Descriptions of the "afterlife"



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
I have some catching up to do with this thread but I never thought CNN would cover anything such as the afterlife.

Here is a somewhat strange article from CNN about afterlife contacts whether imaginary or real that one might not expect from MSM:

They lost their loved ones to Covid. Then they heard from them again

They are not unlike many others we have read about but who would think that even MSM would consider life after death?


Dagobah Resident
This is a fascinating thread, it really makes me wonder about what it's like on the other side of the veil. Every time I attended a funeral as a child I said to myself, "well, he/she's with God now", but never paused to think about what that actually meant. I've read many of the C's transcripts which talk about 5d, and that you even see the source (7d) at the point of death, the prospect of which both excited me and added no little intimidation too. Facing the ineffable will have that effect on you. Sometimes life can seem like such a raggedy mundane grind, the task is to make it seem more meaningful and a bit special. because it is if you stop to think about it, I'm unbelievably grateful for the discoveries I've made in this life, and surely more insights await beyond the veil to 5d.

I had a strange experience when my elder brother died in 2018. Days after his death, I was in a very shaken up and distressed state, I still miss the guy, Anyway, a few days on and I was semi-watching a football match between Liverpool (his team) and Arsenal. I could barely follow it, my mind was gone at that point. I assumed the game would be a goalless draw, a boring game. At which point I heard my brother's voice in my mind, saying "One-One!". I heard his voice but said nothing, barely reacting if truth be told. Well, the football match perked up and was a very interesting 1-1 draw in the end, exactly like my brother's voice predicted! I barely slept that night, wondering if that voice was real. Okay, nothing spectacular, but I kinda love those quirky twists of fate where you discover more than you bargained for.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Having lost several friends and family relatives to 5D this year I thought some might enjoy another NDE story I just watched. It is only 11 minutes long but it has beautiful background scenes and barely a word is misplaced by the young woman who recounts her experience. I found it to be very thought-provoking and in many ways comforting.



Jedi Master
This always was what scared me the most, that after death, my whole being, myself and all my memory will stop working and'll be lost. The scariest part is that if 'nothing after death' is true then I will not even be able to feel that because I will be completely gone. Will not feel void, emptiness, nothing, because will not be able to feel anything hence I am not existing anymore. I hope something opposite will happen, but this scarry feeling still persist inside me.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
This always was what scared me the most, that after death, my whole being, myself and all my memory will stop working and'll be lost. The scariest part is that if 'nothing after death' is true then I will not even be able to feel that because I will be completely gone. Will not feel void, emptiness, nothing, because will not be able to feel anything hence I am not existing anymore. I hope something opposite will happen, but this scarry feeling still persist inside me.


I think there are many rays of hope in this thread. You must find your own answers to help you face your fear of death but hopefully, some of the posts here will shine through to you and help you in that search. I think if you keep searching you may find others who have had those same fears and slowly found they are not alone.

Even if there is no "afterlife" then at least may you find meaning in this one life and the world into which you were born. I pray that you at least may find some peace and acceptance while finding yourself among others who are facing similar fears and sharing their experiences of friends and family who have taken that final step we all know is waiting for us at the end of our journey.


FOTCM Member
My younger sister was in a car accident when she was 15. Not only was she badly injured with initial assessments giving her not much hope of survivng the next 48hrs, but her boyfriend and his best mate were killed. Her boyfriend instantly and his mate passed 4hrs later.

She spent the first night in hospital in surgery and while it's not clear to us whether she actually died on the table, she recounts trying to follow the boys when her boyfriend turned to her and said 'It's not your time, go back.'

She obviously didn't get out of the hospital in time to attend their funerals which were on the same day and at the same church. But she sent material along to be included in their services. For her boyfriend she reworded this song to replace the word 'Daddy' with her boyfriends name.



Jedi Master

I think there are many rays of hope in this thread. You must find your own answers to help you face your fear of death but hopefully, some of the posts here will shine through to you and help you in that search. I think if you keep searching you may find others who have had those same fears and slowly found they are not alone.

