Curses, Negative Energy and Attacks Endured.



The Living Force
After seeing Tigersoap's post on curses i was curious as to what types of attacks other forum members have experienced over the course of their lives. My experiences are rather... how shall i put it... lite? Yeah that'll do...

例如我经历过恶性energy attacks before, in my experience the source was merely someone who had a strong dislike of myself due to my particular personality. We didn't vibe right and in close quarters, such as a roommate, the energy definately manifests if not dealt with properly.

I could deflect these attacks by my actions in the house, much similiar to parrying a blow in a swordfight only this is more of a environmental/psychic parry... hard to describe, but it was a simple as cleaning a room or leaving a door locked. Again in this situation the source wasnt actively attempting a psychic attack, but hopefully the info can be of some use.

我也经历了一个seizure-esque形式的阿塔ck. It comes as muscle spasms of various degrees and when it happens i can feel qi surging across the affected area. Im not too sure if its an attack per se', or a mild form of epilepsy, or some sort of psychic growth, but it's been happening for the last six years or so, off and on and it can be as little as a tightening fist or as much as my entire body to the point where i drop to a knee or lay down on the ground completely. I never loose consciousness and usually breathing slowly and clearing my mind helps it fade. It doesn't feel malignant either, although sometimes it does have a dark flavor to it.

Other then that i've only had the hyperdimensional strangeness with my computer putzing out at times when i need it, and the synchronicity felt like i was experiencing some sort of attack.

I experienced what I believe was a kind of attack a few days ago, when I was sitting at the computer about to log in to the forum. I had much more time than usual to stay online as my husband and son were away for the day, so after checking my email, and a few other sites I was ready to get into the forum's latest news.. I was just about to read some stuff, when I started feeling anxious, next thing I could feel it through my whole body, especially in the pit of my stomach where I felt an awful feeling, like when you get bad news or something. I tried to just sit with it , but it just kept getting worse, my whole body was tensing up with what felt like fear. This may sound weird, but it was like a sour feeling, like there was some horrible smell around, but there wasn't a smell , just a feeling. I wish I could say I managed to overcome it, but I ended up moving away from the computer - I went down to the lake to kinda clean away the "smell ". I have had feelings of anxiety before when online here, but this was by far the worst, I have to confess I was pretty close to tears. Even though I was aware of what might be happening, the only thing I was able to do was try to observe my body sensations and feelings.
一种诅咒只是transfere的规范化nce of ill will from a source to a target. The target can be a person, a group, an event, an object or a place. Curses work when the source blieves they are justified. Psychopaths are good cursers because they have no consciense so are always justified. However, any individual with a conscience can curse if they undergo trauma that generates hatred that is strong enough. This is a "hot" curse. Psychopaths can throw "cold" and "hot" curses. A cold curse is one where the source can do it with a straight face. The ill will is so ingrained in them that just a bit of focus and dramatization does the job.

Here are a few examples: My parents were selling some furniture, that my grandmother wanted them to give to my aunt (her daughter). She went to the man who was going to by a recliner from my parents and told him if he bought the chair he would die in it in less than a year after purchase. He laughed, bought the chair and seven months later had a heart attack and died in it.

Another psychopathic aunt got a book of folk magic. Her husband had a high level position working for the government, as an aid to a minister. As long as he held that position she had "power" (people gave her recognition). As soon as he lost the position, the power was gone. While in her heyday, she would brag that she would curse anyone looking at her cross-eyed.

She was enjoying it. My mother told her she was enjoying reading again (after my father died she went through a depression). She told her sister (my aunt), and the same day she sprained her thumb and it still hurts to hold a book. In another call she told her how the house is really nice. The same day after the call the cesspool backed up and almost flooded the house. I noticed she was depressed after most calls with her sister, so I tried to counter the energy, which was tangible, like a graveyard flowing through the house.

I drew a symbol of blocking her energies, and that helped to a degree. I cleared the house, and that helped more. My mother, however, kept drawing it in because this was after all her sister and she did not want to break contact. Finally, I decided to do something else. Instead of blocking the energy, I could sense my aunts greed and felt an opening there. So I did some awareness generation, felt the link and just gave her an overload of what she wanted, which is different than energy taken because it tends to reveal rather than feed. A week later her husband lost his position, and she lost her ability to curse. She doesn't call anymore.

