
Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
I've read "Mystery of the Cathedrals," and my local library has a copy of "Dwellings of the Philosophers." Now, not having read any other alchemical documents, these writings are pretty 'thick.' Does anyone have some "prerequisite" reading suggestions? I don't think I'll get as much out of "Dwellings" by just diving into it without being acquainted with the previous literature. Is there a reliable history of alchemical thought and writings? These are the titles I'm thinking about checking out. Are they worth while?

Eliade's "Forge and the Crucible"
Edinger's "Anatomy of the Psyche"
Marie-Louise von Franz's "Alchemy - an Introduction"
Jung's "Psychology and Alchemy"
Lyndy Abraham's "Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery"

Perhaps the Signs guys can get a reading list from Patrick Riviere? Or Laura, do you recommend these or other works?



FOTCM Member
Hi Harrison, I can't comment too much on the titles you suggest, but if you haven't read it yet, Laura's "Secret History of the World" would be a good all rounder. Other than that, if you haven't read them, you can also check out:

The True Identity of Fulcanelli and The Da Vinci Code



The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man: Part V-c: The Fulcanelli Phenomenon


We currently have one of Patrick Riviere's books in the process of being translated, simply titled: "Fulcanelli". Should be available this spring.

I'll ask Laura to chime in if she has any other suggestions

Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
Thanks for the suggestions, Joe. I've already read those files by Laura, and I reread Laura's Fulcanelli article when it was updated. I just wanted some background material to form a 'foundation' for the insights of Fulcanelli, Laura, Patrick, etc. I'm looking forward to 'Fulcanelli!' (that reminds me, I say this at amazon:
Has anyone checked out this book yet?)


The Living Force

Dubois's book about Fulcanelli is pure character assassination. She argues that Fulcanelli didn't exist; he was a committee of three people, Pierre Dujols, the owner of a popular Parisian occult bookstore, Jean-Julian Champagne, who did the illustrations of Fulcanelli's books, and Eugène Canseliet. Along the way she slurs both Champagne and Canseliet. The whole point of the book is to give the credit for Fulcanelli's work to Schwaller!

This is a book to be avoided, unless one wants an prime example of disinfo.

Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
Thanks, Henry. That's the impression I got reading the synopsis. It's really unfortunate (and a sign of the times I guess) that when you search Fulcanelli on amazon the only other sources you get are garbage. The timing is pretty curious as well. Close after Laura publishes her Fulcanelli article and a few months before RPP releases Patrick's book, the only source available to the mainstream is lies.


FOTCM Member
Well, one thing that I find useful when studying any subject is to first try to get the history of the subject. In that way, you have a context in which to place the subject itself. For example, learning about the history of ancient times gives us a context in which to understand the creation of religion as an outgrowth of particular needs - be they political, or societal.

Years ago I read most of the original Hermetic texts that had been translated into English. This wasn't very satisfying because it was all mostly what seemed to be gobbeldygook. And sure, there's a hustler around every corner who is going to try to convince you that HE and he alone, can interpret this for you if you will just give him your faith (and probably some money, too). Well, ya'll should know by now that I had sufficient experiences with so-called "experts" to hold them highly suspect. The real expert doesn't go around saying "I'm the expert," he shows it by his work and attention to detail, and by making it possible for you, too, to see the evidence clearly, and to invite you to make your own conclusions. A real expert will even say: here is what I have found with all my work, look at it please, and if you find an error in my reasoning, or if you can add more data that changes the picture, I will be happy to change my opinion.

Having said that, Frances A. Yates has written a very good book entitled "Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition." (University of Chicago Press). It is packed with historical details and asides. Another of my favorites is "Gnosis and Hermeticism From Antiquity to Modern Times" edited by Roelof van Den Broek and Wouter J. Hanegraaff. (SUNY) Then there is "The Egyptian Hermes: A historical approach to the late pagan mind" by Garth Fowden. (Princeton) Then you can move on to "Hermetica: The Greek Corpus Hermeticum and the Latin Asclepius in a new English translation" by Brian Copenhaver. (Cambridge)

My general impression at this point is pretty much as I wrote in Secret History: there is a definite single origin for ancient Siberian Shamanism, Esoteric Christianity, Gnosticism, Alchemy and some Hermetica. You have to read all of this to really begin to be able to weed out the glosses and distortions and see the golden threads that can be picked out of the fabric of either deliberate obfuscation or ignorance. (mostly ignorance.)

