4D, the wave and the work...



The Living Force
所以我在飞机上做很多阅读也在场her day, In search is frustrating me b/c i can only understand about half the material with any clarity, im still not able to self ob correctly, nor often enough for me to see any results other then minor changes. While meditating i was pondering what happens if one is ready to grad to 4d but hasnt completed the work? I mean the goal of the work is that one becomes 4d, but you wouldnt need the wave to do it. So my question is what happens to 4D candidates whom havent completed the work, but are ready to grad? Is that a possible senario? Laura- have u discussed it with our 6D buddies? I came to the conclusion that it would be kinda like being stuck in one's dreams, only it would seem as real as our reality. Anyone else have thoughts on the matter?


Greetings, Cyre. I think the key factor is in developing one's understanding on a karmic level in conjunction with awareness:- this suggests something more than merely intellectual development. You're quite right though, self-ob is a meticulous job which requires almost 24/7 effort.

If when in the process of crowded thoughts, I tend to alternate between two patterns; listening to what's in my environment (say, if indoors) in relation to my mind, and then alternating to try to listen to what I can hear outside my environment (traffic, birds, etc.). This took ages for me, but I was totally sceptical regarding meditation - I thought it was a put-on to make us passive - but in time it yielded results; for instance I had a former tendency to be a little sarcastic and potty-mouthed, and this disappeared, for eventually in a meditative state I could hear that these elements were a largely external manifestation! A veritable parade of competing "I's", all demanding my attention. The real "I" was simply not like that, though I wouldn't dare to imply that I've located the real "I" yet. Listening to what Aldous Huxley referred to as our "endless idiot internal monologues" can actually be quite funny on occaisions, on others simply frustrating. All those years I wasted being buffeted by consumer culture rendered me a little dim and complacent, and remember, Don Juan warned us that our actual individual faculties are quite low compared to what the "external" influences" have done for us, when in our waking sleep.

For me it's a case of whittling down those very influences, to peer into the reality of our own minds objectively, warts and all! Karma must come into play in this - I was no saint and I can't say I meet many elsewhere - but for all those years when we were living on assumptions a price must be paid. Old friends tell me I've lost some of my charisma, but who cares, as I can now see I was something of a competitive git back in the days when these friends note their recollections. In this process of whittling, we are reducing our external influences, and breathing a little more life into our new potential self.

Anyway, it's just a theory!! But theories, like lessons, are fun to explore.


FOTCM Member
Hi Cyre2067,

You said:

Cyre2067 said:
So my question is what happens to 4D candidates whom havent completed the work, but are ready to grad? Is that a possible senario?
If i refer to the example that the C,s gave us about third grade and fourth grade in school, i think if somene is ready to grad, it means that the work is done. Otherwise, IMHO he will not be ready to grad.

But if i said it, in another way, would be: Do we have to be ready at 100% to pass on the fourth grade???

If so, then ouf, it is not relaxing even tough they tell us to enjoy the game.

How can i be certain that i have learned all my karmic lessons?


Karma is not the gist of the work, i read in the adventure series, that edgar cayce said one could removes all of one's own karma.
I try to moniter my thoughts and feelings. so as to become a warrior.
which means saving energy. i choose how im going to respond to any stimulation tha comes in from the world. and i have to base the choice i make on truth of my being, or about wishful thinking. sometimes i get entropy and choose the wishful thinking ways wich is hard not to do -
So discovering what makes me me and real is where i have to work. not an ez job- but hey no ones goina do it for me!


Setting goals while hoping that one would grade to 4D that way, seems antithetical to the grading we talk about. What thing in us is setting out the goals? Ponder on it. Are these the necessary goals for you as a being that is seeking to evolve ?

I think it is very important to beware that if goals are set in this matter (a possible "realm" shift), that such intents are no longer guided by any form of escapism. Because, from a different viewpoint, it is often one of the masques of elitarianism. There is not much to learn when stuck in such a loop I think.

