Session 22 September 2018



Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
There was a story on SOTT just recently about Egyptian blue.
I went back through some of the google earth photos that I,ve taken of the Egyptian dessert and
was wondering what came first Atlantis or Egypt and the answer just showed up here.
But what isn’t explained is, was it all in the same general area.
Interestingly, there is an ancient site out there in the dessert that appears very much like the Myan type pyramids but
has a huge stone circle in front of it. I,ve never seen the two at the same site before.
Also, it was either the Sumerians or Babylonians, that went on in much detail about these blue stones
that made up the upper heaven, the lower heaven and the middle heaven. Now going back through the
pictures it kinda blows my mind when you see what the Egyptian dessert is hiding out there.
I,ll post some of the links, there is really amazing stuff out there!


Dagobah Resident
FOTCM Member
Some of the huge blue stones were posted on the SOTT Egyptian blue link..
I tried to post several links above but they have disappeared apparently.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I,ll post some of the links, there is really amazing stuff out there!

Meager1, I couldn't get the link to work on my system but here is the SOTT article:

Science & Technology

How ancient Egyptian blue emits near-infrared light and how that could boost energy efficiency

DNA India
Thu, 11 Oct 2018 03:29 UTC

A colour developed by Egyptians thousands of years ago can boost energy efficiency by cooling rooftops and walls, and could also enable solar generation of electricity via windows, scientists say.Egyptian blue, derived from calcium copper silicate, was routinely used on ancient depictions of gods and royalty, according to the study published in theJournal of Applied Physics. Previous studies have shown that when Egyptian blue absorbs visible light, it then emits light in the near-infrared range.

Now, a team led by researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) in the US has confirmed the pigment's fluorescence can be 10 times stronger than previously thought. Measuring the temperature of surfaces coated in Egyptian blue and related compounds while they areexposed to sunlight, researchers found the fluorescent blues can emit nearly 100 per cent as many photons as they absorb.

The energy efficiency of the emission process is up to 70 per cent (the infrared photons carry less energy than visible photons). The finding adds to insights about which colours are most effective for cooling rooftops and facades in sunny climates. Though white is the most conventional and effective choice for keeping a building cool by reflecting sunlight and reducing energy use for air conditioning, building owners often require non-white colours for aesthetic reasons.

For example, bright-white asphalt shingles are almost never used on sloping residential roofs. Researchers have already shown that fluorescent ruby red pigments can be an effective alternative to white; this insight on Egyptian blue adds to the menu of cooling colour choices. They also found that fluorescent green and black colours can be produced with yellow and orange co-pigments.

除了冷却建筑的潜力, Egyptian blue's fluorescence could also be useful in producing solar energy. Used on windows tinted with the blue, photovoltaic cells on the edges can convert the fluoresced near-infrared energy to electricity.

Comment:See also:


FOTCM Member
Here is a recent example of a rapid genetic adaptation that was observed in invasive pythons in Florida:UTA researchers find genomic evidence of rapid adaptation of invasive Burmese pythons to their new environment in Florida - UTA News Center

The researchers originally set out to determine whether pythons could have adapted to an extreme Florida freeze event in 2010.
By scanning regions of the Burmese python genome, they identified parts of the genome that changed significantly between the two time periods, providing clear evidence of evolution occurring over a very short time scale in this population.

The researchers expected to find genes in these regions that are important for potential adaptation to cold, but as they further scrutinized the data ....

“We kept seeing evidence of adaptation in genes related to cell division, organ growth and tissue development ...
Florida pythons appear to have adapted to regulating their digestive physiology to more efficiently eat prey constantly.

“These results provide an unprecedented perspective at how quickly a vertebrate population can evolve, while also providing new links between genomic adaptation and complex physiological change related to the ecological impacts of invasive species,”

The Pythons from Burma adapted rapidly to their new eating patterns in Florida and maybe the 2010 was a catalyst (not clear from the press release). That's not a steady evolution over millions of years. Maybe a little signal that things are not the way they're believed to be in the actual materialist frameworks of thought.
Shared Joy

Shared Joy

Jedi Council Member
Session Date: September 22nd 2018

A: Earth is in a part of space that holds many anomalies and surprises.

