Session 26 July 2014



FOTCM Member
Session Date: July 26th 2014

劳拉and Andromeda at the board
PoB皮埃尔,珀西瓦尔,楚、Kniall Oxaj平行il , Data, Thorbiorn, Mr. Scott, Terran, Alana, Timótheos

Joining via Skype from Toronto: Turgon, Aya, dugdeep, Manitoban, fabric

Q: [We initially couldn't connect via Skype with the Toronto gang] (L) This is the 26th July, 2014. We've got the usual crew plus Parallel and Oxajil, Thorbiorn, Timótheos, Alana, and Terran. We're obviously having technical difficulties... Hello?

A: Hello all!

Q: [Skype finally connects in background] (L) And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Filniea of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Okay.

(Perceval) Hello! [hellos over Skype] You're late!

(fabric) Can you hear us?

(Perceval) Yes. We can't see you.

(fabric) Okay, hold on... [Adjustments made, remote camera repositioned, etc. Hellos again.]

(Perceval) Alright.

(Andromeda) Do you have your pens and paper?

(Toronto peeps) Yeah!

(L) You know, we were giving up on you? We already got started, so we're just going to pick up where we left off. We're going to ask our first question. We already did our introductions. Alright, so... My first question is... You guys don't get to ask questions yet! That's your punishment for being late. [laughter] I want to know what caused the crash of the Air Algerie flight number AH 5017? I would like to know what caused that crash?

A: Multiple elements were involved here. First there was a vortex of electric charge which quadrupled the power of the thunder stroke. Second, due to the vortex, there was a breach of the realm curtain. This induced EM effects which disoriented the pilots. Expect more of this sort of thing around the planet in future.

Q: (Pierre) Why was there a vortex of electric charge?

A: The current is grounded, thus more current "flow". Read Pierre's book!

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) Interesting recommendation.

(Kniall) Did you hear about this book?

(Andromeda) What about that thunderstorms that we had here the other day that was pretty intense?

A: Another vortex, except not so intense at ground level.

Q: (L) There was a question I wanted to ask, but it jumped out of my head... Yeah, we had a circular storm, and all of the thunder and lightning was like a ring, or a cyclonic motion around us and around all of France. I saw it on the radar the few times I checked.

(Pierre) And this grounding, it's due to more dust in the atmosphere. So you can retain more electric charge locally, so there's more disbalance and discharges.

(L) Does this have anything to do with the noted extreme quietness of the sun when it is supposed to be extremely active? It's supposed to be at a solar maximum, and the sun's disc was completely blank for several days.

A: Yes, as we said, the system is grounding.

Q: (L) You mean the solar system is grounding?

A: Yes.

Q: (Alana) Is this sort of thing going to happen more?

(Perceval) Yeah, that's what they said: "Expect more of this sort of thing around the planet in future."

A: Notice as you did earlier, the total fragmentation and charring [of the aircraft].

Q: (L) Okay. Anybody else got a question now? Okay, that's what I was interested in. You guys over there can ask questions now.

(dugdeep) We wanted to know about the border of the frequency fence. It's always referred to in terms of the US, but is there ever... Like, what about Canada and Mexico? Does it affect us, too?

A: Absolutely! It has no spatial boundaries, except that proximity to targeted areas are more intensely "hit".

Q: (fabric) Does the weakening magnetic field over North America have an effect on the frequency fence?

A: More like result of.

Q: (dugdeep) We've been kind of looking into the enneagram personality type thing here, and we're just wondering if that's a valid direction. It seems it could provide a lot of material for Work on oneself.

A: About 54 percent validity. Remember that this was essentially just "made up".

Q: [Toronto starts asking another question]

A: As are most human psychological systems in your society.

Q: (Perceval) [Repeats last 2 answers for remote group]

A: Cognitive psychology is an exception when it is based on lab and social studies.

Q: (L) Ya'll be aware that when I'm talking, I can't hear you. When you talk, it shuts off the sound from this side. It's like a speakerphone that when one person is talking, it cuts off and goes only one way. So, if the C's decide to interject something and you guys have already started talking or are still talking, you'll miss it. So, next question?

(Turgonl)关于在加拿大这里的天气…这是been fluctuating between hot and cold this summer, and in the winter time. And we were just wondering, is the way the ice age is going to occur, will the summers just start to get cooler and cooler with the precipitation as time goes on over the next few years?

