BtH: Illusion of democracy: Trump powerless against the Deep State?



FOTCM Member
Trump's presidency and the 'revolution' it promised to be is, according to some, 'dead in the water'. Facing implacable opposition to implementing his policies from within the media, the courts, the bureaucracy, and likely also his own administration, unless something fundamentally changes, Trump is a 'lame-duck president' with a full term still to go.

This week on Behind the Headlines, we're analyzing recent events in Trumpland, including the firing of General Flynn and Trump's ongoing war with the media, with a view to understanding the largely hidden structural forces that make it so hard for American presidents to enact their campaign promises.

Join us as we discuss this very high stakes political drama, its implications for the future, and the knock-on effects it could have for the world.
Sounds really interesting, thank you Ennio. I'm looking forward to it!
Thanks all for the show, what I could hear was very interesting! I'll have to listen to the rest from the archive, though. When it said the show had ended recently around an hour and 30 minutes in, I could still see the chat and heard Joe briefly, but then it stopped streaming. I tried refreshing the page but then got kicked out of the show completely. Deep state interference! Keep up the good work. :)
Zlyja, that's what happened at my end when I refreshed the page... Looks like some interference indeed. Luckily all shows are archived :) Many thanks for doing your best to keep it up fantastic SOTT team :)
That's what happened to me too, Zlyja and ALIEN1. Must've been some deep state interference!

I also found the parts I could hear very helpful, thank you!:flowers:
Joe was just talking about the chances of Trump being assassinated and that was the end of the show as far as I could tell. I hope he will stay safe.
[quote author= Mariama]Joe was just talking about the chances of Trump being assassinated and that was the end of the show as far as I could tell. I hope he will stay safe.[/quote]

Hopefully it wasn’t anything symbolic.

I really found this show helpful, and I didn't even heard it completely. Thanks for the show !! :)

And to hell with Deep state interference ...
This was a very interesting show. I hope that we will get the sequel. :)
20分钟缺少downloa结束dable archive. These OGG or MP3 files are important to some of us, so we can rewind and listen again to parts we wish to understand better.

Running time advertised on site: 01:31:38
Downloadable archive length : 01:18:38

Proof of missing parts: Joe's words end abruptly in the archive, no finishing points, no saying goodbye etc..
lilies said:
20分钟缺少downloa结束dable archive. These OGG or MP3 files are important to some of us, so we can rewind and listen again to parts we wish to understand better.

Running time advertised on site: 01:31:38
Downloadable archive length : 01:18:38

Proof of missing parts: Joe's words end abruptly in the archive, no finishing points, no saying goodbye etc..

I was wondering about this too. Still unable to access the entire show.
Regardless of any bias of the interviewer (Eric Metaxas), the person he is interviewing (Gregg Jarrett) has a lot to say about the process that 'Deep State' went through, and is still going through, to witch hunt Trump.

Gregg Jarrett is the author of the newly released book "Witch Hunt: The Story of the Greatest Mass Delusion in American Political History." He is also a news commentator working for Fox, and an attorney.

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