2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Nervous laughter:

"We have nervous laughter because we want to make ourselves think what horrible thing we encountered isn’t really as horrible as it appears, something we want to believe."

Neil, did an excellent job of expressing what many of us feel, my opinion anyway. My laugh at hlat's comment was to relieve stress. I find lm doing that more and more lately, just my way of handling it all. No offense intended.
The third option is if there is some kind of esoteric solution, the deus ex machina scenario. I'm not too keen on waiting on some kind of external savior to come and fix things, which is really what "change will follow turmoil" is when one gets down to brass tacks.

What I've been trying to do lately is to remove myself from the situation. Sometimes I assume that we're here to offer a possibility of doing things in a different way, to 'send out a signal', to be a voice of reason in a world gone mad, etc. And maybe thatwasour purpose until recently...

But lately, yeah... I can choose to be a woke/alphabet/hysterical lefty, or I can choose to be a Fight the Power Conservative, or I can choose to be neither.

Mind you, I don't WANT to choose 'neither' - sometimes I feel like getting a baseball bat....:whistle:

Recently though I had an experience that made me stop and think. Somebody I know posted about Covid, and even went so far as to mention the 0.03% death rate. But the context was entirely missing. The 'feeling' expressed was that since 225 million people died, and dead people are bad, we must do everything in our power to stop it.

No mention of the effects on everyone else, no thought about the details involved, no concern about experimental vaccines and the ever-changing narrative on what we all need to do to stop this Deadly Pandemic that - by their very own admission - is nowhere near 'deadly' as compared to historical pandemics!

That made me realize that most people, I think, are seeing 1 fact or 2, holding onto them for dear life, and ignoring the rest. They are kind of like frightened children as Joe mentioned, running to Mommy and Daddy.

If I side with the powers that be, I'm lost. If I pick up that baseball bat, I'm lost. The only real solution is to choose neither, which means enjoying the show. That's the most difficult choice.

In terms of what will happen next, I really DON'T have any say in the matter. But in regards to myself and those close to me, Idefinitelyhave a say in who I am now and who I will become tomorrow.

There are volcanoes erupting like crazy, meteor fly-bys, crazy weather, and so on. There is political craziness. There is economic craziness. What happens next? I have no idea. I do know that I don't want to be a crazy lefty, and I don't want to be a crazy righty.

In a weird way, I wonder if thisoverwhelming uncertaintyabout the future that many of us are feeling is actually necessary and incredibly important? If learning to think in unlimited terms is a goal to 'graduate' - or even just to continue to grow - then I can't think of a better way to go about it.

I was going to say that it's almost like The Ultimate Test of whether or not you can be in this world but not of it, but I don't think I dare to say that since things could still get a lot worse!:shock:

In the end, I conclude that I must have faith. Faith in myself, in those around me, in this group, in the C's, in the idea that I'm pretty darn sure this world is not all there is, and there are reasons for it all. Most things happening in our world today are designed to crush that faith and turn me into a zombie, and I simply cannot allow that to happen.

For now, I think a good goal is to just work on being more 'centered': The minute we feel slightly angry or depressed about this or that, we must stop and ask why. The minute that happens, we're being sucked in and most likely we are no longer objective.

Easier said than done these days, but I think it's important since the "Violence at the Boxcars" scene doesn't need to be inevitable. Besides, I don't think we can even imagine the twists and turns that are yet to come...
So what are people supposed to do?

The C's keep telling us to enjoy the show.

What I've been trying to do lately is to remove myself from the situation.Sometimes I assume that we're here to offer a possibility of doing things in a different way, to 'send out a signal', to be a voice of reason in a world gone mad, etc. And maybe thatwasour purpose until recently...

But lately, yeah... I can choose to be a woke/alphabet/hysterical lefty, or I can choose to be a Fight the Power Conservative, or I can choose to be neither.