Q: (L) Can some of that be like the comet flux that Victor Clube talks about?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, there could be comet dust too, like maybe clumps of it, unreflective?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Could that be part of what was going on there?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) But for 3 hours, on and then off. It began at 11:30 and ended at 2:00, and then went back to be sunny.

(Pierre) A cloud of comet dust.

(Approaching Infinity) But just for that one space? How high would it be?

(Joe) Maybe it landed.

(Approaching Infinity) It would have to be fairly close to Earth to just block out that one area. Even in 3 hours, the Earth moves quite a bit, so...

(L) It would have to move with it. So that's pretty anomalous, huh? Almost like an eclipse when no eclipse was scheduled.

A: Indeed! Stay tuned!

Q: (Niall) What caused all those houses in the suburbs of Boston last week to either blow up or catch fire?

A: Gas emanations. Things are "opening up".

Q: (Joe) I'm not surprised. It's happening all over the place.

Regarding the multiple weird effects observed, I would like to suggest some explanations backed by physical description offered by dr Claudia Albers on her website _Dr. Claudia Albers PhD

She speaks of Planet X system as multiple bodies of different dimensions, stripped off their outer layer ( which is forming now the dust clouds Earth is going through) having only their inner core, therefore named "stellar cores", invading the solar system which induced the various array of phenomenon featured in "Earth Changes".

These objects can be seen in the Sun's corona, triggering solar flares when absorbing its energy or Earth's energy also by creating watersprouts, volcanic eruption,earthquakes, tidal surges,darkening of Sun, auroras, etc.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
She speaks of Planet X system as multiple bodies of different dimensions, stripped off their outer layer ( which is forming now the dust clouds Earth is going through) having only their inner core, therefore named "stellar cores", invading the solar system which induced the various array of phenomenon featured in "Earth Changes".

While there might be some validity to some her claims I think we have much more detailed and reliable information in the following session (only 8 years ago).

Session 12 December 2010:
问:(L)我们的下一个问题是关于阿桑奇nd Wikileaks. Is Wikileaks what it presents itself to be? A grassroots, document leaking organization formed by a bunch of activist hackers and so forth?

A: It was briefly.

Q: (L) You say it was briefly; that means it was probably co-opted fairly early on. So, can you tell us if Julian Assange is an agent?

A: This is a question that you have already answered.

Q: (L) What I mean is, is he consciously an agent?

A: To some extent, yes. But remember programming of both the human and 4D varieties.

Q: (Perceval) Is it true that he had that meeting with the Israelis to agree that he would not release damaging documents about them?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Andwhat is the objective of this Sideshow?

A: You guessed it this afternoon; preparation to accept global control. Or so it is planned.

问:我(L)guess that means it may or may not turn out the way they expect?

A: It will get close. But remember the ”X” factor.

Q: (L) What is the X factor?

A: Earth changes.

Q: (L) Well, I wanted to ask some questions about Earth Changes. I’ve got this book here “Planet X, Comets and Earth Changes by James McCanney. He’s on about what he calls the “Plasma Discharge Comet Theory” which is that comets are basically asteroid type bodies that enter the Solar system, the Solar System being a capacitor, and when they enter the solar system, they discharge the capacitor and that’s what causes the comet effects: the glow, the illumination, the tail and so on. He says that basically comets are just planets in formation, that there are really big ones that have accumulated a lot of mass or have a lot of mass. You know, they go through the Solar System and keep attracting more and more stuff, and more and more stuff and eventually precipitate into orbit and become planets. He basically said that that’s how the planets of the Solar System got here with the exception of Jupiter and Saturn. They kind of formed at the same time as the sun. All the other planets were acquired. Is he on to something with this? Is this anywhere near accurate?

A: He is on the right the track; but there are other phenomena that are not explained in his model.

Q: And what other phenomena might that be?

A: Clube is correct to some extent about the breakup of a giant comet. One theory does not exclude the other.

