Session 27 February 2016



(Joe) The crash of the Polish government plane in 2010 in Smolensk had most of the Polish government at the time onboard, and they all died. Was it a result of pilot error?
A: Arrogance.
Q: (L) Pilot arrogance?
A: Yes

I am grateful for this question, dear Joe, thank you.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Thanks again for another fascinating session.
(Joe) Was this portal opened accidentally in this area? It wasn't specifically related to these people?

A: It was a scouting expedition by other dimensional plant based amateurs.

Q: (L) Are you saying plant-based in the sense that these were creatures that were plantiferous or something?

A: Yes

Q: (Data) Why bother going through this difficulty of returning the people instead of keeping them?

A: They were not wanted long term. Amateurs!

Q: (Joe) This portal was opened up specifically to have this effect on these Russian hikers?

A: No

Q: (Joe) Accidental, then.

A: Yes

What an ordeal that must have been for those poor souls.

The plantiferous aliens reminded me of the the movie the "The Thing from Another World". It too was a plant based alien.

Like C's said "a carrot with brain".
The thing is attacked by sled dogs and the airmen recover a severed arm. A microscopic examination of a tissue sample reveals it is vegetable rather than animal matter, demonstrating that the alien is a highly-evolved form of plant life. As the arm warms to ambient temperature, it ingests some of the dogs' blood covering it and the hand begins moving


Crew Chief: Pretty spry for a guy with twelve dogs on him.
Lt. Dykes: ...and losing an arm.



FOTCM Member
That reminds me of this post-apocalyptic novelThe Day of the Triffidsby John Wyndham:

The protagonist is Bill Masen, a biologist who has made his living working with triffids – tall,venomous carnivorous plants capable of locomotion and communication, whose extracts are superior to fish or vegetable oils. Due to his background, Masen suspects they were bioengineered in the USSR and accidentally released into the wild. The result is worldwide cultivation of triffids. The narrative begins with Bill Masen in hospital, his eyes bandaged after having been splashed with triffid poison. During his convalescence he is told of anunexpected green meteor shower. The next morning, he learns that the light from the unusual display has rendered any who watched it completely blind (later in the book, Masen speculates that the"meteor shower"may have been orbiting weapons, triggered accidentally). After unbandaging his eyes, he wanders through an anarchic Londonfull of blind inhabitants, and he later becomes enamored of wealthy novelist Josella Playton, forcibly used as a guide by a blind man. Intrigued by a single light on top of Senate House in an otherwise darkened city, Bill and Josella discover a group of sighted survivors led by a man named Beadley, who plans to establish a colony in the countryside, and decide to join the group.

The story seems to be allegoric in some ways.


Laura said:
A: It was a scouting expedition by other dimensionalplant basedamateurs.

Q: (L) Are you saying plant-based in the sense that these were creatures that wereplantiferousor something?

A: Yes

Just wondering... Two persons, appointed Sand and jenael, argue that the gray aliens are future humanswho were in their past vegetarians(so now) and they evolved that way because they refused their human condition,their predatory side. They blinded themselves and have become degenerate humans, and from eating plants have developed certain characteristics of plants.

Could this plants basiferous aliens beingGrays aliens, and by extensionsdegenerated vegetarians humansin their past ? (our present)


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
Sentenza said:
Laura said:
A: It was a scouting expedition by other dimensionalplant basedamateurs.

Q: (L) Are you saying plant-based in the sense that these were creatures that wereplantiferousor something?

A: Yes

Just wondering... Two persons, appointed Sand and jenael, argue that the gray aliens are future humanswho were in their past vegetarians(so now) and they evolved that way because they refused their human condition,their predatory side. They blinded themselves and have become degenerate humans, and from eating plants have developed certain characteristics of plants.

Could this plants basiferous aliens beingGrays aliens, and by extensionsdegenerated vegetarians humansin their past ? (our present)

We can imagine many things but I don't think that it's serious to say that humans will turn into plant-based beings partly because they eat only vegetables...
Actually, many have been already written on greys, about their research on humans to cure their degeneration, their quest to understand soul but here is an old information from a transcript dated from the 24th september 1995 :

A: Lyra is not inhabited. There have been homes in all places, but some were/are transitory, and some are not.Pay attention to Orion! This is your ancestral home,and your eventual destination. Here is the absolutely accurately accurate profile of Orion to follow: This is the most heavily populated region of your Milky Way galaxy! This is a region that extends across 3rd and 4th density space for a distance as vast as the distance between your locator and it. There are 3,444 inhabited "worlds" in this region. Some are planets as you know them. Some are artificially constructed planetoids. Some are floating space barges. And some are "satellites." There are primary homes, travelling stations and incubator laboratories all in 2nd, 3rd and 4th densities. There are overseer zones in 5th and 6th densities. Approximately one half is STO and one half is STS. Together, along with many other colonies, located elsewhere, this is called, in translation, Orion Federation.Orions created grays in 5 varieties, as cyber-genetic beings, and installed them on Zeta Reticuli 1, 2, 3, and 4, as well as on 2 planets orbiting Barnard's Star. The Reptilians also inhabit 6 planets in the Orion region in 4th density, and are owned by the Orion STS as slaves, and, in some cases, pets!!! The name "Orion" is the actual native name, and was brought to earth directly. Study the legend of the "god" of Orion for parallels.

