Fake gold for sale?



The Force is Strong With This One
I find it hard to swallow that the following webpage is actually legitimate:


It seems to be offering tungsten bars, salted with a coating of gold, to make them appear to be real gold bars. Since tungsten is roughly the same density as gold, and about 0.1% of the cost, it's plausible that someone might actually try to pass these off as real gold. However, I doubt any serious buyer of gold nowadays would sign a deal without assaying the gold to determine it's purity and authenticity.


Jedi Council Member
FOTCM Member
yes this looks nice and dandy, but as the disclaimer reads:

Notice: Chinatungsten Online (Xiamen) Manu.&Sales Corp. is a very professional and serious company, specializing in manufacturing and selling tungsten related products for more than two decades. Our gold-plated tungsten bar andtungsten alloy golden bar are only for souvenir and decoration purpose. We can provide all kinds of tungsten alloy golden bar as your requirements. Here we declare:Please do not use our gold-plated tungsten alloy bar and tungsten alloy golden bar for any illegal purpose.

but it is possible that some will fall for that.... :(


The Force is Strong With This One
I love this part: "Notice: Chinatungsten Online (Xiamen) Manu.&Sales Corp. is a very professional and serious company..."


The Living Force
I recalled having read about these some time ago, so I did a search. Turns out there was some sort of a scare about 'fake' gold bars back in 2012.

Some examples:

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