Q: (L) Ok, now I’ve got this other book here “Lost Star of Myth and Time” – and his theory is about a companion star and the fact that the earth or the solar system is rotating around a common center of gravity, in tandem with this companion star. It is said that it is this orbit that creates the precession of the zodiac. He says that the precession is not a big wobble that the earth goes through, as it proceeds in a fairly direct course through the galaxy, but rather that it is this rotation around this common center of gravity with the companion star that produces the effect of precession. Now, is he on to something with his theory also about the precession of the zodiac?

A: Absolutely!

Q: (L) OK, He points out some interesting effects in here. First of all, he mentioned recording the speed of the Earth’s rotation. They had a fixed telescope with crosshairs and they had a clock that was connected to some kind of super time clock that was extreme accurate, and they were recording exactly how long it took the Earth to rotate in respect of Sirius, Sirius being a fixed point. These researchers discovered that during the period of time, when Sirius B (Sirius’s companion, which is a dwarf), eclipsed Sirius A; it actually slowed the rotation of the Earth. Now, this is what their measurements showed. Something like 50 arc seconds. The slowing began a week before the eclipse, then after the eclipse the Earth actually sped up. By 50 arc seconds. So, there are two weeks of effects on the rotation of the Earth, caused by the eclipsing of Sirius A caused by its companion Sirius B as I remember, though I may have missed the exact time period. Now, the conclusion that he drew from this is that we are affected by being gravitationally connected to Sirius somehow. Anyhow, the conclusion that he draws is…- and he also points out that it seems that Sirius is heading in our direction; we are getting closer to Sirius - so, he theorizes that Sirius is our companion star. Is he correct about that?

A: Not Sol’s companion; but look in that direction for clues to your own little brother.

问:(L)是真的,他推测年代olar System approaches this companion of ours, that it will have a psychic effect?

A: Yes. You are already feeling its approach.

Q: (L) Well, that’s one thing that this guy James Mccanney said. He said that this last solar cycle – the maximum - was so long, so intense that it was evidence that something really big, had entered the solar capacitor. It was discharging the sun. And, if that’s the case, there’s probably a current flow and that means that it’s possible that at some point the Earth and maybe the moon and several other astronomical bodies, will line up along the line of this flow that’s going on between the Sun and its companion. And if that’s the case, could that be a little problematical?

A: Oh indeed! Yes, it is happening already. Do you not see the evidence all around the globe?

Q: (L) Well, on that point, McCanney says that when the Earth gets into this kind of situation where there’s a discharge thing going on, between the sun and another body and the earth gets involved in it, that the earth itself becomes comet like during that time and it begins also to attract what he calls pollution events. It starts picking up all kinds of dust and stuff from outer space – and even the water volume on the planet gets increased because of this precipitating, because the planet’s picking stuff up from space. It’s growing from accumulating stuff, from acquiring stuff. And if that’s the case, we could be attracting dust loading in the upper atmosphere-regardless of whether or not we pass through cometary dust clouds. All these things that we’ve been noticing going on in the upper atmosphere – strange clouds, long-lasting contrails, extreme cooling - could be exactly as he described. There could also be atmospheric effects of these electric sheets, because he says that there are different kinds of ways of currents and layers of currents. He’s got like a five layer model of how the electromagnetic field of the planet goes, and he says that it’s the cause of El Niño, it’s the cause of Earthquakes, volcanoes , storms, changing of the Jet Stream, and just a whole host of things: it’s all electrical phenomena. He says that the electricity from the sun creates and drives hurricanes and that it is not the temperature of the water. Because he said that if it had to do with the temperatures of the water, one hurricane comes along, sucks all the heat out – then it would be impossible for another hurricane to form for a period of time. And yet you see very often, hurricane after hurricane. So, is he on to something with this theory?

A: Oh you bet!

Q: (Ark) Is the axis of the Solar System Wobbling?

A: Not enough to make a difference. But the Galaxy is

(Discussion about the Galaxy and Solar System)

Q: (Ark) That means that the companion star is in the ecliptic plane?

A: Yes. Part of the capacitor.

