
I am really enjoying these bird pictures.

Thanks to all of you for sharing. Birds are very beautiful creatures. And the chicks are way too cute!
As the evenings are starting to cool right down and the light wains into autumn, all the humming birds that visited this year, made nests and reared fledglings are about to leave. Like clockwork, this flight should be close to August 30th here, with some strays appearing for a few more days. They have been feeding heavily for the flight south and will miss their presents.

Couple of weeks ago, one of the young crashed in the backyard; gave s(he) a ceremony. Another just hit the front window so hard that I found it on the deck completely stunned, blinking its eyes, after hearing the bang. Propped the little thing up and gave it some attention, stroking its little head until after a few minutes s(he) finally recovered back to its playful:dance:siblings.

Anyway, this video link here emphasizes their little natures and this one has become imprinted by the rescuer - its new parent.
treesparrow said:
A wild Jay remarkably mimics a meowing cat

Hilarious:lol:Like Mocking birds.

Said the other day that a Humming Bird hit the window. Yesterday my partner mentioned that another did this again only to land 2 feet away from our sleeping 80lbs dog who woke and just comely watched, not moving a muscle until after a minute or so the bird collected its mind from the shock and flew off - if it had been a squirrel, all bets would be off.
Parallax said:
Hilarious:lol:Like Mocking birds.

Said the other day that a Humming Bird hit the window. Yesterday my partner mentioned that another did this again only to land 2 feet away from our sleeping 80lbs dog who woke and just comely watched, not moving a muscle until after a minute or so the bird collected its mind from the shock and flew off - if it had been a squirrel, all bets would be off.

That reminds me of the generations of Mockingbirds that reside on my parents' property. Whenever I visit I love to keep tabs on them on account of their behavior. A male will perch atop the roof over their garage and cycle through his collection of bird calls and other assorted sounds (it cracks me up when they mimic the "cheeep cheeep" of their own babies!:lol:),同时密切关注他的“特里tory." I watched him chase after crows, squirrels (this bird seemed to have something against squirrels), dive at a cat, and even challenge a hawk in concert with some other Mockingbirds in the neighborhood. The latter was rather amusing: a hawk, sitting still like a statue on top of a telephone pole, completely ignored a group of 5 Mockingbirds as they circled and dived at him. Apparently, the hawk was not impressed. They gave up after a while and some time later, the hawk left the area.
Ok, i managed to take some pics of a few of my little friends :D

I throw the bird food and it goes insane lol




A closer look at some of them:




This one was a bit shy at first:


But i managed to get the picture later ;)


The woodpecker escapes me. Saw it this morning but by the time i ran up to get my camera and came back down it was gone. I'll be on the lookout:lol:
Thanks for sharing these photos, Bim :)

Those doves are amazingly small and delicate looking! (I think they're Common Ground Doves and the larger ones in the tree White Winged Doves, fwiw)
voyageur said:
感谢,神奇的照片,给我温暖and fuzzy feeling.

there are some stunning pictures of birds on this page:

Their hearts beat 1000 beats per minute; they can reach speed up to 200 mph and can strike with the power twice as the power of a rifle bullet; most of them can fly forward, but some can also fly sideways and even backwards; some of them can even walk on the water; they vary in size from 1.6 grams to kilograms; finally, their population on Earth estimates between 200 to 400 billion individuals… Have you already guessed who are we talking about? Yeah, of course, birds…

Birds have always played a significant role in the life of humans. As the evidence for this statement, let us remember that in ancient times birds were commonly considered as creatures close to Gods and thus endowed with supernatural powers. Birds were common characters, mentioned in multiple legends and fairy tales. Just to give a few examples, let’s remember the eagle, sent by Zeus to execute punishment to Prometheus, or the white dove, that brought the palm twig to Noah as the sign of new land found after the Deluge.
[quote author=Herr Eisenheim ]

there are some stunning pictures of birds on this page:


Nice way to start this day; wonderful photos - thanks.

Took this photo around 2005, it is of a Loon. Since childhood, their voice has always resonated within.

Had another Bird hitting the house experience. Like the humming bird, this wee little thing thumped into the house, which was heard and looked but thought it flew off. Next thing was our dog went around the corner and basically sucked the wee thing up into his month and then came and dropped it beside me looking very concerned. The bird really was not looking well so tried to nurse it for 20 minutes and finally it sparked, fluttered and then flew off minus a few feathers. :)

What a hero your dog is. We really are hearing of more and more stories of animals showing compassion for other species.
Must have felt awesome holding such a fragile, feathery creature.
Bet that poor bird felt pretty stunned after its adventures.
[quote author=cassandra]
What a hero your dog is. We really are hearing of more and more stories of animals showing compassion for other species.[/quote]

Yes been noticing lots of animals helping others, like the deer protecting the goose. Our dog will chase squirrels to their end; if he was so lucky (they are to fast for him) and yet protect injured birds.

Must have felt awesome holding such a fragile, feathery creature.

This has happened a few times this year unfortunatly, would prefer if they would be a little more careful around house matters and just do what birds do.

Bet that poor bird felt pretty stunned after its adventures.

Hitting the house is one thing, being sucked up between the teeth of a big canine is another, for us it might be like entering the mouth of Jonah's Whale. However, the wee birds head was probably spinning so much from the concussion he likely did not notice the dog.

The photo below was when the rapid blinking started to subside and it started to focus. Think when the little thing realized what was going on it left a little bird doodoo surprise in my hand, which is understandable - sure glad it could fly away.

You lucky thing! Thanks for sharing, I think we all love the animal pics.
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