Mind you, I don't WANT to choose 'neither' - sometimes I feel like getting a baseball bat....:whistle:

它的一个好问题尼尔!我经常想知道的same thing myself and I've had so many fantasies over the years about participating in genuine positive social movements to change things for the better. Unfortunately the more I study psychopathy and ponerology the more I think that any mass social movement is doomed to be ponerized until enough people learn about ponerology, and even then I wonder if it will still be unavoidable. The Mindmatters guys did a show recently on "Pseudo-realities, Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism":

And one on Utopias: "Dystopias Are Really Utopias - For Psychopaths"

I highly recommend both videos and their other recent videos covering psychopathy, utopias/dystopias, ponerology, etc. In the video on pseudo-realities they discuss an article by James Lindsay that you might find interesting and helpful: Psychopathy and the Origins of Totalitarianism. In the article Lindsay discusses many topics that you will be familiar from Political Ponerology, and he gives some advice on "what to do" towards the end:

What, then, could possibly be the answer to this perilous and perennial tangle?Fortunately, the first step, at the least, is very simple. It’s mere awareness.It is learning to recognize the constructed pseudo-reality for what it is—a fabricated simulation of reality that is unfit for human societies—and beginning to reject unapologetically any demand to participate in it. This means refusing the analysis of the paralogic (by seeing its contradictions) and being held to account by the paramorality (by recognizing its caprice, malice, and evil) that sustain the lie. (An old word for this is “secularism,” in the non-specific sense.) In the exact instant one becomes competent at spotting the lie—or, the network of lies—held in service of a constructed pseudo-reality and its social enforcement, one already possesses the necessary perspective to break the spell of the pseudo-reality in its entirety. This, knowing the cheat for what it is, more than any other thing, is how the strings of paralogic and paramorality are cut, and with them cut pseudo-reality will come crashing down.

This can only be done by learning enough to see the games, telling the truth, and refusing to be coerced or forced to participate in the increasingly hegemonic pseudo-reality before it claims totalitarian power.Speaking practically, there are two straightforward ways this can be done. One is to refute the pseudo-reality, and the other is to reject it.

For most people, the latter of these is easier than the former, and it requires less of someone. Strength of will and character will suffice.Simply refusing to participate in the pseudo-reality, utilize its paralogic, or bow to its paramorality—and to live one’s life as though it is utterly irrelevant to yours—is a powerful act of defiance against an ideological pseudo-reality.它需要比康维克没有更多的一个人ted statement that says, “This does not apply to me because it is not me” (or, “not even real”), a refusal to make decisions based in socially constructed fear and intimidation, and a willingness to live one’s life on the most normal terms possible. This is a powerful and peaceful act of defiance that many other normal people (those outside the pseudo-reality) will recognize for strength, and while it may cost you in the short term and in some ways, it will reap rewards in the long term and in others, at least up until the point that the paramoral totalitarian trap is fully sprung on a sufficiently broken and demoralized society. Just keep your head up and refuse to live your life on someone else’s (psychopathic) terms, and you will do much against such budding regimes.

Refuting pseudo-reality is harder, as it requires much more specific knowledge along with skill, strength of character, and courage. It also must be done, at least by someone, if an ideological pseudo-reality has already taken root. Such a pseudo-reality has to be shown to be afalse reality, which is to say a pernicious fiction, to as many people as possible.To do it, its distortions of reality, the contradictions of its paralogic, and the evils and harms of its paramorality must all be exposed and explained as a first step.These objectives require devoting, which is in some sense wasting, a great deal of time and expending a great deal of effort intentionally learning something one knows is false and therefore (if one is successful) useless. It is also demoralizing to learn, given the psychopathic nature of the material. It’s not for the faint of heart, even if all goes well.