For example: many alchemists make much of Paracelsus. I don't think much of him at all. He was a puffer, as Fulcanelli would have said. The evidence is clear in his attitude toward women. No true Hermeticist can BE one without displaying the corresponding understanding of the feminine creative role and capabilities.

As to Eliade's "Forge and the Crucible," a big yes on that one. And don't forget Jesse' Weston's work on the Grail either.

Jeffrey of Troy

hkoehli: At my website, I put the results of my experience with the Work in an article "Alchemy 4 Dummies" in Jan 2005 archive. Maybe it would help you? Clues there too.

Also in Jan 2005 archive is "The 1 True Religion" , kind of a companion piece to Alchemy, apropos of what LKJ said about women. has tons o' stuff.

And, if you haven't yet, be sure to read "Magnetite" by K.A.H.
Approaching Infinity

Approaching Infinity

FOTCM Member
Laura said:
Well, one thing that I find useful when studying any subject is to first try to get the history of the subject. In that way, you have a context in which to place the subject itself. For example, learning about the history of ancient times gives us a context in which to understand the creation of religion as an outgrowth of particular needs - be they political, or societal.
Thanks, Laura! I just happen to be taking a course at my university called "Witchcraft and the Occult" that is pretty much a history of magic, albeit a pretty introductory one. My professor also expressed his thoughts on Paracelsus' sexism and his ego (he let his fellow lecturers/professors know how superior he was to them). It's an interesting course, and the topic I'm doing for my essay is Gnosticism and initiation in the movie "Dark City." Should be fun!




I want to make a few comments since the articles here stimulate much thought. I've only read articles on the sites listed and have not gotten into the forum, so I hope these thoughts are not too divergent with the material here. I really don't know what category would be most appropriate, so I put them here.

I want to refer to potential alchemical technology. Alchemy and other esoteric knowledge seems to be transtemporal and adaptive to the particular paradigm sustaining capability of any period. Although ancient knowledge is ultimately of a revelatory nature, and not to be understimated, it is still even in its transcendental symbolism tied to the character of other time periods and conditions.

Up to now the scientific paradigm has evolved as the "official" authority of reality. Actually, our times are changing in that we have many paradigms side by side regardless whether the official establishment accepts very few of them as worthy of mention.

The current times are characterized by turbulence in the collective psychic field, a high degree of information flow where many givens seems to be under transformation. This is scary, but it can also be thrilling, and to many people (including me) it is both.

In any case, paradigm boundaries are dissolving. And what may have seemed like endless abysses between them are also under a tendency to bring their opposing ends into continuity. I find it hard to believe that all of this in a highly complex and living reality system such as our planetary scenario is without a goal or at least an attractor corresponding to the chaos.

Alchemy and all esoteric knowledge are usually viewed in the context of time frames where what they have to offer is only for the "chosen". Of course understanding, bringing to light and applying these princliples requires both a certain predisposition and a certain perspective, not to mention the divine or transpersonal factor.

I believe that those who feel it is part of their purpose to bring to light esoteric understandings will also come to a place where they will generate or conduct the light that will shine upon the truths to distill their value. This means, in my view, not just decoding the truths themselves but decoding the current (scientific) paradigm so that these truths can be born again in a new and fresh form free from ancient and modern bias.

This dynamic goes hand in hand with the real uncompromised application of these truths in "mainstream" society as "technologies", given that the very meaning of the word technology is transformed free of its current life-denying implications.

On example is the application of the knowledge to create "dimensional gates". I do not know what else to call them, but from my own application adventures I can say that "dimensional gates" are tied to harmonically tuned complex standing waves in combined magnetic and electrostatic fields, permeating crystalline dielectric materials (and using gold as the primary metallic conductor), and modulated through equally complex (musical) sound fields. These can be compatible with the human energy field. Perhaps such a configuration can "tone" these openings.

