random thoughts concerning all this ...



Jedi Master
I hope you all forgive me for my newness to the topics here - I'm willing to bet that this has been discussed elsewhere ...

There is quite a bit of discussion concerning how to identify OP's, which after reading laura's post concerning Tolstoy it seems that it would be far easier to spot a non-OP with leanings toward an STO orientation. And after reading some of the material available here concerning OP's and psychopaths I feel a bit better equipted to deal with things that in my past I found rather troubling. But concerning the nature of things on planet earth there is a critter that is little discussed, and considering the STS orientation of this part of the cosmos they would be perfectly supported. I'm talking about the non-OP with an STS orientation. Such people are generally common, and would seem they would logically make up more than half the population of non-OP's here on earth, but the one's that worry me greatly are those that are the 4D-STS canidates. What is such a being like, for they would have a soul, and would have a kind of inverted empathy, which they by their choices and experiences have primed so they would be able to feed off of negative emotions ... perhaps I missed something or misunderstood it regarding the nature of 4D-STS canidates ... Still such a being would seem as extreme as the potential STO types when compared to the average souled person, and it seems to me that as it is easier to identify the non-OP's with leaning toward the STO side of the spectrum, then perhaps it would be easier to identify the 4D-STS canidates by virture of the extremes in their experiences, and it seems to me that as it is important to be able to recognize the psychopathic OP's it is probably more important to be able to recognize this other critter as well, for they are more dangerous ...
any thoughts?


我们都是4 d STS候选人,以同样的方式we have the potential to be 4d STO. You, me, the Pope, and Tina Turner. We are so beyond Thunderdome. Life may be a game, but it isn't where's waldo.


A Disturbance in the Force
Must you keep dragging Tina into everything? Poor Tina (and that rumour about her and Pope is simply not true - she'd never go near him with his red Judy Garland shoes).

Anyway, I think what Atriedes is saying is that since this is an STS realm, and we are all, for the most part, STS creatures who live here, that when and if a transition to 4D occurs, that 4D STS may well be the default result - so just by being here we are all 4D STS candidates. Basically, since humanity is 3D STS, without major effort on each individual's part, the individual will continue to be locked into the STS dynamic when, and if, he/she transitions to 4D. This seems to apply to the center of the bell curve of non-OP humanity - the sleeping masses who are not only not working on themselves to become STO candidates, by clearly choosing the STO dynamic, but who are completely unaware that such a choice is possible.


Jedi Master
Hmm, but are all 3D entities going to become 4D entities when the transition occurs? I would suspect that those sleeping masses at the center of the curve would be those that remain in this worlds realm at the 3D level by virtue of not bothering to look outside the box and learn their lessons, or by simply wishing to remain in the 3D level. I certainly agree that we are all born as "potential" 4D-STS, but potential only describes the most likely outcome. Yeah, at some point or another a choice must be made, but do those sleeping masses even know that there is a chioce to be made? I know I'm still trying to get my mind around a lot of new ideas as they are presented here. Still, it seems to me that the 4D canidates exist on either side of the bell curve ...

I fail to understand the thunderdome referance above atreides but I do agree that life is not about playing where's waldo, I'm more interested in understanding what waldo is like so I can adjust my stance so that I can avoid being bit by him without having to live inside a concrete bunker ... With all the info here regarding OP psychopaths it does little to help one spot them, however such knowledge is helpful in that one can change the way they approach people so as to minimize the damage they can create ... I think a similar picture of the landscape of the psychology of the 4D-STS canidate would be equally helpful. Perhaps though, maybe not all 4D-STS are not as bad or extreme as the lizzies, but I have no way of knowing that ...

Don't feel bad anart, if tina and the pope do end up in the same place she'd just take his judy garland shoes - she could take him :p


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I would strongly recommend reading the threadOrganic Portals: The Other Raceif you would like more information on psychology of 4D STS candidates versus OPs and psychopaths etc. It's a long read, but well worth it.