Even if there is no "afterlife" then at least may you find meaning in this one life and the world into which you were born. I pray that you at least may find some peace and acceptance while finding yourself among others who are facing similar fears and sharing their experiences of friends and family who have taken that final step we all know is waiting for us at the end of our journey.
I just have hope that our mind exists outside the brain (neurons connections). I follow scientific research in that matter, like Roger Penrose's Orch-OR etc:
*Roger Penrose On Why Consciousness Does Not Compute - Issue 47: Consciousness - Nautilus
*Discovery of Quantum Vibrations in “Microtubules” Inside Brain Neurons Confirms Controversial 20-Year-Old Theory of Consciousness - News - Physics of Life Reviews - Journal - Elsevier
*A Super-Simple, Non-Quantum Theory of Eternal Consciousness
*Scientists discover that your mind is not confined to your brain (or your body)

I also suggest sometimes going through this:Search | arXiv e-print repository

There is hope we as human beings may solve this 'problem'.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member

While studying the brain one might ask who or what desiged that brain. It looks like you have already read about some interesting possibilies. The following is one forum thread about the mind and brain:

The Mind and The Brain - Jeffrey M. Schwartz & Sharon Begley

The thread on intelligent design might give you some more to think about if you have not read it yet. Our materialistic views have been greatly influenced by Darwin's believers I think.

Darwin's Black Box - Michael J. Behe and Intelligent Design



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
She obviously didn't get out of the hospital in time to attend their funerals which were on the same day and at the same church. But she sent material along to be included in their services. For her boyfriend she reworded this song to replace the word 'Daddy' with her boyfriends name.

Thank you@Jonesfor that story about your sister and that song. I played it on YouTube and noticed that some of the words were in a longer version called My Father's Chair. Family helps us to have previews sometimes of where we may be bound to travel.

Some may not have very good family memories and I think that makes it even more difficult to accept the pain and suffering they see in this world and greater fears of that "unknown" we call death. This song rang true to me on a deep level I hope others may be able to relate to its message.



The Living Force
FOTCM Member
This always was what scared me the most, that after death, my whole being, myself and all my memory will stop working and'll be lost. The scariest part is that if 'nothing after death' is true then I will not even be able to feel that because I will be completely gone. Will not feel void, emptiness, nothing, because will not be able to feel anything hence I am not existing anymore. I hope something opposite will happen, but this scarry feeling still persist inside me.
你好,之前我读三本书,斯塔福德贝蒂我was a bit 'up in the air' or 'lost' on the topic myself and had some fears and doubts. One books was the book Joe mentions at the start of this thread - 'When Did You Ever Become Less By Dying? AFTERLIFE: The Evidence'. The other two were 'The Afterlife Unveiled: What the Dead are Telling Us About Their World' and 'Heaven and Hell Unveiled: Updates from the World of Spirit'. These books really hit home for me and helped me relax about death a great deal. I had two family members pass in the last 12 months and these books and thinking about them prior to those deaths also helped me a great deal to handle their passing. So if you haven't read them, reading them might help you along the path of fearing death less in conjunction with looking at the threads goyacobal pointed out.


Dagobah Resident
Thanks for such a beautiful thread. As I was reading the 33 points, the dialogue of Jesus with the thief that describes the Gospel of Luke 23, 39-43 came to mind.

One of the thieves hanging on the cross insulted Jesus: «Are you not the Christ? Well, save you and us! "

It reminded me of the kind of spirits that would come to that other 5D reality to inhabit the hellish regions for their arrogance, for not being able to forgive themselves.

19.有地狱般的astr地区al, and large populations that make their home there. What is sometimes referred to as the Shadow Lands is a vast world of many conditions. The landscapes vary from sordid city neighborhoods to parched, gray scrubland to dark, lifeless deserts. The vivid clarity of higher realms is missing. Instead there is a dull overcast. Temporarily lost or confused or stubbornly unrepentant souls populate these regions.

But another thief responded by saying: «Don't you fear God, you who suffer the same sentence? And we are rightly so, because we have deserved it with our actions; on the other hand, he has done nothing wrong ».