A "gate" in ancient times may have had to be a huge structure that could be activated under particular environmental conditions, by certain individuals in a certain ritualistic context. Today, due to the positive contributions of the scientific paradigm (a proverbial double edged sword of Damocles as well), we may be able to skip the parameters necessary for "gate" activation in other periods.

One can call this modern Merkabah Chariot technology. In my view bringing to light ancient wisdom is part of the equation, the other half being the evolution of the scientific paradigm itself so that it can be the true "mate" of the revived esoteric understanding. After all they are of the same essence, and it seems the two currently conficting aspects are meant to constitute a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

It is interesting that the European religious and political status quo resisted science up until it ceased to concern itself with esoteric matters. Science and the esoteric have become like Romeo and Juliet (their respective families fighting to keep them apart), and convention would have us believe they will have the same fate.

Given that these two paradigms can merge into a collectively digestible and liberating understanding (I mean if people have at times accepted one or the other why not a fusion of both?), we are in for a grand period of inspiration grounding into application. Given the state of our times, can such technology (or meta-technology) go mainstream? Beyond the propagation of knowledge, can we move into abject application without generating "stress ripples" in the collective field, persecutions and defensive reactions?

可以启发人们熟练地应用本质of evolutionary understandings play trickster and seed society with meta-technoligical applications (that would seem more like functional art and not as far out as one might imagine), getting people used to the basics without having to resort to newagey claims (not needed when something really works)?

Up to now, anything of the nature of creative application has had the potential of being corrupted, and most of the time has been. There is much inspiration flowing into this planet these days (most of it under a cloud cover of fear/psychic turbulence). Many people do have the potential of precipitating fundamental keys of understanding and many have solidified those keys to a great extent. These keys may represent the same essence, but their forms are many and varied.

在某种程度上,有人会发现Merkabah Chariot technology in terms compatible with modern capabilities in a response-able destiny-coherent fashion, and move to apply it in such a way as to avoid status quo backlash. The implications are that with such meta-technology (functional art) the adverse influences on the human psychosomatic complex can be "dimensionally" filtered out. I am not saying this would be a permanent experience, for that would not respect the real laboratory of evolution, which is the human body.

I am saying that if one can sustain a communion field and filter out adverse influences, the bioenergetic matrix may be able to awaken its natural potentials and sustain them under the current environmental influences. The resistance/inertia of a planet bathed in electro-pollution and 6.5 billion people in abject confusion may actually have increased the adaptability of the human bioenergetic field as well as its inherent strength.

我相信现状涉足多this field (in fact I met people- over a decade ago- working with the US government in attempts to enchance "psychic abilities" using pulsed electromagnetic fields- and they dropped it because they didn't like what the "stimulation" brought to the surface). It is true that unless you know what you are doing (and are free from power issues) the results may not be to your liking. This includes alleged applications of "scalar wave" technology.

Poking and prodding a living terrestrial and trans-terrestrial system in a manner serving entropy may at best do nothing and at worst create a reaction. Reality is alive, in my view, and is not completely "helpless" especially when certain lines are crossed. On the other hand, that same reality invites us to freely enter its mysteries when we are coherent with evolutionary purpose.

Certain directions realize they cannot breach certain barriers, and at the same time those same barriers are doorways that need to be entered in a creation-coherent manner. Certain directions believe they can just wait for a well meaning sucker to come up with an application or "key" and take it from them to use it for their own ends.

These directions are, however, very short sighted and cannot see (let alone sustain as a living presence within) the bigger picture involved. Those who believe they are controlling the situation perhaps do not realize that they are also part of a greater system, sandwitched between two or more evolutionary domains (one of which is 3-D reality), believing they are in control while really inertially reacting to the evolutionary pressures of the greater system.

It is interesting that the brunt of collective pressure involves convincing people that they are powerless. A lot of energy is invested in threats, far more than in actual oppressive action (although I do not want to diminish the raw presence of physical suffering on this planet).