A: All humanoid types originated in Orion region, there are and have been and will continue to be literally millions of colonies.

You never know and it's also true that we use to say that the 1rst transcript were sometimes corrupted by the presence of Franck. Nevertheless, other sources seem to confirm that story about grays so this story about vegetarian humanity's degeneration looks like a non-sense.

Anyway, I took a look at their website and I did what I always do with such a place. I read some texts, I do a general tour and I observe the way I feel about the datas I read.
Besides, the more you learn, the more you make your knowledge grow and the more you can separate the truth from the lie or at least you can feel when it's not good sometimes.

Honestly, I don't feel good on their website. The given informations seem to be a mix between their own thoughts and various work as Laura, Anton Park, and others datas picked up on books and websites. Whey not and maybe, they' are really kind and they absolutely want to do the right thing but for now I don't think we should give them too much credits.

Of course, I can be wrong, programmed to think that way but for now I follow my instinct and my analysis.


We can imagine many things butI don't think that it's serious to say that humans will turn into plant-based beings partly because they eat only vegetables
Actually, many have been already written on greys, about their research on humans to cure their degeneration, their quest to understand soul but here is an old information from a transcript dated from the 24th september 1995 :

Yes, I understand. On their website, Sand and Jenael specifies that only some greys are degenerated humans in the future. They also said that they are like that not only because they used to eat only vegetables, butalso because when the wave had come, they don't follow their heart but their technology, hide into nuclear shelter... they lost contact with the Source... And now, they return into their past (our present) to change their present (our future). And, according to Sand and Jenael, that's why governments can't speak about that... It involve too much things...
我个人…不知道……不会说不对的myself... I let it open...

Honestly, I don't feel good on their website. The given informations seem to be a mix between their own thoughts and various work as Laura, Anton Park, and others datas picked up on books and websites. Why not and maybe, they' are really kind and they absolutely want to do the right thing but for now I don't think we should give them too much credits.

Well, generally I agreed with their work. It's sometimes a little cold, but.... This gives lot to think about.

Of course, I can be wrong, programmed to think that way but for now I follow my instinct and my analysis.

You are right ! I do the same ! And currently this forum is the one I trust in priority ;)
Divide by Zero

Divide by Zero

The Living Force
Elohir said:
Sentenza said:
Just wondering... Two persons, appointed Sand and jenael, argue that the gray aliens are future humanswho were in their past vegetarians(so now) and they evolved that way because they refused their human condition,their predatory side. They blinded themselves and have become degenerate humans, and from eating plants have developed certain characteristics of plants.

Could this plants basiferous aliens beingGrays aliens, and by extensionsdegenerated vegetarians humansin their past ? (our present)

We can imagine many things but I don't think that it's serious to say that humans will turn into plant-based beings partly because they eat only vegetables...
Actually, many have been already written on greys, about their research on humans to cure their degeneration, their quest to understand soul but here is an old information from a transcript dated from the 24th september 1995 :

Interesting idea. From what we know about the paleo diet helping our brains and health, I would think that eating purely vegetarian may overall stunt the higher emotional centers. If the brain is not working correctly, how could one be in touch with objective reality?

After having seen Vaxxed and how other things are allowed under the story of everything runs on money, I would think it goes deeper than that. But, if we think of time - the greys being some future possibility coming here to manipulate, it could very well be a self-fulfilling time loop. They create the conditions that create them!

Just some thinking out loud on an interesting possible connection!


Jedi Master
FOTCM Member
Divide By Zero said:
Elohir said:
Sentenza said:
Just wondering... Two persons, appointed Sand and jenael, argue that the gray aliens are future humanswho were in their past vegetarians(so now) and they evolved that way because they refused their human condition,their predatory side. They blinded themselves and have become degenerate humans, and from eating plants have developed certain characteristics of plants.