Until then she named several marriages that floundered and several people who died of this or that cause. Those people actually did. The thing is she said that all those were people she cursed.

Another aunt is my paternal uncle's wife, whose an American. After my grandmother died they got a house in her village, which they fixed up. My grandmother's third cousine was from the same "coven", and she was a notorious curser. When she found out she was dying of intestinal cancer, she decided to throw one last whammy.

She took a large rat and cut her hair, slit the rat's belly open and stuffed it in and wrapped to around the body. Then she hid it in the village house. She had a key because my other aunt (father's sister) told her her daughter could use it. My uncle's wife did not want her in the house (not after this friend had an affair with her husband).

The mother of this friend, the woman with cancer then planted the rat under a cabinet and covered it with dirt to hide the smell. If they had not moved the cabinet to clean behind it, it would never be found. The thing is that during this period my uncle lost a lot of money, and my aunt lost her job. Things were going from bad to worse. I don't know what's up with them now, but a week after the rat was found and disposed of the woman who put it there died. From what my grandmother had told me about curses, this was most likely an attempted transference of the rot in the woman's belly, through the rotting rat to the lives of the victims.

The climax was going to be transferred upon the woman's death, as the curses of the dying are considered most potent (one wonders how much the US is cursed by Iraqis- and if soldiers are affected).
几年前我和西塔在冲突with two, perhaps three, covens of satanists,There seems to be two elements involved one. the first is the "form" of the attack, how it's conceptualised and used as a focus by the caster/s. The symbology of it apparent in the rituals.The second is the personal or collective energy of the entity or entities focussing their intent on the victim.In my experience it was if a hot rock had been put in my navel area and an awareness of being "watched", of having others focus their attention on me.As well as a period of rather obvious stalking... even the cliched white van!My counter technique was to drop my awareness to the third dan tien position (about an inch and a half below the navel), feel the pressure and then push it back, through breathing.I compared notes with my sis a long time afterwards, and she'd had similar experiences.One thing that had puzzled me was that I was aware that some of it was dark side Celtic stuff - a la Fritz Springmeier et al.My sister laughed when I brought that up and said " It doesn't affect people like us!".Quite.
One of the people we'd helped get out of one of the covens told me later, with great fear, that one reason she'd stayed in for so long was that on a camping trip (the leader of a Scout troop used that as a cover for recruitment) they'd stood in a circle, chanted and caused a rock to fly up into the sky. Impressive I suppose. But my sis had a Dream in which she'd seen them all in a circle, surrounding her, and she'd been offered a chalice of blood. She refused and the they were very annoyed and took their evil masks off.They all had sheep's heads! "White" magic equates with Sheep totem people, "black" magic equates with Goat totem people?
I believe both sheep and goats come from a common ancestry, and that the original species still exists somewhere in the Himalayas. The Secret Masters of Tibet? :D
Ironically we also had a group of fundamentalist "Christians" who we were told prayed against us every Sunday night during the same period.
If you're cursed-push back,it's self defence But be careful to be detached about it. It's the falling into the hate energy, which they want you to do, ("join the dance!" is the subtext) that is just as much danger as the actual curse.
ps. My sis, with her acidic Irish tongue, also made the comment that " what they failed to realise was that twelve morons don't equal one genius" something I've always borne in mind when dealing with STS whether 4D or 3D.
EsoQuest said:
一种诅咒只是transfere的规范化nce of ill will from a source to a target. The target can be a person, a group, an event, an object or a place. Curses work when the source blieves they are justified.
I wonder how much the effects of a curse or remote negative energy attack are mitigated by the target's belief system. If a person believes such things can and do exist, does that make them more vulnerable? On the other hand, if a person believes they are immune to such things, or does not believe such phenomena exist, does this make them less vulnerable?

I understand from first hand experience that psychopathic direct-proximity energy attacks can work, but this kind of attack can be viewed as an attack where the attacker uses words and actions to drain energy and cause discomfort.

As for attacks that work from a distance, where the attacker and attackee have no proximity to each other and no standard interactions, I'm skeptical on how effective these could be - especially if the attackee believes they are not possible. I have no proof to support my skepticism though, and no first-hand experience with curses that I know of.

