Hostage to the Devil, Malachi Martin/Glimpses of the Devil ,Scott Peck



Padawan Learner
During the second part of the latest podcast when Laura mentioned the post traumatic effects of her experience with exorcism, I immediately related to the contents of this book in support of her comments. As it happened later on in the podcast.
I had never heard of this book or Malachi Martin until tuning into a radio program which hosted Father Walter Halloran.
"Hostage to the Devil" is indeed a very scary book. But it is also a book which describes courage, conviction in the face of pure evil. The post exorcism frailty and sorrow of the exorcist is described in great detail.
我发现自己很好奇玛拉基书马丁·which led me to the book, "Glimpses of the Devil" by M. Scott Peck, MD. Dr. Peck is a psychiatrist and was a personal friend of the late Malachi Martin. In this book Dr. Peck bluntly states he was manipulated into the role of an exorcist by his friend and mentor Malachi Martin. Besides the personal information on Malachi Martin, Dr. Peck describes two exorcisms he performed in this book. One was successful and one was a failure. On page 243-244, he describes the "it" he faced in the failed exorcism. "Regardless of name, I would with total certainly place Beccah's snakelike demon as belonging to a time several million years ago. I spoke about the qualities of heaviness, hugeness and immobility of Beccah's snake, but I did not mention another distinct feeling I had at the time of her exorcism. In my very guts I felt that snake had to be millions of years old to have grown to such a huge size and state of immobility. I felt helpless before it; because it seemed to me it would have taken dozens of backhoes and cranes moving in concert to remove the beast. It truly felt to me like a beast that had been lying there for eternity." End of quote.
'Immobility' or the decision of 'Non being', imo is one and the same. I like to make one more example of association of information. On Page 246, a young woman describes her 'demons' before her successful exorcism.
"Her description of her demons as weak, pathetic creatures." End of quote. (Sounds like a play for pity.) Page
239-240, "Malachi thought that thoroughly evil people were rare. He depicted several of them in Hostage to the Devil, but all were vague, shadowy figures. I, on the other hand, believe that thoroughly evil people are quite common- much more common than the possessed- and depicted several of them in 'People of the Lie' in considerable detail." (People that Lie is another book Dr. Peck has written, I have not read it yet.) These statements support a couple of conclusions made by Martha Stout in her book, The Sociopath Next Door. Psychopaths and/or 'It' display common characteristics, such as the play for sympathy. Thoroughly evil people AKA the Sociopath - another example of the medical/psychiatric establishment recognizing the existence and validly of evil. A positive Sign of the Time.
下侧的魔鬼,国际海事组织,the reader must wade through all the fundamentalist language (but it is his book, his belief system and I respect that) and I found myself in strong disagreement with his opinion on Edgar Cayce, whom he felt was possessed.
Thank You for allowing me to post.
Thank you for these excellent quotes. I can tell you that I didn't sense the depth of evil that Peck described in the failed exorcism. The case that I selected for the podcast was bad enough. I'm not joking when I say it took a full 6 months to recover. It was as though the act of will that rose up inside me at the moment of expulsion had to make a sort of "trade" of energy, and I lost something inside. It was like chunks of me were torn away.

And yes, that "stillness" is characteristic. Michael Topper writes:

The network of the STS hierarchy extends in myriad psychic webs of specialized powers, forces and functions like a voracious Net flung across the heaven of stars, the sum energy comprising the group consciousness of that net redounds to the basic benefit of the Being at the apex of the control pyramid. This apex is composed of the most persistently negative being - the one who has stuck it out against all evidence of progressively-diminishing returns. This being can be described as the Desolate One, a being who most directly embodies and promotes the ultimate negative objective.

At the higher levels, the absorptive framework of self-enhanced ego consciousness takes on a severe functional contraction and effective withdrawal from interest/involvement in the created fields of being, maintaining a minimalist interaction with only its closest contacts in the pyramid.

Thus, the negative being of higher densities takes on the configuration of a forebodingly lonely presence, lurking in caves and desolate grottos of the astrophysical realms. It becomes a fiercely mental entity of 5th density power-knowledge, possessing the proverbial basilisk gaze and only turning the stream of its attention "away" from that intensified/contractile self absorption toward the created worlds in token deference of the need to canalize the funneling food source - sucking vitality from the extravagances and pastimes comprising the follies of the created worlds, imbibing the "light units" to insure the uninterrupted power that it needs, the inconceivable "wattage" required, to maintain that monumental self-absorption and narcissistic self-luminance of the negative Ego-postulate - the Anti-Logos, the Selfness of Consciousness.