Q: (Ark) There are two theories of gravity mainly, one which is based on flat normal, space, time with perfect geometry. And gravity is thought of as a kind of field, which is in the background of this idea of space. This theory is not the mainstream theory. It’s a theory for strange people who are against Einstein. There is Einstein’s theory that there is no such thing as a nice background that gravity should be thought as not disturbing something… We don’t know what it is, really. But, this Einstein theory cannot be explained by such things as inertia. So, now my question is: Which is the better approach? That of one of the opposers of Einstein? Or one of the followers of Einstein?

A: Einstein was wrong… More than once.

Q: (Ark) Long ago, years ago, we were talking here about magnetic monopoles, and there was kind of a confirmation that they exist, but we didn’t go further into the subject. Now, there are three theories about magnetic monopoles concerning their speed. First: they are slower than light. Second: they have the speed of light. Third: they are faster than light. Which is true?

A: 3.

Q: (REL) I would like to know what that metallic crash Andromeda, Burma Jones and I heard in the vitamin room?

(Discussion about metallic crash)

A: Thin veil. The crash was elsewhere and bled through. Expect more such phenomena.

Q: (REL) What caused it and why did we all hear it?

A: Combined energies enhanced senses.

问:我(L)’ve been thinking that it might soon be time for us to cease all of our extreme activities, and just run the forum in a careful way. It doesn’t seem that anything is going to change anything very much. Is that useful thought to follow?

A: Not yet, butyes eventually. It will be time to devote yourselves to helping those who have made the choice to be ready for the changes.

Q: (L) OK, we’re gonna say goodnight!

A: Kissy. Goodbye.

End of Session
Shared Joy

Shared Joy

Jedi Council Member
Thank you Goyacobol for your input.

I do not deny the brown dwarf ‘s potential of discharging the solar capacitor, but there are these objects shown in the sun’s corona – aren’t they affecting the Sun’s energy? Couldn’t they affect Earth changes also?

What about this?

Expecting an asteroid? Proposed budget for NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office suddenly increased three-fold --

Nothing is fixed.

Ten years ago there were other conditions and different questions were asked, and answers came accordingly.

My intention is to know your opinion on this presentation for example:


Min 1 spherical objects in the Sun’s corona developing plasma filament connections

Min 3.30 comparison of the Sun image taken last year and in 2011 shows big changes – Sun developing corona holes, getting darker and purple, not yellow.

Min 5.03 Sun decreased corona shows it is losing particles due to discharges from closeness with these energy depleted bodies, which after a while(when replenished energetically) can detach themselves and go in orbit, but later on come back for a refill – or new object will come in increased number and do the same.

Min 7.35 – sun’s decline rapidly accelerated towards the end of 2016 (less CMEs, bigger coronal holes) so it might be an indication of a heavier discharge due to more of these energy depleted bodies’ approach.

Myobservation– could someone indicate what other events during 2016 could have discharged the Sun to such an extent, but cometary influx ( this C’s excerpt is referring to) ?

A: Earth is in a part of space that holds many anomalies and surprises.

Q: (L) Can some of that be like the comet flux that Victor Clube talks about?

A: Yes

Dr.C Alberts also refer toStellar cores as comets, but of a different kind, and gave some behavioral explanation about them here:




FOTCM Member
Thanks for reminding me of that session Goyacobal, I had forgotten it. We sure do see a lot of strange things going on that are explained by the different electric sheets part and the dust attracting business.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thanks for reminding me of that session Goyacobal, I had forgotten it. We sure do see a lot of strange things going on that are explained by the different electric sheets part and the dust attracting business.

Thank you, Laura for working to provide all the sessions (I can't even imagine the work and dedication it has taken). The "electric sheets" reminds me of "through sheets of rain" comment the Cs gave at different places and you asked more detailed questions here:

Session 28 May 2013:
L) So that was the last reference to the term that is exercising my mind right now:“sheets of rain”, and what brought it to my mind was of course the current state of the planet which is quite dire as far as I can see. There are enormous amounts of rain falling in many, many places. It's been raining here almost continuously since December at least, and we had rain before that. (Perceval) It's still snowing in a lot of places. (L) It's snowing in places, and you just mentioned that in this last excerpt... You said, "Sheets of rain, or dust plus electricity. Snow too." And Belibaste asked, "Because there's more dust between the ionosphere and the surface of the earth." Is that what we're looking at in the term “sheets of rain”? Something that conducts electricity... Is this related to these extreme amounts of rainfall and snowfall? Is it all electrical phenomena, like even the jetstream and all that sort of thing?

