Born of New Age Psychosis



Note: Something I wrote on my site. Certainly it IS open to criticism as I still have a mountain of knowledge to obtain. Just something I thought to share, sadly the links are missing. Here is a link to the original with links

by: Steve M.

I've always been seeking truth. I've spent a good deal of my life since well before puberty in the search of it. As a young boy I'd even get out a belt and beat myself on my back, caught in my own weird drama of privately humiliating myself before the piece of plastic on some cross looking thing depicting Jesus crucified. Having grown up the quest has not changed though I don't need to beat myself with a belt to find what I seek. Regardless of my own views or religious views my point is in trying to understand my own psychosis so as to be able to be honest with myself thereby learn to be able to be honest with others.
Do you ever think about how you treat people? Do you ever acknowledge the fact that your often only looking out for your own self interests? I think that back a few hundred years things weren't as they are today. For example there used to be terms that were often used like neighborly, thoughtful, considerate and noble, terms not often in use in this here part of north America.
What happened, how did We All become so selfish, greedy, ignoble and thoughtless of and toward our neighbor? Is it due to the Hodge Podge of Hunky Dory? Things these days are not so honky dory it seems.
We are born into this society full of these forces that teach us the tricks of self importance and self love but in all of that why are we unable to fight against these things? Why do we allow ourselves to deceive our good intentions and natures? It seems the answer is in the fact that everyone is already compromised to a great degree. Everywhere you look you can find someone who will be happy to spit in your face or claim to know your wrong about anything and everything under the sun.
Religions are nice, but as we can see in this world of war, they have allowed themselves to be steering the sheep toward anything but greener pastures and seemingly more toward slaughter and destruction. Maybe the Road to hell is paved by their good intentions. I'm not going to go further on religion cause it never really caught on with me as it lacked what I thought was 'the great experience, some mystical thing' like Jesus referred to in terms of being "born again." Besides the Churches simply enjoy playing God without offering spiritual sustenance in my opinion. So where to go from there to find the answers?..
Well where the hell else? The same place all the seekers go- The New Age movement! Oh and let me tell you they've got all the answers! Oh yeah like here you are a simple person who just wants some simple honest answers and boy are you an easy target! Get results with yoga, meditation, ritual magic(k), gain the ancient wisdom of the Ancients, find your higher self, talk with your guardian angel, get bogged down and confused so much in your quest that you too will not know your head from your ass!
This lead me for about 20 years into "the land of the Lost." Raise your hand ask a question and I will say something like, well here check this out and in the end you will instead of getting the answer simply become more confused and in fear of raising your hand. Then of course there are the messiahs out there, manipulating for money, selling you ideas and false concepts they themselves make up and create the rules for. They say things like, you don't need the answer if you were truly of this or that mind set the answer would come to you on wings as it rains flower petals from the sky and the rivers will turn to wine. BSBSBSBSBS!
毕竟这在美国创建了精神病the few who are left struggling to find an oasis in a desert of lies and deception keep trudging along and hope that some light responds in this mass market of selling 100% failed sure fire cures, happy thoughts and love and light fantasies. This Oasis awaits you too. Are you ready to splash your thirsty ass in truth? Will you recognize it when it is slapping you awake or just simply feel attacked cause your opinions about reality are crushed under the weight of truth?
Certainly your experiences are not mine. I have recently in the last couple years found an oasis that challenged all of my preconceived notions about reality. I lost. There is a 4th way in which the average wo/man can identify his/her mechanicalness in this Matrix control system. While I am far from 'getting it all' I have certainly been challenged and recognize (to a small degree) simply that:

"Men are machines who are not responsible for their actions. We cannot do. With us everything happens." -George Gurdjieff

I've never worked so hard in my life to take in information. The most difficult part I have discovered with all my faulty wiring is simply being honest with myself. We all run programs constantly and those programs become part of who with 'think' we are. As an example I think I am cooler than you cause I have bla amount of dollars in my pocket and you have none. I might even take you to the store and buy myself something and not even consider offering you anything, unless of course you ask.. see what I mean there? My own selfish desire to control you is so part of me that I 'need you to ask, I need you to be under my control by asking cause it makes me feel 'better' than you.'
Maybe my metaphor's suck but give it some honest thought and see the 1,000's of other things we all do which is helping to spread an unfavorable, greedy and selfish psychopathic mindset across the world stage. There is no denying it is there.
Here is maybe another way of putting it. Right now with Congress at around a 25% approval rating one may ask, "why is congress being viewed so poorly by the public?" It's simple, they are not doing the work of, for, nor by the people. The reason is due to the fact that they have sold out to the corporate money hand-outs and are no longer concerned with anything but the thickness of their wallets. Their oaths mean nothing to them if they have all these cash cows to feed off of. I recall about a year ago had a vote to see what the people thought of lobbyists and if the Government should pass a law against them. The public in a vote to the tune of 87% of over 150,000 people said Lobbying should be against the law, did congress listen?
新出生的纯净,简单和真实的。这是国防less against its environment, it's parents and the world. Growing up without leadership it will learn to do as it pleases. In such an example in our busy world where mom and dad are always at work or at home arguing their differences but never how to work together to solve them, due to their own greed, desires wishes and wants most kids have grown up with no one. If everyone in general is a manipulator how will this kid ever care about or discover truth, let alone be able to allow him or herself to acknowledge it? If everyone else out there is lying to each other and themselves about our reality then we raise kids to do just the same. I realized long ago there is only one kind of lie and it ain't little and white or big and black it is a lie naked and bare.
You can judge the above anyway you like, you can tell yourself I am full of shit, though in actuality I am becoming skinnier as I am unstuffing myself of the shit as I learn to identify the sad mental state of my fellow man and communal environment.
In closing I just want to say the world seems to be sliding down the shi**er, while stuffing down another handful of anti-depressants, hoping to rob their neighbor while doing their neighbors opposite (sex), all the while completely asleep behind the wheel, living as subjective fools in their thoughts, actions and deeds, all the while wishing they were something they are not, unaware of truth, unconcerned about war, uncaring about the plight of the innocent and most of all lying to themselves about it all.
BTW that's exactly how our enemy wants us to be. ..rendered.. docile, helpless. And that is the psychopathy of American culture. The psychopath may not be in all of us but its trace elements effect each of us, our way of thinking and our future, osit.
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