Cass Wiki down

Hey Scottie,
Just some ideas, IF I'm not mistaken the CassWiki used MediaWIki 1.26a. From the documentation it seems that the upgrade to the 1.32 which supports PHP7 "should" in best case scenario be successful and not much time consuming using the built-in update scripts>documentation link<.
Not so sure about the SMW extension, as I can't find what version was used ( but maybe its possible to drop it completely? ), as well as trying that kind of update via WHM (no experience with that one).
Just saw this and I was wondering why my bookmarks were not working. The wiki was always a great source of information for me especially If I needed to revisit few topics. Is there a way to turn it back on for a week? I can then convert each of the page into a PDF or word document for storage.
It turns out that after moving the CassWiki to a new server + domain, I neglected to realize that PHP 5.6 would go EOL (end of life) on December 31, 2018.

Since CassWiki uses a VERY old version of MediaWiki, and since the people who were working on it have vanished, that means it's about 20 versions and many years behind... and it doesn't work on PHP 7.x.

Honestly, I don't think it's worth the effort to save it, anyway. Traffic levels to the site are basically zilch.

:knitting:<-- Pretend that's me playing the bagpipes

Hey Scottie, what is the size of a zip of the complete wiki? Would you mind sendind it for me to give a look and see what can be done? Maybe I can convert it to something else.
Aww I just went to check out the wiki and then had to come search.. Hope it will be back one day.
Pretty please?at least indirectly aid third party efforts to bring back CassWiki?
Why expend all that time and energy on something that historically provided very little?

SOTT and the forum could always use help!
I was a little disappointed when I first found out about it because I liked it, but Skyalmin alluded to the Wayback machine and I realized that it's actually not really gone, at least as long as its on the web archive. Just use his link and all of the articles are still there. Everything works except the search function, and there weren't so many articles that you'd really need it anyway. So even though it's no longer a living document, it can still be used as an esoteric glossary for the basics; I don't see what the big deal is. You could copy and paste a bunch of stuff out of there if you needed to.
o sad :( ... it was just an excellent point of reference ... is there possibility to have it in PDFs or so? so yep hyperlinks will be lost, but at least the index and short explanations and literature references will be still there ... maybe to organize some donation for that part in particular? To help to restore the content so far collected into some downloadable, easy to recollect formats, like HTML or PDF?
I don't see what the big deal is. You could copy and paste a bunch of stuff out of there if you needed to.

Yes, I don't see what the big deal is either. The amount of work required to 'bring it back' is not really worth the effort unless you havetonsof time on your hands. I thought it would be interesting as an experiment to recreate it but it might be a long time before I find spare time to do that. Even less so now since has almost the whole site backed up. There are few missing pages but most of it is there.

Although I was having an issue where at first I was getting lots of dead links. I then tried starting from the 'capture' that had the most captures. That would be this link:CassWiki May 15, 2018 captures. From there I was able to get to almost all the pages. So it's not really 'gone' and as Scottie said, things like SoTT, forum, radio show transcriptions, language translations, etc, etc can always use extra hands!
here is a thread that should answer your casswiki questions:Cass Wiki down
Regarding biblio pléyades, it was also my springboard to know the site of cassiopaea ... really there is a lot of trash, most of it coming from all the new age sites of the network, but there are interesting things (and funny fantasy!), I remember that in then I came across material Cs after reading many articles on that page, I was very interested in the way the Cs spoke, both their sarcasm and kind of meaningful answers and difficult to even imagine at that time.
Some years ago I was a Polish Wikipedia editor. Someday I noticed that some of my articles (mostly trivial topics) was removed because they were not "encyclopedic" (means was not important enough to be mention in encyclopedia). I was angry but I didn't have arguments to argue.

Then I noticed there was English article about Karla Turner. I decided to translate it in to Polish Wikipedia.

Then English version of article was removed from English Wikipedia. What is interesting Whitley Strieber article is still there, and there was even Hollywood movie inspired from his book and even documentary film by BIO.HD.

After some time Polish version was also removed with note:
"No sources, no publications, no outstanding achievements. No mention in other versions of Wikipedia. Not encyclopedic style. As for me to remove."
Some other guy said:
"On google is a lot of information about it and her activities, so the person is in her "field" known and appreciated. The fact that the subject is "UFO" or "abduction", shall be deleted because of it? If the figure is known, then maybe encyclopedic?"
The third guy:
"That's right - googles really pop up a lot of pages, but that's not enough. This person is not known enough and has no extraordinary achievements. There's also no publications, although maybe in this area, it may be hard."
Then fourth guy decided to delete it:
"It is difficult to talk about the popularity of this lady since so much specific information is not available on foreign sites and other wikis as well. Lack of wide resonance after its publications and revelations".

I decided to save this article for future generation, but don't know were publish it. Casswiki was good option. But before that I need to do good research and collect data. I decide to create my own wiki as a draft.

Dokuwiki is Flat File Storage wiki engine that don't require mySQL. You need only webserver and PHP version 5.6. Unfortunately after EU pushed General Data Protection Regulation it's not easy to maintain such projects.
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This is great news. Many thanks to all involved to make this happen.:perfect:

I bookmarked the download page because Firefox makes it possible to consult it online but I also downloaded the PDF-file for offline use.

After clicking crisscross through several items I can say that all links I used -both internal and external- worked like a charm and flawless.:cool2:

I'm very happy with it and very grateful too.
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