A: Indeed, and the rain can conduct.

Q: (L) Okay, so going back to my triple goddess viewed through sheets of rain, since I now have a different understanding of what these "gods" and "goddesses" represented, that they probably were cometary bodies... What you're saying, or what I'm assuming you're saying, is the triple goddess viewed throughsheets of rain is essentially a comet or comets? Is it electrical discharges? (Belibaste) The cause of the sheets of rain might be the triple goddess, i.e. triple comet. (L) Oh... Is Belibaste right on that? That the cause of the sheets of rain could be a triple cometary body?

A: Close. Also considerplasma shapes including those that may appear "chalice like".

Q: (Belibaste) This cometary body is highly charged, and because of potential difference, there's a discharge with the surface of earth, in the atmosphere, leading to sheets and rain and thunders and plasma sheath which can have a chalice shape. (L) What has recently been working in my mind is the observation that when the earth is in a comet dust stream, it apparently affects the weather profoundly.That means a lot of cloud cover and rain.This seems to have been true about past events in history. I noticed that I didn’t get a single viewing day for one of the recent comets. So I began to wonder just what the deal was. How could the ancients have seen the alleged comet gods if the sky was under cloud cover most of the time! So this might explain it. There were close passages and plasma discharges viewed through cloud cover or “sheets of rain” and we know that some of the plasma formations can be quite anthropomorphic looking among other shapes. (Perceval) It seems it's a compounding effect where cometary bodies have electric effects on the planet that disrupt the planet in different ways that may cause increased precipitation, which then allows for further cometary activity? (Ark)好,但是我想问什么是nature of the dust? Earth origin or cometary origin?


Q: (L) Well, we've certainly been having, in addition to all of this rain, a veritable sprinkle storm of little meteorites that hit people's houses, and hit people's cars. It's getting to the point where it's like weekly and sometimes multiple times a week. It's not - I don't believe - a phenomenon of people simply reporting it more or noticing it more. It's just like freaking bizarre!

A: See opening remarks.

Q: (L) You mean "new world coming", well a new world coming means that the old world has to go. That doesn't strike me as being entirely pleasant.

A: You have long been aware of the cataclysmic nature of cosmic transitions,why get nervous now that it is at the door?

Q: (Perceval) Stage fright! (L) Yes, stage fright. Okay, going along our list of questions... Along the same line: What percentage of fireballs or other celestial visitors actually come to our attention?

A: 43 percent.

Q: (L) What is the percentage increase observed or otherwise in fireballs over this time last year?

I guess this is such an enormous set of events and changes that we might as well just buckle our seat belts and hold on. I try to think of this as a roller-coaster ride but this just something too big to really "anticipate" so I will just "wait and see".

A: 26 percent.
Thank you Goyacobol for your input.

I do not deny the brown dwarf ‘s potential of discharging the solar capacitor, but there are these objects shown in the sun’s corona – aren’t they affecting the Sun’s energy? Couldn’t they affect Earth changes also?

What about this?

Expecting an asteroid? Proposed budget for NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office suddenly increased three-fold --

Nothing is fixed.

Ten years ago there were other conditions and different questions were asked, and answers came accordingly.

My intention is to know your opinion on this presentation for example:

Shared Joy,
I slowly watched her videos and I think she really sees much more than other "experts" are seeing. It is so complex as the Cs suggest that I don't think any one scientist has the whole banana but most of her explanations make a lot of sense to me.

And maybe NASA doesn't really like for her to be sharing too much. I saw this one article that calls her "dotty"

Dr Claudia Albers is not a top physicist - she’s an ex physics lecturer who has gone a bit dotty

她可能是一个“行星X”的想法bit different from that of NASA which doesn't sit well probably.

