911 and the missing Gold?



In following the 911 day we understand tht planes were said to be highjacked and flown in the TWC building and that fire was stated to bring them down. Everything has centered around that scene without question. Then lets get to what could be a strange occurance.
http://www.sierratimes.com/archive/files/nov/01/arjj110101.htmNews Analysis by J.J. Johnson 11.01.01
There were federal and private vaults under and around the WTC towers that fell.
一篇文章TimesOnline gives the following rundown of precious metals that were being stored in the WTC vault belonging to Comex. 3

Comex metals trading - 3,800 gold bars weighing 12 tonnes and worth more than $100 million
Comex clients - 800,000 ounces of gold with a value of about $220 million
Comex clients - 102 million ounces of silver, worth $430 million
Bank of Nova Scotia - $200 million of gold
The TimesOnline article is not clear as to whether the $200 million in gold reported by the Bank of Nova Scotia was part of the $220 million in gold held by Comex for clients. If so, the total is $750 million; otherwise $950 million. If you try the timeonline now for the story you get a 404 sorry reply but it was cached so you can still read the article.
这是故事的一部分,但是我发现很难not people do not put this together.The gold, which was discovered on Tuesday, was being transported through the basement of the building on the morning of September 11. Recovery workers reached a service tunnel and discovered a ten-wheel lorry and a number of cars which had been crushed by falling steel. You will not find article that about this in america today everything has been wiped clean.

1. Below Ground Zero, Silver and Gold, New York Times, 11/1/2001
2. Thanksgiving at Ground Zero, National Real Estate Investor, [cached]
3. Crushed towers give up cache of gold ingots, TimesOnline, 11/1/02 [cached]
4. Cache of Gold Found at WTC Two truckloads retrieved through a tunnel in rubble2, [cached]
5. , Reuters and New York Daily News, [cached]

I think in our haste to understand 911 we have missed something, if 950 million dollars worth of gold was in the vaults in the twcs and 230 million was recovered then 720 million dollars is unaccounted for. Could a major gold heist have occurred prior to 911.

This is my first post here not sure how this is going to be handled here.
hi mondegreen, and welcome to the forum.

mondegreen said:
I think in our haste to understand 911 we have missed something
Could a major gold heist have occurred prior to 911.
the 'gold heist' idea is something that the guys on the 'Loose Change' video seems quite fond of - and perhaps its true? maybe there is more to this story, given the current economic manipulations, and the unique position gold has as a 'concrete' currency?

But thats just the money, its only the beginning, - since 9-11 George Bush and the puppet masters have been able tosay anything they like, and do anything they like, and they have changed the political (and social/economic/physical) climate of the entire planet, and are rapidly bringing mankind to the brink of absolute destruction. In light of that, a few hundred million dollars hardly seems that important (!) so I don't think its a case of having missed it in haste, rather that it is less productive a line of enquiry in the whole 9-11 scene - you can bet that there's going to be no traceable line of guilt back to anyone important, and even if there is, whatcha going to do about it? its no different to the lease and anti-terrorist insurance taken out against the WTC towers just before they were destroyed, or the Enron scandal, or the many other unpublicised incidents of daylight robbery: nothing is going to happen about it, in the current climate of lockdown, so it seems more important to find out 'who is doing the locking-down'.
Thanks Sleepvinny

The events we see are unfolding with great speed. For the NWO to substain itself it needs nurishment and that means cash. Bowing to them does not feed the engine but it does allowed them to continue their march. One main thought is the Wanta Question. Is that money hiding in many banks the fuel that drives the movement of everything we are witnessing with NWO, the war on terror and the movement in my opinion of one governemnt over all on earth. I still find it hard to believe 911 was just a day of terror. It was a movement of thought directed to a outcome planned in advance not by someone in a cave but by a committee of humans intent of developing power over others. I also think that they intend to build from the ashes of mankind a totally new and different plan for mankind or those that are left. I also hope that there are many others that see this and with hope intend to stop it. How it happens is a mystery because we cannot really predict the future, yet hope is a powerful weapon of society. The reality of truth is that things cannot be as we wish and in the end we accept what is real. Freedom is a great virtue of hope its not solid nor can you hold it in your hand. Its something that you feel in your mind and thats becomes a powerful weapon against the opposite that takes away hope.
In all about 911 and the war on terror and I am not sure how England feels but you are suffering not less tha pain and direction we in America are experiencing now. It feels like we are being taken on a snipe hunt, yes snipes are real marsh birds, but you have to know where they really are and what they really look like else you end up playing the fool as they had intended in the beginning.
The lockdown seems to be the people we trust and vote to protect us.
Plus least we forget that a possigble 160 billion in gold may have been in the vaults, does this incure that all of fort knoxs gold has disappeared!
mondegreen said:
I also think that they intend to build from the ashes of mankind a totally new and different plan for mankind or those that are left.
yeah, I think so too. not a pleasant prospect. Its an interesting window into their mentality, that they think its perfectly credible to 'build a new mankind from the ashes' using a big pile of gold. though not surprising really!

