The death of critical thought by 1,000 cuts

Il Matto

Il Matto


Given the absurdity of the 'official narratives' we're all being subjected to on a regular basis, through both the media, and, at least in my experience, people much closer to home, this seems to be an important article to consider.

From the Comment added to the article:

"While the above provides some needed common sense and good reasoning to current issues, it also points to the plethora of rhetorical fallacies that individuals - in every sphere of life - often resort to in order to convince others of their position or "truth".

As the article suggests, seeing how such fallacies are employed (especially towards social and political ends) can help empower us to see through the lies and, hopefully, make better decisions for ourselves and those in our care and sphere of influence.

If knowledge is truly power, and if the strength of our being and of our very souls is dependent upon our alignment with Truth and Objective Reality, then we'd do well to re-familiarize ourselves with the ways in which we are lied to on a more or less daily basis."

So, what rhetorical fallacies have you spotted / been subjected to?
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It’s not uncommon for people to use any criticism against unwanted behaviours or attitudes to accuse you of being racist or homophobic. Are you asking for testimonials as a means of keeping record in the media particularly or in our daily lives?
Hi duyunne,
Are you asking for testimonials as a means of keeping record in the media particularly or in our daily lives?
Whatever you feel comfortable writing about, or what you feel fits with the direction of the article.
For example:
I recently had somebody close to me try to convince me that not getting a Covid vaccination was tantamount to walking around 'punching people in the face'. Said individual was trying to manipulate me into having a vaccine through an appeal to emotion and claiming a moral equivalence (between choosing not to have a vaccination and common assault).

But there are also many examples that could be taken from the propaganda campaign launched by the UK Government (in my neck of the woods). As the 'comment', quoted above rightly points out: seeing through the many ways that others may try to deceive us is asoulissue that tests our alignment with Truth and Objective Reality, and I think these tests are coming 'thick and fast' as we slip further into totalitarianism.
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