


Padawan Learner
I can't be the only one here who seems to attract certain types of people that would be classed as "crazy" by the general population.

I couldn't be sure if they're crazy or not. Maybe they're just tuning into a different reality.. I'm not entirely sure, but what I do know is they seem to be quite drawn to me.

This week I started uni (wooohoo!), I'd previously been studying an Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy, as it was online I fell behind (not a good excuse, I know), so I've finally picked up the books again and I'm going all out for my Bachelor's Degree, but I digress.

The point is, I've had three full days in the beautiful city of Melbourne this week and 2/3 days I've had "loonies" rant and rave at me about lord knows what!

The first, on Tuesday, I can recall him mentioning a lot about tennis and tennis courts, then about "sucking down cigarettes", which I was. There were various other things that I couldn't make sense of, I was also trying my hardest to avoid eye contact.

The second, today, he was staring me dead in the eyes (those really creepy "I'm gonna get you" type eyes) and saying something from behind a glass bus stop, I just looked away and continued walking to the train station.

It's not the first time things like this have happened to me. When I used to live in Melbourne I had a really strange interaction with a lady who was adamant she was going to "turn me into the police today". Naturally, I had no idea what she was on about, but I played along and apologised. Probably out of fear. I think I have been conditioned to believe that people like this are unpredictable - rightfully or not, fear was likely what was going through my head subconsciously on each of these occasions.

Has anyone else had any similar interactions?

Would anyone have any ideas to why these people, out of the hundreds of others walking the streets of Melbourne CBD, choose me?
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Dagobah Resident
No ideas per se, but if you keep encountering them due to the route you take... might want to find an alternate route sooner rather than later.


Padawan Learner
Thanks kalibex, unfortunately there is no other route. My university is about 100 metres from the train station.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
From a basic psychological point of view, body language can 'attract' loonies as well as predators.
Both violate boundaries and seek to impose their will upon others.


Don’t Walk this Way - How Your Steps Tell Psychopaths who to Attack

US Serial killer and rapist, Ted Bundy, who shortly before his execution confessed to 30 homicides committed in the 1970’s, claimed that “he could tell a victim by the way she walked down the street, the tilt of her head, the manner in which she carried herself, etc . . .”.

This partly inspired a recent psychology study testing whether psychopaths used the way people walk to decide who to target.

Perhaps predators such as rapists and muggers select their victims by first observing body language, which they use to decide our submissiveness, and therefore ultimately vulnerability to assault.

A new study by academic psychologists based at Brock University, Ontario, Canada, and Westfield State University, Massachusetts, USA, has investigated whether psychopaths are skilled in decoding such body language, giving them an advantage in selecting ‘easy’ victims. This skill appears to be part of their adeptness at deceiving, manipulating and exploiting others.

The study entitled ‘Psychopathy and Victim Selection: The Use of Gait as a Cue to Vulnerability’, used a sample of violent prison inmates and found that these offenders were indeed more practiced in paying attention to body language clues relating to attack susceptibility.

Psychopathic offenders were found to be more likely to mention gait as a reason for their assessment of target vulnerability.

Psychologists Dr Angela Book, Dr Kimberly Costello and Dr Joseph Camilleri, who published their study in the ‘Journal of Interpersonal Violence’, found that these ‘victims’ display characteristic body language, specifically in their walking style.

Psychopaths are more accurate than the general population at judging victim vulnerability simply from viewing targets walking. This suggests that if you change the way your walk, and possibly other body language features, you could protect yourself more from attack, perhaps particularly if you are a woman.

Psychopaths were selected to be studied in this research because they make up 15% to 25% of a typical prison population, and are responsible for 50% of violent crime. These “social predators” are characterized by manipulativeness, superficial charm, deception, lack of empathy and remorse, glibness, manipulation, impulsiveness and callousness, which all combine to produce the most dangerous people on the planet.

Psychopaths are particularly skilled in exploiting the weaknesses of others, and this requires that they become adept at recognizing clues of vulnerability in potential victims. Successful predation therefore is thought to hinge on signals of victim vulnerability/weakness. Victims are not picked at random, but are chosen for specific reasons - for example they may be less likely to fight back?

先前的研究发现,男性更莱克阀门ely to select “submissive” women as potential victims after viewing short videos of the woman in a conversation. The female targets in that study who were perceived to be submissive, tended to use “smaller” or more subtle gestures involving their hands and feet. Women who were seen to be dominant used more assertive or expansive gesturing involving their arms and legs.