So it is that the Anti-Logos cannot simply withdraw from the worlds of creation - it must absorb them into itself - it feels the necessity of undoing creation - it NEEDS that energy to fuel its infinite self-contemplation.

This is the Ultimate Objective of the Being at the apex of the pyramidal food chain. And this is why its agenda is masked in the lower levels of the hierarchy. Until such lower level negative beings have consumed sufficient energy - a sort of critical mass - to trigger the implosion of such extraordinary self concentration, they are only interested in destroying that which resists their domination and preserving a vital minimum of captured resources so as to possess an ongoing supply of nutriment. They wish to control, or freeze the rate of planetary destruction and disintegration so as to technically conserve the intelligent life-form in a tractable state so as to render it a good "servant."
The consciousness of that being is literally fed and magnified by the number and relative strength of the subordinate souls who have been voluntarily subsumed to the network. The greater the development of the psychic potentials of the individual who has been co-opted, the more "energy" he contributes to the whole system. The more psychic energy available to the "Commander" of the negative soul hierarchy, the greater his effective power to co-opt even more potent and more difficult to capture souls.

“意识”的贡献由代用tively of the energy a soul would otherwise utilize to encompass objective knowledge. Each time they choose a lie over the effort required to dig down to the truth, or the effort required to adjust their own psyche to adapt to Truth, that "love" energy is effectively transferred to the individual who is producing the lie in which they are believing without effort on their part to ascertain its truth for themselves.

Kimber said:
下侧的魔鬼,国际海事组织,the reader must wade through all the fundamentalist language (but it is his book, his belief system and I respect that) and I found myself in strong disagreement with his opinion on Edgar Cayce, whom he felt was possessed.
I agree completely. You probably noticed that I NEVER used the "name of Jesus" once during the entire process though I did invoke the Christ as a universal spirit of annointing of Light.

I'll tell you something else that really frustrated me during so many more or less ordinary "spirit release" sessions: the fact that more "souls" than I can count were in the condition of being "attached" and unable to move on in their natural cycle due to fears and false information inculcated by religious teachings! In fact, that was so persistent a problem that I think I may do a podcast on that alone. Sometimes I would be really angry to see the suffering of my TWO clients: the attached human in front of me, and his or her disoriented, frightened, attached "hitchhiker."

