Ted Bundy



The Force is Strong With This One
I have noticed that there are a few comments here and there on the forum about Ted Bundy but nothing of a concrete study of his profoundly disturbing psychological profile. Therefore I am starting this thread as I think it can provide further insight into the mind of a psychopath (or at the very least a cunning sociopath).

Recently I came upon Ted Bundy's last interview, which can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LYL1PTrtXo

The interview (which takes place only a day before his execution and a few days after his full confession ... which apparently took 11 years to come out) is very disturbing, candid and gives a real open look into the mind of a very sick individual and into the development over time of radically violent behaviour. On one hand he seems very desperate, broken down, vulnerable and honest about his actions and the state he was in. He even mentions accepting God and learning to live in the moment. However, one cannot help but wonder is it is all not just an act to win another stay of execution. It appears the doctor that interviews him falls for the act and fails to ask the really tough questions.

For more of a rounded out insight into his character, check out this interview from 1977 (at that point I think he had at least 8 victims) where he flat out denies his guilt and says that there was someone else out there that waas responsible: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEWsxCrMM1U

Here is also an interesting documentary providing insight into his life, his character and his crimes, a lot of which he fails to mention in his last interview (particularly details of his family life): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zriSw1UBqv8

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The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Hi Kevin. Thanks for the information on Bundy. I'm sure a mod can fix those font modifications you were trying to implement in your post.

I think that one of the reasons we don't focus that much on 'Hannibal Lecter' types of psychopaths over here, is because the more cunning and intelligent types that are often drawn into leading positions (hiding behind their mask of normality) destroy whole societies. And as we can see what's going on with e.g. Syria, the pathological leaders can with their decisions kill millions of people.

The book 'Political Ponerology' by Lobacewski explains this way better. I highly recommend reading it in case you haven't done so:

Paperback: _http://amzn.com/1897244258

Kindle: _http://amzn.com/B009EGBZ64

Also, if you aren't yet familiar, have a look at the otherrecommended bookson Psychopathy.
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I was pretty fascinated by Bundy back in the days before I really dug into researching psychopathy. I just could not figure out what could drive such a creature so that's pretty much what made me so curious in a horrified sort of way.

I remember watching his televised trial and trying to imagine this smooth, urbane guy doing the horrible, almost mindless, things he did and I couldn't wrap my head around it. As time went by, I read some books about him, including one by a journalist who had interviews with him where he suggested that Bundy should try to "imagine" what went on in the head of such a person since he would not, at the time, admit that it was himself doing those things. That was creepy.

Then, I remember the day of his execution and I have to say that I was not the least bit sympathetic to the anti-death penalty people at the time. Still not. I think there are some human-looking beings that are more like mad dogs that do need to be put down for the safety of society; what's the point in caging and feeding them? It's a kind of suffering for them, though they can't really learn from it.

在Cs的早期实验中,我不是really able to understand what they meant with all their hints that this sort of mentality was associated with many "alien scenarios" and that it would increase in the population and come to dominate humanity as an expression of the "alien intent".

For a long time, after I began researching psychopathy, I read cases. After awhile, I couldn't read anymore. I knew that I could parse the words describing them, their actions, etc, but I couldn't really understand except in a theoretical way. Plus, our own reality was becoming so pathologized that it was painful to delve into the depths of that darkness. Now, people don't even have to "read cases" anymore to see it displayed everywhere if they only open their eyes to the reality. It's like being in a nightmare that never ends.


The Force is Strong With This One
Aragorn said:
I think that one of the reasons we don't focus that much on 'Hannibal Lecter' types of psychopaths over here, is because the more cunning and intelligent types that are often drawn into leading positions (hiding behind their mask of normality) destroy whole societies. And as we can see what's going on with e.g. Syria, the pathological leaders can with their decisions kill millions of people.

Hi Aragorn. Yeah, I totally understand that corporate and political psychopaths are much more of a problem for this world than your average hannibal lector type. Bundy killed around 38 people (with some believing close to 100) but those who concocted 9/11, the Iraq war and so on have done profoundly more damage. I just find it interesting to be able to see into the mind of such an individual because I can't really comprehend it myself and because the general patterning seems to be the same in violent ones and "successful corporate" ones.

Also, I am slowly making my way through Political Ponerology right now. I am more focusing on the Wave Series right now and supplementing info on psychopathy with the various SOTT.NET resources.

Laura, I hear you. This really brings up dark stuff for me as well and for me being with it in a healthy way is essential. In the interview I posted, I did feel genuine empathy for him for being what he is but as far as the death sentence he received, I also think it was probably the best thing that they could possibly do ... considering he was always trying to find ways to escape and NO QUESTION he would have done what he done in the past again.