Non-verbal behaviours, such as eye contact, body posture, and body gestures, appear related to actual and perceived ratings of targets’ dominance.

One specific type of body language that reliably distinguishes victims from non-victims is gait. A previous study found prison inmates who had been convicted of sexual assault identified targets as vulnerable because of certain motions within their walk.

These included long or short strides, weight shifts and feet lifting. Overall, targets who were judged to be vulnerable to mugging or assault exhibited less synchronous movement in their walk. Another previous study found that women who had less-synchronous walks were perceived to be less confident and more vulnerable to sexual assault.

In another study, women exhibiting slower walking speed as well as shorter strides were judged by men to be more vulnerable to sexual exploitation.

In the current research prison inmates with higher psychopathy scores demonstrated greater accuracy in distinguishing people who had a prior (but undisclosed) history of being victims from non-victims.

Inmates scoring higher on particular psychopathic features were much more likely to consciously attend to a target’s gait when making their vulnerability judgments.

The authors conclude that although responsibility for victimization always lies with the perpetrator, their findings have implications for the prevention of future and repeated attacks.

Targets who displayed vulnerable body language were more likely to report past histories of ill-treatment, and psychopaths identified these individuals as being more vulnerable to future victimization.

Such findings may account for why some individuals become repeat victims; social predators are attracted to external displays of vulnerability.

The authors of the study argue that those at risk can be instructed on how to avoid displaying vulnerable body language, in turn therefore possibly reducing their likelihood of being chosen as a victim.

However, the effects of such training appear to be temporary, and the natural gait reasserts itself over time.

According to another theory, if our display of vulnerable body language is produced by a helpless self-identity, our bearing, posture and movements betray our inner insecurities more than we may realise.

To change the way your walk more permanently, making your pathway through life safer, you may need to not just change the outside manner, but how you feel about yourself on the inside as well.

Relaxed objective awareness is key as always.
Awareness of your history and emotional state, how they reflect in your body language and what signals that may be sending.
You can also readSafety and situational awareness.

Adding to the awareness:
Q: ...What I want to know is who has the power and ability to set up these kinds of "confirmations" or synchronicities?
A: Same forces spreading disinformation: Brotherhood/ consortium/ Illuminati/ New World Order/ "Antichrist"/ Lizards.

Q: (L to T) Well, you knew that there was a lot wrong in the beginning, but you thought that it would be different. [At this point, I shifted to another subject that was on my mind. Surprisingly, the C's continued to relate it to the issue of "attack."] Ark's mother is sick.Will she be better soon?
A: Wait and see.
Q: He is carrying a very heavy burden just now, and I am concerned for him.
A: Does this surprise you? Unfortunately, Ark still does not completely know this program.
Q: Are you suggesting that this sickness of his mother's has been caused from 4th density STS?
A:Lesson number 1: Always expect attack. Lesson number 2: Know the modes of same. Lesson number 3: Know how to counteract same.
Q: When a person is sick, old and one's mother... the only thing todo is take care of it. But, I guess that it is true that anything that tends to cause interference in doing what one is here to do could be considered attack. Whether it is your mother being sick, or your kid falling off a bicycle and breaking his arm. It is all related to lack of vigilance on the part of the one who is the conduit of attack?
A: When you are under attack,expect the unexpected, if it is going to cause problems...
Q: So, if there is something that can cause problems, expect it to happen.
A:But, if you expect it, you learn how to "head it off, " thus neutralizing it. This is called vigilance, which is rooted in knowledge. And, what does knowledge do?
Q: Protects! Is there anything I can do to help?
A: How so?
Q: Well, I don't know. I guess that a person just has to come to the full realization that virtually everything that happens on the planet- no exceptions - is a symbol of some interaction of STS vs STO energy at higher levels.
A: Yes, and that is not as of yet realized. It must be part of a natural learning process.
Q: Well, I guess that all of us tend to keep one or another area sacrosanct and think that it is not subject to attack, or that we can use logic and 3rd density thinking to explain it. Until a person realizes that attack can come through even one's self, wives and husbands, children and parents, friends, virtually ANYBODY - NOBODY is exempt.
A: The block is a lack of faith in the concept. Remember, when one has been indoctrinated by religion, culture and/or science, they are predisposed to view all things in the sense of the measurable physical reality exclusively.
Q: Well, in Ark's case, is something going to happen for him that will give him a view under the surface, so to speak?
A: Please do not anticipate. This is a logjam of "quantum"proportions.
Q: Well, I think he is cured of thinking that certain people can be helped.
A: But he is not cured of his lack of faith in the reality of non-physical attack.
Q: Speaking of non-physical attack, I went through some things this morning that were rather unpleasant. I later discovered that at the same time I was experiencing this, there was communication from the Brana woman. Is there a connection between his correspondence with her and my feeling that an elephant is sitting on my chest? When this happens, I actually feel like my spirit is being compressed in a painful way. Is there a relationship between this and the Brana person.
A: Maybe.
Q: Is there any relationship between the Brana correspondence and the fact that Jim also wrote to him and JW, the spook, called me today?
A: Maybe.
Q: Is there any relationship between all of these portals of attack, and the things I have been discovering in the past week or so?
A: Maybe.
Q: Can you tell me anything about this at all?
A: If it does not need to be answered, that may mean that it has already been answered, simply because, though you have much still to learn, you have learned so much already, my dear. And, on that note, goodnight.
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Dagobah Resident
sarahelizabeth said:
My university is about 100 metres from the train station.

