


FOTCM Member
Heuristic, it is common courtesy here on the forum to not just post a link, but to give a bit of information on what it is about and what relevance it has for others on the forum. Thanks. :)


The Force is Strong With This One
Roger last Lilou.

The Blog is dedicated to increasing consciousness through expanding ones personal awareness of the way they project their own thoughts and feelings.

The author discusses a wide range of topics including Hermetic Law and other Ascension tools. The view of the author recognizes that evil does exist; however, does not label the word, or its relationship to psychopathology as inherently "bad," (see hermetic law of polarity;) rather a necessary component of Spirituality in order to set a reference point against what works and what doesn't work in order to balance Mind, Emotion and Body.

Many of the concepts found while reading on the Cassiopaea.org web site can be found within the authors content, chiefly supporting the concept of free will as something to be allowed, rather than influenced.

Hermetic law #1 "All is Mind" is examined at both micro and macro levels, which also relates to the hermetic law of correspondence. All of which was introduced here; influencing further introspection and study.

The authors main contention is that ALL THINGS experienced are "Re-Minders" designed to "Re-Member" separate units of consciousness back toward its original unity through a creative step by step process.

The central Unifying Metaphor for all concepts discussed; is the universal principle of breath and breathing in general. Which the author feels, can expand the understanding of breath to a further extent for use in consciously projecting energy from within the human vessel outward toward the manifestation of physical reality without falling into the trap of "wishful" thinking.


The Force is Strong With This One
不知道是谁,为什么我的订单st was messed with, but the link I initially posted now has an "underscore" in front of it; making it a hassle for those interested to visit the site. All in the name of free will and being of service to others I guess.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Heuristic said:
不知道是谁,为什么我的订单st was messed with, but the link I initially posted now has an "underscore" in front of it; making it a hassle for those interested to visit the site. All in the name of free will and being of service to others I guess.

The links have been deactivated by a mod so that they won't be "scanned" by Google or other search engines and linked back to our forum. You should do this as a rule whenever you think, suspect or are unsure of whether or not the link is disinformation, so that its content won't be associated with the forum, which is a form of attack by improving their Google ranking.

This threaddelves more into the matter.

A hassle, yes, albeit a small one.

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