Certainly I have mood swings that initially appear to come without cause and could be attributed to such attacks, but they could also be attributed to psychological triggers that are unconscious.
I would just love to know your background. You sound like a future 'me'. Dude, the stuff u post is so spot on. Plz continue the good work!
Honestly, what's your background, cuz u said that you drew a symbol to block energies, so i want to know if u're a reiki or taichi or falun dafa practitioner.

Also, how do i know if a curse on my family is causing our financial difficulties, eg wit me getting a job, and every month something major coming up almost every month to prevent the beneficial flow of money. (I'm a university student, and i come from the caribbean, where ppl tend to hold silly grudges that can harm, disable or kill the recipient/victim).

Also, do you believe in magic herbs, or oils and general wicca/ ritual magic?

Esoquest wrote: A curse is simply a formalization of the transference of ill will from a source to a target. The target can be a person, a group, an event, an object or a place. Curses work when the source believes they are justified
What counteracting curse action implies? - conscious non-acceptance of ill will and formalization of back-transference of performed ill-will to curser or ill-will action neutralization?
Or something else? If cursee believes attack isn't justified by any means would it stop it?
Esoquest wrote: However, any individual with a conscience can curse if they undergo trauma that generates hatred that is strong enough.
Esoquest, can thought pattern towards some person which caused trauma be a curse? Can curse be unintentional?
Esoquest wrote: I drew a symbol of blocking her energies, and that helped to a degree. I cleared the house, and that helped more
i would like to ask you the like question to Wilecoyote's enquiry: what was the symbol you draw (if you can share this knowledge); and does this symbol neutralize curse or reverses its intended action back to curser's psyche (i mean having a boomerang effect?). And how did you cleared the house? - It wasn't a routine cleaning, was it? I'm asking because in Russia people use basilic flocks emerged in "blessed" water to clean every corner in the house from curses.
我相信我的邻居和我经常是个女巫finding strange objects like dove's feathers, needles near my doorway. And only 2 instances my collie had been seriously ill were when this woman - neighbour offered him prepared "especially for such a beautiful dog" soup. In both cases he suddenly fell ill several hours after he ate soup, second time he was in danger of life, became temporarily blind and eye pupils changing color to opaque. I think falling in emotional horror of being cursed by somebody helps a curse to succeed (but I do have basilik handy as pasta with basilic and pinoli is awesome!)
Wilecoyote wrote: EsoQuest,
I would just love to know your background. You sound like a future 'me'. Dude, the stuff u post is so spot on. Plz continue the good work!
and merry birthsday and the year that follows to virtual Gurdjieff!
I'm looking forward to read more Godot posts either! Forum was the only place where I had glimpses on Ouspensky, Gurdjieff and Mouravieff works.
Initially I hesitated to order their books in English from amazon ... and lost much time! I was searching their books in russian - much to own peril.
Ordered books year ago after read the Wave and now they finally came. Ouspensky was eloquent in many European languages and translated his books himself - so his books should be ok - rissian original and translated by author later in Europe. But Gurdjieff was writing in Armenian, then translating text to Russian which he knew less, and some books I received like "Letters of Velzevul to his grandson" are triple translation Armenian-russian-english- back russian. What a mess! How I could be sure that original author thought remained intact after multiple back and forth translation? Sorry i stepped completely of subject here, predator got over.
Justin said:
I wonder how much the effects of a curse or remote negative energy attack are mitigated by the target's belief system. If a person believes such things can and do exist, does that make them more vulnerable? On the other hand, if a person believes they are immune to such things, or does not believe such phenomena exist, does this make them less vulnerable?
In my experience, the target's formal belief system might be in their favour or detriment. However, a true curse is an energized pattern of ill will. Belief systems assist the sources of the ill will to transmit the pattern more than they make the target receptive. Being naive is what is detrimental to the target.

If there is a belief system supporting the curse, it is naive to take for granted that the belief system is the true power behind the curse. The belief system is usually arbitrary. Malevolence is both human and non-physical. The masks of malevolence are its modes of manipulation. In that way beliefs are detrimental, when we approach them in a naive manner.

They can, however, be empowering when we can turn the tables on the source, because the latter is usually dependent on their belief system, which is their carrier of the malignant pattern. We can affirm our integrity from within that belief system, and the source (also being naive) will be forced to respond.