A: No, glacial rebound will fall within months when the tipping point is reached.

Q: (Aya) Is there any information or material that is in Japan or in Japanese that needs to be preserved that can help society?

A: Let us just say that most of what is helpful is already transmitted to the West. And much of that is, like most other things, corrupted.

Q: (Manitoban) We've been teaching the EE class here for over three years, and we're just wondering if we've done any good? Not just for the participants, but have there been any nonlinear effects?

A: Indeed, and this is an interesting thing to contemplate: The necessity to work and continue to release energy into your realm so that it may accumulate, while not being attached to the visible outcome.

Q: (L) Well, that makes me think of a question to follow up on that. Something that's been on my mind is the difficulty so many group members have in getting themselves moving to do useful things, helpful things that help the network, help the group, help the Work, and to keep going. They sometimes get started, and then they peter out. Sometimes they try something too big, too much, too soon, too fast, and then they get discouraged. And I would like to know what is it about this group here that has made us able to put our noses to the grindstone for years and years... even under the most trying of circumstances. What is the quality that a person needs to be able to get - excuse me for saying this, but - to get their asses in gear, move, and keep moving? What is the needed quality?

A: Awakened conscience.

Q: (L) But how did we manage to get awakened consciences, and how can other people manage to do it, too?

A: Recall how you started, you acted on your own as the conscience of the world.

Q: (L) Well, what do you mean? How do you mean?

A: Recall why you began to try to see everything that was happening on your plane of existence.

Q: (L) You mean SOTT? My Signs of the Times?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, the reason why was because I could see that other people were not remembering from one freakin' day to the next what happened! I mean, they needed to be reminded every day, day after day, what was happening.

A: And that is what developed your conscience. And those who helped were also in the process.

Q: (Andromeda) You have to constantly keep awake about what's happening.

(L) You have to get awake, you have to wake up, and you have to stay awake... all the time, about EVERYTHING. Any minute you allow yourself to sleep, you're putting your conscience to sleep. Dissociation is putting your conscience to sleep. Okay, that's all I wanted to ask about that. Go ahead.

(fabric) One thing we were worried about is in the event of a communications breakdown, would the board be able to be used to communicate with other groups? Like let's say the Château and the Tobacco House, to get a message across? Would that work if there was no power and no way of communicating with each other? Or would we just end up talking to dead dudes unless we grooved a channel?

A: Not likely and not advisable. We have mentioned before what is needed: Connect chakras by proper networking.

Q: (Perceval) Does that mean that essentially people who have their chakras connected by proper networking would essentially be inspired or moved to do what's needed to be done as a part of the network without necessarily having to be told?

A: And more. There will also be enhanced telepathic ability when the frequencies change. If you work on "receivership capability," all else will come naturally.

Q: (L) And how do you work on receivership capability?

A: Awakening conscience and tuning the centers as described by Mouravieff.

Q: (L) Alright. Next?

(dugdeep) Can they give elucidation about the mechanism behind homeopathy?

A: Frequency vibration resonance. Think of yourselves as "homeopathic medicaments" for the planet.

[NOTE: "medicaments" is French for "medicines"]

问:(珀西瓦尔)这是一个很好的描述。my188bet亚洲体育同种疗法医师y on a macro scale, with some human beings as the tiny dose of the cure that might resonate with other beings.

(Pierre) So, individuals being on the truth vibration frequency could have a positive influence on the macro-organism that is Planet Earth.

(dugdeep) And why do they get more potent as you dilute them more?

A: Then the resonance spreads more widely in the solution bringing all into proper frequency within the integrity of the substance.

Q: (dugdeep) I've got a whole paragraph here about diet, but I'll just break it down. [Regarding the paleo/keto diets], is it more about spiking insulin than it is about total carbs and protein?

A: Yes.

Q: (dugdeep) We were wondering about why these skinny people seem to lose what seems like too much weight. Is it necessary for them to keep a certain amount of insulin raised in order to not lose too much weight? Or can that be countered by eating more fat?

A: More fat. Insulin causes stress to the body across the board.

Q: (dugdeep) Is lowered body temperature, particularly cold hands and feet, is that an indication of low thyroid function due to calories being too low?

A: Not always.

Q: (Turgon) Can that also be due to adrenal fatigue instead?

A: Yes and other causes.

Q: (dugdeep) Oh, yeah... Is it okay to ask a personal question?

(L) Well, try it. We'll see.