The Living Force
highmystica said:
There is quite a bit of discussion concerning how to identify OP's, which after reading laura's post concerning Tolstoy it seems that it would be far easier to spot a non-OP with leanings toward an STO orientation.
Why would you want to 'spot an OP' when anydanger' is not going to be coming from them, but from 3D STS withstrongorientation that way and 4D STS who are nothing but STS (or so it appears).

它更容易驱动器的国家'spot' a 2D entity.... "Oh look! There's a cow!"
But... so what? What are you going to do when you 'spot' one? Teach it to jump the fence or open the gate? The cow might wonder why it should know that, as it simply won't see much point to knowing that.

To my mind, OPs are simply a 'type' of human who are more predicable and less dangerous.


Jedi Master
well I wasn't talking about OP's ... er ... ruth I think you terribly missunderstood me, what I wanted was more of an understanding concerning the 4D-STS canidates, I recognize the ease with which one can percieve the non-OP's with an STO leaning - I said that before ... and as I said before spotting an OP is questionable at best, but when dealing with a psychopathic version of the OP we can adjust ourselves in such a way so as to minimize the damage they can do to us. What I was suggesting was an image, as imperfect as it may be of the 4D-STS types so we can adjust ourselves accordingly, I read through the stuff that laura posted today bout ways to not be pulled in by there games and the drama they create .... terribly usefull stuff. And as I said before in my mind it seems the psychopathic OP is far less dangerous than the 4D-STS canidate or did you miss that part of what I said? Also as I have said the terminology of this site is rather new, I did read quite a bit of it before I registered of course but the lingo is ultimately foreign to me ... what is called an OP I would have called a "sentient corpse" a "golem" a "zombie" or a "vampire" depending on the context and the manifestation ... but the Tolstoy stuff struck me as being truely profound, it in itself points to a way to spot the non-OP with an STO orientation (though the STO part would only be in the beginning stages), I didn't even say anything about spotting an OP - even the scary psycopathic kind ...

I thank you Ryan I am re-reading that even as we speak, I just dusted off the greenbaum speech and tried to search for that online and got some really weird stuff off of other sites, so I decided to look back on the OP thing, but ... well ... thanks ... let me re-read it before I say anything ... lol


Jedi Master
opps sorry ryan I thought you meant the page at //www.silwale.com/cass/organic_portals.htm before I clicked the link, I read that thread through about page 7-8 but became dismayed as it dissolved into a bit of drama ... that is why I started a new link instead of posting one there, besides before that random drama started it seemed that the people were more knowledgable about the info - ya know so it seemed appropriate to start a new thread that isn't 20 some odd pages long with a bit of drama in the middle, after all I can't be the only new dude here - looks around - or am I?


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
highmystica said:
I read that thread through about page 7-8 but became dismayed as it dissolved into a bit of drama ... that is why I started a new link instead of posting one there
It's worth persevering with. The "drama" bits are also quite instructive in themselves. ;)


FOTCM Member
Ruth said:
Why would you want to 'spot an OP' when any danger' is not going to be coming from them, but from 3D STS with strong orientation that way and 4D STS who are nothing but STS (or so it appears).... To my mind, OPs are simply a 'type' of human who are more predicable and less dangerous.
不要欺骗你自己。作为一个“门户”实效ized at any moment for any reason... For example, imagine one of them being an OR nurse or doctor who just "forgets" something crucial at an important moment ... and you are dead. Or imagine one of them driving along and dissociating at a crucial moment when your car is approaching... you are dead. Or imagine one of them cleaning a gun when you are nearby and they just accidentally shoot you...

This is just a small selection of examples of how deadly they can be.

我个人的经验是,他们可以让你吻lled or put you in EXTREME danger and not even be aware of it.

Ruth, you never cease to amaze me...


FOTCM Member
highmystica said:
opps sorry ryan I thought you meant the page at //www.silwale.com/cass/organic_portals.htm before I clicked the link, I read that thread through about page 7-8 but became dismayed as it dissolved into a bit of drama ... that is why I started a new link instead of posting one there, besides before that random drama started it seemed that the people were more knowledgable about the info - ya know so it seemed appropriate to start a new thread that isn't 20 some odd pages long with a bit of drama in the middle, after all I can't be the only new dude here - looks around - or am I?
I think that if you persist in reading, you will find that what you call the "drama" is actually an immediate and timely lesson. You may also wish to read this thread:

where the very subject that interests you is brought up more than once and discussed quite a bit.

