Laura's Blog: Postcards From the Edge of Reality...



FOTCM Member
New post today:

Still sorting and discussing the abovetopsecret/Project Serpo/Wayne Jaeschke gang of cyberthugs and psy-ops vectors. Nothing new to those who have read the forum posts, but generally a condensation of elements for a wider audience.


FOTCM Member
Today I updated yesterday's blogpost, corrected some typos, gave it a new title (after sleeping on it and deciding I didn't like the original one) and added some comments from Dave McGowan, a forum post, and an image sent to me by a reader that is interesting. So mostly, it is the same as the original blog post, but with enough new info to make it worth scanning again.


FOTCM Member
Seems that my blog article on Serpo has been picked up by the Anomalist:


FOTCM Member
I received an interesting comment on my, Project Serpo Psy-ops, and the Pentagon's Flying Fish post today:

oneperson said...

Wayne Jaeschke appears to be the member at ATS who goes by the alias 'CENTRIST'. He is the one who actually started the Serpo thread over at on Nov. 30, 2005. He involved himself early on it appears by contacting Victor himself (if that contact wasn't already in place before the entire affair broke loose). This is all very interesting. I am not sure of the timing but they (ATS) have been very busy again over there dumping threads - either moving them to the trash bin or moving them from the public thread area into protected areas. Specifically the Serpo stuff has all been re-arranged again. Their slam-dunk marketing effort of putting up has been re-directed back into the board thread on Serpo and several of the board threads regarding Serpo have been put into the trash bin and or moved into RATS or other non-public posting areas.

中间派的韦恩·c·Jaeschke似乎是基于“增大化现实”技术ound on the ATS site at least since May of 2005 if not before. His big splash seems to be bringing the Serpo affair to the board. Almost all the threads I can see that he has started are in the 'Aliens and UFOS' category.
Ancient Alien Visitations...
Exopolitics and "First Contact" -- interesting spin on MJ-12 papers
Learning to Communicate With Aliens? Is this true?
J. Allen Hynek -- Why?
Kapustin Yar
Billy Meier called the New Nostradamus!?!?
Interesting sighting from 2002 over D.C.
10 rolls of uncensored Project Blue Book microfilm released
Recent Tony Dodd Article on UFOs
Are Von Neumann Probes the Unifying Theory of Ufology?
Project Serpo: Postings by "Anonymous" -- Breaking news?
Project Mask
George Knapp takes on Dan Burisch
Bruce Maccabee's "Hawk Tales"
Burisch/Deppeller -- EXPOSED!
An update on Bob Lazar -- by George Knapp
Linda Howe and Bruce Maccabee interview UFO Whistleblower
Whether he is really ATS' legal coucil or he offered to do this for the owners on his own accord who knows. The whole thing is so shady it is rediculous. Not one law was mentioned in this email sent to the your WebHost Provider. In fact he is basically lying and mistating facts.
FYI - Melissa has also started spewing lies that you personally stole here FEMA Detainment Camp article and plagiarized her.

Melissa Allin QUOTE:
"She stole it in entirety - including downloading my personal pictures to her server and then reposting them. It was not a derivative work, nor a was outright plagiarism."
Melissa Allin ENDQUOTE:

ATS CC BS (The above words are owned by Melissa Allin and Co-Owned by ATS LLP (Mark Allin, Simon Gray, William Irvine)

有那么多的巧合。美国胸科协会咒语日志o "Deny Ignorance" looks as if it was a ripoff of your material and the Cassiopaeans "Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Endangers", and if I'm not mistaken that material has been copyrighted since 1994 or earlier. Melissa starts all these topics about Gog & Magog? Wonder if she ever read Secret History or you Mogols Article, ...

Many coincidences, many many more...
To which I posted the following reply:

Laura Knight Jadczyk said...

Melissa Allin QUOTE:
"She stole it in entirety - including downloading my personal pictures to her server and then reposting them. It was not a derivative work, nor a was outright plagiarism."
Melissa Allin ENDQUOTE:

Melissa Allin needs to invest in a good dictionary, or maybe she needs to ask her good buddy, Wayne Jaeschke to explain the meaning of the word "plagiarism" to her.

Plagiarism is: "the act of appropriating the literary composition of another author, or excerpts, ideas, or passages therefrom, and passing the material off as one's own creation."

Or: "The false presentation of someone else's writing as one's own."

Or: "Taking, using, and passing off as your own, the ideas or words or work of another."

Etc, etc, etc.

There are two points here: First point is that the article was fully attributed and properly linked to Since we have been forced to remove it from the Signs page for that day because of the threats to our server tech, we have republished that entire signs page on our Russian site here:
where you can view it exactly as it was. Please note the links, the comments at the end suggesting that the reader go to the original to read the entire text and to view all the photos.