In a free creation all possibilities must be potential probabilities, and the ability to keep what we do not want in the undifferentiated void (or "non-existent") state and manifest what we do want is a paramount condition of creative freedom. This creative filtering is not denial, as denial is a turning away and refusal to confront an impending probability. Denial presupposes a lack of self-acceptance, while true choice is based on acceptance.

One might consider that evolution may also be moving from more generalized dimensional capabilities to more refined or manifest ones. Certainly discrimination and differentiation (the hallmarks of free choice and manifest wave coherence out of potential) are very prominent qualities in more concentrated ("limited") dimensionalities.

As the small wants to be great, it is possible that the great also wants to be small, so that new potential may result from their unconditioned merger. Such a new potential may be a natural branching into unknown territory that constitutes a great adventure for both ends of the time loop (as long as they integrate the entropic gap that seprates them). For a new branch to sprout in the great tree of being, it may be necessary for the temporal diameter of its frontier (outer bark) to achieve circular continuity.

Perhaps the All in One seeks to be One in All at the same time, while maintaining full differentiated coherence for maximum relationship. Obviously, any new step requires the full probability spectrum involving it to be addressed, including the "meaningless".

The significance of the number seven was mentioned in some articles. For me the number seven is best represented as six points on a circle and one in the center. The symmetric harmony of 6 defines the objective (or rather the probability membrane of objective interface) and the center is the indwelling subjective. The six points on the circle can be viewed as two interpenetrating triangles, a merger of polar harmonics in the outer world with the indwelling essence as their balance.

One view claims that the major arcana tarot cards actually represent archteypes fromed from the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, corresponding to elemental, planetary and zodiac symbols. The first card (The Fool) would be formed by the letter aleph. The Golden Dawn system has designated this card with a zero numeric.

In a way, this is not wrong since it symbolizes the integrity of Primal Cause, which is aleph. In this case, zero represents former completion upon which a new evolution is founded. We are not beginning from "nothing" but from a previous foundation (existential loop), which is causal to our current path. Since "reality" is our system of evolving existence (which includes every dimensional parameter that affects it beyond that initial causality), aleph as a prior effect now manifesting as primal cause seems like a beginning out of nothing.

Whether an ultimate Primal Cause exists or not is beside the point since we are dealing with the issues of a contained system and cannot (and on some level probably do not choose to) go beyond it until we resolve the issues challenging its completion or circle closure.

Even if complete unto itself, primal cause is still part of our "all that is", as its relative beginning. Aleph has a number one designated to it, and if we give The Fool a corresponding number "one" designation then we must add a number to every tarot card that follows it. The seventh card then corresponds to the seventh Hebrew letter, which is Zain (the sword). The sword represents choice. The card is the Lovers.

Choice involves the precipitation or "collapse" of a wave form out of the undifferentiated field of probabilities. Regardless of deliberation or intention collapse occurs upon contact between a subject and the probability field. "What" collapses or the resulting form of the collapsed wave constitutes the choice (its outcome, if you will).

金色黎明描绘的卡片,一个男性element looks toward a female element, and she looks up toward an angelic being. One can consider the male element as the active dynamic of choosing, the female element as incubating the precipitating pattern so as to birth it as manifest, and the angelic element as the probability source field.

A Hebrew word for gold is Zahab (letters ZHB). If Z is the factor of choice, H means the dynamic of life and designates that choice as living. B (Bith) is the letter meaning containment and is feminine in its symbolic nature (it is represented by a glyph representing a house or a tent or even a vulva).

Thus, The Lovers does not signify just any choice, but the living choice contained in the feminine element (otherwise it would be simply the male and the angel- which is a mistake many are making when not considering the feminine element as primary). The Lovers represents the birth of living yin-compatible choice, and that meaning coincides with the meaning of gold.

A hexagon has a side equal to the radius of the circle in which it is inscribed. As such a hexagon defines a circle and is defined by it. When you place a center in that circle you have seven points harmonically placed. The centered circle glyph represents the golden sun.

