedes) Put two and two together. I mean, prying into people's ancient love lives? (L) It was probably his mother.

A: Yes.

问:(珀西瓦尔),它并不是少见。(L)我顾ess we better not talk about it. (Andromeda) We already watched Dr. Zhivago, thank you. (L) Okay, we've got E___ here. There are issues that have come up and… E___, do you have any particular way you want to ask any questions? (E___) If I have been on the path to deteriorating, is there anything that I'm not doing now that I can do that would help the situation. And how can I make amends if there are any ways to? (L) Well, let's ask one question at a time. So what's your first question? (E___) If I have been deteriorating, what can I do...

A: Yes. Brain glitches due to genetics. Similar to Parkinsonism.

Q: (L) Similar to, but not the same?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Um... Hmm. (Ailen) That's interesting because I was reading about it this morning. But I decided it probably didn't apply because it was talking about Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, but they were talking about problems with the cortico-something in the frontal cortex where it affects decision-making, and...

A: You have a very narrow window of opportunity to make what corrections can be made.

Q: (L) And how should he go about doing that?

A: Research and mostly following directions. You really do not perceive reality as it is nor do you have the ability to make assessments of what you do perceive.

Q: (E___) Is there any way at this point, in addition to researching and mostly following directions, to increase my receivership capability? And perceiving reality as it really is?

A: Doing things that need doing with full attention.

Q: (Ailen) When they say "research", they mean researching about this brain thing? (L) Yeah, I guess.

A: Yes. Warning: You have almost zero insight.

Q: (Belibaste) So you cannot really rely on your own thinking, and you have to trust and rely on others for the right processes, the right things to do.

A: Yes.

Q: (Belibaste) Maybe doing the right thing again and again will rewire the brain, and you'll learn the right path?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Paying attention is probably the biggest thing.

A: It also helps to care more about others than yourself.

Q: (L) But I guess you can't create that if it isn't there.

A: True.

Q: (E___) Do I have the capability to care more about others than I do about myself at this point?

A: No.

Q: (E___) At a later point?

A: Possible. In your case, it is very difficult, however you were recently given good advice: Do what "it" doesn't like.

Q: (L) What about I___?

A: Here is part of the problem: Despite the good intentions of both, they each feed what is worst in each other.

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: E___ feeds I___'s ambition to her detriment and ultimate destruction. I___ feeds E___'s helplessness by not demanding that he do what he doesn't like. That too will destroy him ultimately. It takes two to tango...

Q: (L) Well, I guess the obvious question aside from what we've already asked is what should they do about their relationship?

A: By normal standards they do not have a "relationship".

Q: (Ark) But I have a question. Because I am also feeding Laura’s ambitions, and she is not making me do what I don't like. What's the difference?

A: You neither have genetic glitches that deprive you of insight. Raw ambition is quite different from an incredible drive for truth matched by a deep urge to share and nurture.

Q: (L) So, in other words, I___ is not being completely honest about her reasons for doing what she does. Maybe she doesn't even know them herself.

A: True.

Q: (Ailen) You're implying that she also has genetic glitches, right?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) They don't want to say anything else about that. Genetic glitches. But she doesn't lack insight, does she?

答:不一样, but when she does get a glimpse it is often overridden by emotion.

Q: (L) So it sounds like she needs to get her emotions under control.

A: Big time!!!

Q: (L) So they could have a relationship if they would make these adjustments, is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (E___) Thank you. (L) There's hope.

A: But you must never slip down the slippery slope of giving each other the wrong feedback.

Q: (L) Okay, did we cover everything? (Andromeda) Do we want to ask about A___ and B___ and that whole situation?

A: Obviously I___ has spoiled the soup so to say. A___ has sensitivities that I___ did not consider. That situation needs careful sorting out via the network.

Q: (L) Is that all you're going to tell us about that?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So we're on our own, huh? Alright. Anything else? I'm tired. T___, you got anything you want to ask? (T___) No. (L) Alright then, we're going to say goodnight. Anything you want to say to us?

A: Things will be getting VERY interesting in upcoming months! Enjoy! Goodbye.



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Good Morning Laura,
Thank you so much for sharing this session--and so quickly! Your work is deeply appreciated.

I too find the C's anticipatory joy rather unnerving to say the least. Greater changes are indeed in the air.:shock:

这个会议提供了洞察一些话题on multiple levels for me.