Most sites are very happy for us to pick up their articles, publish them in whole or part, because they get a lot of traffic from us. If someone finds an article interesting, they will click the link, go to the site, and check out what else they have there.

And we are always careful to put in correct links, to make full attribution, to give credit to not only the author, but the website.

So, that's the first point.

The second point is that I am not the one who selects the articles to be published. Yes, I select some some of the time, and now and again I fill in for the SOTT team when they are away on research trips. But 99.90 percent of the time, other than writing an editorial now and then, I have nothing to do with the Signs page production anymore.

Final point: at that particular moment in time, I wasn't even in the country. As you can see from my photo albums here:


and here:

(check dates on photos)

I was traveling in Italy and Croatia from September 3rd until we returned home on the 13th.

I had no access to a computer, wasn't reading or watching the news, and in fact, was suffering from a herniated disc (as I mention in the travelogue) and spent most of my travel time on medication, in bed, in various hotels.

The main point is, if you look at the way the article was presented, there were TWO links to the original article, full attribution was made, and there was no doubt whatsoever as to who wrote what.

Based on her incredible lie about this matter, not to mention the behavior of that whole gang, they all fit the profile of the psychopath. Have a look here:

and read the related articles. One of the main things about psychopaths is that they always accuse others of what they do themselves.


FOTCM Member
New Blog Post today: George W. Bush: A Cancer on the Body Politic


FOTCM Member
A couple of most interesting comments made on my blog by erstwhile ATS members:

The post in question is this one:

and the two comments are:

Anonymous said:
Well it nearly took them a year but they finally got rid of a poster who dared to warn and explain how "top end of town" child sex rings work and keep growing.

It seems busting paedophiles is the worst crime you can commit on ATS.

Search all key words associated with child sex, satanic ritual abuse, etc. and look at the flow and tone of posts.

Their favourite tactic is ignor and bury, with lots of cruel abuse and insult of survivers who dare to speak out.

It was suzy ryan that really got their goat. Not banned, just 'locked out' after pointing out that someone saying, "gay sex with 10 y.o.'s is fine with their consent", is how paedophiles 'fish' for like minded people.

The top levels of administration found she had no complaint against this post but the whole thread, "Diversity Day cancelled to avoid Ex-Gay viewpoint" has vanished since she posted that she disagreed with their view.

We expected this lock out to happen alot earlier, and "smarter", but they seem to have paniced and just made her go away hoping no one will question why.

This was not some, "hang 'em by the balls" vengance seeker but one who kept warning that with justice denied, more people are moved to "catch and kill their own".

One thread on Child Sacrifice to the Goddess Kali, that reported what's going on today; e.g. 3 y.o.(one of over 20) tortured to death for unlimited riches; even had people defending the practice and calling suzy ryan 'judgemental' for refusing to say it wasn't "wrong".

Yeah, there are some great people there but overall the message is that justice is dead and only fools ask for it to be resurrected.
and then...

suzy ryan said:
嗨,我还太“热”来解释happened but the friend who was here when I found I was "locked out" is too angry not to warn people about ATS, so spoke for me.

I never had doubts about what the site really is but that's why I chose it to drip feed the truth to those they try to keep it from.

But I can say that some of the posters literally made me vomit, with some of the stuff they support and good folk they attack for speaking out about how paedophiles 'network'.

I'll get back when I'm not so heated.
I do think that those people on ATS who are seeing this sort of thing happening need to be taking screen shots of the pages where that sort of discussion is going on and send them to me for my ATS archive.


FOTCM Member
Laura said:
I received an interesting comment on my, Project Serpo Psy-ops, and the Pentagon's Flying Fish post today:
To which I posted the following reply:

Laura Knight Jadczyk said...

Melissa Allin QUOTE:
"She stole it in entirety - including downloading my personal pictures to her server and then reposting them. It was not a derivative work, nor a was outright plagiarism."
Melissa Allin ENDQUOTE:

Melissa Allin needs to invest in a good dictionary, or maybe she needs to ask her good buddy, Wayne Jaeschke to explain the meaning of the word "plagiarism" to her.