We could jump to the worst case scenario (Always expect 'attack' from the hyperdimensional realms, etc.). But that aside, it's almost a moot point - it's good you are aware of your surroundings and are already trying to consider what can be done to mitigate this.

This might be a good time to invoke your right as a uni student to inform your school's security of the issue and see if they can help in any way. Ideally, they will interface with the local police and/or the railway security. It's after all in their best interests to ensure students are not accosted on their way to class. If you are uneasy about this random guy muttering at you...chances are others are, too. So, let them know about it, and let us know what they do in response.


Jedi Council Member
住在城市我一生,我有遇到ers with those types from time to time myself.

不太多了,但我以前的常客long my commute try to get attention from me in various ways, including being swarmed by their 'clique' and even followed on some occasions.

The times I was followed, they would be very loudly trying to call attention to me and would say what I assume were horrendous things, but couldn't make out much of what they say as I often commute with headphones on.

Some of them reminded me of mad max, or post apocalyptic media. As if they are living out the end of the world.

I always ignored them and avoided long periods eye contact, and will show through facial expression that I am not pleased they are talking to me if eye contact had to be made.

It would be my best impression of a concerned father look. Furls of concern, lips curled down at the corners into my mouth, as if i'm holding back wanting to scold them... to be honest - I think that works, that and not hearing them. But that look of 'what the hell is wrong with you?' really has an impact.

In fact, I found after replacing ear buts with over ear muff style phones that they tend to approach me less as it's visually emphasized that I'm deaf to them.

The downside to headphone commuting is that it portends to the same type oftechnological isolationismthat constant smart phone users ascribe to... but it's better to have that buffer against all to avoid the few that can set your day in a bad way as some of these encounters tend to stay with you.


Padawan Learner
RedFox said:
From a basic psychological point of view, body language can 'attract' loonies as well as predators.
Both violate boundaries and seek to impose their will upon others.


先前的研究发现,男性更莱克阀门ely to select “submissive” women as potential victims after viewing short videos of the woman in a conversation. The female targets in that study who were perceived to be submissive, tended to use “smaller” or more subtle gestures involving their hands and feet. Women who were seen to be dominant used more assertive or expansive gesturing involving their arms and legs.

Non-verbal behaviours, such as eye contact, body posture, and body gestures, appear related to actual and perceived ratings of targets’ dominance.

Such findings may account for why some individuals become repeat victims; social predators are attracted to external displays of vulnerability.

Thanks RedFox, this in particular makes a lot of sense. Perhaps walking with greater "purpose" would deter them?

I'm a young, little, blonde female, even without the submissive physical actions (which I'm likely displaying), I'm already pigeonholed as a target.

Relaxed objective awareness is key as always.
Awareness of your history and emotional state, how they reflect in your body language and what signals that may be sending.
You can also readSafety and situational awareness.

This was an absolutely fantastic read, thank you so much. A lot to think about there, some great strategies to impliment.

Adding to the awareness:
Q: ...What I want to know is who has the power and ability to set up these kinds of "confirmations" or synchronicities?
A: Same forces spreading disinformation: Brotherhood/ consortium/ Illuminati/ New World Order/ "Antichrist"/ Lizards.