So much ignorance doing so much damage to so many...
The STOs will, and are, prevailing in this cosmic battle. STOs create and expand energy, hence matter. STSes only feed off that which is created by STOs. Therefore, STSes are totally dependent on STOs for their survival. In reality, there is no polarity, for polarity implies equality of opposites. STSes are nothing more than lower 4th dimensional parasites who would quickly starve without the STO host as a psychic and physical food, or energy, source.
Are STSes clever? You bet they are! They have to be in order to survive. But once the cat is out of the bag (i.e., once that knowledge is acted upon) the game is over, finished, kaput!
没有更多的把其他的脸颊,留下来gether for the sake of the children, ignoring the slights, assaults and intimidations of the sickos in our lives, bearing the burdens for these poor lost leeches. Yep, the Frank Scotts, Maynerd Mosts, Storm Bear Williams, Ira Einhorns, George Bushes, Tony Blairs, and Dick Cheneys of this world are hereby put on notice that we are on to their scam.
Now that us STOs (or STOs in training) know the rules of the game and the true spiritual reality, all we have to do is put this knowledge to use.
Which, after years of STS conditioning won't be the easiest thing to do, but do it we will. We (or at least I) have no other choice.
Like the Cs said: "Learning is fun."
I hope I'm not too much off topic with this post and I am certainly not making light of the post-traumatic effects Laura experienced with any of her exorcisms. But in spite of the psychopaths, demonic forces, reptilians, and whatever else lurks out there in the other dimensions and densities that is feeding or attaching to us in this density, as our awareness expands through acquiring knowledge, doesn't this in fact put the ball entirely in our court? In fact, aren't all the machinations and maneuvers of these dark characters and forces nothing more than a last-ditch attempt, or wishful thinking on their part, that they still have a chance in winning this game, which now is no game at all?
In spite of everything the dark side has done to try to destroy Laura, they haven't succeeded. And I am sure Laura's story could be applied in whole or in part to most of us on this forum.
In short, I have to conclude that the Creator (or Creation) is protecting us on our journey to STO perfection. Namaste.
Redrock12 said:
In short, I have to conclude that the Creator (or Creation) is protecting us on our journey to STO perfection. Namaste.
It may be that in the grand scheme of things there is a balance between entropy and creation. However, I think it is irresponsible to assume that 'we' are being protected for any certain outcome, particularly that of a STO universe. This line of thinking is not to different from the thinking that 'we are chosen and so we will be saved.' In my opinion, this view promotes laziness and bigotry - two things that are helping to maintain all the lies of this world.
Explain yourself. How does confronting the dark forces, as Laura does, or did, through performing exorcisms and overcoming demonic forces or directly confronting corrupt and evil institutions such as the legal system, the banking system, CRA, etc,(as I do), promote laziness and bigotry? We are not chosen or "saved," as you so crassly put it, but we choose, Light over Darkness. How does one determine what is the Light and what is the Dark?
Answer: through acquiring Truth by acquiring Knowledge and then putting that knowledge to work through direct action. It doesn't mean that we win in every confrontation with the STS forces, but it does mean that we're still around to pick ourselves up and have another shot at it. You know, down but not out. After being involved in a christian cult, alcohol addiction, and finally arriving at the Truth through research and reading, of course I am protected! And it's certainly not from sitting on my butt and letting the world roll over me that I have reached the level of awareness that I presently have. When we respond to what Creation requires of us through STO, then Creation responds in kind.
Of course, some time, somehow, I am going to die, but it certainlty won't be from laziness or bigotry (how did bigotry enter into this picture anyway?). Maybe I'll be murdered or get cancer, be tortured or beaten to death or just die in bed of old age. Whatever. But until that time, Creation or the STOS or whatever you wish to call it, is keeping me alive and kicking in 3D and I'm spreading the message and growing toward STOness. Being protected does not mean doing nothing. Being protected means being around for the next confrontation with the dark forces. If I was doing nothing I wouldn't need protection. If something or someone wasn't looking after Laura after what she's experienced in her lifetime, do you really think she'd still be here? Give your head a shake and come down off your high horse. Is it possible that maybe you're just an armchair spectator rather than a participant in this game, and I've hit a raw nerve?
I think Shane might be referring to what is talked about in this snip of the transcripts
C's Transcripts May 4 said:
Q: (TK) So, basically, we control 2nd density, and 4th density controls us. There are the good guys and bad guys. (L)
And we will do what we will do. Either we choose to align ourselves with the good guys, or with the bad guys.
A: It's up to you.
Q: (TK) However, if too many people align themselves with the bad guys, then the balance tips in their favor, and there is
no more advancement, so there has to be education so that people will know...
A: T***, you are close, but you are missing the point.
Q: (L) What is the point?
A: The point is, there "has to be" nothing. You will do what you will do. You choose. We have told you this repeatedly,
but you still suffer from self-centered perspective.
Q: (TK) Everybody is worried about themselves. They all want to be saved and not worry about others.
A: More to the point, everybody in an STS realm views themselves as somehow "special, chosen, or protected." This is
simply not so!!
Q: (TK) What is going to happen, is going to happen. The people...
A: The body does not matter. It is the soul that either progresses or digresses, just ask S****!
Q: (L) Did S***** progress or digress?
A: Open.
Q: (L) So, in other words, we could just sit around and live our lives and have a good time and not worry about a damn
thing. Is that the point?
A: No.
Q: (L) It's our choices?
A: Yes.
Q: (TK) The point is it's going to happen...
A: But, nobody is there to intervene on your behalf as many would like to believe.
Q: (L) So, we are here on this planet, and we will either make it or we won't, just like Dorothy and Toto in Oz, based on
our own ability to figure it out, to overcome the odds, the witch, monkeys and soldiers... (TK) Maybe what they are
trying to do is give people the information, or make the information available so that people can make the choice, do they
want to stay...
A: We are not "trying" to do anything. We are here to answer questions if asked. We cannot interfere.
Q: (TK) Yes, the non-interference idea is pretty clear and understandable. So, they cannot interfere...
A: And, even when we answer, you may not believe, it is up to you!
Q: (L) So, we are really on our own!
A: You always have been, and so have we, and all others, too!!
Q: (TK) I guess then, it is a matter of asking the right questions so that you will know what course of action to take. I
mean, do you want to advance? Do you want to go to 4th density? Or do you want to go higher? Or do you want to
stay here? How can you make an informed choice if you don't know the true conditions and what your options are? (L)
Is it that the religions that have been generated and foisted on the human race, have been designed to give people a
feeling of complacency or faith in something outside themselves, and that this prevents them from seeking knowledge,
opening their eyes, facing the facts of their existence, and therefore keeps them in bondage?
A: Its just obstacles, as always. You employ those too, for your 2nd density friends!!
Yet in the transcripts there are references to divine intervention on Laura's behalf and this seems to muddy the waters for this subject:
C's Transcripts March 4 said:
Q: (L) One session I asked about some things that happened to me in the past and I was told that what saved my buns
from the fire was divine intervention.
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Can you tell us about divine intervention?
A: Multi faceted.
Q: (L) Was this divine intervention enacted to protect me from direful consequences that would have prevented me from
doing whatever work is forming up for me in the future?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Does it not seem that being under attack as we are now might further prevent me, as well as my compatriots from
doing our work?
A: Of course.
Q: (L) Well, does it not then behoove this same divine intervention enacted at these other times to act at this time, or is
the threat less?
A: Divine intervention cannot be arranged by 3rd level beings.
Q: (L) What level beings arrange divine intervention?
A: 4th through 7th.
Q: (T) So, we are just shy of a level to do that! We can do some quasi divine intervention!
A: You cannot do this divine intervention. You can do 3rd level intervention.
Redrock12 said:
The STOs will, and are, prevailing in this cosmic battle. STOs create and expand energy, hence matter. STSes only feed off that which is created by STOs. Therefore, STSes are totally dependent on STOs for their survival. In reality, there is no polarity, for polarity implies equality of opposites. STSes are nothing more than lower 4th dimensional parasites who would quickly starve without the STO host as a psychic and physical food, or energy, source.
从我从劳拉的我们阅读和理解rk (ie transcripts) is that their is a balance and in some way an "equality of opposites." The Yin and Yang perhaps. STO would seem to be meaningless without STS and hence why what the C's say "All there is is lessons" would seem to make sense in this context in terms of figuring out what constitues each part. My impression of your post Shane replied to is a distain for STS instead of an understanding. Would you do away with the "lower 4th dimensional parasites" if you had the chance?