I certainly hope that in Jan 1989 when he was executed, he was able to process what he had done at the soul level and really make peace. I wonder, have the C's (or any other writings or research you have come across) said anything about what happens to these types of individuals when they die?
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The Living Force
kevin2themystic said:
I certainly hope that in Jan 1989 when he was executed, he was able to process what he had done at the soul level and really make peace. I wonder, have the C's (or any other writings or research you have come across) said anything about what happens to these types of individuals when they die?

Hi kevin2themystic,
The essay on organic portals foundherecan provide some clues.
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FOTCM Member
It is fascinating watching him, knowing the things he did and how facilely he lies. It's like looking at a cancer cell under a microscope.
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FOTCM Member
kevin2themystic said:
I certainly hope that in Jan 1989 when he was executed, he was able to process what he had done at the soul level and really make peace. I wonder, have the C's (or any other writings or research you have come across) said anything about what happens to these types of individuals when they die?

There's this on Hitler

Sept 1994:

Q: (L) Was Adolf Hitler possessed by demons or evil spirits?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Was Adolf Hitler under the control of the negatively oriented
A: Close.
Q: (L) Where is Adolf Hitler now?
A: Sleeping.
Q: (L) How long will he sleep?
A: Indefinite.
Q: (L) Will Adolf Hitler return to incarnation at some point in the
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can you predict what kind of life he will lead in his future
A: No.

Sept. 2000

Q: What is Hitler doing right now? Planning on coming back and trying to do it again?
[Laughter] Seriously, what is Hitler doing now?

A: Soul in transit.

Q: To where? Does that mean he isn't at 5th density?

A: No.

Q: He's already been there?

A: Floater.

Q: What's a floater?

A: Returnee.

Q: He is floating around and waiting to come into a body?

A: Yes.

Q: You mean he's already done 5th density and is ready to incarnate again?

A: Yes.

Q: Well, that's a scary thought! Just so we know, does it happen to be here on earth?

A: Wait and see.

Q: Well, that sounds ominous. Is this something others will know about once it happens?

A: Maybe.

Q: Well, swell! When he incarnates in this next life, is he still sold out to the Dark side as he was
in the last one? Or, has he been degaussed and will he switch and match his nastiness with
good deeds?

A: Open.
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FOTCM Member
And this on Bundy, specifically:

session 9 Jan 96 said:
Q: (L) Okay, P will be here on Saturday, so we will leave a
lot of my questions for then. I don't quite know how to
ask this. It has become increasingly obvious to me that
there is some sort of connection where JO [an unsolved
murder of a local 13 year old girl; Absolutely NO clues]
was concerned, some synchronous connections between that
murder and my so-called "awakening," if you want to call
it that. And I also noticed a connection between the life
pattern, or change in life pattern, of Ted Bundy and
certain UFO sightings, and cattle mutilations that were in
his area of the country. Now, we have another girl who
has come up missing at the same time P and I were
讨论乔案例,这新病例有瞧t of
things that seem to be common to that case. I see that
there is an issue here that I would like to get to the
bottom of; can you help?
A: Vague.
Q: (L) I know that is vague. Did my involvement with the JO
case [I was asked by law enforcement official to try to
come up with some clues or hints through astrology and
psychic impressions] have anything to do with opening the
door of my mind to other phenomena, particularly UFOs and
aliens? A: Possible.
Q: (L) You can't give me a clear answer on that?
A: Learn!
Q: (L) Okay. I had dreams about it. The work that I did on
the case astrologically, the dreams I had about it, as
well as certain impressions I received, convinced me that
a particular individual was the killer. Was that an
opening of my instinctual awareness in some way?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Was there some soul connection between myself and JO?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was there some connection between JOs murder and
"alien" activity?
A: There is always this connection in one way or another, at
one plane convergence or another.
Q: (L) Was the murder of JO a "mini-plane convergence?"
A: What did we just say?
Q: (L) It seemed to me that was what you said, and I was
trying to clarify it. Is that, in fact, a plane
convergence, where one person's plane of reality converges
with another person's plane of reality, and one or the
other gets annihilated?
A: 4th, 5th and 3rd density is involved.
Q: (L) Is this true with all murders?
A: Discover and yes.
Q: (L) Was my interaction into that reality a sort of
entering into a point of plane convergence?
A: Flirting with the edges.
Q: (L) So, when a person is working on a murder
talents, instincts or whatever to the solving of this kind
of puzzle, they are interacting with a plane convergence?
A: This represents one manifestaion of the always present
desire to return "home" to 5th density. ...
Q: (L) Okay. Learn. Was there something about Ted Bundy,
and the fact that his life seemed to disintegrate at the
same time a lot of UFOs were sighted?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was Ted Bundy abducted?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was Ted Bundy programmed to do what he did?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What was the purpose behind that programming?
A: We must withold answer for the present.
Q: (L) Okay. Bundy described his murdering urges as a
"pressure building inside" him that he couldn't overcome,
and it seemed to cause him to stop being "human," as we
think of it. That seems to me to be an example of an
implant being able to overcome a person's social behavior,
or controls over anti-social tendencies. Is this also
what happened to the person who killed JO?
A: Maybe.
Q: (L) Is there a connection between the newly missing girl,
CB, and JO?
A: You are doing well in your probing of the knowledge within
on this issue, we suggest continuance, after all, learning
is fun!
Q: (L) So, it seems to me that there was a connection between
the appearance of CB and JO. Could it be that the
individual who killed one or both of them was programmed
to respond to this particular type facial characteristic?
Could that be part of the programming?
A: End subject.
Q: (L) What do you mean?
A: We have helped you all that is necessary for now on this
matter. It is beneficial for you to continue on your own
for growth.