She says the most absurd things e.g. that brown dwarfs are invisible because they don’t shine by their own light like stars, only in infared(you are similar, youdon’t shine by your own light but do radiate infrared which can be spotted easily at night - does that make you invisible?), that pink clouds when they occur opposite the sun are being lit up by 'Nibiru' rather than the real sun (has she never seen the light of the sun lighting up a skyscraper or mountain in the West?) and that the sun is surrounded by countless "dead stars". And NASA have already proved that ‘Nibiru’ doesn’t exist.

I didn't mean to sound dismissive of your original post. I just keep thinking about clues the Cs have given and how they emphasize the limited "knowledge" of our current "science".

Even our concept of what the sun actually is may be way off...

Session 4 March 1995:
Q: (L) Could you describe for us the interior of our sun and how it works?

A: It is a window.

Q:(L) The interior of the sun is a window. Okay,is the interior of the sun composed of what we would call solid matter?

A: No.

Q: (L) The general idea is that the interior of the sun is composed of great masses of hydrogen and this is converting to helium and...

A: In 3rd density perception.

Q: (L) You are saying that the sun is a window or transmission point between dimensions. If that is the case, then it is virtually illimitable in terms of longevity?

A: Close.

Q: (L) So, the ideas of the sun running out of gas and turning into a red giant and sauteeing humanity are incorrect concepts?

A: No. 3rd level, Laura, 3rd level!

It seems the best we can do is be "close".


Jedi Master
(Approaching Infinity) If the first cell more or less appeared in sea water, there's still the question of how that cell came about because it is irreducibly complex in the sense that the cell needs the insides of the cell, like the genome and the proteins, in order to create the cell through self-replication. And then within the cell, it's the same thing with DNA: the DNA needs proteins and enzymes to replicate and do all the stuff it does. But the proteins and enzymes need DNA in order to produce themselves. So, it seems like all of things needed to come about at the same time.

(Joe) The chickenand the egg.
This better gives this age old causality-dilemma a more appropriate take on it - as an egg isliterallyone large single cell.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Trying to post some of the photos again I hope it works this time.

Google Earth

Thanks Meager1. I think it is just my computer compatibility that is the problem. I don't know if anyone else is having the problem with Google Earth due to WebGL graphics acceleration.

I get an error message:

Unfortunately your computer does not support WebGL graphics acceleration; Google Earth cannot be loaded. Please try another device.
Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
This better gives this age old causality-dilemma a more appropriate take on it - as an egg isliterallyone large single cell.
Yep, and speaking of complexity, a couple of the following videos have been posted in various places and YT vids on the forum, but this channel has them all, and they're amazing. Molecular machinery in all their glory:
I could watch videos like these for hours. The environment in the cell is like another world...


FOTCM Member
Yep, and speaking of complexity, a couple of the following videos have been posted in various places and YT vids on the forum, but this channel has them all, and they're amazing. Molecular machinery in all their glory:

I could watch videos like these for hours. The environment in the cell is like another world...

Wow, that is so cool! After watching a few minutes, two thoughts:

1. This all evolved "randomly"? Yeah right.

2. All of this marvel so that we miserable slobs can have some cake and entertainment!? This amazing micro-universe seems to be screaming "don't waste this incredible gift of life!"

Thanks for sharing.


Jedi Master
Yep, and speaking of complexity, a couple of the following videos have been posted in various places and YT vids on the forum, but this channel has them all, and they're amazing. Molecular machinery in all their glory:
I could watch videos like these for hours. The environment in the cell is like another world...
Thats mad to see! We're made up of zillions of tiny alien creatures scurrying about keeping their world together, up and running - andwe arethat world! The C's are right, we are realms.

Q:(L) Well, are theseTransient PassengersRealms?
A:Yes.So are you.

If every egg is a cell, is every cell an inter-density 'egg' ready for trans-density fertilization - to be seeded by 4D? The Wave is like cosmic semen... And Earth awaiting density-fertilization in keeping with cosmic ovulation cycles.
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