Redrock12 said:
In spite of everything the dark side has done to try to destroy Laura, they haven't succeeded. And I am sure Laura's story could be applied in whole or in part to most of us on this forum.
In short, I have to conclude that the Creator (or Creation) is protecting us on our journey to STO perfection.
I tend to come to the conclusion that we as individuals have a choice to act and whether that leads us to STS or STO is what is important to learn.
In a nutshell, we of 3D are either energy receptors and/ or energy generators. What the acquisition of True Knowledge gives us is the means to determine which of our actions are STS (energy receptors) and which ones are STO (energy generators). What divine intervention gives us is the protection (as in Laura's case through the Cs) to acquire the knowledge necessary to differentiate between the two.
For example, Laura turning the other cheek on Frank Scott's behavior was, in retrospect, STS behavior. But until Laura knew the difference, she thought her responses were helping Frank, but in reality were feeding him energy and draining her, and letting her off the hook as far as dealing with Frank in the way he should have been dealt with according to an STO scenario.
Nevertheless, although Laura suffered because of Frank, the Cs seemed to intervene in time to prevent her destruction, and make it a learning experience.
The Cs say that divine intervention comes only from 4th to 7th density, but can it not take on any number of different forms in 3rd density? Is it always possible to judge what is divine intervention and what isn't? Or are all of our actions, when we're searching for the Truth, a form of divine intervention?:cool:
It is always possible, of course, that 'divine intervention' is also a preincarnatively decided interaction for the purposes of learning/guiding someone in a particular direction. From our perception here in 3D, it is just impossible to fathom the complexity of how these things are 'arranged'.
I just got "Hostage to the Devil" today, and came acrossthis piecefrom the Signs page while looking for further references. It does an excellent job, in my opinion, of showing how the work of the exorcist is fundamentally the same as work on the self.

Imagine a lifetime of Signs pages compressed into one hellish instant.

