6 pro的阴谋论ved accurate



The Living Force
Article from the Croatian portal, quote:

6 pro的阴谋论ved accurate

AMERICAN GOVERNMENT behind the assassination of Martin Luther King

尽管美国政府本身不仅美化了国王,and uses it as sinomnim for racial tie, little is known to the Court of Memphis proclaimed government guilty of conspiracy and murder of Martin Luther King! Family King has filed a lawsuit in 1999, and after four weeks of listening to some 70 witnesses, the Court held that the Government, federal agencies and the Mafia orchestrated murder. Despite this bombastičnoj decision, King family has received compensation of only $ 100!

Americans are arming Mexican drug cartels

In the last 10 years in Mexico, there was a drastic increase in drug-related murders, and a large number of bloodshed was committed weapons originating in the United States. What is interesting about this story is that the US Government, or the ATF (United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) knowingly armed cartels over arms dealers that are controlled. The idea of ATF's Operation Fast and Furious, was followed over weapons to arrest the leaders of the cartel and thus destroy the cartels. None of go a little more ranking members was never arrested, and followed weapons were committed some heinous crimes on the territory of the United States!

Orchestrating terrorist attacks on their own population

During the 60s, the US military made a plan Operation Northwoods whose aim was to increase the support of Americans towards an eventual attack on Cuba. How to do this? With a series of terrorist attacks in major US cities, submerging the American ship and murder of the then US hero astronaut John Glenn !? Of course, for all the accused Cubans, but luckily the plan was given the then President JFK. For a long time this plan was an urban legend, to declassification pojeidnih writings in 1997 revealed that he was very real!

Deliberately infecting syphilis FOR EXPERIMENT

Today is the case of Tuskegeea well known as an example as any Government prepared to do its own population, but once among the people was present only on the assumption of "something is wrong". During almost 40 years, African-American men in the field Tuskageea are infected with syphilis, and deliberately not treated in order to make the study of how syphilis spreads and affects people. If not for the Second World War, and the tests that had to make those who wanted to join the army, probably none of them would not even know he was infected. At the end of the 399 infected men who died of their 128th

The occasion for the Vietnam War was invented

Just as it turned out that Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction, of which George Bush has never answered, the then President Lyndon Johsnon on 4 August 1968 of Americans released news that North Vietnam attacked an American ship in the Gulf of Tonkin. It was the straw that broke the Americans last straw, and Congress quickly voted to send troops to Vietnam. By 1973, the fighting in Vietnam lives are lost three million children, women and men, and when the NSA in 2005 removed the veil of secrecy from the file turned out to be no Vietnam ship was not in the bay, and that the attack on the USS Maddox never did not occur, but that is Hojsnonsvijesno deceived Congress in order to receive the required support.

Americans, they abolished the Nazi PROFESSIONALS

After the Second World War, President Truman approved Operation Paperclip which the Nazi scientists secretly transferred to the United States to assist in the development of their projects. While Truman wrote to all those who worked directly with the Nazis must be executed, the US military is "wipe out" their resumes to save them from certain death. The army thought it more important to realize devised projects than to kill them, and so even those who have played a major role in devising ways of killing Jews, ended up as advisors to the special projects of the US Army.
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