(dugdeep) I had a pretty crazy experience on sleeping a couple of nights ago. Just a lot of like waves of energy coming over me, and like really tenseness in the body and that sort of thing... I was just wondering what was going on there?

A: Brain chemical adjustment.

Q: (dugdeep) Okay.

(Unidentifiable person asking via skype) Were there any already dead bodies on Malaysian flight MH 17?

A: No.

Q: (Perceval) Busted!

(dugdeep)因为疣病毒,warts mean your body is unable to fight off viruses well? This being a concern because of a possible coming of plagues...

A: Not necessarily. It can be due to the body encapsulating them.

Q: (dugdeep) Any recommendation for...

A: It depends on the location, number, and type.

Q: (L) As to getting rid of them?

A: Cryo treatment is often effective.

Q: (Chu) While we're talking about viruses, maybe we should ask about Oxajil? It's a mystery.

(Oxajil) Yeah, so, in the previous session we were talking about what the solution would be for my right eye, or even if it is a herpes virus?

A: Follow the current treatment with the possible addition of long term low dose doxycycline.

Q: (L) Would a long term course of low-dose doxycycline also help with warts?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What is "long term"?

A: 12 months.

Q: (Turgon) I have one more. Is there any validity to the information on about heart and brainwave coherence, or is it just a short term fix like EFT?

A: It is total nonsense and inducement to dissociation and destruction of conscience. Navel gazing anyone?

Q: (Data) I would like to ask about this hole that opened up in Siberia that makes like a sinkhole that also has ejected material around. What caused this hole?

A: Gases exploding within the earth. We told you that an infinitesimal slowing of the earth rotation would cause things to "open up". Expect more of that in future as well. You did not ask what sparked the "explosion"? We can tell you to once again think of greater current flow.

Q: (L) So an electrically sparked inner earth explosion. That's creepy!

(Pierre) Earth opening up, gas released, and more electric current discharged.

(Perceval) I wonder could that be caused by a lightning strike, for example?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So a lightning strike could strike the earth, and if the gas was within a...

(Pierre) These crazy fires everywhere... Gas, lightning, fireball, boom boom.

(Kniall) Did something like this happen in Harlem? There was a gas explosion in a building, and then the appearance of a sinkhole. It could have been the same kind of thing.

(L) Remember some time ago we asked about all the fires, and they talked about electrical sparking or something then? Even back then. It's not all necessarily fireballs.

(Perceval) They said that all those fires in like frozen land with scrub and bogs was gas.

(L) It's freakin' gas being released, and sparks. Okay, you got any more? We want to shut down soon.

(Aya) Any advice for the Toronto group?

A: There is much such a team can accomplish if you really get dedicated and support one another during the swings that manifest during the process of awakening. For what is "awakening"? It is the opening of the emotional center and merging with true conscience.

Q: (L) Okay, we're going to end it for tonight. Ya'll are getting very pixelated.

[Thank you's and Goodbyes. Skype session closed.]

Q: (L) Okay, anything else you want to add to us here?

A: That is a good group. Goodbye.



FOTCM Member
Thanks for posting! During the session, we probably only got about 50% of the responses due to Skype issues. So it's nice to find out what was said!:lol:

EDIT: The person referred to "(Unidentifiable person asking via skype)" was me.


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
Thanks Laura for the new Session think there´s some information that we as group need to take here!!!

Q: (L) Well, that makes me think of a question to follow up on that. Something that's been on my mind is the difficulty so many group members have in getting themselves moving to do useful things, helpful things that help the network, help the group, help the Work, and to keep going. They sometimes get started, and then they peter out. Sometimes they try something too big, too much, too soon, too fast, and then they get discouraged. And I would like to know what is it about this group here that has made us able to put our noses to the grindstone for years and years... even under the most trying of circumstances. What is the quality that a person needs to be able to get - excuse me for saying this, but - to get their asses in gear, move, and keep moving? What is the needed quality?

A:Awakened conscience.

Q: (L) But how did we manage to get awakened consciences, and how can other people manage to do it, too?

A:Recall how you started, you acted on your own as the conscience of the world.

Q: (L) Well, what do you mean? How do you mean?

A:Recall why you began to try to see everything that was happening on your plane of existence.

Q: (L) You mean SOTT? My Signs of the Times?

A: Yes.