"You are never quite at home in this human world ever again after an exorcism," he said slowly. He sat down again and explained.

After an exorcism the exorcist hears and sees and thinks and talks as he always did. But now he perceives on two planes. Spirit is everywhere. Flesh and matter is only "our picture" of what's there. And it's not all good. There's evil and good hidden in that "picture."

After an exorcism you always know, if you didn't know it before. You are now walking with a double vision, a second sight, as the old people used to say.

[...] Then he went on to describe the double vision. It was not like seeing another table beside the real table or another wall beside the real wall. It was not a vision of eyes or a hearing with your ears or a touching with your hand. It was another level of reality. An exorcism sharpens your awareness of that reality, he said. You know what stands behind and around and beneath and above all that is visible and tangible. The intertwining cords of spirit appear everywhere. Good and bad spirit. Beauty and ugliness. Holiness and sin. God as a tremendous majesty. Personal evil is a formidable force. Nothing escapes those cords. [Malachi Martin.Hostage to the Devil, pp. 452, 454.]
We drew the comparison with the Signs pages at the top because the battle of the exorcist is the same battle anyone faces who wishes to see the truth, although compressed into such a short time and delivered with such force that rare is the individual who can survive. Many exorcists die shortly after major exorcisms and many others have their lives considerably shortened. The effects of the Signs page are, fortunately for our readers, cumulative, lesser shocks delivered over a longer period, designed to drop the veils one after another, not all in a single blow. As far as we know, more people have died from viewing The Passion of the Christ than from reading Signs of the Times. And yet the result of reading Signs and of carrying out an exorcism, the ability to SEE, appears to be the same (minus the Christian overlay). "The intertwining cords of spirit appear everywhere," wrote Malachi Martin. And there is both good and evil in our picture.

The study of exorcism shows that there is a relationship between work on the self and the ability to see. If one accepts the lies one tells oneself, one will be unable to see the truth in the world or in others, including in cases of demonic possession. The dynamic between exorcist and demon illustrates this in a very clear way. The demon will use any weakness, any doubt, any memory or action from the exorcist's life in order to pull him over to the dark side. The demon can latch on to these artifacts because they are pieces of the demon inside the exorcist, pieces of what we have called, after don Juan, the predator's mind within us.

And who of us is without such traces of the predator lurking within?

The Presence was everywhere and nowhere. Peter [the exorcist] fought off the instinct to step back or to look around or, most of all, to run far and fast. "Freeze yer mind," had been Conor's advice. "Freeze it in luv. Shtick there, lad." But, Holy Jesus, how? The Presence was all over him, inside him, outside him. A total trap of cloying ropes he couldn't see. He heard no word, saw no vision, smelled no odor. But his skin was no longer the protective shell of his mortality. His skin didn't work! It was now a porous interface that let the invisible filth of the Presence ooze in. Worst of all was the silence of it. It was soundless. Suddenly he had been attacked and caught; and he knew his adversary was superior and ruthless, that it had invaded deep into the self he always hid from others and hoped only God did know and would never show him until he was strong enough to bear the sight. [p.72]
The exorcist comes face to face with what can only be described as Evil. He confronts a cold, sentient force that knows his darkest thoughts, the deepest recesses of his mind, a force that is ready and willing to reach into those areas to find material to use to break the exorcist's will, for that is what an exorcism amounts to, a battle of wills between this evil force and his human opponent, the fight to corrupt and infect and destroy the will of the exorcist.

任何工具都允许黑暗的力量。The exorcist has nothing but his purity of intent and his faith that the evil spirit can be defeated. If he succumbs to the Presence when it passes through the pores of his skin, he is lost. To succumb means to lose the ability to discern the Presence, to become unable to draw a distinction between it and himself, that is, to allow the predator's mind to take over. In an exorcism, the exorcist faces a souped-up, turbo-charged model of the predator's mind, perhaps even the original predator itself.

We all have parts of ourselves that we are ashamed of, parts we wish to hide from others, parts of the predator's mind within us. As we cling to these lies, we are forced to find excuses, explanations, and stories to justify their place within us. In such moments, we become the predator. During the exorcism, the demon plays on these weaknesses, holding the mirror up to the exorcist, insisting that the exorcist is no different than the person from whom he is attempting to expel the demon. Because the exorcist himself is inhabited by the predator's mind, he is open to this attack. If he is more worried about his appearance to those assisting him in the exorcism than in the welfare of the person he is trying to save, then this "outing", this publicising of his darkest thoughts and memories, will destablise the exorcist and all is lost.