So in a sense we are in need of something that takes us out of such nefarious loops, a goal as it were, to get us moving along a path and out of the loops in which some "I" thinks/feels/senses it is moving while our potential self is actually very much stuck. To get out, it's important to have a path (with a vaguely defined goal maybe), but if we'd be too much focused on the goal again, we'd miss the gemstones along the path.

So, maybe these gems to be found along such evolving path, and all lessons that come from it, are part and parcel of this elusive goal.

In regards to that hypothetical percentage that has to be scored, for that hypothetical shift to 4D, and that results in mental meanderings as to what would happen if you score 49 percent, maybe it will help if I say that you pass if you score 1 percent. Measuring is only with integers. And you don't pass with zero percent. :P


Jedi Master
Hey All,

This is my first post and I am still pretty new here, so please bear with me.

Cyre, I understand where you are coming from. I am in the process of reading 'In Search of the Miraculous' and am trying to learn the art of self observation. I thought I had been doing that for the past several years since I started my 'journey into myself' and actually looking back, I can now say I am sure I have met several of my little lying 'I's!!

Cyre2067 wrote:
"So my question is what happens to 4D candidates whom havent completed the work, but are ready to grad? Is that a possible senario?"

I wonder also just how STO do you have to be. And I am alittle confused on that.

If 3D lessons include Karmic and Simple understandings, and once we get to 4D we will have a period of adjustment in order to make our choice of alignment, as I seem to remember the C's saying. Then it would seem that the more 'Work' we do now to strengthen our aligment to STO, the easier the choice will be during our adjustment.

And if there are 4D STS, it would seem that they graduated 3D and chose to align with STS during their adjustment period and possibly before.

So maybe one of the Simple Understandings is to learn that we have a choice/free will and then work on fussing our 'I's, balancing our centers, thereby strengthening our will and our choice of alignment.

So I guess Charles may be right on when he wrote:

查尔斯写道:“关于假设的percentage that has to be scored, for that hypothetical shift to 4D, and that results in mental meanderings as to what would happen if you score 49 percent, maybe it will help if I say that you pass if you score 1 percent. Measuring is only with integers. And you don't pass with zero percent."

And well, now after re-reading what Charles wrote, I probably should have just posted "Yeah, what He Said"!

If I am understanding you Charles we should keep our nose to the path/the Work, rather than our eye on the prize so as not to take a wrong turn or fall behind by continuing to worry 'Am I there yet'?



I think that there is confusion here about what 4D is - there are, from what has been reported in the C's communications, both STS and STO types who are creatures of the 4D realm. This said, then it should not make any difference what 'orientation' you have as a prerequisite for transitioning to the 4D state.

然而,如果你的目标是开发一个真正的“我”和the possibility of having true free-will, then IMO, yes, the Work is definitely a way to go.

Another thing that I recall the Cs saying is that one does not have to 'do' anything to prepare for what is coming - just experience the 'show'.

However, IMO, developing a real conscious awareness to fully appreciate the 'show' may require some Work.



FOTCM Member
Here is what i found in the Wave:

A: You see, my dear, when you arrive at 4th density, then you will see.
Q: (L) Well, how in the heck am I supposed to get there if I can't "get it?"
A: Who says you have to "get it" before you get there?
Q: (L) Well, that leads us right back to: what is The Wave going to do to expand this awareness? Because, if the wave is what "gets you there," what makes this so?
A: No. It is like this: After you have completed all your lessons in "third grade," where do you go?
Q: (L) So, it is a question of...
A: Answer, please.
Q: (L) You go to fourth grade.
A: Okay, now, do you have to already be in 4th grade in order to be allowed to go there? Answer.
Q: (L) No. But you have to know all the 3rd density things...
A: Yes. More apropos: you have to have learned all of the lessons.
Q: (L) What kind of lessons are we talking about here?
A: Karmic and simple understandings.
Q: (L) What are the key elements of these understandings, and are they fairly universal?
A: They are universal.
Q: (L) What are they?
A: We cannot tell you that.
Q: (L) Swell! My night would not have been complete without that! Do the lessons have to do with discovering the MEANINGS of the symbology of 3rd density existence, seeing behind the veil... and reacting to things according to a true free choice? Giving each thing or person or event its due as the Sufis teach?
A: Okay. But you cannot force the issue. When you have learned, you have learned!


