Australia On Fire!


Australian Bushfires


> 19 people dead
> Approx.500 million animals dead
> 8,000 koalas dead
> Over 5.5 million hectares burned (the size of Belgium)
> Fire perimeter more than 10,000 miles long
> More than 1400 homes destroyed
> Thousands of other buildings & structures destroyed
> An as yet uncalculated number damaged
> 10 million people or more breathing in toxic levels of bushfire smoke
> Australia’s largest ever evacuation under way
>Third State of Emergency declared for New South Wales this fire season
灾难的国家宣布为圣ate of Victoria.
>Thousands of people trapped in towns that need to be evacuated
> Thousands of people on beaches sheltering from intense heat, ash and burning embers.

Please donate:

Aust Red Cross @redcrossau
Save the Animals @wireswildliferescue

#australia #bushfire #prayforaustralia
Nicole Kidmanand her husband Keith Urban havedonateda huge $500,000 (£265,470) toAustralia'sRural Fire Services. ...Nicolerevealed she and country singer Keith haddonated$500,000 onAustralianbreakfast show, Studio 10, where she said she and her family are 'devastated forAustralia'.
The Australian comedian Celeste Barber has helped raise more than $20m to help the New South Wales Rural Fire Service fight the devastating bushfires around the state, as fundraising efforts ramp up in response to the crisis.
By mid afternoon on Sunday the tally had reached more than $22m, around 48 hours after Barber launched the fundraiser on Facebook.
Thank you for posting the pics- some are truly heartbreaking :( #Australia on fire has been trending on Twitter and it has also been News posted on the Wildfires thread on the forum as well. Today, I received numerous emails from Aussie businesses, musicians and local artists who are donating to the Red Cross or other charities for the fires. It’s so good to see the country rally together to help the affected, but most of all, to acknowledge the RFS who are all volunteers and risk their lives to save others. I’ve said this before, they are absolute legends ❤️

Greta jumps on the bandwagon!
I’m so done with Greta, she needs to jump in a hole.
FAST FIVE: Nearly 200 People Arrested Across Australia For Deliberately Starting Bushfires | NWO Stop
200 people arrested for starting bushfires? What is the motive for this?
Seeing these pictures you posted above@Oceanmakes me very very sad and angry.
Hope youre ok!
Good luck

I feel a bit suspicious about blaming arsonists - sure it happens and kids get up to mischief during the holidays, however blaming kids means that they can't be named so that story can be used as a convenient excuse to cover up other things like natural ignitions - lightening, hot pieces of space rock, sunlight concentrated through glass etc. One Christmas around 10 years ago, it was so hot that the full tank of fuel in my car expanded during the middle of the day and I come outside to petrol on the ground - fire hazard waiting to happen without intentionally lighting any thing.

On a sadder note, Koala's had been declared functionally extinct in the last few years. I don't know whether they can be bought back from this disaster. The King Island Koala's were the only Koala population that was guaranteed disease free, while mainland populations were susceptible to chlamydia infections. Their habitats have been under threat from development for decades now.
I feel a bit suspicious about blaming arsonists - sure it happens and kids get up to mischief during the holidays, however blaming kids means that they can't be named so that story can be used as a convenient excuse to cover up other things like natural ignitions - lightening, hot pieces of space rock, sunlight concentrated through glass etc. One Christmas around 10 years ago, it was so hot that the full tank of fuel in my car expanded during the middle of the day and I come outside to petrol on the ground - fire hazard waiting to happen without intentionally lighting any thing.

On a sadder note, Koala's had been declared functionally extinct in the last few years. I don't know whether they can be bought back from this disaster. The King Island Koala's were the only Koala population that was guaranteed disease free, while mainland populations were susceptible to chlamydia infections. Their habitats have been under threat from development for decades now.