也是天真就否认这种现象,和consider ill effects solely to be the result of psychological manipulation. Ill will can be conducted through a form of hypnotic manipulation. That opens the door. The real damage is done by the pattern itself that crosses the threshold of our personal presence. To negate any wave-form a counter-pattern must be generated. To do this you must know the pattern, and what it can do, and you must know how to generate your own patterns. This is knowledge.

If I believe I am immune to a virus, does that insure I will not get sick? I think anyone would call me naive to believe this, and rightly so.

Justin said:
As for attacks that work from a distance, where the attacker and attackee have no proximity to each other and no standard interactions, I'm skeptical on how effective these could be - especially if the attackee believes they are not possible. I have no proof to support my skepticism though, and no first-hand experience with curses that I know of.
Attacks can and do work from a distance. Attacks, however, do not occur in a vacuum. For ill will to be used against you there needs to be a human source or sources of it, and they need to have identified you. Notice that American soldiers in Iraq come home insane, but the Bush administration goes on and on. Pathocrats seem to be always safe, and are really big on secrecy.

For a curse, which is just a formalization of a psychic attack, to be effectivive there needs to be exposure of the victim. However, things, institutions and places can be cursed, and anything involved in those can experience symptoms of attack. Many sages lived in isolation, away from centers of population. Why? One reason was to avoid attacks.

你还需要考虑,“在distance" is relative. When communicating electronically you are at a distance, but the medium puts you into proximity with other people in real time. In other words, there is a connecting link. Adept cursers can "charge" (or rather program) an object and place it in proximity to the victim. I myself discovered items in my house, and the houses of friends concealed by others. Charged items can even be given in the form of gifts. When these are freely accepted a link is established.

Your skepticism can be mitigated if you look at this more in terms of information transfer rather than some mysterious occult effect. Intent contains deliberate pattern, and deliberate pattern most often contains information. Information conducts from one domain to another via a medium.

This is nothing more than the propagation of a signal, which in the case of curses has the nature of an elaborate toxin. We are simply limited in our understandings of what constitutes information, and what constitutes a medium of transfer.

Justin said:
Certainly I have mood swings that initially appear to come without cause and could be attributed to such attacks, but they could also be attributed to psychological triggers that are unconscious.
Of course they can. This is why discernment and knowledge are emphasized again and again on this path. When I am blind, and I bump into something, it could be anything. I cannot come to conclusions about it unless I learn to identify the obstacle. This cannot be done by giving you a check list.

Things are a bit more complicated than that. Discernment is an art and it takes practice. If you have mood swings, you need to consider probable causes in your life, including the fact that the path itself makes you vulnerable to them. You are challenging forces that humble those who think they own the world. They can only identify you through human conduits, but they can generate a collective atmosphere that is not friendly to personal growth.
Cheers to you too.

wilecoyote said:
I would just love to know your background. You sound like a future 'me'. Dude, the stuff u post is so spot on. Plz continue the good work!
Honestly, what's your background, cuz u said that you drew a symbol to block energies, so i want to know if u're a reiki or taichi or falun dafa practitioner.
I'm a non-traditionalist. I address many traditional paths, and try to get the juice from them. I noticed that the "juice" has a common thread among these paths, often hidden by convoluted doctrines, and "assumptions". For example, I am illiterate regarding Gurdjieff and the 4th Way. Yet the juice of knowledge I have accumulated is not incompatible with that understanding.

The symbols I used were from the Indian Shakta tradition. That is only one among many paths I've explored. Symbols are carriers of meaning. Alone they are nothing. My aunt had a certain pattern, and the meaning behind the symbols represented the virtues opposing that pattern. The symbols allowed my to focus the knowledge of those virtues: a pattern of integrity to counter a pattern of dis-integrity.

For any tradition to be effective, one must transcend its "traditionality" in my opinion. Get at the juice. Before any tradition became a tradition, it was a revelation, an understanding of something fundamental. Find that from within all the convolutions of "traditionalism" and you will find the "juice".