通常,这个过程不会comfortable and requires tremendous courage of precisely the kind that ideological demoralization is very effective at eroding and containing. The paralogic will interpret direct dissent as stupid or crazy, and the paramorality will characterize it as evil (or motivated by evil intentions, even if unconscious ones outside of the dissenter’s awareness). The courage to bear these outrageous insults and slander, and to bear its unjust social consequences, is therefore a necessary precondition to putting a halt to totalitarianism. It is understandable why most will not choose this path, but be warned: the longer one waits, the worse this gets.

For those who will take up the task, the approach is a combination of being informed, being courageous, being forthright, and being subversively funny. Being informed is necessary to identify, expose, and explain the distortions of the pseudo-reality and juxtapose them with reality. It is also necessary to make use of the most decisive tool that exists against ideological pseudo-realities, which is the law of non-contradiction. Pseudo-realities and their paralogical structuresalwayscontradict reality and themselves, and exposing these contradictions exposes their lies. Being courageous and forthright is necessary to believe in oneself and one’s (real) values and thus to withstand the paramoralizing attacks and social pressure they will generate, but they inspire more of the same and restore moral authority to those who are drained of it by these distortions. Being subversive and funny undermines the psychopathy and will to power that characterize the entire ideological pseudo-realist enterprise.

Resisting effectively and with sufficient knowledge (refuting) is, of course, best, but resisting at all, even by mere refusal to participate in any obvious lie (rejecting), is also effective. This is because revealing the ideological pseudo-reality for what it is—false and irrelevant to actual reality—undermines the pseudo-reality and encourages more people to refute and reject it. Even more powerful, however, is that revealing the underlying nature of the ideological pseudo-reality—that it is psychopathic—to normal people (including those partially ensnared) ranks highly among the ways the paralogical and paramoral threads can be severed. And, a psychopathic reaction is precisely what will result from effectively resisting a psychopathic ideology. The challenging part is thatyou, who dares resist their games and who eludes their trap, becomes the target of their psychopathic ire, and many sympathizers who you would usually count as friends will take sides against you (there is no neutral in the paramorality). The earlier one enters this fight, the more courage it takes and yet the more valuable it is.

Some of the requisite courage to resist can be found by remembering that the pseudo-realityis not real, its paralogicis not logical, and its paramoralityis not moral. That is, it’s not you; it’s them. Some more backbone can be dredged up by realizing that once the pseudo-real begins displacing the real for even a few percent of the population, the question is no longer whether things will go bad but how bad they will go before the bubble bursts. Reality will always win, and calamity comes in proportion to the size of the lie between us and it, so it is better to act sooner than later. Still more heart resides in grasping that it gets worse right up until a real resistance mounts, and then, after a rocky transition, it starts getting better. The time to act is therefore now.

The way resistance—just plain resistance—works is by restoring to the normal person the epistemic and moral authority necessary to resist the ideologue’s illegitimate demands to participate in a pseudo-real fraud. That is, it restores confidence in normality to the normal. No one feels ashamed of resisting a con, whatever form it takes, and this is the real phenomenon we face with any growing ideological pseudo-reality. Its paralogic and paramorality work to drain us of our sense of authority to know what is and is not true and what is and is not right. One’s authority only lacks under the assumptions of the paralogical and paramoral systems, however—that is,inside pseudo-reality—and it can be reclaimed by anyone who simply refuses to participate in the lie. Step outside of the pseudo-reality (take the “red pill,” as depicted inThe Matrix), and you’ll see.

