How machiavellian are you?



The Living Force
As referenced in this threadEveryday sadists take pleasure in others' painwhich referenced this article:
sadism is a distinct aspect of personality that joins with three others - psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism - to form a "Dark Tetrad" of personality traits.

The wiki page on Machiavellianism referenced this personality test which may be of interest:

Online interactive version:

Or plain text:
This survey itself measures only one thing -- whether you subscribe to the ideas of a 16th century Italian political philosopher. But experiments have shown that reactions to Machiavelli act as a kind of litmus test, delineating differences in temperament that can be confirmed with more traditional personality inventories. High Machs (80+) constitute a distinct type: charming, confident and glib, but also arrogant, calculating and cynical, prone to manipulate and exploit. (Think Rupert Murdoch, or if your politics permit it, Tony Blair.)

True low Machs (-40), however, can be kind of dependent, submissive and socially inept --so be sure to invite a high Mach or two to your next dinner party.

NB. Further information on Machiavelli can be found at The Prince’ by Niccol Machiavelli (1469-1527) in the Books that have added to our culture or at the ‘Conclusion’ in the ‘The Art of Spying essay’.

My score was 54 of 100.

This puts you in the category of the low Machs, people who will hold out for the goodness of the world and avoid manipulation. Not the people Machiavelli would approve of.


The Living Force
Your score was 58 of 100. This puts you in the category of the low Machs, people who will hold out for the goodness of the world and avoid manipulation. Not the people Machiavelli would approve of. A graph of how others who have taken this have scores is below. These scores should not be taken as population norms though, the people who seek out tests of machivellianism on the internet are most likely not representative.

luke wilson

luke wilson

The Living Force
Oh deary me,

Your score was 65 of 100.

This puts you in the category of the high Machs, people who do not belive in the goodness of the world and that because that it must be manipulated, people who Machiavelli would approve of.


I got 46.

I do wonder with these tests what sort of score you can get if you repeat them, say, in a month's time, and with different questions.

It seems that they have more tests: _


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
My score was 50 of 100.

... in the category of the low Machs, people who will hold out for the goodness of the world and avoid manipulation. Not the people Machiavelli would approve of.
My score was 58 of 100.

This puts you in the category of the low Machs, people who will hold out for the goodness of the world and avoid manipulation. Not the people Machiavelli would approve of.


Your score was 55 of 100.

This puts you in the category of the low Machs, people who will hold out for the goodness of the world and avoid manipulation. Not the people Machiavelli would approve of. A graph of how others who have taken this have scores is below. These scores should not be taken as population norms though, the people who seek out tests of machivellianism on the internet are most likely not representative.


so the graph means that other people on the internet are scoring much higher. how amazing. many more tests there to play with. thanks for sharing this!


I had to do it, I just had to.;-)Jung Types Test. It actually fits me quite well. This is to much fun. Wonder just how reliable the tests are. Feel like singing that song, "Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...." Getting to Know You" is a show tune from the 1951 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical The King and I.

Your personality type has been calculated as INTJ.

The description of this personality type from Wikipedia is:
专家型的分析。intp一样,他们是最有限公司mfortable working alone and tend to be less sociable than other types. Nevertheless, INTJs are prepared to lead if no one else seems up to the task, or if they see a major weakness in the current leadership. They tend to be pragmatic, logical, and creative. They have a low tolerance for spin or rampant emotionalism. They are not generally susceptible to catchphrases and do not recognize authority based on tradition, rank, or title.

Hallmarks of the INTJ include independence of thought and a desire for efficiency. They work best when given autonomy and creative freedom. They harbor an innate desire to express themselves by conceptualizing their own intellectual designs. They have a talent for analyzing and formulating complex theories. INTJs are generally well-suited for occupations within academia, research, consulting, management, science, engineering, and law. They are often acutely aware of their own knowledge and abilities—as well as their limitations and what they don't know (a quality that tends to distinguish them from INTPs). INTJs thus develop a strong confidence in their ability and talents, making them natural leaders.

In forming relationships, INTJs tend to seek out others with similar character traits and ideologies. Agreement on theoretical concepts is an important aspect of their relationships. By nature INTJs can be demanding in their expectations, and approach relationships in a rational manner. As a result, INTJs may not always respond to a spontaneous infatuation but wait for a mate who better fits their set criteria. They tend to be stable, reliable, and dedicated. Harmony in relationships and home life tends to be extremely important to them. They generally withhold strong emotion and do not like to waste time with what they consider irrational social rituals. This may cause non-INTJs to perceive them as distant and reserved; nevertheless, INTJs are usually very loyal partners who are prepared to commit substantial energy and time into a relationship to make it work.

作为配偶,专家型的希望和谐和秩序my188bet亚洲体育and in relationships. The most independent of all types, INTJs trust their intuition when choosing friends and mates—even in spite of contradictory evidence or pressure from others. The emotions of an INTJ are hard to read, and neither male nor female INTJs are apt to express emotional reactions. At times, INTJs seem cold, reserved, and unresponsive, while in fact they are almost hypersensitive to signals of rejection from those they care for. In social situations, INTJs may also be unresponsive and may neglect small rituals designed to put others at ease. For example, INTJs may communicate that idle dialogue such as small talk is a waste of time. This may create the impression that the INTJ is in a hurry—an impression that is not always intended. In their interpersonal relationships, INTJs are usually better in a working situation than in a recreational situation.


FOTCM Member
Oh well, it appears Machiavelli wouldn't approve of me either.... guess I'm not a badass:cry:

Score 54 out of 100 ;)
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