I have no knowledge of Reiki, but I have explored Qi Gong, and the Taoist understandings of body and psyche for the juice I could get out of those.

wilecoyote said:
Also, how do i know if a curse on my family is causing our financial difficulties, eg wit me getting a job, and every month something major coming up almost every month to prevent the beneficial flow of money. (I'm a university student, and i come from the caribbean, where ppl tend to hold silly grudges that can harm, disable or kill the recipient/victim).

Also, do you believe in magic herbs, or oils and general wicca/ ritual magic?
Discover if there is a source of ill will. Does anyone hold a grudge? Would they do something about it, such as apply certain ritualistic belief systems or hire someone else to do so? You are apparently in a certain culture where curses can take a definite form, perhaps throught the Orisha tradition.

It's one thing to say people can hold grudges and another to identify a specific person or persons doing this to you. If you think something is being done try to find out what could have been done. Do some research. Get to know the medium of attack. If someone is holding a grudge, explore what kind of grudge it could be, and if someone in your household might think it is justified.

应对这样的你必须首先斯坦d tall in your justification to do so. Anyone sincere and willing to confront the enslaving conditions of the human world will magnetize ill will at some point, simply because their awareness can be sensed as a threat to the status quo.

Remember that money is a tricky subject because all its institutions are controlled by those supporting enslaving conditions. Every sincere seeker has financial problems. We are not yet at the level of knowledge where we can deal with this at the root, but the more acute effects of localized ill will can usually be mitigated.

All attacks point to our own vulnerability. That is what must be addressed. Symbols and beliefs are conduits of awareness, energy and knowledge. They must be infused with such or they are useless. If the Orisha tradition is used against you, you may want to explore it. I have, and have found many useful things.

However, there is much bias in those traditions. Find the juice. What is at the heart of each representation? There is a teaching of that tradition regarding "offerings". What does offering mean. Must it be a cigar, a chicken or booze, or is there something more intangible that can be given such as our sincere aspiration? This is not a giving in the merchant sense of buying and selling, but a circulation, a giving and receiving.

To access prosperity, you must learn to give and receive to keep the conduit of giving and recieving energy open. If you use rituals, design your own. Be creative, because that is empowering. Then it will be your creativity that is the offering, and which will stimulate circulations with the archtypes. Materials used in rituals, motions, words are all vessles of energy, intent, creativity.

Improvise on them. Own them and bring them to life instead of using mechanical repetitions. Explore the deeper meanings of the understandings behind the beliefs you may find are being used against you. When you are creative you become a source of creative force rather than part of "system" where the rules are always against you.

Ask and explore, and leave no stone unturned, whether exploring the magical or the psychological. You may actually be able to design a course of action to generate a wave form that can at least mitigate the adversities you mention.
Thank You very much EsoQuest. Once again, you have been of great help to me and many other forum members.
Creativity is not something advocated by many new age spiritual teachers. I shall do my research in my exploration of the magical.
EsoQuest said:
Discernment is an art and it takes practice. If you have mood swings, you need to consider probable causes in your life, including the fact that the path itself makes you vulnerable to them. You are challenging forces that humble those who think they own the world. They can only identify you through human conduits, but they can generate a collective atmosphere that is not friendly to personal growth.
Yes, discernment definitely takes practice. I question my attempts at discernment often, not sure if what I think I am seeing is real or just illusion. Practice and constant evaluation of accuracy seem to be keys in sharpening discernment, from what I can see so far.

Eso, thank you for the thorough and thoughtful answer to my questions about curses. Your answers gave me more to think about as well as a solid starting point for continued learning about such phenomena. :)
CarpeDiem said:
What counteracting curse action implies? - conscious non-acceptance of ill will and formalization of back-transference of performed ill-will to curser or ill-will action neutralization?
Or something else? If cursee believes attack isn't justified by any means would it stop it?
I think I explained that in the previous posts, but I'll try again in terms you posed above. Ill will has too components, the pattern which does the damage, and the energy that carries the pattern. The thing to do is neutralize the pattern. Conscious non-accpetance of ill will does not work because the pattern is below the level of consciousness, and what we end up not accepting is the energy. That energy still pounds us and the pattern can still transfer through the contact.

Formalization of back-transference of ill will implies we are contributing to the pattern by sending it back in a formal manner. To send it back in a formal manner we must accept it first. Then we dance the dance of the curser, and that doesn't work either.