Cyre2067 said:
而冥想我思考如果one is ready to grad to 4d but hasnt completed the work? I mean the goal of the work is that one becomes 4d, but you wouldnt need the wave to do it. So my question is what happens to 4D candidates whom havent completed the work, but are ready to grad? Is that a possible senario?
How many angels dance on the head of a pin?

See Laura's comment on this here:


Concept that needs understanding:

"Completed the work." What does that mean? As I see it, the work about becoming ourselves, about being real. 4D will amplify your inner state to your outer reality. So to the extent that you are or still hold the predator, reality will manifest it. 3D is the learning plane where we are spared our inner state directly manifesting in front of our faces (as an opporessing parasitic presence eating us up, as the predator is now doing on the inside).

So there is no really completing the work, but learning to become real and liberated from the inner oppressor (which in 4D will become the outer oppressor to the degree it still exists on the inside). This does not mean becoming a saint, but being honest with yourself and conscious as yourself, free from conditioned impulse.

The degree of inner slavery is the degree of outer nastiness after "transition". And the goal of the work is not transition to 4D, but being in a state of sustaining wholeness in 4D, which means being real with yourself in 3D.


Jedi Council Member
First, I would like to second Esoquest's comments and his reference to Laura's comments on another thread (linked in Esoquest's post). A less graceful way to elaborate the point of the "angels on the head of a pin" question is to say that excessive pondering of the basically unverifiable workings of the other hypothetical densities could be mental masturbation. You get yourself off just fine, but do you end up with anything to share? The proof in the pudding is in the eating. The Work should manifest itself in our daily relationships. Is my own backyard getting cleaned up? Am I becoming capable of more profound levels of empathy with human beings? Am I becoming less susceptible to predators? Am I becoming less satisfied by my own predations? Are the destructive, entropic, or useless cycles of my life continuing to churn themselves out at the same quantity and quality? What if there is no Wave or 4D? If not, is there still a reason not to succumb to full participation in the "food chain"? Of course, we did not get in this position overnight, so we can not reverse it that quickly either. The point I am trying to make is that The Work has very real and observable effects right now in this world.

Cyre2067 said:
所以我在飞机上做很多阅读也在场her day, In search is frustrating me b/c i can only understand about half the material with any clarity, im still not able to self ob correctly, nor often enough for me to see any results other then minor changes.
Maybe, you just need to observe for a while and not worry about changing things. Without sufficient observation, do we really know what or why we are changing?


Hello all-

I have managed to sneak in a little time and thought to take a shot here-I just wish I were not such a poor typist-it takes way too long to peck out my posts. I am glad this is most likely NOT a requirement for "graduation" :D

Although I may not be up to snuff on Gurdjief or Castenada, Mouravief or Sufi material-all of this material basically (IMO) serves the same purpose-it is firstly to point out to the seeker that in order to begin the road "upward" the seeker must become AWARE of SELF-and that has a LOT more to it than merely saying-o.k.-I am "me".

One must become AWARE that they are more than existing in the here and now-and that they are a complex being made up of MANY parts which exist in all times and can exist on many planes-and this is not an easy concept for a lot of folks to grasp-but it is one of the fundemental lessons that is a "must" for coming to 4D-in fact this is an inherent part of 4D existince-or at least that is my understanding. (I hope spelling is not a requirement either)

An excercise that I used to try and understand this concept was to firstly try to imagine what it was like to be "G*D"-to be in all places at all times in every time-and how could this be best accomplished? Now this probably sounds egotistic-but suddenly it dawned on me-the best way was to split into many parts-an infinite number of parts-and each of these parts would in essence "report" back to me ( as G*d) and allow me to experience EVERYTHING! I did this as a child-in all innocence-because I simply could NOT understand how in the heck G*D could be everywhere at once-at all points in space and time-and so to amuse myself created the I am G*D excercise to try and figure that quirk out to my satisfaction. Amazing I could grasp this but absolutely sucked at Math, Physics and Chemistry...

