20 of 1000 people are programmed



The Living Force
Given the pandemic of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and absurd ideas that have been promoted these past few years, it was interesting to come across these comments from the 05-25-1996 Session:

Q: (L) That's not exactly vague. What is the percentage of programmed people?
A: 2 out of every 100.
Q: (L) How many are programmed by human means?
A: 12 per cent of the .02 per cent.
Q: (L) So, out of every 1,000 people, there are 20 that are programmed, and 18 of these are programmed by aliens, as in 4th density STS?
A: Understand that 4th density is physical, indeed. You are drifting further and further toward an ethereal only perception/theoretical position.
Q: (L) You are saying that the humans working on these kinds of things... and...
A: No, Laura, we are saying that there is really a very strong "nuts and bolts" reality to this phenomenon, and don't ignore it!
[Laura later commented: "What was missing from our understanding was the broad, overall, influence of society and culture as programming agents. Such systems can be created and maintained by a small elite, operate totally naturally within the world system, and only limited, direct hyperdimensional influence is even required."]
That is indeed a huge number: 2% of the population. Even the human programmed MK Ultra people are 0.2% or around 15 million in total. I wonder if this is the number involved in cabal operations or if many of those are "sleeper agents" to be activated later.
Ruth said:
So, I wonder if these numbers are still current? 1996 was over 20 years ago. I was thinking to myself ONLY 2%? Huh. It could be as high as 50% now. Depending on the programming. Some people would be really easy to program.
The programming is already complete.
Interesting. Sounds a bit all-encompassing. There may be some caveats.

The programming is already complete... (on enough of the populace to overwhelm the rest; or so they think)
The programming is already complete... (in a bout of hubris and wishful thinking that 4D STS is so good at)
The programming is already complete... (as events unfold the programming may devolve a bit like a virus or a vaccine)

I suppose there might be degrees of this programming. A large % could be partially programmed in all areas and a faction totally programmed in just certain limited areas. I guess it depends on what "programming" means.

The essence of programming? The acceptance of a false description of reality (which is in turn self-generating and replicating) that benefits the programmer while the victim/subject believes a benefit will accrue to themself without critical thinking/with blind acceptance and belief as it occurs in a cult.... Believing in boogie men, and external monsters... Stoked by fear under constant threat of nervous, mental and material breakdown.

The key mechanisms would be fear, pain and hatred intertwined in a twisted braid of irresponsibility, blame and dependency.

Perhaps a more subtle part of the mechanism: "if I think or accept 'X', then that would mean 'Y' about the world and myself, therefore I must deny the possibility and reality of 'X' at any and all costs. Furthermore, I MUST embrace "Q" because I will be rewarded

The interesting thing is that now that the fear is ratcheting up and the trauma becoming very real for all of us, the very breakdowns that are supposed to drive adherence to the programming are being experienced by the programmed masses. So on some level the programming should eventually break down in some pathetic way as events continue to unravel. Like: "Wait! What?! I went along with this belief "X" because on a deep level I believed I could avoid "Z" and I put all my eggs in basket "X" and now I am getting served up a massive dose of "Z" anyway?!" WTH?! (person then goes berserk like Britany Spears or worse)

Some few may awaken upon this realization. Most will probably just disintegrate and devolve.

Interesting how articles are coming out with Biden potentially picking a Monsanto dude for the cabinet. Things like this have to be causing cognitive dissonance on the left. "We sold our souls for good old Joe and now we get Mr. Monsanto for Ag secretary?"

Lastly, If the programming was truly complete, would they need to roll out a virus with the intent to make humanity more docile?

Seeing all those Brits singing about" shove the poison vaccine up your arse" is truly inspiring to me.
Lastly, If the programming was truly complete, would they need to roll out a virus with the intent to make humanity more docile?
’Divide et impera!’ Divide and rule. The humanity as a collective has been divided into dissenting groups based on beliefs in fairness. On that background, the virus notion seems as a plausible way to use in enforcing docility, because it is probably considered a strong common denominator generating fear at individual level. Everyone working in applied sciences, knows that there is a huge difference between theory and practice, and everyone working in project management and planning knows that to execute a plan without shortcuts and in time it takes more money than initially considered. If there is agroup of people that want to rule, they had ample time to get the all or the majority of money they think are necessary to complete their goal.
However, life always finds a way, universe is unpredictable and future is open.
Where could we find this transcript on the forum ?
Thank You.
It's not about one specific session transcript, here some links in French:

L'Exposé Greenbaum - conférence sur la programmation mentale et les sévices rituels aux US -- Sott.net
The Wave Chapter 19: All There Is Is Lesson, or Dr. Greenbaum and the Soul Hackers (Chapitre 19 de l'Onde, Tome 2)

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