Q: (L to T) Well, you knew that there was a lot wrong in the beginning, but you thought that it would be different. [At this point, I shifted to another subject that was on my mind. Surprisingly, the C's continued to relate it to the issue of "attack."] Ark's mother is sick.Will she be better soon?
A: Wait and see.
Q: He is carrying a very heavy burden just now, and I am concerned for him.
A: Does this surprise you? Unfortunately, Ark still does not completely know this program.
Q: Are you suggesting that this sickness of his mother's has been caused from 4th density STS?
A:Lesson number 1: Always expect attack. Lesson number 2: Know the modes of same. Lesson number 3: Know how to counteract same.
Q: When a person is sick, old and one's mother... the only thing todo is take care of it. But, I guess that it is true that anything that tends to cause interference in doing what one is here to do could be considered attack. Whether it is your mother being sick, or your kid falling off a bicycle and breaking his arm. It is all related to lack of vigilance on the part of the one who is the conduit of attack?
A: When you are under attack,expect the unexpected, if it is going to cause problems...
Q: So, if there is something that can cause problems, expect it to happen.
A:But, if you expect it, you learn how to "head it off, " thus neutralizing it. This is called vigilance, which is rooted in knowledge. And, what does knowledge do?
Q: Protects! Is there anything I can do to help?
A: How so?
Q: Well, I don't know. I guess that a person just has to come to the full realization that virtually everything that happens on the planet- no exceptions - is a symbol of some interaction of STS vs STO energy at higher levels.
A: Yes, and that is not as of yet realized. It must be part of a natural learning process.
Q: Well, I guess that all of us tend to keep one or another area sacrosanct and think that it is not subject to attack, or that we can use logic and 3rd density thinking to explain it. Until a person realizes that attack can come through even one's self, wives and husbands, children and parents, friends, virtually ANYBODY - NOBODY is exempt.
A: The block is a lack of faith in the concept. Remember, when one has been indoctrinated by religion, culture and/or science, they are predisposed to view all things in the sense of the measurable physical reality exclusively.
Q: Well, in Ark's case, is something going to happen for him that will give him a view under the surface, so to speak?
A: Please do not anticipate. This is a logjam of "quantum"proportions.
Q: Well, I think he is cured of thinking that certain people can be helped.
A: But he is not cured of his lack of faith in the reality of non-physical attack.
Q: Speaking of non-physical attack, I went through some things this morning that were rather unpleasant. I later discovered that at the same time I was experiencing this, there was communication from the Brana woman. Is there a connection between his correspondence with her and my feeling that an elephant is sitting on my chest? When this happens, I actually feel like my spirit is being compressed in a painful way. Is there a relationship between this and the Brana person.
A: Maybe.
Q: Is there any relationship between the Brana correspondence and the fact that Jim also wrote to him and JW, the spook, called me today?
A: Maybe.
Q: Is there any relationship between all of these portals of attack, and the things I have been discovering in the past week or so?
A: Maybe.
Q: Can you tell me anything about this at all?
A: If it does not need to be answered, that may mean that it has already been answered, simply because, though you have much still to learn, you have learned so much already, my dear. And, on that note, goodnight.

Another good point. It does seem that every time I get back into reading and interacting with the forum/ transcripts weird things happen more often. I suppose it comes with the territory!



Padawan Learner
kalibex said:
sarahelizabeth said:
My university is about 100 metres from the train station.

We could jump to the worst case scenario (Always expect 'attack' from the hyperdimensional realms, etc.). But that aside, it's almost a moot point - it's good you are aware of your surroundings and are already trying to consider what can be done to mitigate this.

This might be a good time to invoke your right as a uni student to inform your school's security of the issue and see if they can help in any way. Ideally, they will interface with the local police and/or the railway security. It's after all in their best interests to ensure students are not accosted on their way to class. If you are uneasy about this random guy muttering at you...chances are others are, too. So, let them know about it, and let us know what they do in response.

Another great idea thank you kalibex. I will do that. However, Melbourne is rife with crazies.. and being on one of the main streets of the CBD, I think they'll likely just have a "what do you expect me to do about it" mentality.

Having said that, it is a private school and we pay more in tuition so they realistically should have the funds to utilise on security. Definitely something I will bring up!:cool2:

zin said:
住在城市我一生,我有遇到ers with those types from time to time myself.