This thief reminded me of those who have seen themselves as they are and who have forgiven and forgiven themselves. I once read that God does not judge, because there is nothing to judge, then "Who am I to judge anyone, if God has never judged anyone forever?"

Most spirits mention some kind of Judgment.One spirit wrote that the Judgment “consists in being able to see ourselves as we are, and by no stretch of imagination being able to avoid seeing it. It is a Judgment of God on us [lesser selves] through our Higher Selves.No other person could be so just a Judge as we ourselves can be when facing the truth. For many it is a terrible hour.” None of these spirits speaks of an inquisitor deity sitting on a throne.

Later the thief said: "Jesus, remember me when you enter your Kingdom." Jesus said to him: "I assure you: today you will be with me in Paradise."

I have always read this as a promise and reading this thread gives me hope that I can meet many people that I have met on this forum. As Clapton's song "tears in heaven" would say:

Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven?
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven?

Many spirits are members of large spirit families, or “Group Souls,” that await them when they pass. They feel as if they have come home when they are received by the familiar group. One spirit tells us that souls in a Group are “part of ourselves. Their connection with us is deeper and far more permanent than mere earth contacts could make it.”

似乎许多人携带他们的戏剧de之外ath. Some move on...some remain attached to the tiny Earth. But what seems to be the rule is that we never attached to any realm, insomuch we allow it.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
We are eternal. This meat suit is just a vehicle for gaining experience. Much love ~

I know the feeling@Roadhizzy. Of course the "meat suit" interacts on an emotional/chemical level as well so that complicates our lessons/"experiences" quite a bit I think. But basically, as you say we are in this "container" so to speak.

Overall though I think it helps to think as the Cs say in so many words "it is the soul that counts":

Session 8 April 2000:
Q: Well. I don't buy into that whole monotheistic, dominator, war-mongering, make everybody conform to one way of thinking head trip!

A: So, you think all individuals conformed then, orisit the soul that countsin the final analysis?

Q: Okay, obviously all individuals are different, and some did not conform then, either.

A: And neither do you.


Session 23 September 2000:
Q: Well, ten years ago I didn't wear glasses. I didn't need 'em either! I could thread a needle! I mean, this thing called time has a profound effect on physiology whether you guys notice it or not!I know,it's the soul that counts, but my thought is that we are in these bodies, and it has been subtly suggested that we are in these present vehicles to DO something.

A: But is it not a great adventure?

And for all the gender worries and conflicts we are seeing...

Session 28 March 2010:
(L) So say a female infant is hardwired to be triggered by the presence of the pheromone of a male, and the interaction is pleasant, then what is supposed to get written to the circuit gets written, and everything is fine. If the pheromone opens the window and what happens in the interaction is extremely unpleasant, then everything gets screwed up. And possibly it could be that if there is some genetic difference in the infant, then maybe they are set up so that the pheromones of a female will open the window. So, there are a number of possibilities here. It's obviously an interactive thing that triggers it, writes the circuit, and whatever.

(Ailén) So the way that some homosexuals are overidentified with being gay, like gay bars and that stuff, that has to be just cultural then...?

答:同性恋“运动”是一个中央情报局的程序挂牌交易4D STS designed to set up antipathy, differences, and to identify individuals for purposes of inflicting further suffering.

Q: (L) Huh.

A: It is the soul that counts.

So many "meat suits" and so little "time" or love ...

"Much love" to you as well,@Roadhizzy.


Jedi Master
While studying the brain one might ask who or what desiged that brain. It looks like you have already read about some interesting possibilies. The following is one forum thread about the mind and brain:

The Mind and The Brain - Jeffrey M. Schwartz & Sharon Begley

The thread on intelligent design might give you some more to think about if you have not read it yet. Our materialistic views have been greatly influenced by Darwin's believers I think.

Darwin's Black Box - Michael J. Behe and Intelligent Design

This is very interesting. I have to get that book of Jeffrey Schwartz. Even more interesting because I also have something that can be called a version of OCD with I have been struggling since 7yo. Nice coincidence that you directed me to this exact book...
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