Near Death Experience accounts



绝地武士Council Member
FOTCM Member

Here is my favourite Near Death Experience account by Amy Call.

I like it due to many reasons. One being the reference to the math and science as a foundation of reality. Other being little religious gloss. Lastly, the impact it had on Amy. She covers a lot of things and her description of "the big picture" is very clear.

Thanks so much for this link. I've studied these fascinating accounts for 40 years, and her account is especially articulate and demonstrates genuineness through the emotions that arise as she shares her experience.

Here are some of the highlights for me:

13:30 - she "asked" her guide what religion was correct and with great compassion without a trace of condescension,he revealed that her question was as naive as a toddler asking which type of cheese the moon was composed of:lol:

18:55 – she experienced feeling that she (and everyone) was very special and important and fully connected to each other

21:00——尽管她一般al inability to comprehend mathematics, she could see that every detail of creation reflects perfect mathematical precision in every way

27:00 – she experienced infinite, divine love, even for her enemies and “bad” people (as a result, she later wrote a letter forgiving a bitter enemy)

33:15 – she could see the earth as an organism with a soul suffering from the corruption of food now (as a result, she began eating simple healthy food); she perceived earth having a unique musical frequency, composed of unique sub-frequencies of each country, state, county and even neighborhood!

37:00 – the grief of being told she needed to return to life, offset by love for her children (the purest form of love humans experience)

43:15 – was guided to re-enter her body via the throat area (the word pneuma in the bible can be translated both as “breath” and “spirit”—thus the connection between breathing meditation and spiritual development; ancients teach our lives begin because God breathes his spirit into us (as in the story of Adam), and continues to breathe through us which is what makes our hearts beat—a mystery medical science cannot explain)

45:49 – her husband’s response confirms she was at death's door

48:40 – the following week, in the middle of communion at church, she’s compelled to get up and go into the church foyer where she meets a mother who’d just learned of the unexpected death of her daughter, who was estranged from her—the very same young woman who greeted her at the beginning of her NDE and given her a mysterious message which now made perfect sense!

54:05 – the residual wonder of living after her NDE from continued heightened awareness of every aspect of creation—not “woo woo or something mystical” but pure awe comprehending the mathematical precision and interwoven operations of physics and meta-physics composing everything—and reflecting the Source of it all.

1:01:10 - renewed perspective allows her to "lighten up" and enjoy the "holiness of true existence"

1:03:40 - the value/purpose of our incarnations is feeding information back into the divine cosmic mind

1:04:40 - she's gained deepened humility which precludes black/white thinking or forming absolute judgments; she seeks to remain an open cup available to be continually filled;

1:06:45 - the value of the 7th day of rest as related to octaves
Thanks JGeropoulas for your summary. I would not have written it any better.

What I like about Amy's account is that there is little religious gloss. Most people experiencing NDEs try to interpret them in religious terms, one way or another, thus making them more subjective, in my opinion. This account, to me, seems much more objective exactly because she is not trying to do this. She even says when somebody asked her if she believed in the religion, she could not really understand the question. To her it was like asking: do you believe in a sendwitch (her literal words)? I guess she means it from 5D perspective.

Anyhow, I would be glad if she wrote a book about her experience.
Thank you for the report and the summary. I'm almost always inspired by such NDE accounts, especially when they are not heavily glossed by a mundane ideology.

In the summary, the following part attracted my attention:
43:15 – was guided to re-enter her body via the throat area (the word pneuma in the bible can be translated both as “breath” and “spirit”—thus the connection between breathing meditation and spiritual development; ancients teach our lives begin because God breathes his spirit into us (as in the story of Adam), and continues to breathe through us which is what makes our hearts beat—a mystery medical science cannot explain)
In atopic on thyroidI had tried to explain some possible associations between the 5th chakra (the throat chakra) and the 5th astrological sign (Leo, with its ruler, Sun). In astrology, Sun represents one's manifest being or manifestation. So, the "throat area" description in the NDE report seemed relevant to me.

While googling for other possible explanations, I came across the following description in a Quranic verse (56:83):
Then why, when the soul at death reaches the throat...
Based on a short search, I think that the Islamic lore implies that soul enters and exits the body through the throat area. But I don't accept this as an absolute truth and I would not besurprised if I came across another explanation by a source which I hold to be higher/truer that soul actually enters and exits the body through the crown chakra, or through multiple chakras. Nonetheless, I find the throat associations interesting in that particular sense.
Thanks Obi for the recommendation! How great is it to have a mentor? You get a sense after listening to her just how limited we are in our perception of the universe. Enjoyed listening to her experience.
Good one. I started reading NDE accounts about 30 years ago. Always interesting.
findit said:
Thanks Obi for the recommendation! How great is it to have a mentor? You get a sense after listening to her just how limited we are in our perception of the universe. Enjoyed listening to her experience.

You are welcome. This is by far my most favorite NDE account. I like its pragmatism. I watch it regularly. It helps me to get a better perspective on life and its struggles.
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