不太多了,但我以前的常客long my commute try to get attention from me in various ways, including being swarmed by their 'clique' and even followed on some occasions.

The times I was followed, they would be very loudly trying to call attention to me and would say what I assume were horrendous things, but couldn't make out much of what they say as I often commute with headphones on.

Some of them reminded me of mad max, or post apocalyptic media. As if they are living out the end of the world.

I always ignored them and avoided long periods eye contact, and will show through facial expression that I am not pleased they are talking to me if eye contact had to be made.

It would be my best impression of a concerned father look. Furls of concern, lips curled down at the corners into my mouth, as if i'm holding back wanting to scold them... to be honest - I think that works, that and not hearing them. But that look of 'what the hell is wrong with you?' really has an impact.

In fact, I found after replacing ear buts with over ear muff style phones that they tend to approach me less as it's visually emphasized that I'm deaf to them.

The downside to headphone commuting is that it portends to the same type oftechnological isolationismthat constant smart phone users ascribe to... but it's better to have that buffer against all to avoid the few that can set your day in a bad way as some of these encounters tend to stay with you.

Thanks zin, I've been trying to avoid listening to music on the commute so that I can be more aware of my surroundings, but it does seem to leave me more open to these sorts of situations.

Who knows, maybe they can sense the small-town-ish vibe from me:lol:

I really like your description of the concerned father look, I'm going to give that one a go as well!


Jedi Council Member
sarahelizabeth said:
Thanks zin, I've been trying to avoid listening to music on the commute so that I can be more aware of my surroundings, but it does seem to leave me more open to these sorts of situations.

Who knows, maybe they can sense the small-town-ish vibe from me:lol:

I really like your description of the concerned father look, I'm going to give that one a go as well!

Ah, I don't always have music going for that reason. No one really knows if you have music going so I think just the appearance is all you need.


Padawan Learner
zin said:
sarahelizabeth said:
Thanks zin, I've been trying to avoid listening to music on the commute so that I can be more aware of my surroundings, but it does seem to leave me more open to these sorts of situations.

Who knows, maybe they can sense the small-town-ish vibe from me:lol:

I really like your description of the concerned father look, I'm going to give that one a go as well!

Ah, I don't always have music going for that reason. No one really knows if you have music going so I think just the appearance is all you need.

Good point! Thanks zin :)


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
sarahelizabeth said:
zin said:
sarahelizabeth said:
Thanks zin, I've been trying to avoid listening to music on the commute so that I can be more aware of my surroundings, but it does seem to leave me more open to these sorts of situations.

Who knows, maybe they can sense the small-town-ish vibe from me:lol:

I really like your description of the concerned father look, I'm going to give that one a go as well!

Ah, I don't always have music going for that reason. No one really knows if you have music going so I think just the appearance is all you need.

Good point! Thanks zin :)
I don't live in a city so I aren't an expert on this though I have spent time in them. Although I think you need to be aware of your surroundings to ensure you are safe. I dont see how trying to avoid contact with people is beneficial to anyone whether in a city or not.

I don't like head phones as I've found in my experience that people who wear them tend to be completely oblivious to what's going on music on or off. I also don't like the thought of not been able to hear what's going on in the surrounding environment that would make you vulnerable IMO. Especially in a city when you do need to be on your guard.

I think You can walk around with complete awareness of your surroundings. if someone approaches you you aren't comfortable with you can just apologise and say your late for a meeting etc and quickly move on.

Been completely aware you will not lose the opportunities to talk to or meet people who you could have a positive interaction with. I have sat on trains and talked to people on walks who I have some very interesting conversations with. I've also at times had nice conversations with people in cities been aware and open to talk to a stranger. I hope I'm not been naive here and I am aware that been a female you may feel more vulnerable. You have to be aware of possible attacks but you also have to be prepared to interact with people or you won't benefit from some of the unexpected opportunities or lessons that life brings you.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
sarahelizabeth said:
Perhaps walking with greater "purpose" would deter them?

I'm a young, little, blonde female, even without the submissive physical actions (which I'm likely displaying), I'm already pigeonholed as a target.

Carrying pepper spray and/or a panic alarm could help, more so I think doing some self defence classes would give you the biggest boost.
It's not about doing these things out of fear of potential danger, but awareness of potential dangers and building knowledge/skills/tools for heading off potential dangers. That can bring a confidence that is protective, as it's based in awareness of reality.