Again, many thanks,


The Living Force
Very interesting session. I actually grasp the joy they are expressing, considering how deeply ill this reality is. Yes, there will be enormous pain, but if it means that we come out the other side with relief from the overwhelming, choking decay that is existence on this planet at this point in 'time' then I definitely understand the joy... Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm currently experiencing joy, being 'here' and 'now', but I definitely grasp the idea from what I imagine might be their point of view.


FOTCM Member
shellycheval said:
I too find the C's anticipatory joy rather unnerving to say the least. Greater changes are indeed in the air.:shock:

I guess that, from a cosmic perspective, humanity is mostly a destructive virus on the planet. And since nothing has ever been able to get them to clean up their own mess or stop destroying everything in sight, such joy on the part of all who have suffered - including the planet itself - is understandable.


Thanks for new session! The cosmos is going to clean house. )))


Thank you for putting up the session so quickly. With all the things going down right now on Earth, it is good news that in some way JOY is up ahead. I guess as they say the darkest moment is just before the dawn.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Very interesting session! Thanks, as always, for sharing Laura! :)

Laura said:
Q: (Perceval) So basically what we were thinking. (L) So in other words what you're suggesting is that there is a network of missiles around the planet belonging to various different countries. At any given time, somebody can give the order for somebody in the right place to launch a missile to cover up the fact that there are comets. Is that it?

A: Yes precisely. You need military activity to mask celestial events. And so it has always been.

This made me think of the London Olympics with all their missiles everywhere.

Laura said:
Q: (L) Vewy intewesting. Any other questions on that topic? I think I asked this before... I have the feeling that the so-called "alien invasion" is really comets.

A: Pretty much.

This really made me think of the London Olympics after that article on SOTT talking about an "alien invasion" false flag operation at the Olympics:

shellycheval said:
I too find the C's anticipatory joy rather unnerving to say the least. Greater changes are indeed in the air.:shock:

Certainly greater changes are needed for us 3D beings to realize the joy that the Cs have (though I have, at times, imagined what a feeling of great joy would arise in seeing this planet turn its direction around after getting to the brink, or seeing the "virus" purged, etc), but being as they're 6D STO and see all as it is, I'm not sure that their forecast would qualify as anticipatory.


The Living Force
Thanks, Laura. It is good to know some joy is coming, even if its going to be a bumpy ride. Thanks so much for sharing. :)


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
:) Great Session, thank you so much for bringing it so fast to the forum.


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
I don't personally think I will enjoy the cleansing process either, but I can indeed be glad in my heart that peace is coming (though maybe not for me or my loved ones).
What a beautiful thought.
Thanks for the session, Chateau Crew and thank you Cassiopaeans, you have been the main bringers of some truth and beauty in my life, whatever happens.


Dagobah Resident
thx for the session

A: Things will be getting VERY interesting in upcoming months! Enjoy! Goodbye.

then wait and see

what will happend


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I guess that, from a cosmic perspective, humanity is mostly a destructive virus on the planet. And since nothing has ever been able to get them to clean up their own mess or stop destroying everything in sight, such joy on the part of all who have suffered - including the planet itself - is understandable.

Indeed, although I confess to being afraid of suffering, having had a bit of it already mostly in the past and having grown attached to the comforts I have been blessed with in the present, the thought of the greater suffering that all beings (except the psychopaths I think) have been experiencing since time out of mind, coming to an end is a cause for great joy, to say the least, and one worth any price.

Certainly greater changes are needed for us 3D beings to realize the joy that the Cs have (though I have, at times, imagined what a feeling of great joy would arise in seeing this planet turn its direction around after getting to the brink, or seeing the "virus" purged, etc), but being as they're 6D STO and see all as it is, I'm not sure that their forecast would qualify as anticipatory.
True! They clearly have proved time and again they know all!


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
Thank you for sharing new session ! :)
Yes, joy like the joy after painful labor. I can imagine Mother Earth shaking her shoulders and just throw us like a wet dog.


Padawan Learner
Thanks for the unexpected session coming so soon. So many topics, but in a way there's only one important clue: the world is due for (another) cleanhouse? Somehow, the session reminds me of the Matrix, 1st movie, about humanity as a virus. Also reminds me of the late George Carlin, who rooted for calamities to happen to the world.:cool:
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