I think he offers some good ideas here and I wonder if he's been following this forum and the C's transcripts. To paraphrase his answer to "what are people supposed to do":
  1. Work to improve your awareness of and understanding of the psychopathic "pseudo-reality" we are being pulled into and how it affects every aspect of our political system, culture and social structure.
  2. Refuse to participate whenever possible and live your life as if the pseudo-reality is irrelevant to you and your life. It should be clear that the better you understand the pseudo-reality and how it twists and distorts reality the better you can resist its influence. Work to make your life, the way you live your life and the things you do and say, an act of defiance against the psychopaths and their pseudo-reality. This is certainly going to be a work in progress (I feel as if I am just beginning personally) as things are constantly shifting and changing because the whole structure is based on a foundation of lies, deceit, contradictions and "shifting sands". IMO it can be done quietly at first, indeed it MUST be done quietly to avoid attracting the attention of the General Law, and then as one's awareness and understanding becomes more and more clear one can refuse to participate more and more openly.
  3. Actively work against the pseudo-reality by exposing it, pointing out its contradictions and showing other people what a ridiculous, evil and dangerous lie it is. It seems to me that it would only be possible to do this kind of work if one had a high degree of understanding and awareness (step 1) and was already refusing to participate as much as possible (step 2) so as to "walk the walk" AND if they had the courage and will to stand strong against the mob. Jordan Peterson, James Lindsay, George Carlin and JP Sears come to mind as examples of attempts at this kind of work.
So FWIW that's basically what I'm trying to do in my life. Work to be aware and vigilant, refuse to participate and look for opportunities to actively resist in ways that don't put me, my family and this group in danger. It may seem overly simplistic or "small" because its relying on individuals to do their own work to wake up, see reality and resist lies in their lives, but isn't that part of what we're trying to do here on this forum? Maybe our participation here, our sincere work on ourselves and our dedication to the truth is "enough", and maybe the urge to "do more" by organizing mass protests or something along those lines is just a trap.

Just my two cents I hope it helps!
Latest from Sidney Powell

Thank you all! There are still important live cases. Irrefutable proof is coming soon. Keep educating everyone about the facts. Today's Supreme Court orders were disappointing but we are NOT done, and we will not let this fraud stand. #WeThePeople are supposed to run this country. Our new SuperPAC should be up tomorrow.
It's to amplify the voice of #WeThePeople across the country. We intend to expose corruption in both parties and support people with the courage to protect our constitutional rights and the Rule of Law. Sign up for updates. Join for as little as $10 a year. Contributors of $200 a year total or less are confidential.

163.0KviewsS P, Feb 23 at 00:22
So FWIW that's basically what I'm trying to do in my life.Work to be aware and vigilant, refuse to participate and look for opportunities to actively resist in ways that don't put me, my family and this group in danger.这似乎过于简单或“小”,因为我ts relying on individuals to do their own work to wake up, see reality and resist lies in their lives, but isn't that part of what we're trying to do here on this forum? Maybe our participation here, our sincere work on ourselves and our dedication to the truth is "enough", and maybe the urge to "do more" by organizing mass protests or something along those lines is just a trap.

I've found it quite hard to know where to draw the line since the madness ramped up with the lockdowns. Part of me want to rebel, peacefully taking a stand (even a symbolic one), and another part wants to stay on the sidelines observing the events unfolding and taking notes on what not to do or be.
On one side I feel guilty for doing nothing, on the other I feel anxious/fearful of possible consequences I hadn't forseen, not only for myself but for people connected to me as well. The "damned if you do, damned if you don't" kind of thing.

Do you have some kind of personal rules or guidelines for knowing when to resist and when to lie low ? Or maybe such discernment is only acquired through hard work and lived experience ? In the end, should we limit ourselves to resist by discussing these matters among like minded individual (as in here on the forum) or share information with others ?

Sometimes it feels like being a blind man crossing a field littered with landmines... One wrong step and poof, you or someone you know are gone (metaphorically speaking). I wouldn't mind (after working up the courage) exposing myself to danger if I were alone, but others shouldn't get involved because of me either.
There comes a point where the only choices left are bad ones and freewill is meaningless. Not quite there yet, though.
I get where you are coming from. Mark of the beast? This vid may not be on topic but somehow it might be. The C's said something about how weakened we are by the easy life we have all been living. If we cannot see what to do, perhaps we can at least imagine how things could be. I just watched this video today. I thought is was awesome. Not sure if it was shared here but posting in this instance anyway.