Ill will action neutralization works best, but is only temporary if the curser is persistent. The curser may keep sending, and we have to keep neutralizing until the curser succumbs to their own psychic toxins, due to the fact that they are not feeding from the entropy infecting us (which releases energy for them).

Ill will action neutralization implies Ill will pattern neutralization. This implies the ability to separate pattern from energy. If this separation cannot be done, deflection can occur. Deflection, however, also insulates us from the environment and the curser can have more subtle methods than brute force to lower our psychic immune system, especially if hyperdimensional variables are involved, using the curser as one of many vectors of attack.

The best and probably only true way to be free of such things is to develope a state of counter-entropy that is stronger than the ill will. Instead of the entropy transfering to the person, the counter entropy transfers to the curse, absorbs its emotional/etheric carrier and neutralizes its entropy-inducing pattern. This state of what you might call purity is developed in stages and is part of the growth.

To elaborate, knowledge is its manifestation in the mind center, love in the higher emotion center, and circulation potential in the instinct center. All these have one essence, that of soul, which when realized becomes the touch-stone that cannot succumb to curses.

CD said:
Esoquest, can thought pattern towards some person which caused trauma be a curse? Can curse be unintentional?
Thoughts are always intentional. Emotions might not be. The thing is, for a curse to be a curse, and not just "bad vibes" or "thought pollution", the must be both intentional anddirected. There are many ill effects that might seem like curses, but are too diffuse to be such. Curses represent directed ill will. They are highly focused and specific, even if the target is a group or a place.

People, who have undirected ill will, will make themselves sick, and so look for victims off-hand to relieve themselves of the pressure. Then they notice that victimized people release energy they can consume and a nasty cycle begins. The people may not curse, but they can become vampires.

Feeling ill will is natural when we are hurt. They key is to not repress the emotion, but to divorce it from thought. Then it ceases to be directed in the body and can be "metabolized" as energy, as it runs its course, provided we are not adverse to feeling deeply so it can.

DC said:
i would like to ask you the like question to Wilecoyote's enquiry: what was the symbol you draw (if you can share this knowledge); and does this symbol neutralize curse or reverses its intended action back to curser's psyche (i mean having a boomerang effect?). And how did you cleared the house? - It wasn't a routine cleaning, was it? I'm asking because in Russia people use basilic flocks emerged in "blessed" water to clean every corner in the house from curses.
This is complicated. I mentioned I used a symbol for a shakta or Indian goddess. There is more to it, however. Once, when I was under heavy psychic bombardment, and was desperate to find some kind of expression to deal with it, I started moving my hand to write in a certain way, while meditating. I could feel that the environmental energies were modified as I moved the pen around.

Finally, I hit upon a pattern that seemed to neutralize the energies. I adopted that pattern to the Hebrew alphabet, and came up with my own script. I can also adopt this to Sanskrit or any other alphabet. I drew a yantra for one of the ten Mahavidyas, one providing strenght of will in expression, wrote her seed mantra in modified Sanskrit, and my petition to neutralize my aunt's pattern.

Then came the hard part. I had to "charge" the talisman, written on thick paper. This meant diving deep and sensing the purity within, then creating a conscious link with what I drew. This was not easy because I could feel the entropic energies as a barrier to this. When I was satisfied, I taped the little drawing under the telephone, and left it at that.

Curses are patterns of information, as is any psychic energy. These patterns affect matter, and in particular certain media such as water and smoke (insense). Water has special properties, that make it useful for homeopathy, and retains what is known as molecular memory of quantum charges (molecular patterns, and biochemically generated fields of the body).

Smoke can carry an electric charge, and I believe psychic patterns can modulate this as well. Crystals generate a piezoelectric vibration that can also carry information. Both basilic and insense have aromatic properties. I believe basilic also has anti-germ properties like garlic. Pouring salt helps because it absorbs water in the air that carries negative patterns as well as microorganisms. If the salt is charged it tends to attract the negatively charged water particles.

I am pretty sure that negative vibration affect microorganisms, which can also act as carriers of entropy that allows them to penetrate the body's immune system, so garlic and other plants can counter that aspect as well. So when a medium is psychically charged, it can spread its pattern through the environment for better or for ill.