Could this plants basiferous aliens beingGrays aliens, and by extensionsdegenerated vegetarians humansin their past ? (our present)

We can imagine many things but I don't think that it's serious to say that humans will turn into plant-based beings partly because they eat only vegetables...
Actually, many have been already written on greys, about their research on humans to cure their degeneration, their quest to understand soul but here is an old information from a transcript dated from the 24th september 1995 :

Interesting idea. From what we know about the paleo diet helping our brains and health, I would think that eating purely vegetarian may overall stunt the higher emotional centers. If the brain is not working correctly, how could one be in touch with objective reality?

After having seen Vaxxed and how other things are allowed under the story of everything runs on money, I would think it goes deeper than that. But, if we think of time - the greys being some future possibility coming here to manipulate, it could very well be a self-fulfilling time loop.They create the conditions that create them!

Just some thinking out loud on an interesting possible connection

I do like this kind of issue :D
We can see that in some books or movies as Terminator. Kyle Reese sent back in the past by his own son:scared:和他的儿子知道整个故事!这一个known temporal paradox and it's very interesting because it breaks the common view of a linear time. It makes us think about the origin of each event.

As the master of Poo tells him in Kung Fu Panda (Yeah I know... :P) : "You often find your fate on the path you take to avoid it" (sorry for my translation from french).

So, in some cases, it's useless to try to stop your future to happen, in fact you could simply make it happened in doing what you do to prevent it.
C's often seem to inform us about that and they perfectly know that everyone has his own purpose in the big picture.

As they use to say "Wait and see"....


Padawan Learner
On the occasion of the "Pass of Djatlova ", in the Russian-speaking segment of Yutubе, there appeared quite a lot of sessions of various channeling, through regressive hypnosis and similar practices. So, many of these sources say that the group of Djatlova was killed by Soviet servicemen because there were tested some kind of rockets and the place was classified.
Can our friends comment on this?


Padawan Learner
On the occasion of the "Pass of Djatlova ", in the Russian-speaking segment of Yutubе, there appeared quite a lot of sessions of various channeling, through regressive hypnosis and similar practices. So, many of these sources say that the group of Djatlova was killed by Soviet servicemen because there were tested some kind of rockets and the place was classified.
Some say in the direction of the Cass version. Where is the truth? Or is it as always-in the middle?)
Can our friends comment on this?
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The Living Force
FOTCM Member

Yes it's very strange as I just noted inSession 16 November1994 thread.

Another possibly strange connection was a session where the Cs talked about the Sayan mountains:

Session 15 April 2000:
Q: (L) So, that's why they have been following certain bloodlines for generation after generation; they are tinkering with the DNA and arming genetic time-bombs that are waiting to go off. (A) What is interesting is how do those who are trying to get these people, to abduct them, how do they spot them? How do they get the information? By following the bloodline, or by some kind of monitor you can detect from a long distance - and they can note that "here is somebody of interest" or "here is somebody dangerous" or "let's abduct this one" or whatever. How do they select? Do they search the genealogies or is it some kind of remote sensing?

A: Now this is interesting Arkadiusz, as it involves the atomic "signature" of the cellular structure of the individual. In concert with this is the etheric body reading and the frequency resonance vibration. All these are interconnected, and can be read from a distance using remote viewing technology/methodology.

Q: (L) Can it be done in a pure mechanical way without using psychic means?

A: At another level of understanding, the two are blended into one.

Q: (T) Computerized psychic remote viewing, maybe. Like artificial intelligence. Maybe a mind connected to a computer?

A: That is close, yes.

Q: (T) Which we are not capable of yet - that we know of, anyway. (J) I'll bet the Russians are. (L) Why?

A: Work? Yes. Succeed? Not much.

Q: (L) Off to the side, in examining the map along this line where you had us looking, from Novosibirtsk to Urkutsk, I discovered that there is a range of mountains there called "Sayan" or "Sayany." Is this the original Mount Zion and is this the area where there is a secret lab or something?

A: Yes, but not Mount Zion.

Q: (L) What was the original Mount Zion?

A: Sinai.

Q: (L) What is in these mountains between Novosibirtsk and Urkutsk?

A: Magnetics lab.

Q: (L) What stone was Nicholas Roerich returning to a temple when he made his trek into Siberia?

A: Stone was diamond from Persia.

Q: (L) What kind of UFO was it that he sighted at the time that he made the dedication of this temple; considering also that this was on the direct line of Tunguska?

A: UFO was a probe.

Q: (L) Was it there because they were there, or was it unrelated?

A: Related.

Q: (L) What was the significance of this diamond?

A: Energized.

Q: (L) By what?

A: Not by: for.

Q: (L) Energized for what?

A: Link.

Q: (L) Link to what?

A: Your move.

Q: (T) For the wave?

A: No, Terry, we are reminding Laura that this is not 20 questions.

