


They are feeding on us. They are having a frenzy right now. There is so much separation and hate between us for what reason? We have to come together more the ever! They feed on hatred! Remember, we are their food. Sorry, I had some beer, and this came out of me. The big picture is the reptilians and we are their food! Sorry, I just had this thought!


FOTCM Member
Hi Rose7, I know it can be really depressing and it is hard to take in that knowledge, but alcohol certainly doesn't help the situation. How does your diet look and what else do you do to deal with this situation?
Hello H2O

Hello H2O

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
A lot of it is manufactured by the media (in all forms). I would try to have a more balanced approach to what is happening in our reality. Turn off the TV, and social media for a while if you have to.


绝地武士Council Member
Hi Rose7

It's overwhelming isn't it? It's like John Carpenters "They Live":
Just do everything you can to try and reduce being fed from. Show people that there is a better world and it's through each other and our interactions. It's when, despite all our differences, we can be respectful to one another and to treat each other the way we would like to be treated. Sometimes people don't deserve it, but if you still take a stand and respect them anyway, they could feel a sense of motivation in themselves to be decent in return, to you, to anyone, it doesn't matter.

I think we're mainly just confused. We aren't beyond hope and it just takes patience from those who are aware and awake to continue to explain and help ground people. The more balanced and protected we all become, the less food exposure to the mosquitoes. They will go else where, to another little planet to terrorize others until that planet develops a resistance. It seems like it's part of the learning package around these parts.

Edit: video
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绝地武士Council Member

The phrase ‘In vino veritas’ came to mind on reading your post

Herodotusasserts that if thePersiansdecided something whiledrunk, they made a rule to reconsider it when sober. Authors after Herodotus have added that if the Persians made a decision while sober, they made a rule to reconsider it when they were drunk.

‘Noli illegitimi carborundum’ my friend


绝地武士Council Member
At least ‘they’ could have the decency to eradicate obesity. Go figure! Talking about style and refinement... no taste at all!
Just wandering, would there be any ‘virus’ that could work on reptilians?
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Hi Rose7, I know it can be really depressing and it is hard to take in that knowledge, but alcohol certainly doesn't help the situation. How does your diet look and what else do you do to deal with this situation?
Hi Gowan, sorry, I didn't see your reply until now. No, alcohol does not help, I don't drink as much as I used to anymore, but I must say, I had a bit too much at a party before I wrote this!:-[I realized I was a bit intense, but I guess I was thinking of the crazy state of the world and needed to write this? My diet is okay, I try not to eat that many carbs, sugars or processed foods but I have have been cheating a bit lately. What I would do about the situation is to look at reality objectively and not to be manipulated by the media. To keep a level head and pay attention to lies, and try my best to seek the truth. Keep alcohol to a minimum, no drugs, meditate. Spend time in nature.


Hi Rose7

It's overwhelming isn't it? It's like John Carpenters "They Live":

Just do everything you can to try and reduce being fed from. Show people that there is a better world and it's through each other and our interactions. It's when, despite all our differences, we can be respectful to one another and to treat each other the way we would like to be treated. Sometimes people don't deserve it, but if you still take a stand and respect them anyway, they could feel a sense of motivation in themselves to be decent in return, to you, to anyone, it doesn't matter.

I think we're mainly just confused. We aren't beyond hope and it just takes patience from those who are aware and awake to continue to explain and help ground people. The more balanced and protected we all become, the less food exposure to the mosquitoes. They will go else where, to another little planet to terrorize others until that planet develops a resistance. It seems like it's part of the learning package around these parts.

Edit: video

Thanks duyunne,

That is very good advice!


绝地武士Council Member
Thanks duyunne,

That is very good advice!

It sounds kinda gushy but I found that my own life was kinda miserable up until I started to be nice to people instead of being the cause of spread for more misery. It's constant work but it's worth it because it just changes the mood in any room I'm in. It feels like I'm helping to make things bearable.


The Force is Strong With This One
At least ‘they’ could have the decency to eradicate obesity. Go figure! Talking about style and refinement... no taste at all!
Just wondering, would there be any ‘virus’ that could work on reptilians?
Much grass-fed cattle are fed grains before slaughter to fatten them up. As for the question, I think the "virus" is one word that starts with a silent K.


绝地武士Council Member
Much grass-fed cattle are fed grains before slaughter to fatten them up. As for the question, I think the "virus" is one word that starts with a silent K.
Sure! So do pigs, geese and the rest of the etcs we feed on. It was meant to be a sort of resistance humor since the trend is to think in deference and fear. Don’t blame me for my attitude, I grew up during communism and it seems that I missed the memo with default respect for over exercised authority.
此外,你会吃一个有限公司w you could speak to?

BTW, what’s that silent K?
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