After 1, 2 and 3, primaries such as 5, 7, 11, 13 and 17 can be respectively depicted as a centered square, a centered hexagon, a centered decagon etc, each with its own mystic significance keyed to the relation between the indwelling center and the outer symmetric polygon.

Eleven is interesting. The decagon can be seen as two intersecting five-pointed stars. To master 11 one would need to balance the upward star with the downward pointing one without losing the center. After twenty this gets complicated, but it seems the primaries up to and including 19 reveal some interesting dynamics when viewed in this manner.

Anyway, these are simply thoughts or meditations stimulated by some of your articles I thought I would share. As such, I am greatful for the availability of the material that has provided such food for thought.

I also want to say that I believe that creative necessity will inspire many people in directions of directly applying key understandings in a way that will be absorbed by the mainstream, simply because the time is right (or is rapidly moving in that direction, given the probability-magnetizing nature of collective need). One hears all kinds of stories of inventors being persecuted. Perhaps, however, they invented in an environment of complacent sheep and arrogant "shepherds".

Now the sheep are not so comfortable and the shepherds not so secure (regardless of their presentation), and there is a silent cry for SOMETHING coming from the human collective that was not so strong before.

One article in the Casseopean sites described the situation in Nazi Germany as being a precourser for the current state of affairs, like a trial run. Perhaps in a greater temporal context the esoteric technology of the ancients was also a precourser for something that will be emerging in the not so far future, this time without "payoff".

Thank's for providing the context and opportunity for these ideas to come forth.


Definite food for thought for me EsoQuest. Thank you for your contribution.



Greetings, Harrison!

I have found John Read’s well written “Prelude to Chemistry” to be a highly enjoyable introduction to the history of alchemy. It was published by The Macmillan Company in 1937. To give you a taste of his style, here’s how he introduces his topic (page xix):

“这本书已经自然偶尔lectures of a historical kind which the author has delivered to general audiences. It does not profess to add to the formal literature of historical chemistry [nB. Read was a chemistry professor at St. Andrews in Scotland and at the University of Sydney], of which assuredly there is no lack; nor does it provide a cut-and-dried account, in exhaustive detail, of the origin and development of chemistry. It’s aim is rather to offer a bird’s eye view of chemistry’s precursor, alchemy, followed by closer glimpses of certain fields of that richly colored panorama of the ages. ‘Thus with imagined wing our swift scene flies’ from the temples of ancient China and Egypt to the gloomy cells of the ‘puffers’, the cities, mines and monasteries of mediaeval Europe, and the laboratories of Boyle and Lavoisier.”

The book has a number of good illustrations, and what I especially appreciated was that he would often explain the symbolism of the illustration. I got the impression that Professor Read was more than just a little interested in alchemy, and aware that it was more than just the superstitions of a pre-scientific age. If you’re looking for an introduction and overview—by no means an initiatory text—check it out.

And you also might want to check out the fabulous French site Croire Savoir Imaginer

I myself have but a smattering of French, but this site is so lavishly illustrated as to take my breath away. It contains hundreds and hundreds of images and pictures I have never seen anywhere else. It makes me want to learn French yesterday just to read it. And if you know French....

Best regards,

Craig Sanchez


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

The significance of the number seven was mentioned in some articles. For me the number seven is best represented as six points on a circle and one in the center. The symmetric harmony of 6 defines the objective (or rather the probability membrane of objective interface) and the center is the indwelling subjective. The six points on the circle can be viewed as two interpenetrating triangles, a merger of polar harmonics in the outer world with the indwelling essence as their balance.

One view claims that the major arcana tarot cards actually represent archteypes fromed from the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, corresponding to elemental, planetary and zodiac symbols. The first card (The Fool) would be formed by the letter aleph. The Golden Dawn system has designated this card with a zero numeric.

In a way, this is not wrong since it symbolizes the integrity of Primal Cause, which is aleph. In this case, zero represents former completion upon which a new evolution is founded. We are not beginning from "nothing" but from a previous foundation (existential loop), which is causal to our current path. Since "reality" is our system of evolving existence (which includes every dimensional parameter that affects it beyond that initial causality), aleph as a prior effect now manifesting as primal cause seems like a beginning out of nothing.