Along those lines, you might like the following:
The Truth Perspective: A Time for Warriors: Interview with Stefan Verstappen
Behind the Headlines: Surviving the Psy-pocalypse - Interview with Stefan Verstappen


FOTCM Member
Hi SarahElizabeth, I think Redfox's post is excellent and I just wanted to give a personal example related to the study he posted.
I work with adults with learning disabilities, this job has really made me evaluate my ability to erect boundaries, and also look at the way I carry myself and speak and what image that gives off, from the way the service users interact with me I think I was/am perceived as a 'soft touch' and therefore vulnerable to attack although I feel that I have made positive changes since first starting a year ago.

简而言之,我不知道history of one man that I work with, I knew he was on the sex register for something to do with children but was under the impression (from what I was told from a senior staff member) that it was a trivial thing, he is also a schizophrenic. He appears to be a very quiet and gentle man who is hesitant to speak, one would assume this meant he was nervous, he also doesn't like loud noises, so my approach was to be very gentle with him, trying to relate to him, engaging him in conversation and trying to build a rapport (which seemed to be the approach everyone else took with him). Over time there were a few red flags that came up very very occasionally and spread apart over time, I mentioned these to peers or seniors and it was sort of brushed under the rug although my manager did give me the advice to physically move away from him if he enters my personal space. One day we were sat in a cafe together on a table and I was chatting with him which led on to him asking me some really inappropriate questions of a sexual nature and totally overstepped my boundaries, I replied that I wasn't going to answer that as it was inappropriate and none of his business. Had I not had that piece of information from my manager- that it was perfectly acceptable and in the best interests of both him and myself to erect my boundaries I don't know what I would've done.

After reading his case history I was horrified that I had not read it before and left myself so open to attack, without the knowledge of his past I couldn't make an informed decision as to how to protect myself and I think this soft and gentle approach I took with him showed me as a weak victim that he felt confident enough to approach in this inappropriate manner.
在这一切发生ened I made an effort to never be alone with him, to be louder than I usually was, and to watch my body language so as not to give off the impression of being like a vulnerable little girl, as this seems to be what triggered him. For a long time up until this event I felt that if I was to move away from him or assert myself I was being 'mean' and would offend him but when it comes to your own personal safety these things have to go out the window imo. I found it helpful to play over scenarios and work out what I would try to do in each one, I think this was my way of trying to deal with the situation as I had very mixed emotions about it, and apprehend future attack. Since that event he has not approached me in this way again.

I would suggest readingPredators, pedophiles and rapistsby Anna Salter, and alsoCharacter Disturbance乔治·西蒙。如果你还没有尝试understand how predators mind's work. And another book I found helpful for realizing that I had boundaries and was allowed to say no was Gabor Mate'sWhen the body says no.

Also just to add, when I'm out in the community with service users, I think the general public probably thinks the service users I'm with are crazy too, although the adults I work with don't sound half as intrusive and loud as the ones that have been talking to you. But my point is that rather than labeling them as 'crazy', some are just severely damaged individuals on a whole host of toxic medication or drugs and products of our sick society, I say this just to give some perspective, although I still think that erecting your boundaries to protect your safety is paramount as you cannot know if they are dangerous or not, I would say it's always best to er on the side of caution.
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Jedi Council Member
I concur with Jennifer, Redfox actually has the best approach here.

Headphones are an easy band-aid in this situation and the results could actually be worse come to think of it.

An example would be that muggers will often target people with headsets as they are often accompanied by a shiny smartphone or portable play back device that can be an easy pawn.
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Dagobah Resident
RedFox said:
sarahelizabeth said:
Perhaps walking with greater "purpose" would deter them?

I'm a young, little, blonde female, even without the submissive physical actions (which I'm likely displaying), I'm already pigeonholed as a target.

Carrying pepper spray and/or a panic alarm could help, more so I think doing some self defence classes would give you the biggest boost.
It's not about doing these things out of fear of potential danger, but awareness of potential dangers and building knowledge/skills/tools for heading off potential dangers. That can bring a confidence that is protective, as it's based in awareness of reality.

Along those lines, you might like the following:
The Truth Perspective: A Time for Warriors: Interview with Stefan Verstappen
Behind the Headlines: Surviving the Psy-pocalypse - Interview with Stefan Verstappen
Also "Situational Awareness"
It's interesting too to follow the link in the comment at the end of the article
to cognize 'an other view': The Myth of Situational Awareness".
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