2 Questions for the C's



Personal message to Laura:

If possible, Could you, would you ask the C's my mother's maiden name and the 2) time and place of her birth.

Her adopted name was Ethel Minerva Porter
Date of death 2-23-1962

She was adopted and before I die I would like to know the surname of my maternal grandparents. I was told by my half sister (now deceased) that it might have been Brumm?

I believe she was born in St. Louis, Missouri but because Missouri refuses to release her birth certificate (or mine as I was also born out of wed lock) I have no way of knowing.

I also realize this is a personal question but I have tried for over 35 years to find the answer and this is my last recourse.

If this is unappropriated, I apologize beforehand but I have no where else to turn. I have been researching for over 3-1/2 decades to no avail.

For some reason all knowledge of my mother's family has been met with road blocks.

Thank you.


FOTCM Member
I'll see what I can do.
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