Whether an ultimate Primal Cause exists or not is beside the point since we are dealing with the issues of a contained system and cannot (and on some level probably do not choose to) go beyond it until we resolve the issues challenging its completion or circle closure.

Even if complete unto itself, primal cause is still part of our "all that is", as its relative beginning. Aleph has a number one designated to it, and if we give The Fool a corresponding number "one" designation then we must add a number to every tarot card that follows it. The seventh card then corresponds to the seventh Hebrew letter, which is Zain (the sword). The sword represents choice. The card is the Lovers.

Choice involves the precipitation or "collapse" of a wave form out of the undifferentiated field of probabilities. Regardless of deliberation or intention collapse occurs upon contact between a subject and the probability field. "What" collapses or the resulting form of the collapsed wave constitutes the choice (its outcome, if you will).

金色黎明描绘的卡片,一个男性element looks toward a female element, and she looks up toward an angelic being. One can consider the male element as the active dynamic of choosing, the female element as incubating the precipitating pattern so as to birth it as manifest, and the angelic element as the probability source field.

A Hebrew word for gold is Zahab (letters ZHB). If Z is the factor of choice, H means the dynamic of life and designates that choice as living. B (Bith) is the letter meaning containment and is feminine in its symbolic nature (it is represented by a glyph representing a house or a tent or even a vulva).

Thus, The Lovers does not signify just any choice, but the living choice contained in the feminine element (otherwise it would be simply the male and the angel- which is a mistake many are making when not considering the feminine element as primary). The Lovers represents the birth of living yin-compatible choice, and that meaning coincides with the meaning of gold.

A hexagon has a side equal to the radius of the circle in which it is inscribed. As such a hexagon defines a circle and is defined by it. When you place a center in that circle you have seven points harmonically placed. The centered circle glyph represents the golden sun.

After 1, 2 and 3, primaries such as 5, 7, 11, 13 and 17 can be respectively depicted as a centered square, a centered hexagon, a centered decagon etc, each with its own mystic significance keyed to the relation between the indwelling center and the outer symmetric polygon.

Eleven is interesting. The decagon can be seen as two intersecting five-pointed stars. To master 11 one would need to balance the upward star with the downward pointing one without losing the center. After twenty this gets complicated, but it seems the primaries up to and including 19 reveal some interesting dynamics when viewed in this manner.

Anyway, these are simply thoughts or meditations stimulated by some of your articles I thought I would share. As such, I am greatful for the availability of the material that has provided such food for thought.

Hi EsoQuest (Orri?), All,

Your thoughts bring the following thoughts to mind: If the hexagon defines a circle, what would a heptagon define? If as you have abstractively envisioned, we give the number one to the 'fool' which then numerates the 'Lovers' as the number 7, what if the heptagon as something to do with the card 'Lovers' rather then the hexagon? There is something curious the C's had said about the "court of seven" which has kept my mind 'naggingly' occupied:

July 26, 1997 F****, Laura
Q: What is the meaning of 'The Widow's Son?'
The implication?
A: Stalks path of wisdom incarnate.
Q: Why is this described as a Widow's son?
This was the appellation of Perceval...
A: Perceval was knighted in the court of
Q: The court of seven what?
A: Swords points signify crystal transmitter of
truth beholden.
Q: What is the relationship between Perceval,
Paran Sikarios, the Assassini, and Ishmael, the
son of Hagar, at the well of the mirror?
A: Spear of Destiny.
Q: Are the Ishmaelis the carriers of the true
bloodline, and the line of Isaac and Jacob, the
Supplanter, the carriers of the monotheistic
covenant, are the false line?
A: Close.
Q: Are the Ishmaelis also the carriers of the
knowledge of levitation, the cult of the head or
the skull...
A: Try to connect to the Templars.
Q: Did the Templars discover the secrets of
the Ishmaelis, the Assassini, and is this what
they carried into Europe, and then
A: Buried in Galle.
Q: Okay, discovered that one of the Percy
estates was called 'Alnwick,' which startled
me a bit after tracking wicks all over the
place. But, what is the meaning of 'Alnwick?'
A: Discover. Invert. Allan. Check Hebrew
root of Allan.