I've found it quite hard to know where to draw the line since the madness ramped up with the lockdowns. Part of me want to rebel, peacefully taking a stand (even a symbolic one), and another part wants to stay on the sidelines observing the events unfolding and taking notes on what not to do or be.
On one side I feel guilty for doing nothing, on the other I feel anxious/fearful of possible consequences I hadn't forseen, not only for myself but for people connected to me as well. The "damned if you do, damned if you don't" kind of thing.

Do you have some kind of personal rules or guidelines for knowing when to resist and when to lie low ? Or maybe such discernment is only acquired through hard work and lived experience ? In the end, should we limit ourselves to resist by discussing these matters among like minded individual (as in here on the forum) or share information with others ?

Sometimes it feels like being a blind man crossing a field littered with landmines... One wrong step and poof, you or someone you know are gone (metaphorically speaking). I wouldn't mind (after working up the courage) exposing myself to danger if I were alone, but others shouldn't get involved because of me either.
Good questions, I worry about my friends and family and how my actions or even associations could effect them, so I can really relate to what you wrote and its certainly something I have struggled with (and continue to).

我不认为有任何硬性规定cause so much depends on each specific situation. What would be perfectly safe in one instance could be incredibly dangerous in another instance. I think you're on the right track, FWIW. We have to learn to navigate each situation and that takes practice. As your awareness and understanding grow it may be best to lie low more often than not. IMO working to build your own awareness and refusing to play along is still actively resisting, even if you aren't out in the streets protesting and it might be more productive in the long run. At this point there are few people who have the inner fortitude to stand up to the mob, but I think that's something we each could be working towards one little step at a time.

Again just my two cents, its certainly a process for me
There comes a point where the only choices left are bad ones and freewill is meaningless. Not quite there yet, though.

Just wanted to respond to this as well... IMO we always have the power to choose how we respond to the situation we find ourselves in. Obviously that's easier said than done and its a choice that must be made continuously, but there are many examples of this if we look for them.Man's Search for Meaningby Viktor Frankl andGulag Archipelagoby Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn have many good examples of this and both were life changing reads for me and I find myself reflecting on them frequently. Frankl's book is short and quick to read, so I would highly recommend it to everyone if you haven't read it.Gulag Archipelagois much longer but it is a page turner, I found myself staying up at night to read the abridged addition and when I finished I wished I had gotten the unabridged version.
I get where you are coming from. Mark of the beast? This vid may not be on topic but somehow it might be. The C's said something about how weakened we are by the easy life we have all been living. If we cannot see what to do, perhaps we can at least imagine how things could be. I just watched this video today. I thought is was awesome. Not sure if it was shared here but posting in this instance anyway.

That was awesome. He's a really fun guy.
Great points Neil! What you said reminded me of my experience with tormentors. About 5-6 years ago I would wake up in my dream realizing that I was being attacked. I would search the house and property while in this astral state and my tormentors would then ridicule me and my lame attempts at defeating them. They were always able to overwhelm my abilities to defeat them. This is what we are dealing with now only it is not a dream. The realm was dark and treacherous and I did not have any powers great enough to get them to leave me alone.

I also had awaken dreams were I woke up into a vivid awareness state and the scenery was bright and luminous. In this realm I learned to ascend up into the sun just by looking up and focusing on the sun. I understood that the sun was my soul. When I reached the sun, it would reduce its size to a beach ball. As I entered it would burn the skin, I would break out in a sweat and I felt my brain heat up with the increased light. I would wake up after this with a headache and drenched sheets. The more frequent I experienced this realm the less I encountered my astral tormentors. I have not had any astral attacks for the past 4+ years nor have I experience the soul immersion.