CD said:
我相信我的邻居和我经常是个女巫finding strange objects like dove's feathers, needles near my doorway. And only 2 instances my collie had been seriously ill were when this woman - neighbour offered him prepared "especially for such a beautiful dog" soup. In both cases he suddenly fell ill several hours after he ate soup, second time he was in danger of life, became temporarily blind and eye pupils changing color to opaque. I think falling in emotional horror of being cursed by somebody helps a curse to succeed (but I do have basilik handy as pasta with basilic and pinoli is awesome!)
You can try a mixture of crushed garlic and basil leaves left in salt-water in a closed container, left overnight to soak. Hold it in your hands and transfer your intent to dissolve negative patterns, after you focus inwardly to sense the vibration of what is called a state of knowledge (basically asking for dissolution of the negative). Then you can spread it around and see if the air clears.

Anyone who leaves stuff on your door is suspicious. Burn or throw that stuff away in a closed bag away from your home. You dog, however, may have been poisoned by this neighboor, so that is something to consider as well. Always make sure there is not a physical cause before addressing the metaphysical. And yes, horror leaves us paralyzed because we take on a victim mentality, which reinforces the predator.
Esoquest, thank you for replying and you did reply in terms i was able to grasp. Never thought about immunology in quantum-metaphysical terms before!
Esoquest wrote: I am pretty sure that negative vibration affect microorganisms, which can also act as carriers of entropy that allows them to penetrate the body's immune system, so garlic and other plants can counter that aspect as well. So when a medium is psychically charged, it can spread its pattern through the environment for better or for ill.
Thing I have doubts you suggest to develop counter-entropy to neutralize curse, but isn't any increase in entropy of help to predator within? Maybe it's allowing small ill to neutralize big potential damage...
Esoquest, please continue BEING here!
CarpeDiem said:
Thing I have doubts you suggest to develop counter-entropy to neutralize curse, but isn't any increase in entropy of help to predator within? Maybe it's allowing small ill to neutralize big potential damage...
Maybe counter-entropy is the wrong word. It does not mean to place stronger entropy against a weaker one. It means to place the opposite of entropy against it. Entropy is disintegration, more or less. What I mean by counter or anti-entropy is the force of integration, the force that empowers life and greater systems of complex organization. That is the soul force, and anything that affirms life and creativity.
hello CarpeDiem,
I wasn't going to post again as Esoquest covers the subject very well.But I have thought of the subject as I'm recapitualting that era of my life. My personal knowledge comes from the Celtic area, *not* something I've leant from a book, but genetically based -long story which I won't go into here, suffice it to say I've never been in a coven or formally introduced to this knowledge, just picked it up by experience, meditation and inspiration.And reading and research of course.
What I can say is I think all authentic gnostic systems of thought are essentially the same, whether Shinto,Native American or Sufi or whatever.The indians say that Spirit gave each people it's own specific gifts of knowledge.So sufi dancing is for Sufis, sweatlodges are for Indian etc-you may be invited to participate, but basically "stick to your own culture". Complicated of course by past life surfacings and karmic connections, when other cultural knowledge can legitimately be drawn on.
Saying: consider your own cultural background, what framework the curser operates on, and the possibility of using knowledge from outside that culture, if appropriate.
I'll elucidate.
I personally use a reality model that is a three dimensional orb with a vertical axis- World Tree/ Axis Mundi- and a horizontal four cornered plane in the shape of a Celtic cross.Others may use the Tree of Life as in the Cabbala etc.I also go by 12 archetypes =1 (Trees, months etc) which are aspects of Self corresponding to the outside world.
While sounding abstract this system is in fact quite practical.
I take the four corners as being Air (male) Fire (male) and Water (female) Earth (female). And what Esoquest framed in a scientific fashion I can actually relate to my own experience.
I coulld also relate it to the Asian Five Elements /12 forms of kung fu. In a sense being cursed is very similar to being physically attacked-it's finding the correct defensive mode that is the important issue. I think there's a subtle hook to either form of attack which invites you to respond in kind. This leads to well... disaster obviously!
Esoquest said:
Water has special properties, that make it useful for homeopathy, and retains what is known as molecular memory of quantum charges (molecular patterns, and biochemically generated fields of the body).
I found taking extended hot baths with no added bath salts or soaps would seal me off from outside attack. Unusually for this era, the water that fed the city I lived in at the time had exceptionally clean mountain water fed through natural aquifiers.I especially did this at the full moon.I think there's a calendrical/astrological aspect to this business. I am especially wary around Samhain/Halloween too.
To confirm esoquest's observations:
Esoquest said:
Smoke can carry an electric charge, and I believe psychic patterns can modulate this as well.
One very peculiar occurence at that time was that the flat next door had always been occupied by either sinister or very depressed people.Two people who lived there told me they'd awoken in the early morning with an enormous weight on their chest,couldn't breath etc.a classic incubus phenomenon.A group of us once held an exorcism, using salt and water without much affect (one of them "went over to the dark side" later so that may have had something to do with it).The last person I know afflicted like this knocked on my door in a panic early one morning. Her electric blanket had shorted out, and within minutes the place was ablaze, nearly taking the rest of the house wth it. Funnily the atmosphere when the flat was rebuilt was much cleaner.