Q: (T) Is this magnetics lab related to the one in Tallahassee? (L) I don't think so. I mean, it's so secret that even we can know about it yet! (T) There's one in Tallahassee - a high energy magnetics lab...

A: Different orientation.

Just an odd connection I thought.


Padawan Learner
[QUOTE = "Гоякобол, должность: 790980, участник: 8472"]
Другая, возможно, странная связь была сессия, где C говорили о Саянах:

Сессия 15 апреля 2000 года:

Просто странная связь, подумала я.
It is clear that nothing is clear)


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Plant based humanoids is mentioned in the 1938 movie"Who Goes There" (by John W. Campbell).

Non-human characters
  • "The Thing": theantagonist– a malevolentshapeshiftingalien creature. It appears in all the adaptions. In the 1951 adaption it is depicted as amonstrous alien made up of vegetable matter,and is unable to shapeshift.
  • In the1982and2011adaptions, the Thing retains the ability to shapeshift, although it loses the telepathy.
Book version of said entity.

And the alien rendition from the Howard Hawks movie (1951)"The Thing from Another World"


And the rendition fromJohn Carpenterversion.

And on the Dyatlov Pass incident, (DPI).
Run time / 1:45:35 DPI starts at 9:31

PS: Thank you, one and all.
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Dagobah Resident
I have a few remarks / questions about these extracts :
Session Date: February 27th 2016
(Joe) Was this portal opened accidentally in this area? It wasn't specifically related to these people?
A: It was a scouting expedition by other dimensionalplant basedamateurs.
Q: (L) Are you sayingplant-basedin the sense that these were creatures that wereplantiferousor something?
A: Yes
Q: (Pierre) What made the location important?
A: Underground mineral content and structure.
Q: (Joe) So this was a bunch ofplant-likecreatures who were scouting the planet for minerals for dinner or something... Mining something...
A: Close.
Q: (Joe)Plant-based…它们看起来像什么?他们喜欢仙人掌people or something?
A: Similar to some so-called gray aliens.
Q: (Joe) But they'replant-based.
(Andromeda) And they were experimenting or looking for minerals or something.
(L) Scouting.
(Andromeda) People were in the way, and they were like, "Oops! We didn't want you..."
(Joe) It's like going fishing and catching the wrong thing, then throwing it back.
A: Close.
1/@Lauraused the word "plantiferous", which is a rare word (geology/stratigraphy jargon, apparently) : I checked this word on all the (20+) dictionaries proposed byLexilogosfor both English and American, none of them lists such a word.
We can infer, fromlatinplanta(plant, in the old meaning of vegetable), andlatinfero(bearing), that it would mean "bearing plants" ?:huh:
(For instance, "platiniferous" means platinum-bearing.)
Could anyone (native speakers, preferably) explain it better, if possible ?

2/ The Cs first mention "other dimensionalplant basedamateurs."
Laura (US American), Joe (Irish) & the team (among who there are native speakers) understood this expression like "vegetable-based" beings.
The next Cs' answers seems to validate this meaning.

But plant has different meanings in English, beyond the botanical one, particularly it may describes (according to theWiktionary) "Afactoryor other industrial or institutionalbuildingorfacility".
So itmightmeans rather :amateurs based in a plant ("industrial" site) on some other dimension ?
(Then all the following Cs answerswouldbe wrong due to this initial misinterpretation.)

3/ But then there is Joe's question about these beings' look, and the Cs' answer : "Similar to some so-called gray aliens.".
Does it mean thatamong the "gray alien" category, there are different varieties, including some "vegetable" ones, and "animal" ones ?

4/ Let's say that these "amateur" beings are really some evolved (sentient) kind of "plants" of other dimension.
在我们的密度/维度,plants generally feed on minerals from the air and soil (through bacteria around their roots) in addition to sunlight.
(Some of them are even able to dissolve pure rock with their roots and allied bacteria !)
A few of them (carnivorous plants)feed on animals in addition to mineral.
So it seems logical that these evolved "plants" would scout / mine minerals in mineral-rich moutains.

5/ We (as humans) tend to consider ourselves as the most evolved species on this planet (probably because we were able, or obliged, to "conqueer" the whole planet, and destroy it !), but it depends on which criteria you choose. Some plant species, including trees, or plants "collection" such as forests, are able to do incredible things, that we are not yet able to do (or, sometimes, even understand), like creating soils / air, regulate the microclimate, manipulate animals (through flowers/fruits in particular), etc. So according to these criteria, they're a lot more "evolved" (and cooperating) than we are...

6/ But there is a giant gap between our known Earth reality and imagining such "evolved plant" using technology. Well, anything may exists in the multiverse...
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