session 5 Oct 96 said:
A: Mind programming.
Q: (L) What about mind programming? (T) Is that like Fox and NBC? You
know, must see TV! (V) This is mirth, guys! (L) Mind programming... (T)
OK, what about mind programming? (V) In reference to what?
A: We thought we would just throw that onto the table.
Q: (L) Well, they certainly did! I guess that’s what they want us to
talk about! (T) Mind programming! As in programming of one’s mind.
A: TM received some most recently.
Q: (L) And who did he receive the mind programming from?
A: Cultists.
Q: (T) What form did it take?
A: Negative.
问:(V) (TM)你知道吗?(T)不是negative or positive, but
what form was it presented to him as?
A: Hypnotic.
Q: (T) Was he awake or asleep at the time?
A: Both.
Q: (T) No, no. Before the hypnotics, was he awake?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was this a pre-hypnotic trigger?
A: No.
Q: (L) Was it hypnosis at a distance?
A: No.
Q: (T) How was it conveyed to him?
A: Lights, fires, chants. ...

(M) This Greenbaum
program, was it due to my father?
A: Yes.
Q: (M) Thought so! (L) Remember, his father was military, too! (M)
Twenty years! (T) While I’m tossing it... (TM) Was it done to my father?
A: You were “Greenbaumed.” ...

Q: ... (TM) Am I still receiving instructions from the
programming? Am I still receiving programming from them?
A: Buried for future triggers.
Q: (L) Is there anything he can do to deactivate this programming?
A: Would take powerful hypnotic work. Beware of stresses of a most
personal nature.
Q: (L) Do you mean sexual actions, activities might be triggers or
connected to this?
A: Partly. ...

(L) What
were the instructions?
A: Discover.
Q: (T) Is is something TM will be able to discover? Does he have enough
information to work on?
A: Not by himself.
Q: (L) Is his wife and the baby part of the hook?
A: Yes.
Q: (TM) Is the hook attached to the physical, emotionally, spiritual, or
A: All.
Q: (TM) Is there a physical location where it’s attached in all three,
in the same place?
A: You were particularly vulnerable at the time remember, this
particular group has an uncanny ability to get to those who have
parental influences with a troubled past. ...

Q: (L) Does the Greenbaum influence, or interaction last indefinitely
throughout a person’s life, if something isn’t done to terminate or halt
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Mind programming... Where are we going to go with this, guys?
(L) Oh, ok, go. What were the programs? The main programs?
A: Must not say.
Q: (L) M wants to know how extensive the Greenbauming was in her case.
Was it extensive?
A: Yes and your husband, too! ...

Q: ...(TM) Well, the next time you’re
doing something, and you don’t know why you’re doing it, it seems
completely stupid, there’s a thought... (L) Ask yourself everytime, why
am I doing what I’m doing? Is it really me doing it, or am I being...
(M) Is there anything to cure it? Can anything be done? Now we know
with him, it’s hypnsis. (T) It is for everybody, I’m afraid. (L) I’m
afraid, yes. Reread the Greenbaum.
A: Awareness is step number one. ...