The solution is not that the exorcist must be pure, but rather that the exorcist must recognise his own weaknesses and not hide from them. The exorcist must be transparent to himself and willing to admit his weaknesses to those assisting him in order to stand up to the evil spirit.

So it is with us.

Were we pure and without any trace of the predator, we would not be here. We would no longer fit. Our lessons in this realm would be over. However, even if we are not yet pure, the demon can be defeated in an exorcism and the predator's mind can be overcome in this work, but we must become transparent, to ourselves, and to others engaged in this work.

With each choice we make we must draw the line between Creation and Entropy and side with Creation. If our intent is pure, then the impurities within that have not yet been burned away will not hold us back. However our intentions will be tested as we are called upon to confront them each in turn. If we refuse to recognise our weaknesses and faults when the time comes to burn them off, we will remain "possessed".

An exorcism puts the predator's mind and the existence of the cords of evil in this world into sharp relief. The Signs page does this, too. How we react to the lies of the politicians "leading" us, to the excuses given for murdering innocents in Iraq, the Occupied Territories, or elsewhere, or even the news of a sale down at the mall tells us much about our own possession by the evil spirits of this world. Following the cords of the Creative spirit as they twist and intertwine with the cords of entropy is not easy, but it is our only means of untangling ourselves. The constant shocks as we become aware of each new lie make the interplay of the cords easier and easier to see and identify. With each shock and the accompanying alignment of a small 'I' with our real 'I', it is as if another pair of eyes is focused on the Truth, bringing it into sharper and sharper relief.

We are all possessed. We carry within us and are bound tightly by cords of both spirits, good and evil, the Creative and the Entropic. During the exorcism, there is a moment when the demon drops the pretence of its non-existence. It is a moment when the will of the possessed comes into play. The exorcist calls out to the possessed and calls upon him or her to aid in the work of casting out the demon.

When the predator's mind arises in us, we are called upon to make the same choice. Do we succumb to the lures of possession and the lie, promises for the future and wishful thinking, or do we see the predator's mind for what it is and cast it out?

Ultimately, the choice is ours.
Just started to read this book, it's so scary!!! Just by looking at the cover, you know your getting into something really really horrific! Still, I'll continue to read... :/
EGVG said:
Just started to read this book, it's so scary!!! Just by looking at the cover, you know your getting into something really really horrific! Still, I'll continue to read... :/

This is not light reading. I don't recommend it to anyone who lacks really good spiritual defenses which means a LOT of knowledge.
Laura said:
EGVG said:
Just started to read this book, it's so scary!!! Just by looking at the cover, you know your getting into something really really horrific! Still, I'll continue to read... :/

This is not light reading. I don't recommend it to anyone who lacks really good spiritual defenses which means a LOT of knowledge.

:shock:Oh!, OK I guess I'll stop for now, thanks for the recommendation! I was getting really uneasy.
EGVG said:
Laura said:
EGVG said:
Just started to read this book, it's so scary!!! Just by looking at the cover, you know your getting into something really really horrific! Still, I'll continue to read... :/

This is not light reading. I don't recommend it to anyone who lacks really good spiritual defenses which means a LOT of knowledge.

:shock:Oh!, OK I guess I'll stop for now, thanks for the recommendation! I was getting really uneasy.

好!在自己工作在普通方法是满的ty on your plate for now. Let those whose job it is deal with the nasty stuff, okay?
Laura said:
EGVG said:
Laura said:
EGVG said:
Just started to read this book, it's so scary!!! Just by looking at the cover, you know your getting into something really really horrific! Still, I'll continue to read... :/

This is not light reading. I don't recommend it to anyone who lacks really good spiritual defenses which means a LOT of knowledge.

:shock:Oh!, OK I guess I'll stop for now, thanks for the recommendation! I was getting really uneasy.

好!在自己工作在普通方法是满的ty on your plate for now. Let those whose job it is deal with the nasty stuff, okay?

OK ;)

I just did a G-search for this title and on top came this thread: // I don't have the time now to explore this any further (past bedtime here allready) but I thought I best signal this here, just in case there might be relevant info as to why this book is not recommended. fwiw.
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