Then I realized-with an astonishing flood of awareness-that not only is the Creator in many parts-so are ALL of us-and all creation- and that progressed into understanding and ACCEPTING that there are other dimensions and realities that we cannot even SEE and these realms are populated by conciousness / non-conciousness of every discription-and all of these are a part of every other concious being incarnated or not- (**and is why I absolutely believe in ghosts and all sorts of paranormal activity) this is what I believe is the "self" Gurdjief and others may be alluding to-and why he said true SELF observation cannot be achieved-there are just too many facets of self to observe!

The C's have said we EACH carry a microcosm of ALL CREATION within - try the excercise I used above-and just try and imagine exactly what that entails...Imagine everything in the entire universe is a part of YOU-it's harder than it sounds-but if you keep thinking in that way-one day it will suddenly bust into your awareness and you will be wide AWAKE-it will make sense-honest! (And folks-I am not making fun of, nor being disrespectful of the Creator, G*D or whatever you wish-this is an excercise to get you into the habit of expanding awareness-nothing more)

I do not meditate-I have tried it and my mind just races too much-the closest I ever came to reaching a "Nirvana" state was once when I got really wasted on some primo hasish (I no longer indulge in such things-wine is my poison of choice these days)-well anyway I got really zonked and closed my eyes-and actually saw myself sitting on the bed below from above-which was amusing-and I could also seem to hear soft whispers-like a murmur of many many voices-like in a crowded airport, only very far away-but in my condition who knows what THAT might of been)

And that was it-I have had a lot of interesting experiences while messed up on one thing or another-but this is about learning to do the 'THING' without artificial 'assistance" in my opinion. It is strange that I can think along the lines above-but I am definetely no savant-and cannot help but think in many respects I am a failure at the lessons we are supposed to learn. I still have a terrible temper-and have taken up martial arts to try and "tame the savage beast"-like taking amphetamines for my ADD-some how applying CONTROLLED violence helps to quell UNCONTROLLED violence-but I have a ways to go in that department.

But it is like this as far as I am concerned - if we are at the point we are supposed to be when the realm border crossing occurs-then we will transition. You CHOOSE to go. And to CHOOSE to go you have to be AWARE there is a CHOICE to be MADE. I believe whole heartedly THAT is what the C's were really trying to get us to understand-you gotta know there is that CHOICE and WHY-and know what to DO when that time comes.

Quite frankly-without the help of the Ra material and Laura's hard work with the C's and continuing here along with all the SOTT folks-I don't think all the Gurdjiefs and Castenadas in the UNIVERSE could have woken up enough people to make a difference. And that includes all who network HERE on this site-we have been given a CHANCE to escape this mess and start moving up a notch.

That's it. I know I'll catch flak for this-but in 4D - Gurdjief, Moravief et al-the Sufis, Quantum Physics-all will become irrelevant. They will be of no use.

These are tools for lessons HERE.

In 4D they will no longer be needed-the C's basically have pointed all of this out.

If you already grok the fundementals you are pretty much on your way. Sit back and enjoy the show-but that is the POINT-you have to be able to discern what IS fundemental -and that is why Gurdjief and all the others are important in THIS realm-they point the WAY-show you how to LOOK and tell you just what might be hiding round the next corner...to help show that other realities are not only possible-but are more importantly very REAL. And we can GO there-if we CHOOSE-but also they sometimes come HERE-because they CHOOSE-and interfere with our lives because they CHOOSE to do so-it is their free will. So we must learn to choose to resist them as our free will dictates.