Q:(L) Well, the reason why was because I could see that other people were not remembering from one freakin' day to the next what happened! I mean, they needed to be reminded every day, day after day, what was happening.

A: And that is what developed your conscience. And those who helped were also in the process.

Q: (Andromeda) You have to constantly keep awake about what's happening.

(L) You have to get awake, you have to wake up, and you have to stay awake... all the time, about EVERYTHING.Any minute you allow yourself to sleep, you're putting your conscience to sleep. Dissociation is putting your conscience to sleep. Okay, that's all I wanted to ask about that. Go ahead.


FOTCM Member
NB zim's post was made as I writing this post - aligned! :)

感谢you for posting, the session contains some very useful advice for WORKing on:

Q: (L) Well, that makes me think of a question to follow up on that. Something that's been on my mind is the difficulty so many group members have in getting themselves moving to do useful things, helpful things that help the network, help the group, help the Work, and to keep going. They sometimes get started, and then they peter out. Sometimes they try something too big, too much, too soon, too fast, and then they get discouraged. And I would like to know what is it about this group here that has made us able to put our noses to the grindstone for years and years... even under the most trying of circumstances. What isthe quality that a person needs to be able to get - excuse me for saying this, but - to get their asses in gear, move, and keep moving?What is the needed quality?

A: Awakened conscience.


Q: (L) Well, the reason why was because I could see that other people were not remembering from one freakin' day to the next what happened! I mean, they needed to be reminded every day, day after day, what was happening.

A: And that is what developed your conscience. And those who helped were also in the process.

Q: (Andromeda) You have to constantly keep awake about what's happening.

(L)You have to get awake, you have to wake up, and you have to stay awake... all the time, about EVERYTHING.Any minute you allow yourself to sleep, you're putting your conscience to sleep.Dissociation is putting your conscience to sleep.Okay, that's all I wanted to ask about that. Go ahead.

(fabric) One thing we were worried about is in the event of a communications breakdown, would the board be able to be used to communicate with other groups? ...

A: ... We have mentioned before what is needed: Connect chakras by proper networking.

Q: (Perceval) Does that mean that essentially people who have their chakras connected by proper networking would essentially be inspired or moved to do what's needed to be done as a part of the network without necessarily having to be told?

A: And more. There will also be enhanced telepathic ability when the frequencies change. If you work on "receivership capability," all else will come naturally.

Q: (L) And how do you work on receivership capability?

A:Awakening conscience and tuning the centers as described by Mouravieff.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
We prepared a sheet of questions for C’s and I am glad that we did it as we covered the most of it in this session. It was the wonderful experience of lifetime. Seeing everyone over the Skype gave me inspiration to question and work harder. Thank you so much! :love:
Great session here, particularly the info regarding 'staying awake' at all times which is important reminder regarding dissociation. Makes me realise how often in a day my conscience is being 'put back to sleep'.

Lots else to ponder here too, many thanks to all involved :)


Dagobah Resident
Session Date: July 26th 2014

A: Multiple elements were involved here. First there was a vortex of electric charge which quadrupled the power of the thunder stroke. Second, due to the vortex, there was a breach of the realm curtain. This induced EM effects which disoriented the pilots. Expect more of this sort of thing around the planet in future.
When we were told years ago things would get this kind of crazy it was theoretical and 'in the future', but now it is really in our faces and we will have to deal with these things.

Q: (Pierre) Why was there a vortex of electric charge?

A: The current is grounded, thus more current "flow". Read Pierre's book!

Q: [laughter] (Pierre) Interesting recommendation.
I'm right now in the midst of re-reading the book, so this is also quite funny to me.

Q: (L) Well, that makes me think of a question to follow up on that. Something that's been on my mind is the difficulty so many group members have in getting themselves moving to do useful things, helpful things that help the network, help the group, help the Work, and to keep going. They sometimes get started, and then they peter out. Sometimes they try something too big, too much, too soon, too fast, and then they get discouraged. And I would like to know what is it about this group here that has made us able to put our noses to the grindstone for years and years... even under the most trying of circumstances. What is the quality that a person needs to be able to get - excuse me for saying this, but - to get their asses in gear, move, and keep moving? What is the needed quality?
I have to admit I had the same thing happen myself - several times in fact.

(fabric) One thing we were worried about is in the event of a communications breakdown, would the board be able to be used to communicate with other groups? Like let's say the Château and the Tobacco House, to get a message across? Would that work if there was no power and no way of communicating with each other? Or would we just end up talking to dead dudes unless we grooved a channel?