Warning: There is drama there, also... but the fact is, lessons are better conveyed via drama. If you don't like drama, then you are blocking one of the best methods of learning, in real time, available.

If it hadn't been for the drama ofVinnie Bridges,we would never have learned anything about psychopaths and without the research into psycopaths, the question about Organic Portals would never have arisen. And then, without the issue of psychopaths and Organic Portals, we would not have had the beginnings of a taxonomy that might help us to categorize various phenomena including the one that interests you: conscious evil.


Conscious evil

Aphorism #8: "If you already know it is bad and do it, you commit a sin difficult to redress."


Jedi Master
Thanks for the link to the other thread laura - I'll read through that one after I read through the first one ... oye so much to read ...

I agree that drama is certainly an effective way to learn, however it is frustrating to read through it when trying to come to terms with so many new thoughts - I suppose though with such material drama is inevitable considering that most people have long held assumptions regarding the nature of this worlds realm, and when dealing with new ideas the room for missunderstanding is vast ...

Conscious evil isn't the only thing that interests me in regard to the material available here, it just seems to be the most important one to understand for obvious reasons ...

I've been thinking quite a bit about the STS/STO thing and I can't understand why it should be necessary for both to exist to maintain balance in the universe. It seems to me that the very nature of STO is that of balance ... Indeed it seems to me that most things evolve toward an STO orientation even on the level of microbes ... viruses evolve towards symbiosis with their given host and in the end their genetics become a part of the hosts offering the host new ways to break down protiens, certain bacteria like clamidia (SP?) and one that starts with "R" that I can't think of *seem* to be doing something similar and perhaps given a few thousand years of evolution will probably be similar to mitochondria. STS seems to be a force of chaos, but STO doesn't really seem to be one of order, indeed it seems to me that both order and choas or illusiory and that the real truth is that of transformation or flow, and the c's certainly seem to embody the idea of "flow" as opposed to a concept of order. Perhaps the STS is needed to maintain physical matter ... sorry about getting off topic and thinking on the screen.

back to the idea of conscious evil ...

masked said
Conscious evil

Aphorism #8: "If you already know it is bad and do it, you commit a sin difficult to redress."

- I don't think those that engage in conscious evil are interested in redressing their actions ...


Jedi Master
wow - okay I just finished reading through the thread Organic Portals: The Other Race and it cleared up some misconceptions I was having a bout the op's - namely that they were soul-less individuals, and alos cleared up the idea I had about sts and sto being mutually exclusive ...


The Living Force
Laura said:
不要欺骗你自己。作为一个“门户”实效ized at any moment for any reason... For example, imagine one of them being an OR nurse or doctor who just "forgets" something crucial at an important moment ... and you are dead. Or imagine one of them driving along and dissociating at a crucial moment when your car is approaching... you are dead. Or imagine one of them cleaning a gun when you are nearby and they just accidentally shoot you...
These are considered accidents. I wonder why you would consider OPs to be more vulnerable to being purveyors of these types of danger? Could this situation not apply to a person who was a non-OP as well? I could easily understand why someone of strong sts orientation may do something deliberately, but, I feel that anyone can be manipulated (probably by 4d sts) without their knowledge.

Besides, if a non-OP was under 'attack', would not it be easier to get them to make mistakes and cause accidents like the above?

Laura said:
This is just a small selection of examples of how deadly they can be.

我个人的经验是,他们可以让你吻lled or put you in EXTREME danger and not even be aware of it.
Could this be some sort of rationalisation that only OPs do dangerous and/or bad things and they are simply not aware of it? I don't see any reason why this shouldn't apply to a non-OP as well. They may even be easier to manipulate into a situation like that.

Laura said:
Ruth, you never cease to amaze me...
Thank you Laura, its nice to be considered amazing, lol. ;)
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