I don't know how they got "Allan" out of 'Alnwick'! Invert what? "Allan" to "Nalla"?!? ....Can you please help with this one with a clue or a possible explanation? Where can I check the root of Allan in Hebrew...? Do you possibly know of an etymology website that might help with this Hebrew root of Allan? I can't seem to find one.

August 22, 1998
Q: (L) The Pyramid Texts also talk about the
'Duat.' What is this?
A: Scene of martyrdom.
Q: (L) They also talk about the 'Seven Sages.'
You once said that Perceval was 'knighted in
the Court of Seven' and that the sword's points
signify 'crystal transmitter of truth beholden.'
Do these seven sages relate to this 'Court of
Seven' that you mentioned?
A: Close.
Q: (L) When you said 'swords points signify
crystal transmitter of truth beholden,' could
you elaborate on that remark?
A: Has celestial meaning.
Q: (L) Also since the layout of the pyramids
and the Sphinx seems to indicate that the
constellation of Leo is in some way very
significant, does this relate in any way to your
remark that your 'next stop: Leo,' that we
should 'call Leo?'
A: Getting warmer.

Now, I don't currently know much about these Arcana cards and their various interpreted Symbolisms because I have not really studied the material as of yet, but still, I found the following little excerpt from this site curious in relation to the C's saying "Getting warmer" in regards to "Leo" AND in association to what you have already abstracticatly envisioned in order to associate the number 7 to the Arcana Card, "The Lovers":

Male/Female: Also Fire/Water and Leo/Scorpio: Representative of polarities

所以“狮子座”出现在“情人”关系the above excerpt - just a rare coincidence? And IF there is a significance to this latter association, well, of course, I currently can't say due to lack of data; therefore, I am just going leave it at that for now, and go back to consideration of the heptagon. There is Gurdjieff's law of Heptaparaparshinokh, with the heptagon I think being likely the "hepta" of the "Heptaparaparshinokh". Now IF the latter speculation is correct, I wonder what the rest might be related to. Hmm "para" might relate to the " "feminine" creative thought of "Thou, I Love" in giving 'birth' bilaterally to matter, and maybe its 'reflection' in 1D is "diatomic molecules"...hmm "bilaterally...the C's did say the following in relevance to the latter:

December 21, 1996 F****, Laura, AK
Q: (L) But, just a clue: how does thought
become matter?
A: Bilaterally.
Q: (L) What do you mean by "bilaterally?"
A: Dual emergence.
Q: (L) Emergence into what and what?
A: Not "into what and what," but rather, "from
what and to what."
Q: (L) What emerges from what?
A: The beginning emerges from the end, and
vice versa.

Anyways, now the "par" might relate to some sort of interruption of continuity - hmm, 'intervals', or octaves??..."shin" might relate to the shins (?), knees (?), ankles (?), "Shepherds of Arcadia" (?), or say perhaps the prime number 23, which would be following Arcana,, ONLY IF we set the 'fool' card to number 1 using your current abstract formulations above? And then "okh", hmm it might relate to "diminutive" as in a single extermely 'small' 'point' of 'origin' which is also yet an exteremely 'Grand' 'point' of 'origin' - "the beginning emerges from the end, and vice versa"?!? Well, anyways, just some ideas for the moment... but regardless of latter wild speculations, then there is the relation to the number seven in the following excerpt by the C's, which I would throw caution to the winds and go ahead and say that you are most PROBABLY familiar with:

April 29, 1995 Frank, Laura, TR and JR
A: "Point" is 3rd density concept, and you
need "refresher" course!
Q: (T) Remedial Cassiopaean. (L) Well, I am
just trying to understand what this whole thing
is all about. What are we getting at here?
A: Then learn from what we communicate to
you and what you already have "locked up"
inside of you i.e. time to get the key!
Q: (L) Do we have to look at our own stuff
this way? (J) Does this have anything to do
with the fact that Laura just spent the past day
and a half...
A: Please stop trying to "push" us this way and
that, and just learn freely.
Q: (L) What I think is, maybe everybody does
this, right now on the planet. There are always
different groups that are forming connections
with other people with whom they share an
alternate reality. (J) In other words, we are all
被彼此吸引吗?(F)国际扶轮ght. That
makes sense. (L) In which case, what alternate
reality do we share or do we share no
alternate reality and are each representatives
of an alternate reality different from each other
and are a connection point?
A: Latter concept is exactly correct!
Q: (T) We are what is common to each other
in our group?
A: What did we say about increasing power?
Q: (L) So, in other words, each one of us is
connected to our own reality and groups of our
own realities and...
A: Read back now JR.
Q: (L) I have heard the concept, written or
talked about, that certain people, or perhaps
everybody, have locked up inside themselves
pockets of energy or knowledge as in
electromagnetic patterning in their fields...
A: Like putting together the pieces of the
Q: (L) We are the pieces of the puzzle? (J)
Yeah, we've known that.
A: Draw on a piece of paper one
perpendicular intersection.
Q: [We get paper and draw figure.] (L) Like
A: No, make it like an upside down "T"
Q: (L) Okay, this is it. [Draws figure] Now...
A: Use next page, and this time draw it near
but not at lower left corner.
Q: (L) Is that okay?
A: That is at llc. Too close.
Q: [We try again.]
A: Make it much smaller.
Q: [We try again] (L) Is that okay?
A: Close to center.
Q: [We try again.] (L) Is that better?
A: Now, connect to another.
Q: (T) Above it or below it?
A: Make it slightly different angle.
Q: [We try.] (L) Like that?
A: Try again.
Q: [TR tries] (T) I think I am getting what they
want. (L) Is that it?
A: No.
Q: [TR tries again]
A: Connect bases.
Q: [TR tries again] (L) Why don't you just
draw it on the board for us? [Clamps pencil
next to planchette on piece of paper] Okay
guys, draw! [The planchette draws the figure.]
A: Continue...
Q: (J) Is it a spiral?
A: No.
Q: [TR draws figure which looks like polygon
with perpendicular extensions to each side.] Is
that the idea?
A: Now, circularize base. Now enclose with
outer circle. Now, make clean copy on another
Q: (J) Is this a crop circle?
A: Has been done, yes. Designates union of
perpendicular realities.

Now on CassChat forum in the 'past', within Message 23381, I mentioned that I think that the C's are talking about the following crop cricle which is a heptagon, and I've just realized that the Enneagram is also a heptagon, sort of:

And I think the following crop circle might relate to the law of Heptaparaparshinokh and the "law of Triamazikamno":

So anyways, it is getting late, and so I am just pondering, do you think that maybe I am on to something here with the notion of the possible connection of the heptagon to the card of "The Lovers", or maybe you think I am to far on the "left field" on this one?

Anyways, thank you for sharing your thoughts - they were indeed much "food for thought"...




Jedi Council Member
I have a question that was nagging at me as I was going to sleep last night. Do translated alchemical texts, specifically those of fulcanelli, retain their cabalistic "potency"?

同样,谁能推荐书籍跟踪etymological history of words?




FOTCM Member
The primary definition of kabbalh is: "a medieval and modern system of Jewish theosophy, mysticism, and thaumaturgy marked by belief in creation through emanation and a cipher method of interpreting Scripture"

So, perhaps that was not what you mean??? Can you be more precise iny your question?


Jedi Council Member
ark said:
The primary definition of kabbalh is: "a medieval and modern system of Jewish theosophy, mysticism, and thaumaturgy marked by belief in creation through emanation and a cipher method of interpreting Scripture"

So, perhaps that was not what you mean??? Can you be more precise iny your question?
By cabalistic, I was referring to the green language (language of the birds) spoken of by fulcanelli, and expounded upon by laura in her essays relating the the grail etc., as opposed to the "tradition" of jewish mysticism.


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