Esoquest said:
Crystals generate a piezoelectric vibration that can also carry information.
At the time I always wore a pounamo (jade) pendant which I wore consciously for many years as a war talisman over my heart ( I don't wear it now).
Esoquest said:
Both basilic and insense have aromatic properties. I believe basilic also has anti-germ properties like garlic. Pouring salt helps because it absorbs water in the air that carries negative patterns as well as microorganisms. If the salt is charged it tends to attract the negatively charged water particles.
I smoke-pure tobacco-"keeps vampires away"!:)But seriously I have used authentic Indian sage incense for a "smudging" of a place I lived in for a while in this country and it did clear the atmosphere for a while at least.

Esoquest said:
I am pretty sure that negative vibration affect microorganisms, which can also act as carriers of entropy that allows them to penetrate the body's immune system, so garlic and other plants can counter that aspect as well. So when a medium is psychically charged, it can spread its pattern through the environment for better or for ill.
Yes, garlic! hadn't thought of that spiritual aspect to microorganismic infection. But I used to take lots.

Another aspect to this is perhaps a bit more elaborate, and I'm only using it as an example , just something to be considered.
As I said earlier I noticed that some of these curses simply weren't registering whereas others were. (they were death curses) (so none of them ultimately worked unless I'm very badly mistaken.)
I think, could be wrong, that the people in question were using a formalised archetypal system, perhaps handed on for a very long time ( The darkside Nordic Covenant people?) which was heavily based on Tree symbolism.I have come across inklings of this in Fritz Springmeir' very dubious work.As well as a puzzling piece in one of Whitley Streiber's books.Both of which I take with more than a grain of salt. I on the other hand have always had an affiinity for actual trees.Sitting with my back to an oak tree I can sense the tree and blend into it.A good tree for strength and endurance.Other trees have different characters.Same with birds: at one point there was intense bird activity and strange behaviour involving hawks, magpies, rooks and native pigeons.This communication and aid I received was due in no small part to the fact that I respect nature: don't have or use more than I need, contribute to pollution as little as possible, etc.
Another peculiar, or not so peculiar, aspect to all this is cats. I always-till I left that country -lived with cats.I have a theory that cats exist in a state of indeterminacy,(Schroedingers Cats!:cool) coupled with high awareness.Castaneda's experience with the jaguar in Mexico is a good example of what I have in mind.I have noticed that cats tend to be the animals targeted by evil people for acts of cruely and even sacrifice. Conversely I have noticed that cats are very distinct in who they like and dislke-and tend to show it.Perhaps the presence of cats is not only enjoyable, but also acts a kind of protection.Interesting that cats were targetted during the with hunts in Europe to the extent that it is alleged that the black cat gene almost disappeared.
Well it's late at night and it's been long day and I noticed I've jumped about here and there and I'm getting tired.
One last comment: in reply to what I think you're saying in the second to last sentence.A curse will get in at a vulnerable point , revealing that vulnerable point and it's configuration -the psychological and emotional patterns that you've acquired and that are *already* owned by The Predator's Mind.Once that vulnerabilty is recognised and healed and that part of you is reclaimed it no longer belongs to the Predator.It could be considered that The Matrix or MCSor "consensus reality" is already the greatest curse of all.
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