Q: (T) (TM's wife) is the trigger; one of them. (L) Well, TM finds
himself, we all, I mean, jeez! What do we do about these difficult
situations that we plant ourselves in the middle of, due to programming?
Then we have to extricate ourselves, at great cost and pain? Having
done it already myself, I know how much pain...
A: No need to extricate, if necessary work is done, in some cases.
Q: (L) If two people who are married to each other are Greenbaumed, is
it possible that they could be programmed to kill each other?
A: Maybe, but not always.
Q: (TM) Or any two people who have had the programming?
A: The programming is mainly intended to produce erratic behavior, for
the purpose of “spooking” the population so that they will welcome, and
even demand, a totalitarian government.
Q: (L) So, the programming is designed to, in other words, when the
people are just being erratic...
A: Think of the persons who have inexplicably entered various public and
private domains, and shot large numbers of people... Now, you have “met”
some of these Greenbaum subjects...
Q: (L) Let me say this. If this is what we’re saying, well, what I’m
saying is, that ... Is this Greenbaum programming something that goes
along the line of what I’ve just described a part; a part, I don’t think
that’s all of it...
A: In part.
Q: (L) Is there also the implanted triggers to activate at a certain
point in future time, to create a mass chaos, in the public domain?
A: Better to discover that one on your own.
Q: (L) Ok, that’s another one that’s dangerous to know right now...
(V) Was the person I met last week, (Name deleted), was he Greenbaumed?
Has he been Greenbaumed. (L) He was bizzare, wasn’t
A: Now, some history... as you know, the CIA and NSA and other agencies
are the children of Nazi Gestpo... the SS, which was experiment
influenced by Antareans who were practicing for the eventual
reintroduction of the nephalim on to 3rd and or 4th density earth.
And the contact with the “Antareans” was initiated by the Thule Society,
which groomed its dupe subject, Adolph Hitler to be the all time mind
programmed figurehead. Now, in modern times, you have seen, but so far,
on a lesser scale: Oswald, Ruby, Demorenschildt, Sirhan Sirhan, James
Earl Ray, Arthur Bremer, Farakahan, Menendez, Bundy, Ramirez, Dahmer,
Q: (L) Is there any particular individual who is currently being
在te程序采取更突出的地位rms of this...
A: Later... you must know that Oswald was programmed to be the “patsy.”
So that he would say many contradictory things. Demorenschildt was both
a programmer and programmed. Ruby was hypnoticaly programmed to shoot
Oswald. With an audio prompt, that being the sound of a car horn.
Q: (L) The question has been brought up, is there some way or means that
one can distinguish or discern a victim of Greenbaum or other mind
programming by some clues?
A: Not until it is too late.


FOTCM Member
I camee across another case of a charming and utterly creepy serial killer named Rodney Alcala today. He was convicted of 7 murders, but it is speculated that he might have killed up to 130 jung girls, boys and woman.


Wikipedia said:
Rodney James Alcala (born Rodrigo Jacques Alcala Buquor; August 23, 1943) is a convicted rapist and serial killer. He was sentenced to death in California in 2010 for five murders committed in that state between 1977 and 1979.[1] In 2013 he received an additional sentence of 25 years to life after pleading guilty to two homicides in New York in 1971 and 1977.[5]His true victim count remains unknown, and could be much higher.[6][7][8] Prosecutors say that Alcala "toyed" with his victims, strangling them until they lost consciousness, then waiting until they revived, sometimes repeating this process several times before finally killing them.[9][10]

He is sometimes labeled the "Dating Game Killer" because of his 1978 appearance on the television show The Dating Game in the midst of his murder spree.[11] Police discovered a collection of more than 1,000 photographs taken by Alcala, mostly of women and teenaged boys, most of them in sexually explicit poses. They speculate that some of his photographic subjects could be additional victims.[9]
One police detective called Alcala "a killing machine"[12] and others have compared him to Ted Bundy.[13] A homicide investigator familiar with the evidence speculates that he could have murdered as many as 50 women,[7] while other estimates have run as high as 130.

Here is a documentary I just watched about this case:


我是在这里就是这样的一个人was able to fool, charm and convince people of his "innocent nature" for so long, even though he was a "convicted criminal" and got away with it and continued to murder. He appeared as his own lawyer at the recent trials and even released a book about his own murders.

Something is very rotten in the state of denmark if people like that can get get away with what they are doing for so long, even though there is/was more then a little evidence that he was/is utterly dangerous to society...

Here is Rodney Alcala's apperance on the "Dating Game" television show on September 13, 1978 , in the midst of his killing spree:


Notice how successfully charming he was/is. He was picked by this woman for a date:shock:

Remember that he was already the prime suspect of this case in 1968 (10 years before!) in wich the girl almost died do to his actions:

Wikipedia said:
Alcala committed his first known crime in 1968: A motorist in Los Angeles witnessed him luring an eight-year-old girl named Tali Shapiro[20] into his Hollywood apartment and called police. The girl was found in the apartment raped and beaten with a steel bar, but Alcala escaped.[21


FOTCM Member
If you watch this documentary about Ted Bundy, you realize that his claim that "pornography made me do it - guard your kids..." was a load of nonsense. It was just his way of trying to get a final spotlight appearance on the stage.