A: Not likely and not advisable. We have mentioned before what is needed: Connect chakras by proper networking.

Q: (Perceval) Does that mean that essentially people who have their chakras connected by proper networking would essentially be inspired or moved to do what's needed to be done as a part of the network without necessarily having to be told?

A: And more. There will also be enhanced telepathic ability when the frequencies change. If you work on "receivership capability," all else will come naturally.

(dugdeep) Can they give elucidation about the mechanism behind homeopathy?

A: Frequency vibration resonance. Think of yourselves as "homeopathic medicaments" for the planet.
Wow, I'll bet none of us thought of it that way!

Thanks all for the work and getting this up so fast.


FOTCM Member

Very interesting and what a good recommandation:

Q: (Pierre) Why was there a vortex of electric charge?

A: The current is grounded, thus more current "flow".Read Pierre's book!
Echo Blue

Echo Blue

Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
Session Date: July 26th 2014
(dugdeep) Can they give elucidation about the mechanism behind homeopathy?

A: Frequency vibration resonance. Think of yourselves as "homeopathic medicaments" for the planet.

[NOTE: "medicaments" is French for "medicines"]

问:(珀西瓦尔)这是一个很好的描述。my188bet亚洲体育同种疗法医师y on a macro scale, with some human beings as the tiny dose of the cure that might resonate with other beings.

(Pierre) So, individuals being on the truth vibration frequency could have a positive influence on the macro-organism that is Planet Earth.

感谢you all for another great and info-packed session! And I love how you all really get down to business.

Love the questions and answers about homeopathy. Sott and the Forum are Homeopathy for the soul and in turn, for Planet Earth. Lovely!!!

.....working to "stay awake".

~ EB


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thanks everybody for another interesting session! :)


FOTCM Member
Many thanks for sharing the session so fast and it is a very interesting session.

(L) You have to get awake, you have to wake up, and you have to stay awake... all the time, about EVERYTHING. Any minute you allow yourself to sleep, you're putting your conscience to sleep. Dissociation is putting your conscience to sleep. Okay, that's all I wanted to ask about that. Go ahead.
But isn't there also a limit when being sick for example? But maybe it comes then down topositive dissociation.


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
Prodigal Son said:
NB zim's post was made as I writing this post - aligned! :)

感谢you for posting, the session contains some very useful advice for WORKing on:

Q: (L) Well, that makes me think of a question to follow up on that. Something that's been on my mind is the difficulty so many group members have in getting themselves moving to do useful things, helpful things that help the network, help the group, help the Work, and to keep going. They sometimes get started, and then they peter out. Sometimes they try something too big, too much, too soon, too fast, and then they get discouraged. And I would like to know what is it about this group here that has made us able to put our noses to the grindstone for years and years... even under the most trying of circumstances. What isthe quality that a person needs to be able to get - excuse me for saying this, but - to get their asses in gear, move, and keep moving?What is the needed quality?

A: Awakened conscience.


Q: (L) Well, the reason why was because I could see that other people were not remembering from one freakin' day to the next what happened! I mean, they needed to be reminded every day, day after day, what was happening.

A: And that is what developed your conscience. And those who helped were also in the process.

Q: (Andromeda) You have to constantly keep awake about what's happening.

(L)You have to get awake, you have to wake up, and you have to stay awake... all the time, about EVERYTHING.Any minute you allow yourself to sleep, you're putting your conscience to sleep.Dissociation is putting your conscience to sleep.Okay, that's all I wanted to ask about that. Go ahead.

(fabric) One thing we were worried about is in the event of a communications breakdown, would the board be able to be used to communicate with other groups? ...

A: ... We have mentioned before what is needed: Connect chakras by proper networking.

Q: (Perceval) Does that mean that essentially people who have their chakras connected by proper networking would essentially be inspired or moved to do what's needed to be done as a part of the network without necessarily having to be told?

A: And more. There will also be enhanced telepathic ability when the frequencies change. If you work on "receivership capability," all else will come naturally.

Q: (L) And how do you work on receivership capability?

A:Awakening conscience and tuning the centers as described by Mouravieff.
:lol:yes we put the same but mark different parts of the paragraph :D :P


Jedi Master
Dissociation is putting your conscience to sleep.
What techniques are there to undo dissociation, especially chronic dissociation from prolonged trauma?
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