There will be new lessons in 4D-all restrictions will be removed and all you need to know you will-physicality becomes variable-and reality is yours to do with as you will-and it is entirely up to you as to what orientation you will be-STS or STO-as you CHOOSE. SO imagine just what sort of lessons might be required of beings that have no restrictions-no limitations-and have all knowledge at their beck and call.

Intriguing, yes? Learning is FUN!

Now go think of being everywhere all at once, in every time and what that might be like...

** A post script to above-This doesn't mean that every little noise in the night, weird occurance or synchronous event is a paranormal one or an attack from hyperdimensional beings etc. I have had personal encounter with what I took to be a ghost-an ectoplasmic entity in broad daylight and it scared the bejeejuz out of me! It was a greenish, elongenated blob of light that appeared out of no where and squiggled across the ceiling-it was quite real because my fiance' (now my wife) also saw what I saw-and there was absolutely no source for such a light-it was truley a hair raising experience-because the lady that lived across the hall had passed away and been dead in there for a couple days just prior to this experience-we thought perhaps she had returned for a "visit"! Creepy!


The Living Force
Thanks for the responses all, i think i was suffering from excessive boredom brought on by my trip to missouri and that along with my reading frustrated me and prompted the original post. Impatience is one of my main faults and that combined with the intense reading session i had mon-tues definately got me worked up/worried.

Trying to just let it "happen naturally" as the C's say, but boy that's trickier then one might have originally imagined.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Cyre2067 said:
所以我在飞机上做很多阅读也在场her day, In search is frustrating me b/c i can only understand about half the material with any clarity, im still not able to self ob correctly, nor often enough for me to see any results other then minor changes.
是的,我知道这个!我认为当一个initially begins self-work, there is the tendency to try and immediately attach goals and milestones to the process and try and "push" oneself to get there as quickly as possible. The big problem with this is that it may be contrary to the way that higher realities operate - it's not as simple as, "Do this much work, and I will reach this state within this time".

I find it interesting that so many meditation courses and New Age gimmicks seem to prey on this - "Learn to Remote View in 10 days!", "Meditate your way to bliss in 48 hrs!", "Attach these gold rings to your fingers and bells to your toes and become a virtuoso today!"

If所涉及的数学4 d水平相当于nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory, then it is possible that the underlying concepts and archetypes operate in similar ways. This implies that a great deal of work might be required for some people to reach the "tipping point" at which theirbeingchanges, whereas others may work in just the right way and achieve disproportionate results overnight. The C's have also hinted that effects may be cumulative over multiple lifetimes as well.

Then there is the question of knowing the state we even begin the Work with. It's unlikely to be consistent, although it seems that most people tend to be in a fairly sorry sort of shape when they decide to begin inner work - the "bankruptcy" experience comes to mind here.

Cyre2067 said:
而冥想我思考如果one is ready to grad to 4d but hasnt completed the work? I mean the goal of the work is that one becomes 4d, but you wouldnt need the wave to do it. So my question is what happens to 4D candidates whom havent completed the work, but are ready to grad?
Maybe this excerpt will help:

Session 941205 said:
Q: (L) What determines your assumptions?
A: Experience.
Q: (L) My experience of atoms is that they congregate in such a way as to form solid matter...
A: Every thing that exists is merely a lesson.
Q: (L) Okay, so once we have learned certain lessons, as in experience of certain things, then our assumptions change?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Okay, is this wave that is coming our direction going to give us an experience that is going to change our assumptions?
A: Catch 22: One half is that you have to change your assumptions in order to experience the wave in a positive way.
Q: (L) And what does this wave consist of in absolute terms?
A: Realm border.
Q: (L) Is that realm border as in a cut-off point between one reality and another?
A: Yes.
I'd recommend reading Session 960714 in its entirety, as well. Hope this helps in some way. :)
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