Is it possible to infusing whole nutrition energy to the Water?

Kay Kim

Kay Kim

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Because what is happening right now, it seems that most likely in near future, might be a lots of people would starving to death due to food shortage.
So I was thinking about this subject several days and come up with this idea about connecting to the information field for accessing all the necessary nutrients energy to the ones own drinking water.
Anyway until we can complete transition to next density, we have to get energy from the foods, but in case no foods available for us then I do think that access nutrients energy from information field is other option.
What do you guys think? It’s possible theory or not.

February 6th 2016

(L) Oh yeah! This is very interesting. I forgot to tell ya'll about this. Ark has read a very interesting study about water and how you can talk to it and program it.

(Arky) So question is first, is it really the case that water is so smart that when you talk to it,you can change its properties?

A: Yes

Q: (Arky) Okay. Now, what is it in the water that makes it so sensitive tointentions that they make the water change its chemical and biological functions?

A: This goes beyond the material properties to the information field that is the fundament of water, a most basic substance in the cosmos with strong creative and receptive qualities.

Q: (Galatea) Water has memory. It's like a library. It has memory.

(L) That's the problem we're trying to get to.

(Galatea) Oh, you're trying to understand why?

(L) Exactly.

(Arky) Is water really VERY, VERY, VERY special in this respect?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) So other substances don't have those properties?

A: Right.

Q: (Galatea) That's where the idea holy water comes from.

(Joe) So, should we talk to our water?

(Arky) Yes

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) What should we say?

(L) Good water! Good water!

(Andromeda) Nice water! [laughter]

(Galatea) Is it good to let rainwater touch your skin whenever it rains?

A: Not much recently, you might get burned.

Q: (L) Acid rain. You've got more questions about the water, honey?

(Arky) Not about the water. I want to ask about dialectical logic. There was this guy Hegel. He invented what is called dialectics. It can be summarized like contradictions are important; there is thesis, anti-thesis, and then you have synthesis. Okay... There is idealistic dialectics, materialistic, etc. And of course there are critics saying it's nonsense, that the only good logic is Aristotelian logic, and all this dialectics is just pure nonsense. I would like to have some hint. Should I study dialectic logic and Hegel?

A: Law of Three rules!

Q: (Arky) Law of three?

(Pierre) Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

(Arky) Okay, I am done.

(Joe) On the water thing, is it best to do this with distilled water?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) I have a question that'll sound crazy. Is water similar to space?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) I knew it! [laughter]

(Pierre) Similar in what sense?


(Galatea) Space is water?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) I knew it!

(L) So did the ancients. They called it The Waters Above.

(Galatea) Really?

(Joe) Can we make heavy water by talking to it?

(Arky) No, no, no. With water, this is very strange. I was reading about the experiments. So, first you talk to water, you test the water, and it makes it different. But then you have to be clever. If it is just information, you don't have to talk to water. You use the computer to convert your talk into a number. You print the number on the piece of paper, you put it on the bottle, and water should be smart enough because anyhow it's information! It's not your talk. It's somewhere, right? You put it on the label, and water knows what was your intention. Experiments were even done like that.

(Galatea) Water is the Google search of the universe.

A: Yes

Q: (Arky) You convert your talk to a number, like 1000, 2010, okay there's a number. Your language and intent is this number. But you can say something with good intentions, or with wrong intention. The algorithm is such that it may produce the same number for either. Yet, it seems that the water is smart enough that even if you put the same number on two bottles, but derived from different language and intent, it knows whether the intention was positive or negative!

(L) Even if the number is the same?!

(Arky) You see? So the information is somewhere. It's not really important what words you use or what you say exactly. You communicate in some way with the information field that is everywhere.

(Pierre) And the water has this special connection to the information field, and it knows what the number is related to.

(Arky)So your piece of paper is really the address of a piece of information.

A: Yes

(Andromeda) That's fascinating

February 10th 2018

A:Codes express as waves of energy.

Q: (Artemis) Think of it like the Matrix when he sees the code of the Matrix and affects it. Something like that.

(L) So they say express...Codes are information. They are stored as information. They express as energy. So, if that's the case, then would gravity be like the ultimate code or the ultimate information, and electromagnetism an expression of information?

A: Yes

(Pierre) So, if codes are involved in PK, and codes express as waves of energy, does it mean that in this world that PK is based on some energetic phenomena?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Well, that's very blurry to me. When someone does some PK stuff, what happens to the energy? What is particular to a non-PK event? Is the energy compressed, distorted, twisted...

(L) What are you talking about? PK vs non-PK event?

(Pierre) At a distance I move this crystal. There is PK between the experiencer and the item. Energetically, what is going on? That's my question.

A: Information is being sent.

Q: (Pierre)Information is being sent by the individual to the item- in an energetic form?