Plagiarism is: "the act of appropriating the literary composition of another author, or excerpts, ideas, or passages therefrom, and passing the material off as one's own creation."
I am afraid that a dictionary is not going to help. I am reading inAUTISM AND THE MOTOR THEORY OF LANGUAGE
Autism is a disorder affecting cognition and language development. They have problems in understanding and using any form of communication, non-verbal as well as verbal. Some autistic children do not develop any useful language at all or else use only stereotyped words or phrases that have little or no meaning. There are also cognitive difficulties. Although they can remember experiences, autistic children seem unable to imbue them with significance beyond the immediate, literal meaning, or to classify such events so that they fit into a gradually developing, coherent mental picture of the world. [...]A very recent account by someone who eventually was diagnosed as autistic, and later, remarkably, took a degree in psychology while still remaining autistic, shows close agreement with the general picture of autistic children's behaviour and experience.[...] " For language to have any meaning one must be able to relate to it. For me, when the directness of relating is too great, the walls go up. ... the comprehension of the meaning of words drops away leaving the listener lost as to both concepts and significance. "
If this is the case, then indeed no dictionary is going to help.


FOTCM Member
Updated the blog today with a new post. Forum readers might want to check this one out!


FOTCM Member
It's been awhile... I've been busy. Anyway, new blog post today. Nothing really new for forum members, but putting things together in a dfferent way.


FOTCM Member
New blog post today:

Entitled: World Cup Zidane - Materazzi : Italy's Shameful Win


FOTCM Member
New blogpost today revealing a tiny bit of the past week's events.


The Living Force
Laura, i just wanted to offer my sympathies toward your mother. My grandparents are all in the same phase of their life. I couldnt help but think that generation dieing off is somehow symbolic of the changing times we live in. Thou i couldn't grok any deeper meaning.

Aside from that, this blog post has been one of the most enlightening yet. You take a plethora of topics a weave them together yielding a cohesive fabric with startling ramifications. All in all i enjoyed it immensely.

I've found myself copying exerpts and sharing them online. The two big ones being:
LJK said:
It certainly makes one suspect that the whole "UK Terror Scare" of the past week is nothing more than a public relations campaign. Just to drive home that point, have a look at the third video on this site: US citizens who say "NO!" There you will hear Francis Boyle, Professor of International Law recount:

I spoke with the head of the IDF, and I said, "you know, it's clear that your people are inflicting Nuremberg Crimes on the Palestinians, exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews. What's your explanation?" He said, "Military necessity." Notice, he didn't disagree with me. I said, "That argument was rejected at Nuremberg when the lawyers for the Nazis made it." He said, "Well, we have Public Relations people in the United States and they handle these matters for us."
The fact is, if you believe that the U.S., UK, and even Israel were under threat by Islamic extremists and that this is what caused 911, you have been deceived. That's not to say that the actions of the U.S. and Israel since 911 (and, in Israel's case, even before 911), will not have created a whole generation of Islamic extremists that are NOW wishing to see every Jew and American dead and rotting.

But the fact remains: there is overwhelming evidence that Israel was deeply involved in the 9-11 attack and their "Public Relations" firms are putting in some late hours plotting new and scarier "Terror Scenarios" to remind everyone that there is an Islamic Extremist under every bed in America, the UK and Israel. More than that, that they are there for no good reason! Well, actually, the reason given is because they just mindlessly "hate us for our freedoms!" Never mind that we don't have any now because we had to give them all up to fight people that hate us for what we no longer have... Figure that one out.

Now, what is the basis for suspecting the involvement of Israel in the 911 attacks in the U.S.? There is actually a great deal of evidence, and it is not all just circumstantial evidence surrounding the various reports of Israeli Spy Rings, Israelis doing the Happy Dance, or MOSSAD Moving Companies. In fact, in June of 2002, a purported top-secret report from the German external intelligence agency, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) prepared with assistance from an internal German intelligence agency, the BfV, was published. Among the startling claims this report makes is that German intelligence agents "disclosed in late May of 2001 that an attack was to be made against certain specified targets in the American cities of Washington and New York. But it was apparent that the Mossad was not only fully aware of these attacks well in advance but actually, though their own agents inside these Arab groups, assisted in the planning and the eventual execution of the attacks.

"That the Israeli government was fully aware of these attack is absolutely certain and proven. Diplomatic traffic between the Israeli Embassy in the Federal Republic and the Israeli Foreign Office made it very clear that Minister President Sharon was fully aware of this pending attack and urgently wished that no attempt was made to prevent the attacks."

"On August 6,2001, the German ambassador Ischinger informed George W. Bush of the exact time and place of the attack. He thanked the ambassador and said that he already knew. Subsequently, his administration urgently requested the suppression of information on this warning."

It seems that, despite angry denunciations of the authenticity of the report from various other quarters, the German government itself has not issued a denial of the authenticity of this report.
I found these few paragraphs to be extremely condensed, potent knowledge, and the links provided undeniable.



Laura said:
Well, actually, the reason given is because they just mindlessly "hate us for our freedoms!" Never mind that we don't have any now because we had to give them all up to fight people that hate us for what we no longer have... Figure that one out.
This instantly reminded me of Escher's waterfall:



FOTCM Member
New blogpost today:

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