200 arrests? Isnt that a telling number? And those are not teenagers. There has to be a motive there. Clearing of the land? And arsonist do start fires so it would be natural to blame them if they are caught. Ofcourse we know its the season for fire too.
But what about this information that controlled fires have not been done for a long period? In forestry it is known that if you dont induce controlled summer fires you will have a massive un-controlable fire in a decade or two. Not to overlook the fact that half the trees propagate only with fire. No fire? No new trees and the dead undergrowth poses a massive risk!
The same thing happened in California multiple times in the last decade but msm is not talking about it, in fact they blamed it on man made climate change which is a load of bs when in fact P&G (electricity provider) didnt maintain their infrastructure and the fire was started by a faulty connection on a electricity power tower. They settled for 25billion last month!! Thats kept quiet too..
And why wouldnt they tell you this? First it doesnt go well with implementation of co2 laws (fire eats oxygen and destroys plants that are producing it and eating co2, think about that for a second btw) and green deals, secondly it reveals that the people who outlawed controled fires are crazy democrats which are owning all the msm media outlets.
There has to be a motive there.Clearing of the land?And arsonist do start fires so it would be natural to blame them if they are caught

Funny you mention that- fires near me started in August last year (yep in the middle of winter, this particular one at 5am in the morning while there’s still dew and moisture). Very suspicious indeed. Word around town is the guy who owns a lot of the land here, has been known to light fires (or get others to do the dirty for him) so as to clear the land. The wind gusts then swept the fire from the islands in the lake, to near where I live & over to the mainland, threatening homes & businesses, and damaging wildlife.

But I think@Jonesalso makes some valid points too- that there has been some serious oversight in not doing controlled back burning. From what I gather, the whole climate thingy and squabbling between govt. departments has contributed to nothing being done, with tons of fuel ready to go up. Plus a serious lack of rain has not helped the situation either.
Heres a comment I found on latest Tony Heller youtube video ( in which he shows how Nasa is manipulating temperature records to sell global warming scare) in the comment section. It sounds legit to me so I thought Id share it here. Its apparently a prepper and permaculture guy who is giving this info. Comment is from a Pat Murphy

你今天去CFJingara管投给显然many of these fires were set by campfires set during fire ban days- the tourists who set these campfires couldn’t read the signs stating the ban and set campfires anyway. Reason could not read the signs since they did not read English. Yes there were some set by arsonists. There were also destructive acts against firefighters, re: cutting taps off the end of stored fire hoses. Also the ranchers were forbidden from setting control fires (just like the land management forbidden to do this in California) The Canberra fires are not as big as the ones in 2003 or 4 but could have been even less if the ranchers and farmers had been allowed to manage their own land. Now there is food shortages, roads closed people have lost equipment to looting, farms and livestock destroyed. It’s a cascading mess of a tragedy. They will probably say it is all global warming instead cool heads like those mentioned by Dr. Heller

And I mentioned land clearing because in my mind Australia is, outside of the cities, mainly a wild place with lots of rough nature and plenty of dangerous wild beasts. Long ago I watched a doc on Australia and I remember the obvious hate for these conditions expressed by some people who had a house outside of cities who moved there from nicer conditions. And I know how these people think in situations like this. They would burn that nasty nature to the ground. Fear, wish for control, greed... usual human crap.
Yeah, probly the bigest cause that these fires are now so destructive is that they stopped controled fires. Green protesters apparently got moronic politicians to ban them and restrict farmers from managing their own land.
And there will be some cleared land for development, ofcourse!
FAST FIVE: Nearly 200 People Arrested Across Australia For Deliberately Starting Bushfires | NWO Stop
200 people arrested for starting bushfires? What is the motive for this?
Seeing these pictures you posted above@Oceanmakes me very very sad and angry.
Hope youre ok!
Good luck

Lighting fires, even for roasting marshmallows, is illegal here in Summer so it may not be anything nefarious. That's 183 people across five states over a "few" months. It doesn't seem out of the ordinary considering many of them may be campers. Farmers surely would be back burning in the Winter months, unless I'm mistaken.

Here's a thermal camera view of one of the Victorian fires.

I came across some official information regarding the “183 arsonists”, which is misleading because the actual number of charged arsonists for now is 24. Here is a quote from the article:

“Since Friday 8 November 2019, legal action – which ranges from cautions through to criminal charges – has been taken against 183 people – including 40 juveniles – for 205 bushfire-related offences.

Of note:
  • 24 people have been charged over alleged deliberately-lit bushfires
  • 53 people have had legal actions for allegedly failing to comply with a total fire ban, and
  • 47 people have had legal actions for allegedly discarding a lighted cigarette or match on land.”
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