A: Yes like a phone call.

Q: (Pierre) It's electromagnetic, and then...

(L) It gets decoded. So, next question?

(Artemis) Pierre is still curious... [laughter] So, this information that's being sent, it's like light being sent essentially, yes?

A: Close


So I was thinking about this subject several days and come up with this idea about connecting to the information field for accessing all the necessary nutrients energy to the ones own drinking water.
Anyway until we can complete transition to next density, we have to get energy from the foods, but in case no foods available for us then I do think that access nutrients energy from information field is other option.
What do you guys think? It’s possible theory or not.

One of the most famous experiment with water is the "rice experiment" derived from the work ofDr. Masaru Emoto. Where cooked rice can be prevented from decaying by "programming" it with positive statements every day. Truthstream Media did a video on it :

现在,如果水嵌入在食物可以减缓其腐烂,for it to be programmed to either store energy or change its properties so that it provides energy and/or nutrients to a human being isn't that farfetched, IMO. Now the first step would be to test the different ways in wich water could be programmed in order to determine the most efficient one. How is the intent "sent" (emotion, visualisation, both) ? Through wich medium (voice/sound, writing, etc) ?

然后我们会用什么意图获得这个试验t ? If water itself is akin to a search engine, maybe asking "How do I turn water into a source of energy/into food ?" will prompt an answer in some way ? I'm not sure of how we could proceed. Intuitively a combination of visualisation/emotion/voice (meaningful related statement) will be able to transmit the purest intention. Or as Ark said, since it is information it can be encoded as we want, condensing it into a printed number for instance. In any case, the easier to program the water the better.

Once the water is programmed, how to test it ? If its physical proprieties have been changed it shouldn't be hard to detect (e.g. tasting).

This topic is very interesting, thanks for bringing it up@Kay Kim. I'll probably read some more on it. Perhaps a scientific protocol to test your hypothesis can already be established using what is known of the phenomenon so far.


So after more reading, I've got a bit more info related to the subject to share. I've stumbled accross a couple of articles discussing/replicating the experiments of Dr. Emoto. They offer a nice summary of his findings. I'll quote the snippets that I think are relevant :

Double-Blind Test of the Effects of Distant Intention on Water Crystal Formation
The specific claim is thatpositive intentionstend to producesymmetric,well-formed, aesthetically pleasing crystals, andnegative intentionstend to produceasymmetric, poorly formed, unattractive crystals.

Strong correlation found between EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and Dr. Emoto's work with water
Dr Emoto has demonstrated that molecules of water are
affected by our thoughts, words and feelings.
He discovered that the振动from消极词汇has the
power todestroy, whereas, the vibration of the"good" wordshas
apositive effect. The words may either bewritten or spoken.
Dr Emoto's research has also demonstrated that whilewords
have their own unique vibrational frequencies these can be
affected by the vibrations of the person speaking or writing the

He found that water responds to intent so we
can say positive prayers to water which gains the power to
potentially answer our prayers. He believes that we can send
stronger hado to water by praying in the past tense rather than
the future tense, as though the prayer has already been
answered. According to Dr Emoto we can make our thoughts and
intentions stronger by doing this. He also believes that it is
important to have a strong image of the desired result. Loudly
vocalizing the words gives off a stronger hado than writing them
on paper. He suggests that a practical way to create your own
hado water is bywriting words on a piece of paper and sticking it
to your water bottle with the words facing inwards.

Results confirmed that water exposed to different words changed
When the person was muscle tested, "nice" tasting water
tested strong and "not nice" tasting water tested weak. Three
glasses tasted neutral. For these, the muscle response was very
weak for water exposed to "ungrateful", strong for "live" and very
weak for "bad".

The takeway here seems that just like with channeling, programming the water through our thoughts, feelings or words/actions induce a distortion of the information. Meaning more "objective" forms of programming should be employed in order to get the intended result. For instance, photographs, printed words, objects, movies and music where used in experiments with barely frozen water in Petri dishes with positive results (see thispostby@Ellipse). As you'll see in an other research I'll quote below, EMF fields appears to be a great way to encode complex information (which are needed in the case of "programming" nutrients or equivalent, IMO).

The last quote confirms that water programming can change the taste of water. Unfortunately it hasn't been followed up by a chemical/biological study of the water. So ultimately we don't know from where this change of taste came from (e.g. pH, chemical composition, etc).

