New UK crop circle



For the life of me, I can't seem to get an image to embed within my post so I will have to simply leave the link for people to peruse at their leisure:

Latest circle shown currently is from 24 June, a series of embedded hexagrams ...


FOTCM Member
here's the CC:



And a few more interesting CC, occurring the first week of July:

Note: still can't figure out how to get the pictures to post, but the URL references are listed above... ...


A Disturbance in the Force
Wow - those are impressive - and the first three links are very different from what I'm used to seeing, at least. That first one is fascinating.


The formation near the White Horse is described as a bird (possibly relating to Rihannon a Celtic Goddess)-but I did not see this as a bird-for some reason it says "energy" or possibly "explosive force"-and the circle above the "bird" certainly looks like it has a crack or has split open-could this be a super nova-or planet exploding?

That first one with the tower like projections is truly unique-I really want to know what these things are trying to tell us. The C's said they are lessons-and very important-in fact could impart many of the secrets we wish to know-if only we could interpret them (I suspect I would not understand a lot of it-it probably deals with physics or something beyond my meager mentality) But surely someone would.

Figures the instruction manual for our planet / reality is written in a foreign language we cannot read...I hate when that happens... :)


Crop circle update:

There are 2 new formations reported on this site (; they will be easy to identify as they place the newest circles at the top of the page. Also some discussion regarding a previously reported circle turning out to be a 'Team Satan' hoax.

These have also been reported:


12-fold fractal: (also shown on the Medway site)

6-fold interlocking circles:

July and early August are the height of the circle season in the UK, so expect further formations down the line. Also, please don't assume that the few posted here represent the entirety of what is taking place --- there are circles being reported worldwide, including the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, USA, etc.


Hi! My first and humble post here. I'm a bit lost. First because I'm still trying to figure out how did I arrive on these AMAZING pages. Thank you all for existing and sharing. So I'm here because I have peri-menopause. LOL! Sorry, but that's the naked truth! I've ordered a book on the issue and that very same editorial house sent me a couple of months later, a few adverts on new books... and I got a "red pill press" flyer, actually read what the books were about, jumped to the internet, lurked for a couple of days... and here I am!!!

Now, I've been finding so many pearls here (not just the forum) I don't even know where to start (the psychopaths issue is TERRIBLE but so accurate is scary... yes, I've been around some...). I'm still starting, too much info for my little brain and my little time, but I'm persistent and VERY interested!!!

OK, now to the thread. I would like to know what do you think about this then:

Please, do be patient with me... also, excuse me if my English is kind of weird... is not my mother-tongue...




Really sorry to ask again but would like to know what do you think about the link I've posted above... I mean... is it real or what??


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Yeah, I've seen documentaries showing how these people make simple crop circles occasionally. Some circles are definite hoaxes - what is is specifically that you wanted to discuss about this site?

Edit - it is this 'circlemakers' organisation which I actually saw on the National Geographic documentary.


Oh well, just reading the thread I understand that either not all circles are man-made, or the fact that are man-made is not well-known! That's why I'm asking...


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I think around here you'll find that most people will be aware that there are hoaxes and there are unexplained cases, which is pretty much the case with all 'paranormal' phenomena.


Ben said:
I think around here you'll find that most people will be aware that there are hoaxes and there are unexplained cases, which is pretty much the case with all 'paranormal' phenomena.
Thanks for answering, Ben. So the fact that there are "professional" circle-makers doesn't mean there are other unexplained circles? Right?


Labiode said:
Ben said:
I think around here you'll find that most people will be aware that there are hoaxes and there are unexplained cases, which is pretty much the case with all 'paranormal' phenomena.
Thanks for answering, Ben. So the fact that there are "professional" circle-makers doesn't mean there are other unexplained circles? Right?
Rather (in)famously some time after crop circles first appeared, there was two men who went on British morning TV and made it into the papers with their claim of manufacturing crop circles. The one they made for tv wasn't all that good and lead to the media claiming ALL crop circles were hoaxes. (about two-thirds to 3/4 down the page)

这两个地层被发现躺在一个大的年代loping field of maturing oats, that's situated fairly close to the busy A229. The larger of the two was a six-fold variation of a "Genesis Flower" with quite a large-laid circle as its centrepiece. The other formation which sat quite close to it, was a clockwise laid circle which featured a reasonably attractive standing tuft at its centre. This circle was also surrounded by a ring...something that commonly appeared in our fields during the late 80's to early 90's. These types generally became known as "ringers".

It came as somewhat a surprise to learn that both the designs that were employed here were featured in recent articles I've posted on this site.
...Reading The Signs Part Two (for the Genesis Flower) and Reading The Signs Part Three (for the rings)
And what's more the actual ringed circle that's appears here is a dead ringer for the Cheesefoot Head formation that appeared in '87 that I chose to illustrate my article with!

Suspicions were first aroused about its authenticity, when visitors realised that quite a number of the laid plants had obvious board-marks on their flattened stems...something that's easily detectable in un-ripened crop. It was also noted that the standing crop was seen to "square off" in places...again, something that's always easy to confirm when you have a good aerial (cheers AK!)
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