Is there anything similar like this in Croatia?



The Force is Strong With This One
Hello everyone. Since my last post some time passed, didn't knew what to write. Now I have a question which requires a bit of introduction first.

I am interested in relocating out of town where I live. Relocation is long long time on my to do list, but I never had any financial "umph" to just pay and go, also - never knew where that would be. I just knew it had to be somewhere where nature is - and the city madness is not... Reasons are also plentiful, but the most strong one is - my health. Life in the city just makes me more and more sick and my situation is, well... doctors like to use words "terminal phase" a lot. Not as deadly terminal, but it could be...

But to skip the sad story short because I hate to be the one who is nagging, begging, and look like desperate case, even when the situation is bad, I am not that person at all, let me get to the point.

I believe I can get well again. My mind is still strong. But my body doesnt listen so well - or it is telling me in its own way that a change is required. Radical change. I feel I need to move away fast, but I need help, or at least some guidance of experienced people who did the same... But I do not want to move away just about anywhere...

My question is this. Since this great forum has large number of its users from every part of the world - I recognize there must be some of us from Croatia, some of us has passed and investigated Croatia in their visits and vacations. And some of us must know such a place which I am describing. To get even better picture, I stumbled upon this youtube video from nearby Serbia in which a man shows and talks exactly what am I talking and searching. An abandoned village in the middle of nowhere (still fairly close to the civilization), Plenty of green. Water sources all around. Plenty of sun, space for gardens, plants, animals and people... There are signs people are moving in back there from the cities, with more or less the same reasons as mine, rebuilding, investing back into the place. So, I am leaving the link and hopefully someone will know what am I seeking and write back about some similar place.

Any information or advice will be a huge help.

Thank you all in advance...

Hi Vikingr,

I lived all over Croatia in the last 3 decades and I have a general idea of what you're asking but that needs to be clarified with more details about your expectations and needs, to give proper advice. Do you need electricity? Do you need running water? How much work are you willing to put into that place, what kind of work, what are your financial restrictions? Are you looking to rent or to buy? What does it mean "still fairly close to the civilization" precisely? Do you have a car or need some sort of public transportation access to it?

"Plenty of sun, space for gardens, plants, animals and people..." What climate do you prefer, especially if you have health issues, can you stand the heat or harsh winter? Each part of Croatia is specific. Plenty of people, in a remote, abandoned village? How much is 'plenty' and how close they should be to your house? Are you looking for some sort of community like eco-villages or a place where likeminded people recently moved in? That is very different than just moving somewhere on your own. If you move into a home that is part of some remote village you will have to deal with a way of living those people practice for a long time and they don't always welcome newcomers, it takes an effort. On the other hand, if you move into some sort of community you may find out soon how you are not surrounded by like-minded people but more of new-age freaks. Etc...

让我知道,问,我很乐意帮助within my knowledge. Though be aware, in the end, it will be you who will have to deal with it all, movings are stressful, I should know. ;) If you're serious about it then no reason to fear, strong will can conquer all. Think about it some more, it is always good to envision in clarity what one expects and wants, which leaves less room for harsh reality intrusions.

My question is this. Since this great forum has large number of its users from every part of the world - I recognize there must be some of us from Croatia, some of us has passed and investigated Croatia in their visits and vacations. And some of us must know such a place which I am describing. To get even better picture, I stumbled upon this youtube video from nearby Serbia in which a man shows and talks exactly what am I talking and searching. An abandoned village in the middle of nowhere (still fairly close to the civilization), Plenty of green. Water sources all around. Plenty of sun, space for gardens, plants, animals and people... There are signs people are moving in back there from the cities, with more or less the same reasons as mine, rebuilding, investing back into the place. So, I am leaving the link and hopefully someone will know what am I seeking and write back about some similar place.
Hello Vikingr, there is lot of desolate and abandoned villages all around Croatia. I'm Croatian and living in small and remote village, but as Color said - you could be a bit more precise.

Living in such village does bring you close to the nature, but we should not forget about negative impacts of such life, like:

  • During last lockdown, we were hostages and could not move from the village w/o permit. Only few people got them out of 130 locals.
  • Ambulance and local doctor was out of the question and we are lucky no one died during the time of lockdown. Next lockdown will be implemented around Christmas - so same thing again and again.
  • Climate is more and more crazy, in last 12 years we experienced snow sometimes twice a year directly on the sea shore, and for weeks in the hills, that means it is impossible to drive a car over local road serpentines in surrounding hills. And this is South Dalmatia, once upon the time we could see the snow once in 10 to 11 years, but right now the snow is new "normal".
  • Electricity and internet supply is more and more erratic, same thing with supply of goods in local shop. Not to forget - prices in local shop are twice as expensive as elsewhere.
  • Local post office is open only for 90 minutes and post delivery is twice a week.
  • Closest ambulance is 21 km away, and this is on the southern peninsula, lot of island villages don't have this luxury at all, same thing is with most of small Croatian continental villages.
  • During isolation and lockdown you eat what you have in stock, what you grow in the garden and what you have in the chicken coop or what you catch in the sea, and it takes a lot of physical work.
  • During the winter it is a desert, during the summer season it is a madness due to the large number of tourists and visitors.
  • 村民主要是照顾自己的著名airs and few will come "to the rescue" if needed because most of them are working long hours and the sense of community rapidly disappears without old people who linger in their homes terrified by this pandemic.
These are just some of the things to consider related to Croatian remote villages.

I don’t want to sound discouraging, but life in a small and secluded village could be really difficult without family support, especially for people with health problems. Please, don't take me wrong, I love life in nature but this is with the luxury of family and friends at my doorstep.
My 2 cents since this is aimed at Croats.

Family support and socialisation in hard times is crucial. Nature is nice but total seclusion is not the answer and will probably hasten any problems one might have.

It all depends on what one has in the present and what what has in mind. If you were a well off family man with lots of support and resources you could live off the land maybe. If you're well educated you could maybe get some city job and live in a village near the town. There's foreigners who can live off tourism at the coast etc. There's many many variables.

But from what I can tell your situation calls for radical changes in your inner environment more than your outer one, though the two can be related. In any case, in terms of outer environment changes, they're not to be necessarily ruled out, but they probably should be less radical than moving God knows where.

Sentimental youtube videos are nice but what you might end up with is radical alienation, at the end of the day. Radical alienation is rarely the answer to anything, even when ones clock might be ticking.
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