During this time a guy my age, in a few towns near me, had been dealing with two teens that would torment him during the night by breaking into his basement and break and steal things. They even would physically abuse him. The teens, brother and sister, were true psychopaths and the judicial system were too lenient on them if they were caught. He finally became so distraught that he bought a shotgun and the next time they broke into his basement he shot them as they were coming up the stairs. He was sentence 20 years because he did not give them a chance to surrender. I could emphasize with him since feeling powerless against tormentors myself I knew I would probably done the same thing. I was sorry that he was dealt with more harshly than the teens were by the judicial system.

Because of this experience I think the only way for us to confront our global tormentors is to increase our immersion into our sun/soul. Most likely the EE breathing exercises, prayer, meditation, charitable works, general good health measures and doing the work of cleaning the machine. The dark ones hate the bight light and the strong our internal light the less likely we will have to physically confront these tormentors.

This is my understanding and I think the C's alluded to us using our spiritual abilities rather than use our 3D abilities in these trying times. I keep thinking that I need to find out how to return to the bright soul realm dreamscape but have not figured that out yet.

在阅读你的文章我觉得那些无能为力的费用lings that occur when dealing with tormentors. Your suggestions are interesting but I cannot think of anything that would turn the tables in our favor. So I'm hoping to just to become a non-target by increasing the inner light. For me if I could ask the C's two questions it would be 1. does increasing our inner light make us a non-target? (expect yes but just checking.) 2. How do I reconnect with my soul immersion experience more frequently?
There comes a point where the only choices left are bad ones and freewill is meaningless. Not quite there yet, though.
Just wanted to respond to this as well... IMO we always have the power to choose how we respond to the situation we find ourselves in. Obviously that's easier said than done and its a choice that must be made continuously, but there are many examples of this if we look for them.Man's Search for Meaningby Viktor Frankl andGulag Archipelagoby Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn have many good examples of this and both were life changing reads for me and I find myself reflecting on them frequently. Frankl's book is short and quick to read, so I would highly recommend it to everyone if you haven't read it.Gulag Archipelagois much longer but it is a page turner, I found myself staying up at night to read the abridged addition and when I finished I wished I had gotten the unabridged version.

很多时候,当我们遇到墙,当the odds are against us, when no options seem to be left, our behavior and thinking are radically different than what we are accustomed to. Perhaps is it due to the fight or flight mode triggered, but each time I was under pressure I was able to draw on inner strengths and skills I didn't knew I had. Just like adding constraints and rules in artistic endeavors gives to many a "creative boost" of sort, overcoming the "blank page syndrome". I think that the reactions we may have can't be anticipated at all when cornered.

The alternative to wield the power to choose is to give up on life essentially, therefore ending up metaphorically or literally dead. No free will, no life. OSIT.

Mother of Officer Sicknick confirms media got cause of death wrong: ‘He wasn’t hit on the head’

I can't predict the future and don't know what the plan is, but here's one thing I know from observation during the past 4 years:

Donald J. Trump has an EXCEPTIONAL ability and talent for handing out rope to people who then gleefully and unsuspectingly hang themselves with it.

SCOTUS just did it.

Biden is losing support amongst various groups every day. Let him win (give him rope) and watch him destroy himself.

We're being shown how far, wide and high the corruption is. We may next be shown the depth of it in military--this is the scary part.

Meanwhile Trump is happily golfing in the sun. Does he look stressed to you?

I've no idea how this is going to play out, but remember the "rope" tactic. It is real.
I can't predict the future and don't know what the plan is, but here's one thing I know from observation during the past 4 years:

Donald J. Trump has an EXCEPTIONAL ability and talent for handing out rope to people who then gleefully and unsuspectingly hang themselves with it.

SCOTUS just did it.

Biden is losing support amongst various groups every day. Let him win (give him rope) and watch him destroy himself.

We're being shown how far, wide and high the corruption is. We may next be shown the depth of it in military--this is the scary part.

Meanwhile Trump is happily golfing in the sun. Does he look stressed to you?

I've no idea how this is going to play out, but remember the "rope" tactic. It is real.

I think Trump will be quite relieved that the economic crash ('reset') will not happen under his watch.
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