mondegreen said:
In all about 911 and the war on terror and I am not sure how England feels but you are suffering not less tha pain and direction we in America are experiencing now. It feels like we are being taken on a snipe hunt, yes snipes are real marsh birds, but you have to know where they really are and what they really look like else you end up playing the fool as they had intended in the beginning. The lockdown seems to be the people we trust and vote to protect us.
the people here in the UK are sleepwalking. they arejustas hypnotised as the American public. All this BS about how British media is so much more free, its rubbish. its just done in a different way - we are drowning in propaganda right now, and not all of it is as blatant as the recent airline scare crap. So most people see nothing wrong. For those who DO see something wrong, yes, it is very painful, but probably not in the same way as in the US, because as yet, life in Britiain doesn'tappearto have changed as much, since 911. The USA must have seemed to have flipped almost overnight. from the 'golden age' of the Clinton era - a big shock I imagine. Whether this superficial appearance actually reflected the underlying reality is a different question - obviously Clinton was still a part of the same scene, but the pathocracy was definitely more well hidden.

mondegreen said:
Plus least we forget that a possigble 160 billion in gold may have been in the vaults, does this incure that all of fort knoxs gold has disappeared!
It really is interesting to think just exactly what they intend to do with all this gold, once the entire economy blows up. If no one has any money at all, and we're all 100% economic slaves already, subject to a militant rule of law, then what difference does it make? Perhaps it is being used to prop up the US economy for as long as possible, to get more and more people spending/borrowing/manufacturing arms, so that when it finally falls it makes as big a bang as possible? maybe someone is building a great big hideaway somewhere, to cushion themselves from 'reality'?
Everyday I research the internet I think the information is just as informational as the tv. I find a new twist about the 911 trajedy, Even PM has come out with a second 911 myth buster dated 8-16-06 and its is very strange indeed. Everytime some new information pops up a new twist comes forward.
我住,看到肯尼迪被杀,月亮走,一直在the military spent 26 years in the DOD. I know what a lie is its whats in the Standing Operational Prodcedure at the time. Clinton was as much a part of 911 as Bush was and even more since he started the ball rolling with New laws but we also have to remember that the NWO started in Iran. It started with holding back the prisoners before the elections were over.
It reminds me of the jedi saga, those that really believed in justice was destroyed and a ruler to better things came into being, he did not do it on his own someone on the inside made it all possible through the use of hate. We are seeing that today 911 was the change and the news and papers and citizens are so filled with hate it controls them. I believe if they turned loose their anger then they can see the truth.
America my home I see it falling from grace and strength with hate.
something has to happen big or else all the chips played so far are for nothing.



One thing I have noticed about the gold picture and not sure if anyone has seen the picture but does it not try to stand out as this is it the gold.

lets say that each bar weights at the least 100 pounds each. two per stack and five stack per row with what three to four rows deep. lets see that about 4000 pds per pallet made of soft pine or spruce that are two by fours on the edge with a quarter inch plywood layer nailed. Lets also look to that there are stacks of six pallets to ten to even twelve per stack. six per stack is 24,000 pounds, ten is 40,000 pounds and 48,000 pounds. the six stack is about 7 ford f150s stacked on soft pine pallets, ten stack equals 13 plus trucks stacked on pallets that in the pictures do not seem to sage or sway or loose there robustness in staying firm with such a weight on them.

this is a offical released picture from a PBS series its states the gold bars weight 28 pounds but maybe they were talking about some other bars and if they are just silver bars they weight 70 pounds. Something about the pallets and gold just does not seem right. someone weigh in please.
mondegreen said:
我住,看到肯尼迪被杀,月亮走,一直在the military spent 26 years in the DOD.
Really? What did you do there? Just curious.
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