Flight 93 - The Movie - Beautifully Whitewashes Actual Events!



The Living Force

I don't know if any of you have seen the trailer on television yet but i gotta say this makes me sick. After watching Loose Change, and doing additional research on the net, it's likely that a missile or some other incendary device went off creating the damage in pennsyltucky. It's obvious that the plane did not crash in PA due to the valient efforts of some couragous passengers. While that would be the pretty scenario, the truth is much more chilling. Loose Change goes even further, asserting that Flight 93 landed @ Chicago and the passenger's evac'd into a NASA research center, never to be heard of again.

这部电影是一个公然的企图at installing an image, a portrayal of events that DID NOT HAPPEN in the minds of everyone who sees it. People who have no yet investigated 9-11 for themselves will take this Fiction for Truth, making the official story ever more believable in their minds.

I dont know what im going to do yet, i was contemplating handing out flyers asserting an alternate hypothesis @ the opening locally, just to innoculate innocent minds against this perversion of the truth. It looks to be a truely moving piece of propoganda.
Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
Cyre2067 said:

I don't know if any of you have seen the trailer on television yet but i gotta say this makes me sick. After watching Loose Change, and doing additional research on the net, it's likely that a missile or some other incendary device went off creating the damage in pennsyltucky. It's obvious that the plane did not crash in PA due to the valient efforts of some couragous passengers. While that would be the pretty scenario, the truth is much more chilling. Loose Change goes even further, asserting that Flight 93 landed @ Chicago and the passenger's evac'd into a NASA research center, never to be heard of again.

这部电影是一个公然的企图at installing an image, a portrayal of events that DID NOT HAPPEN in the minds of everyone who sees it. People who have no yet investigated 9-11 for themselves will take this Fiction for Truth, making the official story ever more believable in their minds.

I dont know what im going to do yet, i was contemplating handing out flyers asserting an alternate hypothesis @ the opening locally, just to innoculate innocent minds against this perversion of the truth. It looks to be a truely moving piece of propoganda.
And unfortunately it looks like it's going to turn out to be a "good" movie. Check out this review for the "everyman's" perspective. http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=23078

Allof the discussion and controversy surrounding the film are about its timing. "Is it too soon?" "What about the families?" What about the fact that the phone calls were fake? That the people were executed like by their own government?! Jeezus, it's sickening.


I'll try to see this movie in the next few days. I'm as much interested in the propaganda of the movie as the reaction of the audience and the critics' reviews and commentary. Already the film is getting good press and movie theaters are reporting goods sales numbers for it. Bleh
Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member

Universal Studio's Flight 93 movie online forum has been completely infiltrated by people opposing the official government 9/11 fable and its moderators are having to delete entire threads in real time deeming them, "inappropriate."
The Universal website carries a message at the top of the page stating, "We apologize for the removal of the message boards - due to technical difficulties all previous threads have been inadvertantly deleted. We invite you to renew your dialog and discuss your thoughts on the film."
Looks like it isn't that easy to keep the official forum "sanitized."



hkoehli said:
Looks like it isn't that easy to keep the official forum "sanitized."

:) They may have deleted some posts. The forum is still overrun by 911 truth movement posts stating that the movie is lies and propaganda.


FOTCM Member
Justin said:
They may have deleted some posts. The forum is still overrun by 911 truth movement posts stating that the movie is lies and propaganda.
Excellent! I don't suppose any of ya'll are having a say over there? (wink wink)


The Living Force
Well, I dont' think they could handle it, because it appears that it may now have been pulled. Can't have the truth getting out and making everybody look bad especially the government. Who is this Joseph Watson guy? He writes quite well, or so it seems to me.


Universal Admits Defeat, Removes Flight 93 Forum
Crescendo of dissent on official fairy tail leads to wiping of website

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com | May 4 2006

Universal Studios has admitted defeat in its efforts to re-package the official 9/11 fraud and has completely deleted its own forum after the website was hijacked by individuals posting truthful information about what really happened to Flight 93.

We previously reported that Universal's forum moderators were deleting entire threads in real time deeming them, "inappropriate."

The website had been turned into a battle ground for countering the Flight 93 government apologist propaganda being regurgitated in an impetuous lunge to give credibility to a tale about as reality-based as Humpty Dumpty.

Now a visit to the website only returns the text, "There are no message boards currently available."

The fact that Universal took the decision to remove the entire forum suggests they were concerned that people voicing alternative explanations behind 9/11 and attacking the government version of events was harmful to the reputation of the film, proving again that Flight 93 was produced, in addition to making hundreds of millions of dollars, to negatively reinforce the official 9/11 orthodoxy.

Polls on the website returned results of 80% believing a government cover-up behind 9/11.

The Stop The Lie website highlights one exchange with a debunker that illustrates how the forum portrayed those opposing anything other than the official story as ignorant and ill-informed.

"Those challenging the official account were mostly polite and articulate. -They laid out well-reasoned arguments and produced references to back their assertions. The defenders of the "Official account" on the other hand were habitually rude and inarticulate. They laid out poorly reasoned arguments and relied on pejoratives to back their assertions."

"For instance, a post about the importance of the Northwoods Document was made. One of the boards "Official theory" defender's considered this a sufficient response:

"It never happened; people got fired, next-"

I replied:

"The relevance of the Northwoods Document is: It irrefutably establishes our government WOULD openly conspire to not only provoke and allow an attack (to further an already established military agenda) ...they'd actually manufacture the entire event."

"Perhaps equally important: If the plan hadn't been made public, the same type of people who blindly accept whatever the government says would be calling the Northwoods Document an "urban legend" spun by kooks, loons, and moonbats."

" -Worse, if it had been enacted, the government groupies would have bought the official account hook, line, and sinker."

The removal of the Flight 93 forum can be marked down as a victory for the 9/11 truth movement. Just as the San Francisco Chronicle had to issue a major retraction to a badly researched 9/11 hit piece, so overwhelmed were Universal with the crescendo of dissent, the majority of it sent by way of big alternative websites encouraging people to participate, that they were forced to retreat and pull the website.

Flight 93 is a badly researched hit piece on the reality of what happened on the day and an insult to those who lost their lives and their families.


At IMDB (Internet Movie Database) site I noticed that the movie got many positive reviews in very short time... 377 reviews!!! User Rating: 7.7/10 (6,644 votes) Mostly praises. Read the reviews...I got sick after reading 7 pages of reviews
Compare that to one of the best war movie, Wolfgang Petersen's Das Boot from 1981. It only got 277 reviews. User Rating: 8.4/10 (35,832 votes)
JFK (1991) from Oliver Stone got 310 reviews. User Rating: 7.9/10 (32,018 votes)

quote from the user comment:
This movie was not about trying to make money, it was trying to show the bravery of those people who gave their lives to save thousands. this movie points out the true heroics that were acted out during 9/11.
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