Next, there is the research ofDr. Gerald Pollackon what he calls the "Fourth state of water", Exclusion Zone Water (EZ Water). It is called that way since, when water enters that state, any other particules are pushed away towards regular water. EZ water is in fact H3O2 and is negatively charged (the alongside "regular" water is positively charged as a result). Light (including infrared) can induce this water state naturally, so too can an hydrophilic material transform water in contact with it, the same for any negative potential (e.g. Earth grounding).
I mention this research since energy can be stored through that phenomenon (e.g. by potential difference between EZ water and regular water, seemingly self propeling currents appear inside a tube made from an hydrophilic material plunged into water, etc). EZ water is also hypothesized to be partly responsible for proper cell functioning (the water inside the cell being EZ water). Hence, its involvement in our well being. Here are a few talks by Dr. Pollack on the subject :
到目前为止,自由能量收集方法是only capable of lighting a single LED. Maybe by grounding to Earth hydrophilic material containing water exposed to light we'll be able to get ourselves a natural battery:lol:

Last but not least, the research ofDr. Luc Montagnieris particularly relevant to the topic at hand. His work is based on the principles of Homeopathy, where water containing some biochemical compound still exhibits the compound's active properties after many dilutions, even though no significant traces of the compound are left in the water (for an historic of homeopathy, see the threadThe Field). The following is a fantastic summary of Dr. Montagnier's research on the matter :

DNA Teleportation
Dr. Montagnier declares to have confirmed that DNA can be produced from its teleported “quantum imprint.” This is a finding that, were the scientific community to get on board, would represent “the most significant experiments performed in the past 90 years, demanding re-evaluation of the whole conceptual framework of modern chemistry,” according to theoretical chemist Jeff Reimers of the University of Sydney, Australia.

In the experiment, two neighboring but physically detached test tubes were placed within a copper coil and subjected to a very low frequency electromagnetic field of 7 hertz. The apparatus was isolated from Earth’s natural magnetic field so there was no interfering. One tube contained a fragment of DNA (around 100 bases long) and the second one contained nothing but water. After around 17 hours, the gene fragment (according to Montagnier) was recovered from both tubes, even though one should have just contained water.
science-12.jpg science-13.jpg science-14.jpg science-15.jpg science-16.jpg science-17.jpg science-18.jpg
For more details, one can refer to theoriginal paper. The patented procedures for detecting microorganisms in samples, and characterising active biochemical elements using low frequency EM signals, can be found in frenchhereandhere.

In this case, water is programmed through Electromagnetic Signals (EMS), which can be stored on a computer. The programmed DNA sequence was entirely retrieved both by PCR and through natural re-materialization inside a living human cell. Since my knowledge in Biology is close to zero I can't follow up on the implication of that finding regarding essential nutrients. However, we could imagine a distant future were anyone has EMS signatures of various medicines on their computer and could program on the fly distilled water to treat various ailments. Definitely an exciting prospect !

Really your idea@Kay Kimis quite good, and science is on its way (maybe) to prove it. Sadly, I don't think it'll be ready by the next Ice Age/Famine:-(

I'll read some more on the matter, I probably missed valuable info along the way. What an intriguing topic !


Jedi Council Member
Dr Emoto has demonstrated that molecules of water are
affected by our thoughts, words and feelings.
He discovered that the振动from消极词汇has the
power todestroy, whereas, the vibration of the"good" wordshas
apositive effect. The words may either bewritten or spoken.
Dr Emoto's research has also demonstrated that whilewords
have their own unique vibrational frequencies these can be
affected by the vibrations of the person speaking or writing the

Fascinating topic, I agree. It is no surprise that our bodies are 70% water as it is such an incredibly important factor in life. All is vibration and vibration is all so it is also interesting that words can have their own vibration and that negative words have the power to destroy. The opposite being true of positive words. If the vibration of words - positive or negative - can affect water, then obviously they can affect humans, who are mostly composed of water. Think of the damage that can be done by having a negative and nasty rant at someone. I read somewhere once that you can kill plants by directing negative thoughts, words or emotions at them for a period of time.

Thanks for researching this information.


Dagobah Resident
Distilled water only? I remember trying this when the subject came a long time ago. I wasn't using distilled water though. Kay Kim's post came to my mind while shopping and seeing distilled water on the shelves, also recall or noted l was using well water thinking along the terms of grounding and lack of chemicals was better.

Hoping this subject takes hold again, lots to learn.


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Un grand MERCI Kay Kim d'avoir lancé ce sujet passionnant, je parle à mon Eau du Cristal d'Eau de Guérison et la remercie pour tous les bienfaits qu'Elle m'apporte chaque jour... J'utilise l'eau du robinet tout simplement...

A big THANK YOU Kay Kim for starting this exciting topic, I talk to my Crystal Water of Healing Water and thank her for all the benefits she brings me every day... I simply use tap water...
Don Cesar

Don Cesar

Jedi Council Member
Thank you Kay Kim, yet another topic that invites us to let go of our 3rd density thoughts and try to use a 4th density way of thinking to positively influence the elements around us ... Easier said than done ... But we have to do it as the C's said...
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