disorderly happiness

Sol Logos

Sol Logos

The Living Force
I've been writing this blog for some time now. It's basically just some general personal reflections. I've wanted to share this on Blogger's blog as I've been on the forum for a while now, but was a little apprehensive about it because for now my views on some things differ, but I'm sure that's nothing special or unique here either. Having said that I've found the more I've read here, the more I've come to understand things I've overlooked previously, but I've still got a lot to learn from the abundance of material you guys provide. Anyway your thoughts are appreciated. http://disorderlyhappiness.com/ (as to the name of my blog, it started off being about my personal search for happiness which has been always haphazard and mostly unsuccessful, but the content and my focus has changed a fair bit since coming up with that name and funnily overall, I'd say I'm happier anyway)
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