This video mentions a couple of factors in his childhood that MIGHT have twisted him, but I'm sorry, it's such weak sauce I just don't buy it. The prison guard at the end makes the most definitive statement about why Ted did what he did: "Because he liked it."



The Force is Strong With This One
Hi Laura,
[/size]The timeliness of your post is quite right on as I have just got to the section in "Stripped to the Bone" where you are talking about a murder investigation you were involved in solving and how you noticed a correlation between the crimes and UFO sightings in the area, and how this was also the case around the time of Ted Bundy's killings. In that section you included a session with the C's where they mentioned that Ted Bundy was abducted and programmed to do the things he did. In doing what he did, he would have had to surpass several boundaries of conscience in himself that normal people would simply not cross. Now one could argue that perhaps he didn't have the same developed developed [/size]conscience [/size] that "normal" people do, but what is your take now on the possibility that he had "help" from or that he was pushed into action by greater unseen forces?
[/size]In a way, I find his last interview (I posted it above) kind of raw and desperate and honest in a way that his previous interviews and appearances were not. To me, there is a genuine sense of him trying to probe within and figure out how all of this could have happened at a time when he realized his time had come, and so in that light his comments about violent pornography and its role in shaping him made sense (although I am aware that it might have been a last ditch attempt to gain sympathy).
[/size]Another part in the interview is interesting: the doctor asks Bundy about his 12 year old victim and Bundy refuses to comment saying that it is too much to talk about. He SEEMED to be affected in reflecting upon it, but what do you think? Is he faking it or does he feel real remorse for his actions? Is it true that he would wake up in the morning with "his conscience fully intact" not being able to understand what he had done?
Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
kevin2themystic said:
Hi Laura,
[/size]The timeliness of your post is quite right on as I have just got to the section in "Stripped to the Bone" where you are talking about a murder investigation you were involved in solving and how you noticed a correlation between the crimes and UFO sightings in the area, and how this was also the case around the time of Ted Bundy's killings. In that section you included a session with the C's where they mentioned that Ted Bundy was abducted and programmed to do the things he did. In doing what he did, he would have had to surpass several boundaries of conscience in himself that normal people would simply not cross. Now one could argue that perhaps he didn't have the same developed developed [/size]conscience [/size] that "normal" people do, but what is your take now on the possibility that he had "help" from or that he was pushed into action by greater unseen forces?
[/size]In a way, I find his last interview (I posted it above) kind of raw and desperate and honest in a way that his previous interviews and appearances were not. To me, there is a genuine sense of him trying to probe within and figure out how all of this could have happened at a time when he realized his time had come, and so in that light his comments about violent pornography and its role in shaping him made sense (although I am aware that it might have been a last ditch attempt to gain sympathy).
[/size]Another part in the interview is interesting: the doctor asks Bundy about his 12 year old victim and Bundy refuses to comment saying that it is too much to talk about. He SEEMED to be affected in reflecting upon it, but what do you think? Is he faking it or does he feel real remorse for his actions? Is it true that he would wake up in the morning with "his conscience fully intact" not being able to understand what he had done?

I think that's just a psychopath telling people what he thinks they expect to hear. Keep in mind that the excerpt you're referencing was before the research into psychopathy.


FOTCM Member
When discussing Ted Bundy with the Cs, as AI mentions above, I think that was a hint that the issue of psychopathy would be important in my future. It certainly has been!

Sorry, I don't buy Bundy being "honest" or "probing within" or being "saved" or whatnot.


FOTCM Member
kevin2themystic said:
Laura said:
Sorry, I don't buy Bundy being "honest" or "probing within" or being "saved" or whatnot.

I hear ya.

When you listen to all the people who knew him talking about how completely he was able to fool people, how his roommate, even knowing he was a "Ted" and drove a VW, joked about the news reports about a Ted, a VW and abducting girls, completely dismissed it because Ted was just so nice and normal... and the way Anne Rule described him and his ability to convey niceness and conviction; and then observing him in the courtroom and hearing the voiceover commentary about that and the nerve of him going face to face with the families of his victims; the girl who escaped, it just made me want to throw up too.

Nope, that last act he played out about "trying to help society" was just that, his swan song because there was nothing left that he could do to get attention.
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